One Star rises, One Star falls Part 3

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The Groundbridge opened again and black/yellow muscle car came out. Once the bridge closed, Jack, Miko, Raf, and BurnStar came out before Bumblebee transformed.

"I can't believe you made us did this," said Jack to BurnStar.

"What? She has done it a lot and sometimes you too. I thought you have got used to this." said BurnStar.

"I am," said Miko proudly. Jack, Raf, and Bumblebee looked on girls.

"Look. I know this was extreme, but you really expect them to fight fair," said BurnStar. "Who knows if Megatron has sent his troops on Optimus or if he uses his dark saber. Not to mention FallStar," said BurnStar.

"And you wanted us to come, because...?" asked Jack.

"We're small enough to sneak in and free Arcee. Once she is saved, Optimus doesn't need to fight either, we can get out of here and help Elena,"

"But how we know, she is okay?" asked Raf.

"Well, I guess it's good thing Bumblebee came along," said BurnStar and point him up. "He could go there, ONLY to watch and inform us what is going on."

"(What? Why?)" beeped Bumblebee.

"You had just recovered. Or do you want to get beaten again by FallStar?"

"(Fine...)" pouted Bumblebee.

"Okay, it's all clear?" asked BurnStar. Everything was clear so they split up.

FallStar had started the attack. She used mostly her Earth power because of the earthy ground around them. Elena was so far defending herself from her attacks. FallStar had ordered Predaking aside and now it was watching the battle.

"What's the point to defend when your end is nearing?" mocked FallStar.

"I'm never told to give up," said Elena. "And neither should you, BrightStar."

Hearing that name snap something on FallStar.

"That name doesn't mean anything to me," said FallStar. "BrightStar died a long time now. Long before the war started."

"No, she didn't," said Elena. "BrightStar, I know you can hear me. Fight Back!"

"SILENCE!" yelled FallStar and blast fire on Elena but she moved aside from it.

While so Bumblebee had arrived the scene, but hide, so he won't be spotted. For who knows what FallStar would do. But this surprised him, by what he heard. Did Elena just call her BrightStar?

Meanwhile, Optimus and Megatron keep on their own epic showdown. Arcee had tried to get off her chains, but nothing.

"So, tell me, Optimus," said Megatron. "How long have you been together? Days? Weeks? Months?"

"That it's none of your business," said Optimus, before giving one strike. But even if it did make Megatron take few steps back, it didn't seem to matter to him.

"Well, by how it looks to me, You could be even Spark-mates." mocked Megatron. By what he and FallStar had learned, sometimes right words could ignite the emotions and cloud your decisions and actions. Prime may know how to keep check their emotions, but Spark is an easy thing to fool and break, even from the Prime. "I wouldn't be surprised if you are, considering the how many times your 'daughter' had spotted you together."

Optimus look angrier. He knew Megatron was mocking him and Elena to make him fail in his moves. If he keeps this up, he would never get to Arcee and free her.

Without anyone to notice, Kids and BurnStar had arrived at there and were hidden behind one huge rock.

"Now, where's Arcee?" asked Jack.

"There," said Miko and point up on the huge mount, where Arcee still tried to get free.

"Why she dressed like that?" asked Raf.

"FallStar," said BurnStar. "Back then, BrightStar loved trying different looks and play dress up with us. I'm not surprised if she had made Arcee dressed like that. Back then her designs were most beautiful. She even designed Elena's Star Supreme dress."

"You meant that same white dress?" asked Miko. "She sure was good."

"We must get to her and free her," said Jack.

"You're right. Now that Megatron is occupied, we could have a chance," said BurnStar. "But we must make sure he won't see us." In this, all four started to sneak from rock to rock to up on the mount.

Meanwhile, things seem to go worse with Elena. By every time she called BrightStar, FallStar's fury seemed to grow and her strikes more deadly. She was now also using Fire element on Elena. In this Bumblebee would have wanted to go help her, but he knew there's nothing he could do.

"If you keep that up, the title of Star Supreme will be mine," said FallStar.

Elena tried to stand up by all the strikes she got.

"You don't deserve that title," she said. "And I'm not going to give up. And neither should you, BrightStar."

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" yelled FallStar and use her fire element on her.

Meanwhile, Kids and BurnStar kept sneaking to the top, where Arcee was. Optimus and Megatron were still fighting and luckily it would at least stay like that or if Optimus would win, but looking on Megatron, he was either up to something. Soon kids and BurnStar get to Arcee and she notices them.

