One Star rises, One Star falls Part 2

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Soon in the base, Ratchet activated the Groundbridge once more, to let the entire team come back. But just when they appeared from the bridge, you could see everything wasn't right. Everyone looked sad or hurt, maybe even both. You could even see the scratches and bends in their armor. From last of them came Optimus Prime and Elena, before the bridge closed.

"What happened?" asked Raf.

"We got attacked by FallStar," said WheelJack, while Ratchet started to scan them for their injuries.

"Where's Arcee?" asked Jack. Ratchet stop scanning and looked on Optimus. Considering how low numbered they are compared to Decepticons every one of them is important and he knew how especial Arcee is to Optimus. Optimus looked down without taking his mask off. Even if he can keep his emotions in check, but by how he acted means he was easy to break now. Well, if someone did break it was Elena. She collapsed on the floor and started to cry.

"FallStar took her," said BurnStar, while went comfort, Elena.

"What?" said all the humans.

"No..." said Ratchet.

"But why would she do that?" asked Miko.

"I think we all have a pretty good guess why..." said BurnStar and looked on Optimus and so did everyone else. Well, to be honest, two of them didn't know the reason and those were agent Fowler and Ultra Magnus, but Agent Fowler got it quick, seeing how all reacted.

"Sir..." Started Ultra Magnus. "Are you having a relationship with Arcee?"

"You got something with it?" asked Elena, while dry her tears.

"Young lady, we are at war and..." said UltraMagnus.

"Spare me from you lecture! Only my dad has rights for that," she said annoyed, but by her voice, you could sense, it could turn to the worse. June and agent Fowler moved kids bit aside because it started to sound like this could turn into an argument. "I don't know what you have been doing all these years in space and all, but things had changed since your stupid war and I don't know what fragging rules you had back then. Heck, I bet you don't know anything about 'love'! But that has already happened. My dad, Optimus Prime is in love with Arcee and she loves him. And If you're going to something against it, I'm going rip off your tailpipe and put it back from you aft!"

The entire base was silent. It was hard to say from which because everyone was speechless. Was it because Elena yelled to Ultra Magnus or was it because she let all out of Optimus and Arcee or was because the words she used. Soon Optimus went pick Elena and took her with him to their quarters, leaving entire team into the base.

"Can I salute her?" asked WheelJack. Since this was the first time he saw anyone yell at Ultra Magnus so far and it just happened to be the Star Supreme herself.

"But how did FallStar find out?" asked Miko. "We haven't told anyone."

"FallStar, didn't need to hear it," said BurnStar. "She has gone too far this time."

"What she did?" asked Jack.

"You do know about Star connection?"

"The one which you use to know things from other Stars," said Raf.

"Yes," said BurnStar. "But as you know, we do have to keep some things out from others..."

"As in like you promised to keep secret and you can't even let other stars know about it?" asked Miko.

"It's like your own personal space," said June.

"Something like that," said BurnStar. "Such private knowledge is held in our 'private section' like how we call it. No Star isn't allowed to go there during the Star connection or with anyone else."

"But now FallStar has broken it too?" asked Raf.

"It sure sounds like how she mentioned it," said BurnStar.

"As in?" asked agent Fowler.

"FallStar didn't just enter there. She took it from Elena."

This shocked not only humans if not also bots.

"How bad we're talking about?" asked Miko. Bumblebee then beeped something.

"Bumblebee told it's like taking some else's diary," explained Raf.

"Wow. That's cruel."

"Cruel and hurtful," said BurnStar. "When you took our private section it feels like a piece of your head has been taken."

"And that why she asked so from Elena. To let her know where she took the hint about Arcee and Optimus," said Bulkhead.

"She must have taken it during her sleep through Star connection," said Ratchet.

"And all she needed it was to take look it through, until finding what she was looking for." finished Smokescreen.

"But why all this trouble?" asked Jack.

"That I'm not sure," said BurnStar. "I can't use Star connection because she doesn't let us. Almost like she has moved everything into her private section and there's no way I'm falling such way like she did with Elena."

"What we do then?" asked Ratchet.

"FallStar told Optimus to keep com-link open for more information," said Ultra Magnus. "So, it looks like all we can do is wait."

Meanwhile, In the Nemesis, Arcee was locked into one chamber and everyone was told that only Megatron and FallStar were to allow entry. Well, no one knew why, but no one didn't dare to ask. Not even Starscream or Knockout, since they were afraid Megatron hold still against them what they did with Dark energon and synthetic energon, in which why more than half of their man was out. The guards weren't needed because Predaking was front of the door, which knew to allow enter only Megatron and FallStar.

Arcee was trying to find a way to get out of the chamber, where she was locked in, but nothing. After trying while, she gave up and sat on the berth which was there. She wasn't sure why FallStar took her, but she was afraid to know the answer. When she showed up, she mentioned about her and Optimus, but how she could know. And what they want from her.

Soon the door open, in which came Megatron and FallStar. Arcee moved backward from them until she came to the wall.

"What you want from me?" she asked.

"Is that how to act, when someone is trying to take care of you?" asked FallStar while brought a tray with energon and long fabric to her berth. Arcee looked away from her.

