Arrival of Star Supreme Part 4

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The team Prime was preparing for their attack against Decepticons. By how it looks there were some weaknesses on Megatron's Darkmount. It could work, but to be honest, things didn't feel like they should. Not without Optimus leading them, not without...Elena. To think it through Elena was like the link that turned the entire meaning of 'Team' into 'Family'. But she was gone. And in the worse case, what if Optimus is gone too. no, it better not to think it so. It will only make thing worse. They just need to do what's right and get rid of Darkmount.

While Kids and Ratchet were preparing distraction most of the guards, so Darkmount won't be too tightly guard, Autobots were preparing for battle, well most of them were. Arcee couldn't concertante much. There were two things that worried her. Optimus and Elena. Optimus meant a lot to her, she loved him. If he truly is...dead, how could she live on? And Elena, she was like... 'their' child. Well, she was Optimus' daughter, but it felt like she was their both child. Losing her was too great lost to both of them. Can she take that he is gone too?

Then she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked who it was. It was Bumblebee.

"(It because of them?)" he asked.

"Yes," she said. "I'm not sure if I could go on with this...What if..."

"(We don't know. But we must try. If die trying, then at least we tried and they knew we did.)"

This made Bulkhead and WheelJack agree. If this was going to be their last stand, then let's make it for Optimus and Elena. Arcee nodded and got ready. It's time to end this tyranny.

Smokescreen couldn't take such responsibility. He, to become Prime, only because Optimus will die. He knew it won't be the same. It didn't feel right, to take advantage of his death. But Optimus Told that such choice is not on their own. Matrix chooses always one who is worthy. But deep down Optimus hold still sorrow of the loss of his daughter.

Soon Optimus started to see once more, the emptiness and there his former mentor Alpha Trion. For to him, it seemed as well that it seems to be time to leave. But Alpha Trion could notice that something was troubling his former student. Optimus told it was because of the Matrix and Alpha Trion trust that next follower was near, but he knew there was more.

"It's because of your daughter..." said Alpha Trion.

"Elena? How you..." asked Optimus.

"As keeper of the Covenant of Primus, I came aware of her as your daughter, but who she would become, knew only AlphaStar and LightStar, my daughter."

"I wish to see her once more... but I doubt she could be there, be one with AllSpark," said Optimus.

"Then there's one way to find out," said Alpha Trion and raised his hand and asked Optimus to take it. Optimus reach it, while in reality, his was shutting down and Matrix was going to choose next one to hold it.

But right then...


Smokescreen looked up. It can't be... the ceiling of the cave was crumbling like a meteor was going to hit it. He then knew what to do. If that was what he thinks it was, then there's no way he will let Optimus die. so, he took Forge and moved to the Optimus' hand.

"FATHER..." heard behind Optimus. He turned around to see what it was. There was light behind him, like a light that's getting brighter like rising sun.

"Impossible..." he said.


"Looks like your time is not to come, my student," said Alpha Trion. "Your daughter's power is greater, then I expected."

"My daughter... is she alive?"

"Go find it out yourself," said Alpha Trion kindly. "Go and be with her, Optimus Prime."

Optimus looked at his old mentor before he notices someone sitting on his shoulder like Elena had sat on his. It was LightStar.

"You heard him. Go and be with her. She is alive and so is the hope of Cybertron." said LightStar.

That was all he needed to hear. He started to run to the light that keeps growing. He could actually see the small figure of his daughter reaching for him. When he reached his hand to hers, all was covered in light.

Next thing he knew he was looked up and there was Elena on him, looking at him with tears.

"Elena?" he asked. In this Elena hugged him by his neck, but not too tightly, while she started to cry for happiness.

"I thought I'll never see you again." she cried. Optimus was out of words. That's what he felt. He thought he had lost her. Was this a dream? But it couldn't be? When he took on a note, Elena was different. She looked like she was fully a human and dressed in a white beautiful dress. Then he notices the star on her forehead.


"Yes!" said BurnStar on Smokescreen's hands. "She is now Star Supreme!"

In this Optimus was getting up and notice his new look. He then notices the Forge of Solus Prime near him. He knew what meant.

"Smokescreen, why..."

"If you would have died, it might have broken her Spark," said Smokescreen. "And by what we saw on Cybertron, she can't revive Cybertron with broken Spark."

"Besides, Why need a lock, when all we need is Her," said BurnStar with full of confident.

Optimus placed Elena once more on his shoulders.

"We need to go. Others may need us," he said.

"They sure do," said Elena. "And I know how to get there."

