Chapter 19: Erasing Their Existance

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Astral and Black Mist came out of the pendant when Yuma's relatives were out, and they told Yuma about the need to erase the fact that they were made in the first place. Naturally, Yuma questioned how they were going to do it, and Black Mist naturally had an evil solution.

"Are you saying that you'll murder anyone who knows anything?" Yuma asked in disbelief, questioning whether he should help them or not.

"We've murdered people before," Astral replied, unsure of why Yuma was questioning them. "Is there a problem?"

"Umm...I just wanted to make sure that you can pull it off without feeling sorry about it."

"Don't worry about it," Black Mist laughed with a dismissive wave. "Those guys killed our parents. There's no way we'll feel sorry for them."

"Yes," Astral agreed. "Father made so that we will not forgive those who brought us grief. Do not ask me why. I only know."

"Are you sure you can do this?" Yuma asked to make sure.

"Of course!" Black Mist said brightly.

"Alright," Yuma sighed. "Just hurry back."

The two nodded. They quickly flew outside of the window, flying high enough to where nobody would see them.

"Where do you think it is?" Astral asked, knowing Black Mist was equipped with a better sensing ability.

Black Mist paused. "...Northeast from here. Pretty much the general direction we're going right now. All we have to do is keep going straight about fifty miles."

Astral nodded, trusting his brother's sense of direction. They then saw the building just as night was falling. Black Mist looked over to Astral with a grin.

"So much for hurrying back," he said. He smirked. "Now, let's get this done."

Astral nodded. "Will you be the one who kills the people?"

"Dunno. You make the plan."

Astral thought for a while. "Since you have better fighting instincts than me, you will be in charge of killing the men in black while I look for the records from the day we were made to today."

"Sounds good." Black Mist grinned as they landed. "See you when our jobs are done."

The two separated, and Astral went in the general direction of the records, making sure he was well-hidden. Suddenly, another dreaded vision came.

Astral searched through the papers until he found a stack that had details of how they were made.

"A small sample of blood from the maker, some stem cells, special liquids to sustain the life form, medicine inside the liquid to keep the being from dying from diseases, and time," Astral read out loud. He flipped through the pictures and saw himself through the various stages of development. One had him as just a little shriveled up thing that didn't even look like a being and one that showed him with all of the limbs developed. He looked like a child in that one. Then, there was one in his current form. He was curled up in a loose ball with his eyes closed.

"Astral, what are you doing here?" a familiar voice asked.

Astral turned and gasped silently. "Fa...ther? I-is that really...?"

"Astral, what are you doing here?" John asked again, his voice becoming stern. "Are you going to burn those papers?"

Astral looked at the documents in his hands. "...Yes," he said truthfully. "I was going to burn these. It is the only way to ensure that Black Mist and I live safely."

John held out his hand. "Give them to me."


"I said: Give them to me." John's face grew stern. "Give them to me. I can't let you burn them. They're too precious."

"B-but don't you want us to li-"


Astral was taken aback. John had never yelled at him. "F-Father...?"

"Astral, give them to me," John demanded.

"Don't listen to him!" Black Mist yelled as he burst through the door. "He's just a hologram. Don't pay attention to anything he says!"

John looked to Black Mist, his eyes holding fire. "Black Mist, are you going to help him destroy these documents?"

Black Mist scoffed. "I'm not as easily fooled as Astral. You see, you overlooked something in me, too. It's the ability to feel love quite so easily. I just don't do that to just anybody. Dad and Astral made me feel that family love, but you don't since I know that you're fake!"

John's face turned into fury. "You-"

"STOP IT!" Astral cried. "Just stop it! I've had enough of this!" Fire burst through his hands, burning the paper in his hands. He turned to "John" and sent fire to his feet, destroying the projector that was projecting his image.

Astral snapped out of it. He realized that he was at the vault where the files were kept. I'll just have to not fall for it. Let us see if Father was correct.

He studied the lock that needed a combination in it. Astral grew confused. "How do I decipher this?" he wondered out loud. He rested his hands on the lock and closed his eyes. He felt his hands moving on their own as they turned the combination lock. A click sounded. "This must be an ability that Father didn't know about."

Astral opened the door and peeked inside. He entered and looked around for the documents. Finally, he found them. He pulled them out and studied them.

Astral searched through the papers until he found a stack that had details of how they were made. So far, the scene was playing out exactly as his vision implied.

"A small sample of blood from the maker, some stem cells, special liquids to sustain the life form, medicine inside the liquid to keep the being from dying from diseases, and time," Astral read out loud. He flipped through the pictures and saw himself through the various stages of development. One had him as just a little shriveled up thing that didn't even look like a being and one that showed him with all of the limbs developed. He looked like a child in that one. Then, there was one in his current form. He was curled up in a loose ball with his eyes closed.

"Astral, what are you doing here?" a familiar voice asked.

Astral turned, knowing who it was. He couldn't help but gasp inwardly. "Fa...ther? I-is that really...?"

"Astral, what are you doing here?" John asked again, his voice becoming stern. "Are you going to burn those papers?"

Astral looked at the documents in his hands. He knew he should say something different, but he couldn't. "...Yes," he said truthfully. "I was going to burn these. It is the only way to ensure that Black Mist and I live safely."

John held out his hand. "Give them to me."


"I said: Give them to me." John's face grew stern. "Give them to me. I can't let you burn them. They're too precious."

"B-but don't you want us to li-"


Astral was taken aback. John had never yelled at him. "F-Father...?"

"Astral, give them to me," John demanded.

"Don't listen to him!" Black Mist yelled as he burst through the door. "He's just a hologram. Don't pay attention to anything he says!"

John looked to Black Mist, his eyes holding fire. "Black Mist, are you going to help him destroy these documents?"

Black Mist scoffed. "I'm not as easily fooled as Astral. You see, you overlooked something in me, too. It's the ability to feel love quite so easily. Dad and Astral made me feel that family love, but you don't since I know that you're fake!"

John's face turned into fury. "You-"

"STOP IT!" Astral cried. "Just stop it! I've had enough of this!" Fire burst through his hands, burning the paper in his hands. He turned to "John" and sent fire to his feet, destroying the projector that was projecting his image. "Father was right. The future I see cannot be changed." He placed his still-flaming hands in the stack of papers, and the fire started spreading. "Let's go."

"Yeah." The two quickly exited and flew off into the night.

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