Episode1:next generations of ixa

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In the plane that have a young man he is reading the books,then a waitress come to him

Waitress: "sir do you need something"she asked him,the young man reveal to be goto keisuke

Son of nago and negumi

Goto: "no i don't need anything thank you"he returns read a book

Waitress: "and where exactly you are going"she asked him

Goto: "well there is a city be attack by a something really dangerous and i will go there and finished that dangerous"

Waitress:smile a littel becaues she think that goto were saying joke "okay good luck with that"and she go

Goto look outside of the window as he are wondering what his joruney going to be
(Opening song)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The plane have landing safely as goto get his vail and other stuff of him,he out of the plane and he call taxi,the taxi stop he going there

Taxi drive: "where do you want go!"

Goto: "get me to appartment!"

Taxi drive: "okay!"and he the car and  go to the place goto want "and by the way why are you doing here ah"

Goto: "oh!well i here to do something"

Taxi drive: "what thing?"

Goto: "exterminate devil?"he said with cold voice

Taxi drive:laugh "you're crazy kid!there no such thing devil and if have it their only living in hell"he keep driving

Goto: "that's why i here,sent those evill devil back where they belong"

Taxi drive: "whatever kid!"he stop the appartment of goto request,goto out of taxi and get the money for taxi drive as the taxi go

Goto go into the appartment as he are set up his room and place the vail on the table he open the vail and he laying on the bed and resting
After the rest he stand up and go outside to sightseeing the place he are living as he are walking he see some thugs that are try to rape a girls,he see that is a terrible way of those thugs,he come to them as he going teach them a lesson
Those thugs have a girls in the conner,two of thugs hold a girls hand and they being do something dirty

Goto: "lets her go!"he said to those thugs as those thugs face goto

Thugs1: "who do you think you are ah!"he charges to goto as goto dodges and round house kick make the thugs 1 on the round

Other thugs charges to him but the result they be beat up really badly by goto and one of those thugs is behind goto,and he charges to goto but goto grabs his hand throw him on the ground,goto grabs thugs collar

Goto: "listen up if you guys try to do something dirty to her,you will know a pain of my"he release thugs collar as their stand up and go aways only goto and the girls,he come closer to the girls and reveal to be

Yuki nonaka

Goto: "hey you okay!"he asked her

Yuki: "yeah i okay!"she stand up and look at him "thank you for saving me"

Goto: "no promble i just do my job"he walk aways

Yuki: "wait who are you?"she wondering who is he

Goto:stop walking "my mane goto keisuke!"and he keep walking leaving yuki
Goto keep walking untill he see a young man is basara toujo and he talking his father,goto see this that he and father used to be have arrgument but he and his father have stop arrgument,he come to basshar

Goto: "trouble with father ah!"

Basara:heard the voice a turns his head and see goto "no he not my father!he is my step father"

Goto: "oh!What did two of you talking"he asked

Basara: "we talking about that have a random sister into my life and my step father buy us a house"he wondering why his step father do this

Goto: "maybe he have reason do to is!just like my dad he get me training all time so that i can defened myself and other people but looks likes that tranining really usefull well nice to talk with you....?"

Basara: "my name basara tojo and what about you"

Goto: "my name goto keisuke!i have to go now is nice to chat and meet you basara"he walking aways leaving only basara
After the sightseeing of the city he about going to his appartment but he see basara and with two girls is mio and maria they are be acttack by a evill devil are wearing a cloack,he see that devil that mean is his signal to bring that devil to go where he belong,he bought the belts and the kunckle ixa he warps the belts into his waist,he slams the kunckle in his hand it make sound(r.e.a.d.y!)and doing his henshin pose of his father "henshin"he get the kunckle into the belts (fist on!) then a holograma of armor into him as he are now kamen rider ixa in save mode

He slowly come to the evil devil that are fighting basshar,mio and maria and the evil devil have a upperhand he about finish mio but he be kick aways

devil cloack: "who do it ah!"

Ixa: "i do!"make basara,mio and maria look at him and wondering who is he

Devil cloack: "kisama!who do you think you are ah"

Ixa: "kamen rider ixa!now devil the life you hold it!returns it to god or i will the one going returned"he charges and punch the devil cloack make him stumble and anger,he charges ixa try to punch him but ixa dodges awyas and keep punching devil cloack then he kick him make him fall on the ground the devil cloack use his dark magic cover him in the dark

Devil cloack: "tch what are loser!"then sunddely the dark magic be break it and the one appeared is ixa in his hand have his weapons of his father "it can't be no one out the dark magic of mine"

Ixa:fire the devil cloack make him stumbles as he are walking slowly then he turns the sword from gun to sword he run and slash him many time stabs him make him fall on the ground "time to end this!"he grabs the fuestle into his belts and grabs the kunckel pushed make a sound
(I.x.a k.u.n.c.k.e.l! r.i.s.e!u.p)he prepare finished devil cloack as the energy from the belts to his leges,he run and jump use his rider kick,kick into devil cloack made him be expolsions,basara,mio,maria see ixa in the fire as he look at them

Mio: "who are you?"

Ixa instead talking he jump,make mio don't have a time to find out who is he

Basara: "who is that?"he wondering
Ixa land safely somewhere eles as he dehenshin turns back as goto,goto look the city

Goto: "so that mean my mission began here"he walk aways
A mysitero person walking as he are watching the city

???: "so this must be a city where goto going"suddenly behind him were the bat


Kivat2: "yep that right my master this is where goto are living and he are doing a mission bring those evill devil back where they belong"he look at his master

???:smile "then mind i join this missions as this will be a jugdement for those evil devil!lets go kivat"

Kivat2 "understood master"

Another mysitero person walking in the dark,his armor motif of a bat but dark

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