The attack of the Autobots didn't work. Even if they tried all, it just didn't. What they did manage to do was send the Predacon into the Arctic, where it froze up. But taking over Darkmount and destroy it, failed. Ultra Magnus was taken to the throne room, to see how the rest will be taken preparing for their demise, while Megatron himself will do the honors to kill him. But right then Starscream notice something to come. Others notice it too. Something was flying to the Darkmount, but what. Even from Harbinger, Ratchet and kids were confused what it was.

Megatron went to take a closer look at what it was. But once it came clear what it was, his eyes went wide. It was Optimus Prime, flying to them and right when he came there, he gave a good punch to Megatron and made him go to his throne. A couple of vehicon started to shoot, but he took care of them too by his new canon. Starscream didn't dare to go against him, but he still got beat up from Ultra Magnus.

Ultra Magnus told Optimus about the weak spot of the tower and while Optimus fly to it, Magnus informed everyone that Optimus had returned. This surprised everyone and I mean everyone. Ratchet, kids, the team and Agent Fowler, who knew to send his group on to Darkmount. This gave the Team new boost and attacked once more on cons and Shockwave.

Once Megatron recovered from the strike he notices where Optimus was heading and followed him to stop him. Optimus tried to aim at Tower canons but noticing Megatron coming to him, he needs to keep the distance until in right moment knocked him out and throw him to the Tower power core, which caused a breach to its systems and gave a good chance to the military to shoot free. That also meant to clear the place before things get messy. After the military fired the missiles the Darkmount was breaking apart but didn't kill all the cons or Megatron. They all managed to escape to their Warship, Nemesis.

From distance, Smokescreen was coming with Elena and BurnStar, but sadly he came too late and start pout for missing all the action.

"Nah. Don't worry. I'm sure there will be more." comfort BurnStar and pat his cheek. Elena sighed for relief. Even if the cons may have escaped, but Without Darkmount tower, Megatron won't hurt anyone from Jasper.

"Well, let's go," said BurnStar. "Everyone is going to freak when they see you."

In military base in Nevada, The Autobots got Unit: E facility for their command center. Since It was Agent Fowler's section, no one didn't mind if they use it. Considering that they once more saved the world from Decepticons. But the world is still not ready, to face them, so they needed to keep a low profile once more. After so, Optimus welcomed Ultra Magnus to Earth and to Team Prime. Of course, now even if The Forge of Solus Prime had lost its power, there's no chance to rebuild Omega lock, But no one blamed Smokescreen for that, they knew he did the right thing by bringing their leader back.

"Should we tell the greater news, sir?" asked Smokescreen from Optimus. This left everyone confused. Optimus nodded and looked at the doors of the base. Everyone looked on the doors too and from there the first one who was BurnStar.

"Hiya," she said. This surprised everyone and kids went quickly to hug her that she actually fall to the ground. "I love this planet," she said.

"But how?" asked WheelJack.

"Star of lava, what else?" said Smokescreen. Everyone was glad that she was okay. But there was a bigger surprise waiting for them. BurnStar looked also on the door like waiting for the special guest to show up.

"You may come, my child," said Optimus. This shocked everyone. Did he mean...

Right then someone came from the door, that made everyone stare in amazed. The one who came in was Elena in a beautiful white dress. She walked calmly to everyone until stopped.

"Elena?" asked Raf, who came more near her.

"Hello, Rafael," said Elena. By her voice, you could sense she had missed everyone. Realizing that she truly was real, Raf went hug her and she knelt to hug him back. After so Miko and Jack went hug her too.

"The miracles don't keep stopping today..." said Ratchet in amaze.

"But how did you...?" asked Jack.

"Like I will die before I get a chance to be Star Supreme?" said Elena.

"What? You mean you are...?" asked Miko. This also surprised everyone more.

"Why else I'm dressed up like this?" said Elena. "We may have lost the lock, there's always hope. We just need to find the way."

Everyone stood speechless, except Optimus. She has come to her father, with wise words. After so, She went greet everyone in separately. June hugged her and Agent Fowler saluted her like a soldier, while she curtseyed gracefully. Bumblebee raised her up in cheer and land down afterward. Bulkhead could have given one bear hug of his, but didn't, since she may get crushed. Ratchet was out of words first, but then he knew there no need for those when Elena kissed his cheek like child give the kiss to her relative. WheelJack only nodded for greeting and so did her. Arcee took her in a sweet and caring embrace in which she answered the same way. Smokescreen she had already greeted, so he didn't mind, when she went to Ultra Magnus.

"Welcome, Commander," she said while once more curtseyed gracefully.

"Um... Thank you, Milady," he said. He never didn't expect actually meet such important person such as Star Supreme, at least not in this circumstances.

After all this, Elena returned to her place On Optimus' shoulder.

"While we may have lost many things, we still have the necessary. Like my daughter said, We just need to find a way to survive and find another way to get our home restored, Even if it means that this war must end first."

And everyone agreed on that.

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