End of the War (Synthesis)

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Elena was thinking hard what to do. Should she accept Megatron's offer? Over her dead body. But how else would get some time? Keeping refusing? No, Megatron will be ready to threat entire Earth if she won't accept his offer. What to do? What to do?

Right then someone came in, on who Elena thought it would be Megatron.

"I told you, I won't do it."

"Do what?" heard unknown voice.

Elena turns around and once seeing who it was she yelps and backs off in her tiny prison. It was Predaking. Considering what has happened, Elena feared he will try to get revenge on her, by what happened in the cave. The lord of the beasts just looked at her, sensing how scared she was. At one point he wanted to revenge by her, but something held him down. If he remembered correctly all she ever did was whip lost weapon and concern about others. Concern about others? Why it feels so familiar?

While it took another step closer, Elena curled on the corner of the cylinder, while suddenly all the items which hold the Predacon element lift up and float just between Predaking and the cylinder, like trying to protect her. Predaking looked confusedly on the items of elements. It was if he could sense the presence of ancient Predacons in those items. Don't harm her. She is our chosen one. Hurt just one hair of her and you will be sorry. To kill her, you have to go through me. No, me! No, ME! One against seven, you really wanna try?! Predaking is more and more confused and looks at Elena.

"Who are you?" he demanded to know.

Elena looked at him until she slowly gets up and stands firmly in the cylinder.

"My name is Elena Star Supreme," she answered firmly. "The ancient Predacons were meant to find me."

"Why you?" Predaking asked. "You're allied to those Autobots."

"And you are allied to Decepticons." Elena reminded calmly. "Yet, if I, an ally of Autobots, have the protection of these elements, why haven't I get out and finished you, now that I had a chance?"

She has point. If she has the support of ancient Predacons, what would stop her? But yet she is here. Right then he manages to count the elements.

"You're missing the fire element" he noted.

"I never get that far," Elena said.

But you could give your blessing and she will be complete. Predacon looked at Elena and the element. He, give the blessing to her? The ally of Autobots?

"Give a good reason why I should?" Predaking growled.

"If you don't feel like it, then I won't force you," Elena said calmly. "But think this first before you decided. I have already selected by the rest of your kind and without me, your true home planet will remain barren. Without all the Predacon elements I won't be able to do it."

Predacon just looked at her. Either she is bluffing or she is telling the truth. But she was right on one thing. All the ancient Predacons have chosen her. And no doubt the ancient Predaking would have as well. Not sure what it is, but to respect the ancient brothers and sisters, he will give the blessing. Who knows if there's something in this tiny creature.

Predaking transformed into his beast form and started to summon fire and breathed out. Right then all the elements use their ability to create the item to hold it. A lantern. Inside it, the fire of the Predaking remains intact.

In this Elena started to glow brightly that entire chamber was covered with it. Even Megatron who was walking down the hallway noticed it and came in. On that time the light has faded and Elena stood there in her Star dress. Predaking has managed to transform and cover his optics.

Megatron came forward to the cylinder where Elena stood.

"I take you have all the power you need to make the Synthetic energon," Megatron said. Elena didn't answer, while she looked at him until she closed her eyes. Now as Star Supreme she must decide wisely. For everyone shake. For Earth, for Cybertron, for...wait a minute... "I already have talked to the doc, he is willing to complete the formula, but it won't mean much without Star Supreme." Megatron convinced.

Elena opens her eyes and looks at him.

"You do realize, this is my first time to make Synthetic energon. It could take time." Elena said.

"Then I suggest you start practicing," Megatron said. Elena takes a deep breath before saying.

"Where's the lab?"

Meanwhile, outside unit E, Autobots were ready to send their small ship with a piece of Laserbeak to locate warship, Nemesis. Optimus needs to follow it and once he finds it he will give the coordinates and they get in to save Elena and Ratchet and stop Decepticons for good.

Once the ship launched, Optimus took off as well and followed it. It would now take some time, but hopefully, they are near, considering that they managed to locate where the new base was. But what concerned them, was that Elena and Ratchet were safe and maybe trying at least buying some time. 

Elena was escorted to the lab, where Ratchet, Knockout and Shockwave worked on Synthetic energon. They stopped they work when Elena arrived.

"Status report," she asked.

"Extensive empirical evidence indicates the fundamental instability within the Synth-En formulation to be the cause. Once the erroneous variable has been corrected for, the stabilized synthetic material will bind properly with cyber-nucleic acid.

And produce a stable form of cyber matter." Shockwave told.

"Can someone translate?" Elena asked.

"He means, It's unstable, we fix it should work properly." Knockout explained.

"Thank you," Elena said before think. "Unstable...I was right."

"You knew?" Ratchet asked surprised.

"Well, I knew it looked unstable, but how to fix it I didn't know. Plus, I didn't even believe to become Star Supreme."

"Well, now you are." Knockout pointed. "Care to help us?"