"What are you...?"

"We came to help, DUH," said BurnStar.

"And you brought kids?" asked Arcee bit annoyed.

"I can't carry all the items with me," said BurnStar and started to climb to the chains to melt them down. Kids looked down to see what was going on.

So far the epic showdown has stayed the same. None of them didn't seem to give up.

"Does she means so much to you, Optimus?" mocked Megatron. "If I would have known this before, I would have used this sooner."

"If you would have done this sooner, you would be dead by now," said Optimus.

"Would I?" asked Megatron, before both strikes on one another.

BurnStar just got one Arcee's hands off the chains.

"We need figure how to get down," said Jack, while looked down. Getting up was, though, but getting down with Arcee without un-notice won't be easy.

"Maybe we could use these element items?" asked Raf.

"Yeah. Good idea. We could make a slide of ice or by vines." said Miko.

"But we don't know how to use these things," said Jack.

"Hello. I learned to use Epax-armor. And I learned to use wind ribbon." said Miko.

"And you send BurnStar on the wall with it," said Raf.

"Hey, How hard it would be with a drum?" said Miko and prepared to use the drum. She came to the edge and was about to ready hit her hand on the drum...

"Miko, What are you...?!" asked BurnStar, who had just got Arcee free. On that moment Miko turned around to looked at her, but right then her hand hit the drum and its element power came active. The power went at BurnStar, but she moved aside and it hit Arcee. Once it did, Arcee started to get small and turn into a human. She had black hair with one pink curl, and thanks to FallStar's dress up she was wearing a beautiful light blue dress, but with same decors on her, like she had as a robot. This surprised everyone. Sure, when Sweet was with them she invented human looks to each bot as holo-form. But who knew that would be her real human look. Well, Burnstar learned it by Star connection but this was new.

"What just happened?" asked Jack.

"Well, looks to me since, nature is a powerful element here on Earth then in Cybertron, it also could effect on the lifeforms," said BurnStar and went check if Arcee was okay.

"I just wanted to summon vines to get us down," said Miko.

"Then you should have used drumstick," said BurnStar.

"You means as since it felt the hand, the drum goes for..." asked Raf.

"...into a life form. It makes sense. And since Cybertronians are biomechanisms, it probably decided to change it into organic." said BurnStar.

"You think?" asked Arcee.

"Okay. I get it. Hand, life form, drumstick, vines, and plants." said Miko. "Where would I get stick now?"

BurnStar raised her hand as in asking the drum. Miko gave it to her and then BurnStar used her fan has drumstick in which vines now appeared and started to grow down.

"There," said BurnStar.

"What about Arcee?" asked Jack.

"I think it's best if Elena will fix that," said BurnStar.

"If she survives..." said Raf worriedly.

The kids, BurnStar and Arcee started to go down by the vines, while Optimus and Megatron still kept fighting.

"You know, Optimus," said Megatron. "Once My Predacons had taken care of your Autobots, I have thought to spare your femme's life, so she will be mine."

"That won't happen," said Optimus and give another punch at Megatron. In that punch made Megatron to look up and notice that bait was gone.

"WHAT?!" he said. That's when he noticed the vines. It didn't need to think twice to know what was going on. Optimus notice this too. He even notices the kids getting down.

Megatron growled and aimed his blaster at kids, but Optimus stop him, but the beam hit in a middle way on the vines. The route to down was cut off.

"Not good!" said Miko.

"Everyone, hold on me!" told BurnStar. Everyone did like she told, and before they get to the end of the cut vine, BurnStar transformed into Phoenix and took flight, with kids and Arcee on her back.

"NO!" yelled Megatron seeing this. In this Optimus took the opportunity and give good strike on Megatron sending him to on the ground. While he lay there, Optimus took his gun out and point it at Megatron.

"If you ever pull this on me again, I swear I'll kill you for that," said Optimus deadly serious. After saying so, BurnStar landed and placed her claw on Megatron so he wouldn't get up and pull something out. Kids came down from her back with Arcee. Optimus notice her and look on kids. Boys point up Miko. That explains all.

"Yeah. I think I stick with Epax-armor," said Miko

Meanwhile, the battle between Elena and FallStar had kept going on. But by how it looked FallStar was leading on. Elena was now laying down, with cuts and clothes bit thorn or burn out. Bumblebee had wished to go and help or at least get her out of there, but he knew BurnStar told him to stay put and FallStar sure looked angrier then she was before and she sure has left her marks. But it also looked like she was losing her energy as well.