"Why would you care?" she said to her.

"Well, that's a good question," said FallStar. "To be honest I would like to slice you into two... But you also looked after my baby sister during the war, so I could I kind of like to Thank you for that. Although I don't know what happened to her."

Arcee kept looking away from her. Even if she knew now what happened SweetStar and as her sister FallStar deserves to know, but something didn't allow her to tell it, probably because she might freak out more or who knows what she will do.

"What you want from me?" asked Arcee again.

"Another good question," said Megatron and came a bit closer. "You see, We two had an agreement that she will become Star Supreme and will give all I need to win this war, which so far has worked until That Star of yours was picked as Star Supreme."

"We didn't do it. She was picked by Alpha..."

"SILENCE!" yelled FallStar in which she powers pushed Arcee to another side of the wall. "Don't come with me that AlphaStar picked her. There's no such thing! It's just a fairytale."

"Easy, my dear," said Megatron to FallStar. "Allow me to handle this for now on. You should prepare for that fight of yours if you wish to proclaim the title."

"Fight? Tittle?" asked Arcee while tried to recover from the hit. In this FallStar left the chamber. Megatron now came closer to her.

"Well, As I was saying..." he continued. "As you had noticed, Our Star is not pleased with the result. Which is why she wants to get rid of this Star brat. Of course, that won't be easy because of Optimus. And that's where you come in."

"What you mean?" asked Arcee and took one her blade out just in case.

"Let's just say we learned this much about you," said Megatron and pick device which showed a picture of Arcee and Optimus together. Arcee looked away, she didn't want to see what Megatron would think. "I was having suspicious when it was you who went to Cybertron to Vector Sigma, but then again it was your human pet who brought the Matrix to Optimus."

"You keep Jack and others out of this!" she snaps out and tried to strike, but just couple moves and Megatron managed to push her to the berth.

"They won't be hurt," he said while walks to her. "At least not now. Your part is to lure Optimus out and while he comes rescue you, then your Star will be out protection and FallStar will finish her."

"No!" yelled Arcee and tried strike again, but Megatron took hold of her arm and squish it. Arcee groaned in pain and tried to get her arm off. Then he let her go and she just sat there while holding her arm.

"Once FallStar becomes Star Supreme and my Predacon army is ready, you Autobots will be easy prey. But don't worry, I won't kill all of you. I might spare Optimus to see his lost. And what comes to you..." said Megatron and lift her chin up to look at him. "I might keep you to myself."

"I would rather die," she said.

As for knowing her to say so he let her go and started to walk to the door.

"I advise you to consider my offer, for your human's shake," he said. "FallStar likes you to dress up for your hero if he ever gets that close to saving you," he said before he left.

Arcee looked on the fabric, which FallStar left to her. With it, there were some jewels too. If she remembers history correctly,, BrightStar liked to design outfits in her free time. Sweet told her that she was good at it. She even made that white dress Elena was wearing now. But why now? That's not usual to FallStar. Arcee shook her head. No, she must remain strong. Elena has six elements and FallStar only two, she is able to handle her. What worried her most now is if Optimus will make it. Sure, he was strong, but who knows if Megatron will play tricks. She must be ready to get free when she finds a chance.

Elena was now crying more in her bed. Decepticons have Arcee and who knows what they will do to her. If she would have been aware FallStar to get into her head, she wouldn't have found out about Arcee and Optimus.

"This isn't your fault." heard the voice of Optimus. Elena looked up and saw him standing near her hanging bed.

"But she got it from me..." she said.

"By going into your private section, she has gone too far, which makes more than clear that she doesn't deserve the title of Star Supreme," he said.

"But How could I even then stop her?" she asked.

"I think that something you must find out," said Optimus. "I must go to see if others had got a message about Arcee. You should think about the next move."

"Okay..." said Elena, while Optimus left. After he left she fell to sleep for crying so much. But as she did, the Star music box, which was near started to glow meaning that She was going to have a message through her dreams like she had before.

Meanwhile, at the base, when Optimus had arrived there, they received a high wave signal with the message, from Megatron.

"'I have what you most desire, Prime. Come to these coordinates, alone'." read Ratchet.

"Why just you?" asked Jack.

"To make sure FallStar faces Elena alone as well," said Optimus.

"What? Is she crazy?" said Bulkhead. "Elena doesn't know how to fight."

"Maybe that's what she is after," said Ultra Magnus.

"Let us come along," said Smokescreen, while tried to get up, but was pushed back to his place by Ratchet.

"Eh dip, dip, dip! You got beaten and you expect to go. Soon Megatron won't even need his beasts to finish us."

"Ratchet is right," said Optimus. "You all have to recover. This is now between me, Elena, Megatron, and FallStar."

"But what if it's a trap?" asked Miko. "What if Megatron has his cons there making it all hard or with FallStar."

"Miko, we can't do much," said Raf.

"Aren't you going to say anything," said Miko to Jack. "It's about your bot-guardian."

Jack remained quiet. To be honest, he wanted to help, but what they could do? BurnStar looks on the kids.

"There's also coordinates for Elena as well," said Ratchet.