Elena didn't answer for that, if not simply go to one of the computers. She looked through the formula of synthetic energon. To stabilize it, wouldn't be easy. Even if they to do... whatever, Shockwave said, it would still need something. It's like food recipe, which will miss the main ingredient. And that "ingredient" must be something only Star Supreme has.

"Knockout. I require a fresh CNA sample." Shockwave informed.

"Ohh, "Knockout, bring this. Knockout, get that." Apparently, fetching is all I'm good for lately. It wasn't all that long ago I used to run this lab. Now I am everyone's gofer." Knockout complained while he fetched a CNA sample from a locked cabinet for Shockwave, not noticing when a second sample jar tips over and blocks the cabinet's sliding door from closing again. However, Ratchet does notice and goes to it, but before he could Knockout turns around.


"The the isoprobe! I-I don't see one." Ratchet lied.

"What a surprise." Knockout said and goes looking for the tool. While he is occupied Ratchet yanks the sample jar free just in time. "Anything else?"

"Thank you." Ratchet said. Knockout was about to leave, but suddenly stops

"You're welcome," he said and goes to continue his work.

Little did they know Elena was the one who saw all that was going on. As she expected, Ratchet is playing some time just like she is. And Knockout is in a way a good guy. In this thought, Elena started to think. If and when they revive Cybertron, how things will be. The big question is first who revives it. If Megatron succeeds to cyberform Earth, she will die and there's no chance to revive Cybertron and Earth and her family... No, she won't allow it. And as long they don't find final piece to this formula the better. Hopefully, others are on their way. 

The three doctors kept working to stable synthetic energon, but so far everything looked so calm. None of them hasn't made progress so far. Elena was passing through the formula to see if she could find the missing piece, without telling them of course.

She tried to go over and over that she started to create two of the elements in her hand and after a while added another element to it. By the time she has added all the elements into one, it has turned into shiny crystal. Well, it was hard to say what it was, because it shined brightly like a firefly.

Ratchet was only who noticed that little spark in her hand. Remembering that formula belongs to Star Supreme, could it be... He checked all the possible tests by computer and it all gave the same result.

"The final piece of the puzzle. Thank you, Decepticon engineering." Ratchet whispered without any other noticing.

"Shockwave! Assembly of the Omega lock is entering the final stage. Your guidance is required." Megatron called.

"Understood, my liege," Shockwave said. "Knockout, supervise our guests in my absence."

"Wow. Thanks for the big vote of confidence." Knockout said in sarcasm.

"I can't allow Megatron to possess the stabilized formula. Not now or ever." Ratchet decided. If it's true what others said what happened in Cybertron, she could die. And everything will be lost. He deleted all the data from the computer and put one tool to one of the big ones in which caused a blast.

"For the love of... what is happening?!" Knockout asked. Elena looked what it was before the room started to cover by smoke.

"The formula's instability it must have triggered ... a chain reaction!" Ratchet said before smoke started to spread. Good thing bots don't breathe.

"Guards, help me extinguish this inferno before it scorches the project And my finish!" Knockout called.

When some Vehicons to help extinguish the blaze, and when the lab's doors open, Ratchet picks Elena, transforms and drives out.

"Ratchet, what is..."

"I find the missing piece of the formula. It's that little spark you created." Ratchet explained. "It makes all sense now. The Star Supreme can unite all the elements to give its purpose. Which will stable synthetic energon to its rightful use."

"Okay, so there is a reason why it belongs to her. Because she can only do it." Elena said.

"But if Megatron uses it to cyberform Earth it will kill you, because it's against Star Supreme's decision, your decision."

"Maybe that's the reason why I almost died last time...RATCHET!" Elena shouted when they passed some vehicons that try to stop them. Luckily, they managed to get through them.

"Not bad for an old bot." Ratchet said before Megatron finds them, stopping the ambulance in its tracks by stomping on it. "If you terminate me, you'll never get your hands on the formula!" Ratchet said while tried stood firmly by the pressure.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so certain, Doctor," Megatron said before lets him go. "My experts are working diligently to disentangle your false trail as we speak. And I have pretty good guess she holds the key to it." In this, they both knew he meant Elena. 

Back in the lab, two vehicons hold Ratchet, while Elena was forced to give the spark she created.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Nice try. I'll just put this back where it belongs." Knockout said to Ratchet and takes the CNA cylinder back to storage.

"Spectrum analysis confirms that the synthetic Energon is stable. The formula is now complete." Shockwave informed after testing the formula with the power of Elena.

"And your timetable for production?" Megatron asked.

"With the aid of hyper-acceleration technology, not long," Shockwave informed.

"Ohh, a pity you won't live long enough to witness the fruits of your labor. But as much as we appreciate your contributions, Doctor, I've made a promise to someone that I intend to keep." Megatron said.

"What you mean?" Elena asked.

"Take her to the Omega lock!" Megatron ordered.

Elena tried to fight back, but she couldn't do much when troops picked her up and followed Shockwave to Omega lock. Now she really started to hope others will find them, quickly before Earth will be cyber-formed for good.

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