Elena started to get up slowly.

"BrightStar..." she said.

"I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALL ME THAT!" yelled FallStar and summoned more her Earth and firepower of Elena. This sure made her fall again, but she got up again.

"I know... what happened to your elder sister," said Elena. Hearing this made Fallstar stop. Her optics turned to bright blue. It was like Elena expected. Double-personality. FallStar and BrightStar are now two different persons in the same protoform.

"What...?" she asked in a shaky voice.

"I know that she died too early. She never wanted to leave you Stars to face what was to come."

"She... knew what was going to happen?" asked BrightStar. "The war... the exodus..."

"It wasn't the injustice that killed her," said Elena and tried to get closer to her. "She already saw it coming and it only made her sad."

"But what did kill her? Alpha Trion told that something consumed her spark."

"I know," said Elena. "But it wasn't sadness. It was what she saw to happen. She saw you."


"She saw you as FallStar. It's her who killed her."

"No..." said BrightStar before collapsed on the ground. "NOO!" she yelled. At that moment a dark aura started to get out from and fly up to the skies.

From were Optimus and others where they notice the dark light show going.

"What is that?" asked Jack.

"Elena..." said Optimus.

Megatron noticed this too. He wasn't sure what that was but didn't mean good. So, he blasts BurnStar's claw off him, transformed and fly away.

"Ratchet!." called Optimus to his com-link. "Groundbridge now!" he ordered.

"What about Elena?" asked Miko, when the Groundbridge came up.

"I'll handle this," said Optimus. "Hand over the element items." Kids did like he told. "Now go and take Arcee to the base," he said to them.

"But if Elena dies, how she...?" asked Raf.

"We will handle this," said Jack and made him go through the bridge. Arcee followed the kids before she looked on Optimus for while.

"We need both of you," she told him. In this, he nodded to her before she passes through the bridge. Once it closed this left only Optimus and BurnStar there before both took the flight.

Meanwhile, the dark aura seems to get stronger. The earth started to shake under them. Bumblebee tried to take hold on the rock where he has been hiding. Elena tried to get near the aura. Then suddenly the earth started to prepare figure. With its purple eyes, it was obvious FallStar has decided to take another form away from BrightStar.

'I must stop her, now.' thought Elena. When LightStar took contact with her, she told how to defeat FallStar. She must seal her by the Star elements. But she had two element items with her and other two were empty.

Right, then she heard someone coming. She looked up and saw Optimus and BurnStar as Phoenix to land. Bumblebee notices them too and signaled them to come near him. Once landed BurnStar turned back to herself.

"Bee? I told you to inform if something happens," said BurnStar.

"(Try to inform, when the ground starts to shake under you.)"

"Enough with arguments," said Optimus. "Where's Elena?"

Bumblebee points where Elena was. She was trying to get near the dark aura and earthy figure and that trying to take shape.

"What is that?" asked BurnStar.

"(I have wondered the same, but it sounded like BrightStar and FallStar are totally different persons but in the same body...)" beeped Bumblebee.

"What?" asked both.

Well, they didn't need more to answer, when they notice BrightStar middle of the dark aura and FallStar's new body taking shape.

"BrightStar!" yelled Elena to her. "I need your elements!"

"I...I can't..." she answered in weak voice.

"Then help me summon the beasts so I can talk to them," said Elena. BrightStar tried to stand up, but she somehow looked so weak. Then suddenly earth stopped shaking and it started to create bigger form. A form of Minotaur who looked directly at Elena. Elena picks something that looked to be flower-pot. She raised it up to the beast.

"Please, accept me," she said to it. In this, the minotaur started to crumble and its earthy pieces moved into the pot. noticing that power of earth wasn't under her control anymore, with incomplete form FallStar tried to attack Elena by her dark powers. Elena defends herself by the items which hold the main elements, except fire.

"She needs all the items," said BurnStar.

Hearing this Optimus looked at the items he took from kids.

"BurnStar, give the fan," he said. "I'm going take them to Elena."

"What? But if FallStar sees you..."

"I know what to do," he said. In this BurnStar gave him the fan.

Optimus started to take firm steps to Elena. By how things looked she was trying to prepare for something.

"BrightStar, The fire element!" called Elena to her.

"I can't..." she said weakly. Then looked on the Predaking, who had so far watched. Then BrightStar knew what to do. "Help her..." she whispered. Like hearing this Predaking fled next to Elena, ready aim its fire on FallStar.

