Chapter 4: The Tests

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The next morning, John entered Astral's room to retrieve him for the tests. He saw Astral already up and sitting on the bed.

Astral looked over to him. "Father," he said with a smile.

John smiled back. He took his son's hand. "Before we begin any of the tests, you need to learn how to walk. I can't carry you everywhere."

Astral nodded, and John pulled him to his feet. Astral stumbled again, but John just got him back on his feet and kept teaching him. They spent most of the morning doing that until Astral could walk on his own.

They went to the first test room, where they would be testing his sight. John attached a device on Astral's wrist, earning a questioning stare.

"This will help us know what you're thinking. That way, we know how to help you based on your point of view," he explained.

Astral nodded and was directed to a chair in front of a machine with arms. He stared at it like a confused kitten.

John and Michelle activated the device, and the screen in front of them filled with strange text.

"It seems like he thinks in some other language. Here, let's translate this," John muttered while fiddling with the controls. When the text was readable, he sighed with relief. "There. Now, we'll understand him." They looked at his thoughts.

What is this thing? Is it one of those tests Father talked about? What is a test, anyway? What does it do? Is it living? If so, where does it live? In a white room like me?

John chuckled at Astral's curiosity. "Well, let's start this baby up."

Michelle nodded and pressed a button. "Astral, in this one, you have to find the ball. This tests your sight. We won't use the chart with the letters because you wouldn't know what they are. The speed will increase to make it harder. Is that understood?"

Astral nodded, noting where the ball was when the machine lifted a cup. He followed the ball with his eyes, and when the cups stopped spining, he chose the middle one. The ball rolled out from under. This continued for hours, the speed quickening and Astral keeping up. Michelle activated the last level, the fastest. Astral took note of the ball's position, and the spinning continued. His eyes followed with lightning speed. When the cups stopped, Astral picked the left one. The ball rolled out.

"A-amazing!" Michelle gasped. "He passed all fifty levels!"

John smiled proudly. "Now for the strategy test."

They led Astral to a huge room containing another room. Astral looked at the room within the room. John and Michelle led him inside, and they exited to watch.

"Astral, in this one, you'll have to escape the boulder chasing you," John instructed through an over speaker. "Mere speed won't help, so you'll have to figure out another way. Good luck."

Astral's thoughts flashed through the screen:

So I must escape a boulder? If speed will not help, then I will have to figure out a way beforehand. I have to infer that it is too fast for me, so there must be a way-

They saw thay his thoughts were cut off by a rumbling sound. Astral looked behind him and saw a bigger and more ragged version of the ball in the cup.

So this must be a boulder. Well, I have to go now.

Astral started running quickly down the slope, but the boulder was designed to match his speed, and the giant stone was nearly apon him.

Now, before I was cut off, there must be a way for me to ride on it until it hits something. If I do that, that means that I pass, right? Well, there is only one way to see.

Astral was now running so fast, he started flying. He used that momentum to fly up and land shakily on the boulder. He ran backwards to keep the stone rolling forwards. It smashed into the wall with a crash, sending Astral flying backwards. He landed roughly on the ground.

John quickly got up to see if his son was alright. "Astral?" he called. "Are you okay?" He rushed over to where Astral layed, not moving one bit. John took him into his arms and shook him.

Astral opened his eyes and looked at John. "I...I pass?" he asked, struggling to get the new words out.

John chuckled. "Yes, you pass." He helped Astral get up, but it seemed that Astral now preferred to float in place of standing. He hovered by his father's side and looked forward to the next test.

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