"I'll let her know," said Optimus.

In her dreams, Elena looked around herself and find out to be back at Star Tower or it sure looked like it, but there was a different design.

"Am I back at Star Tower?" she asked out loud.

"The Star Tower in the Golden age, actually." heard a familiar voice behind her. Elena turned around and there was standing LightStar Supreme, but she looked so sad.

"LightStar? What wrong?" asked Elena.

"Elena, I know this is not the time, but you must know something about fall...BrightStar" said LightStar and looked sadder to just mention the subject. Elena could sense this. To be honest she had experimented before with her big brother. While she was small he was with the wrong kind of group and has a lot of arguments with their father, but it all change the month before he joined the army and few weeks after that he died.

"It's not easy to talk about a family member, who has fallen into darkness..." said Elena. LightStar nodded while tears started to appear in her optics. Unlike like other cybertronian, the Stars cried true watery tears, not lubricate. One way to declare that they were different and pure.

Elena went to hug her so she would calm. After a while, she did calm down.

"It's all my fault," said LightStar.


"If I wouldn't have died early, she wouldn't have fallen into darkness," said LightStar.

"But you died because the injustice that spread in golden age."

"No," said LightStar. "That wasn't what truly weakened me. It only made me depressed."

"Then what killed you?"

"It was..."


Elena wakes up from her sleep and saw Optimus near her.

"We got the coordinates," he said.

"Let's get ready then," she said, while got up and got herself prepared.

She changed her outfit and tied up her hair before she and Optimus came back to base.

"BurnStar, give me the items of main elements," asked Elena.

"But two of them..."

"I know. But if I'm supposed to face FallStar I may need to seal her elements too but to defeat the main element you need to use one."

"Okay..." said BurnStar.

Meanwhile, at Nemesis, FallStar and Megatron prepared for taking off. FallStar had changed her armor/outfit and it looked like she was wearing same armor like Megatron except with a different helmet. Megatron had given orders to others for wait him and his further commands. While he came outside, he drags along Arcee, who was now all decored and still tried to fight back, but nothing.

"Remember, if something comes up, inform me," said FallStar, before she got on Predaking.

"Same goes to you, my dear," said Megatron to her. "By what I learned of that girl is that she can hold many tricks and more now as Star."

In this FallStar took off with Predaking.

"Set coordinates, Soundwave," ordered Megatron before bridge appeared to him. Then he looked on Arcee who still tried get away from him. "This is where it begins," he said to her and drag her along to the bridge.

Meanwhile, at Autobot base, Elena already had passed the bridge to her coordinates and other coordinates to Optimus were set and the Groundbridge opened again.

"I still think this is a trap," said Bulkhead.

"Even so, I must go," said Optimus.

"Once you have Arcee save, let me know to send Groundbridge and prepare the sick bay," said Ratchet.

"I will," said Optimus and started to leave. Everyone looked while he started to pass the bridge. But then BurnStar whispered to the kids.

"Take one item of the element and follow me," she said to them. Without anyone to notice, Jack, Miko, and Raf took the snow globe, Celtic drum, and an umbrella which holds the elements if ice, nature, and electricity. BurnStar took the fan of her element.

Once Optimus had gone through, BurnStar signal to the kids to go. Raf was about asked why, but she took him in her arm and started to carry him, while Jack and Miko followed her to the bridge. That's when everyone notices them.

"What a..." said, Agent Fowler.

"Jack!" yelled June.

"NO!" yelled Ratchet.

"Scarp!" yelled others. Ultra Magnus tried to stop them but BurnStar used her magnetism to push him to the wall, while they keep running to the bridge. Then Bumblebee, who has just recovered went after them

"Bumblebee, Don't let them get through!" ordered Ratchet.

BurnStar and kids were just entering the bridge when Bumblebee came to them, but instead of taking them back he transformed and pick them all into him and drive through the bridge.


Somewhere in mount desert, Elena looked around. By how things looked like this could be the place where she could find Predacon of Earth, that is if it shows up before FallStar would, but that hope didn't happen when she heard familiar voice up from the sky.

"So, you decided to show up." Said FallStar up on Predaking.

"I know, we will come to end this sooner or later," said Elena. "But I'm not going to fight with you."

"Too bad, I was expecting some showdown from you, but then again, why to hold the faith."

"I already know mine."

"Which will come true today," said FallStar and jump off the Predaking and landed front of her. "Prepare for your death."

Meanwhile somewhere few drive miles from the Elena and FallStar there was some local ruins, where Optimus tried to look around and be prepared any attack that was coming. Then he looks up into one mount, where Arcee was chained up.

"Optimus!" she yelled to him.

Optimus run for her, but he was stopped when Someone blast almost at him.

"I knew you will come, Optimus," said Megatron while appeared front of him. "But if you want to save your Arcee, you must get through me first."

"What are you after, Megatron?" asked Optimus.

"Isn't obvious?" he said.

"What are you after, FallStar?" Elena, while prepared to defend herself.

"Isn't it obvious?" she asked. "Something like your father used to say. One shall rise..." 

"...One Shall Fall" finished Megatron.

In this Optimus prepared to fight.

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