Chapter 5: A Defective Sense

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They tested Astral's reflexes and coordination. He exceeded all of their expectations in those areas. Then, they tested his hearing. That was when things went wrong.

"Alright," John sighed. He showed Astral a pair of headphones. "These will test your hearing. We'll put this over your ears and put little sounds through one of the hearing parts. You'll signal with your left or right hand, depending on where you hear the sound, okay?"

Astral nodded, allowing them to place the headphones over his elvish ears. Michelle and John sat in front of him to monitor his condition. When they pressed a button, Astral didn't hear it come from only one ear. It came from both to him. He didn't know what to do.

John was worried about the hours of hesitation. What's taking Astral so long? Can't he tell which one it came from? Then, he saw Astral's thoughts flashing on the screen.

It came from both. Father said it would only come through one at a time. What is going on? Is there something wrong with me?

"Astral, what's wrong?" John called. "Can't you tell which side the sound is coming from?"

Astral looked down, biting his lower lip with tears in his eyes, and shook his head. He took the headphones off and set them on the table. Is Father disappointed in me? Did I do something wrong?

John and Michelle exchanged a quick, uncertain glance.

"Well, his hearing isn't perfect," commented Michelle.

"I thought I made him the perfect life force. I can't believe I overlooked this little detail," John mumbled with dispair.

Astral saw the dismay in his father's face and heard it in his voice. The tears were now falling down his cheeks, and his lower lip quivered.

John noticed the change in Astral, and he rushed over to him. "Astral, what's wrong?" he asked in alarm. "Are you alright?"

Astral shook his head. He threw his arms around John and cried, burying his face in his father's lab coat. "I-I'm...sorry," he sobbed.

"Sorry for what?" John asked while petting his soft hair. "You don't need to be sorry for anything."

"He blames himself for the defective hearing," Michelle explained, reading off of the monitor that showed Astral's thoughts.

"No, you're not the one to blame for this," John said soothingly. "If anyone's to blame, it's me. I was the one who made you, placed your senses in. I overlooked the hearing part. It's my fault, not yours."

Astral looked up at John with glistening eyes. "Not?" he asked.

John chuckled. "Astral, nothing is your fault. You may have a slight problem, but it's nothing to cry over. Don't worry about it, okay?"

Astral nodded, relieved that John wasn't going to destroy him because of a messed-up sense.

Since that was the last test, Astral retreated into his room. He began wondering if there was anything beyond the white lab. If there was a world beyond his birthplace. He was also beginning to feel rather lonely.

At that moment, John was just starting to think about how Astral was getting lonely. He sighed and went into Astral's room.

"Hey, it's time to go to sleep," he told his son. He walked over to Astral, who was already laying on the bed. He tucked him in and planted a kiss on his forehead. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Astral repeated.

John switched off the lights and closed the door softly. He walked outside and said goodnight to all of his colleagues. He got into his car and drove home.

When he got home, John took out his keys and unlocked the door. "Sarah, I'm home," he called.

Sarah came downstairs to meet him. "How are you, John?" she asked with a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I'm fine, but there's something we need to talk about."

Sarah caught the worried look on her husband's face and led him to the table. "What went wrong?" she asked when they both sat down.

"You know how you wanted a perfect child?" John began.

"I remember," Sarah said.

", we found out that Astral's hearing isn't perfect. He can't tell where one sound is coming from," John explained.

"I see...well, that's fine." Sarah smiled. "At least we have a son. Although, he must get rather lonely."

John nodded. "That's what I've been thinking about, so I've thought about making him a brother or sister. Which ever gender it turns out to be."

Sarah's eyes shone with happiness. "Another one? Will this one live?"

"Of course! I'll also make sure to give it strong hearing to make up for my mistake."

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