"Here it goes..." said Elena. She placed her hands on her Star decor in her neck. In this, the items of elements started to glow, including ones with Optimus. This made him come closer to Elena. Then the items started to float and fled surrounding FallStar. Then Elena's outfit turned into her Star dress.

"FallStar..." she said to her. "Begone!" she said before all her Star decors started to glow and so did the items of elements. Predaking in other hand aimed its fire at FallStar's incomplete form. Each of them came to a light beam which hit on FallStar and by her roar, the power was affecting her. Around her earthy form started to appear vines and that surround her, fire line inside her forms and final an ice blog around her.

Soon after the epic light show, the dark aura was gone and all was left was BrightStar's weak body and an ice blog, with FallStar inside it.

"Wow..." said both BurnStar and Bumblebee.

After that, Predaking shook its head and looked around before it took a flight. But before it left completely it stood looking on Elena, before left.

"What was with it?" asked Elena.

"I... put spell on him, so he will follow my orders..." said BrightStar weakly. Hearing her Elena went to her and so did BurnStar, Optimus, and Bumblebee.

"BrightStar..." said Elena.

"That's...that's my dress..." said BrightStar bit smiling. "I made it for 'the one' elder sister use told us. A Star who's supposed to become greater than any of us."

"Sister, she is the one," said BurnStar meaning Elena. "Even AlphaStar and LightStar had confirmed it."

"I see...It wasn't just a fairy tale..."

"We need to get you to the base, so we can heal you..." said Elena.

"No..." said BrightStar and placed a hand on her shoulder. "It' won't's best so..."

"Sister, what you mean?"

"She going to die," said Optimus.

"What? No! Don't say that!" said Elena, while tears started to appear in her eyes, while looked BrightStar. "We know now, you weren't behind all of this. FallStar was one who caused the all the pain for all of us, not you. We..."

"It's not just that..." said BrightStar. "I can't betray him..."

"Him?" asked Elena.

"Megatron." cleared Optimus.

"Yes," said BrightStar. "Even if we start this war and all the ways we did it, Megatron was all I had since then. I can't betray him. But now that FallStar is gone, so is half of my strength. There's no chance I can come with you or still be with Decepticons. It's best so..."

"sister..." said BurnStar, while tears started to appear in her optics.

"Elena, was it..." asked BrightStar from Elena. "The last element now is in Predaking. My spell has been broken now for him, but to have it you must win his confidence. But it won't be easy. Just promise me, that you will look after your stars when you revive the Cybertron."

"Revive it?" asked Elena.

"There will be away. Just promise me."

"I...I promise..." she said.

Hearing this BrightStar looked to the sky. from clouds, there was the shape of Decepticon's Warship. It seemed like Megatron had ordered to get closer there, but how long they were there, it was hard to say. BrightStar showed last time her kind smile before her optics turned off good. In this BurnStar and Elena started to cry on her, while Optimus and Bumblebee stood there with their respect for dead Star.

In Decepticon Warship, everyone was in command bridge, while Soundwave record words what Megatron will say.

"FallStar, who was also known as BrightStar is dead. She was killed by the power that was far from her reach. But yet still she decided to die, instead betray the ones she remained loyal to. May her memory remind in our Sparks." he said. After this remind long silence in Warship.

Soon at the base, the Groundbridge opened and from there came all four with ice blog and the dead body of BirdgtStar. Everything was explained to others, about Fallstar and BrightStar. What came to Arcee she was resting. Elena told she will turn her back to the robot when she can.

"A double personality. Is that even possible for you?" asked Miko.

"That I can't confirm," said Ratchet. "But this seems to be the very first case," he said while looked the dead body BrightStar, which was covered by a blanket, while BurnStar was there with her.

"But now one element remains," said Smokescreen.

"What we're going to do, with her?" asked Wheeljack, meaning the ice blog with FallStar inside it.

"We will seal her somewhere on Earth, where no one could get to her," said Optimus. "The Star element will make sure she won't break free."

"I could help find the spot for that." said agent Fowler.

Elena was looking up to the skies while she was in her thought.

"Everything okay?" asked Jack.

"I'm fine," said Elena. "I just need to be prepared for whatever is going to happen."

"Why?" asked Raf.

"Well, now it's more than obvious that I'm Star Supreme. The question is what will cons plan for me then."

"Let's hope nothing bad," said Jack. In this, all three look up to the sky.


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