Chapter 9: The Vision

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"Start the count-down in

Five, four, three, two, one!

This is new year's day,

So rise from the ashes!"

Astral woke up to loud music playing. He opened his eyes and saw Black Mist leaning over his bed, holding a device.

Black Mist grinned, turning off the device. "Wakey wakey!" He pulled Astral out of bed.

"What?" Astral protested sleepily. "What is it?"

"It's a new morning," Black Mist said while pulling Astral to the kitchen.

"It's too early," Astral complained.

"You lazy bum," Black Mist scoffed as they entered the kitchen. "You need get to sleep earlier."

"It is not my fault that Father took me home late at night." Astral looked around. "Where is this?"

"This is a kitchen. We don't need food, but it's nice staying here with Mom and Dad." Black Mist looked around. "By the way, where are Mom and Dad? They're normally here by now."

Astral looked around, too. He didn't see any sign of them. "Maybe they are asleep," he suggested.

Black Mist shook his head. "No, this is definately the time they get up." He knocked his fist lightly against Astral's forehead playfully. "And you need to stop thinking about sleep, you lazy bum."

Suddenly, Astral's eyes snapped open as an unexpected scene started playing in his mind.

Fire everywhere...pain, sorrow, fear...death...blood everywhere...the men in black...

Astral squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to block the scene. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

" two. Give it to Kazuma's son. You him..."

"Father...? Father!"

"Dad! Don't leave us!"

"Astral! Astral what is it?!"

Astral felt himself being shaken roughly. His eyes snapped open again, and he looked at his twin's eyes. He started trembling violently.

"I-I everywhere," Astral said numly.

"Fire?" Black Mist asked, making sure he heard Astral right. "Are you sure?"

Astral nodded. "And then it went black, and I only heard voices."

"Could it be a vision?" Black Mist wondered.

Astral gave his brother a confused look. "What are 'visions'?"

"I can't really explain very well because Dad only told me a little bit, but it's like when you see things that might happen before the events actually happen."

Astral thought about this for a while. "So, what I saw might happen in the future?"

"I guess." Black Mist shrugged. "It could be just your mind being mean to you. You never know."

Then, they heard a knock on the door. That was strange because their mother and father never knocked on the door. They always unlocked it with the house keys.

"Who could that be?" Astral wondered.

"Beats me. I'll go check." Black Mist flew off to the door. "I'll be careful!"

Astral nodded. Suddenly, the images assaulted his mind again.

The man dressed in black raised the gun that killed John to Astral.

"Now, to deal with you two. You may have the powers of fire and lightning on your side, but we won't make that same mistake." He raised his gun to kill Astral.

"If you want him, you go through me!" Black Mist threw a black whip, and it attached itself to the gun. He pulled the tentacle, which was still attached to his arm, and sent the gun flying in his hands. He crushed it.

Then, Astral summoned fire to his hands. "You killed Mother and Father! You will pay!" He sent the fire to the man, and he burned.

Black Mist shook Astral again. This time, he was with a woman. She had short, brown hair with a white coat. She had black glasses on her face.

"Astral?" Michelle asked. "Are you alright?"

Astral didn't answer. His eyes were still shut tight, and his breathing was rapid.

"What's wrong with him, Michelle?" Black Mist asked worriedly.

"I don't know. He seems afraid of something." Michelle picked up Astral and carried him to their room. Then, she layed him on his bed and pulled the blanket up. "I'll ask your father about this. Here, let's see what's going on in his mind."

She put the bracelet on Astral's wrist and pressed a few buttons on hers. A firey image came up. Black Mist and Michelle froze at the scene.

Astral was in a fiery rage, and he threw fire balls at the men in black. Black Mist fought them in close combat with the occasional tentacle.

"You will pay for killing them!" Astral screamed, throwing a fiery beam at them.

Michelle deactivated the control and took the bracelet off of Astral. She sighed. "Your father was afraid this might happen. He was afraid that he might get visions if he added an extra ability."

"Where is Dad anyways?" Black Mist asked. "He didn't show up when we woke up."

"He's at the lab, helping us with a new medicine. It may take a while." Michelle thought for a while. "What do you think might calm Astral down?"

"I don't know. Maybe a song?" Black Mist suggested.

"Hmm...well, I do know a lullaby." Michelle cleared her throat. "I haven't sang in so long. I don't think I'll be able to, but I'll do it." She took a deep breath and sang.

"Sleep, gently sleep

While Father watches the sheep.

Your mother shakes the dreamland tree,

And finds a dream for you and me.

Sleep, gently sleep."

Astral started calming down a bit. His body became less tense, and his breathing got steadier.

"Sleep, gently sleep

The stars are turning into sheep.

They roam the heavenly wilderness;

The moon will be their shepherdess.

Sleep, gently sleep."

By this time, Astral calmed down completely. He breathed steadily while he slept. Michelle decided to finish the song.

"Sleep, gently sleep

And I will give you a sheep.

The sheep will wear a golden bell

And stay with you 'till dawn's farewell.

Sleep, gently sleep.

Sleep, oh sleep."

"Well, he's calm now," Black Mist commented. He smiled at Michelle. "Thanks."

"No problem. Oh, I almost forgot why I came here." Michelle took Black Mist to the living room. "I told you that your father is at the lab. You also need to know that he isn't going to be here for a few days. He wanted me to tell you so that you won't get worried."

Black Mist nodded. "Okay. By the way, do you know where Mom is?"

"Oh, she's out at the grocery store. She'll be back in a little while." Michelle walked through the doorway.

Before she exited completely, Black Mist called her. "Wait!"

Michelle turned around. "Yes?"

"What do you mean by 'adding an extra ability'?"

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