Origin of elements Part 1

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While in warship Nemesis, Megatron wished to get all the anger out. Everything was going so well until Optimus appeared. Not to mention well upgraded, he doesn't know why or how, but it cost his new Darkmount tower and all with it. But before he could even let it all out, There was someone calling and in a direct line.


Yep, it is FallStar and she isn't happy either, for some reason. Most of them stepped aside or even left from the command center until there was left, Megatron (obviously because it's for him), Soundwave, (He needs to be there because he took care of such things), Starscream, Knockout, and Shockwave. On the screen appeared VERY angry-looking FallStar. "You mindless Ignorant Buckethead!" At this point, you may think Megatron would get annoyed that he is called that. But when it came from Fallstar, he let it be.

"If you intend to add acid into my cuts, you could at least say what for, my dear." He said annoyed.

"Oh, don't 'my dear' me, you moron," she yelled. "You think, I wouldn't notice? We had A Deal!"

"I think she is aware of Omega lock, sir," said Starscream. Megatron gives a glare at him. 'Isn't obvious...'

"I gave you all you need for your army. The knowledge, the power, the secrets of Space bridge and the psychic patch, even the CNA of the Predacon to Shockwave! And All in return I had asked one simple thing. IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK!?" she yelled.

"First of all, FallStar." started Megatron. "When we spot the Omega lock, I wasn't even aware of that this so-called 'Star', will become Supreme. And it turns out, when I send the ray to her planet, the effects of the lock was even sucking her life force from her."

"Suck? As in she was dying during the regenerating?" she asked getting bit curious.

"Well, she didn't seem to survive from that," said Knockout. "Not when Primes destroyed the lock."

"And sadly, it seems that neither didn't your sisters," said Megatron. First, it looked like FallStar was in shock, then going explode, but then calmed down and looked a bit bored at them.

"Don't tell me, that planet has made you all too soft and stupid?" she said. This surprised them.

"Is there something we should know of?" asked Megatron.

"I sense two Star lives on Earth and one of them is superior to mine," said FallStar.

"What? Impossible!" said Starscream. "There's no way They could have survived. How they could have even got here?"

"Silence!" ordered Megatron and looked back on FallStar. "Are you saying that This 'Star Supreme' is alive?"

"With one of my sisters. I don't know what happened to another one. If she would have died, I would have felt it." said FallStar.

Megatron thought a while this. If it's true that human girl is now Star Supreme, not to mention alive and now on earth, it will all explain how Optimus managed to defeat him.

"If I may speak, your ladyship," said Shockwave. "The CNA of the Predacon..."

"Oh, I thought it has worked its purpose?" she said calmly now.

"I hold one, just in case." said Shockwave."But sadly, it got defeated."

"Against Autobots, right?" she asked. Since there was no answer it was obvious it did. "Oh Shockwave, the Predacons may be strong, but to defeat a group of Autobots, you'll need more than one Predacon to defeat them. The CNA I gave you, only belonged to one known as Predaking. Not to mention that getting the CNA from others wasn't an easy part, unlike Predaking's. The very reason, why my sister hid the Star Tower from me"

"Obviously..." mumbled Starscream.

"I heard that," she said clearly. Everyone looked on Starscream while before she continued. "Sadly, I may have a bit of CNA left, but the only problems is that I'm not there."

"We could send you Space Bridge..." suggested Knockout.

"And let Autobots and that Star brat know my arrival? Don't make me laugh," she said. "Besides, I'm on my way there. The surprises are more fun, as they say."

"And how long it will take you to come?" asked Megatron.

"In the Earth time... about in a week. That is if you're not been defeated yet." she mocked. Typical of her. "Oh, and if you really need more Predacons while then, Try to take a sample of the former one you made, doc."

"Yes, your ladyship," said Shockwave.

"And Megatron..." she said getting his attention. "I'm not through with this 'Supreme' subject." she hissed before she ends the call.

"Wow, what burned her circuits?" asked Knockout. That no one knew the answer, no one except Megatron.

Meanwhile, In the new base, Autobots had tried to settle down. Ratchet and Raf were trying to get systems working, but there were still problems with the Groundbridge. yes, they had built the 'ground' version, because the Space bridge they got destroyed in Omega one base. Mostly the only problems were that there wasn't much energon either. The storage where they had enough of it also got destroyed and if some of it did survive, cons might have taken it. Well, it's still hard to say without Groundbridge, which was still in progress. So, they tried to build other needed things like med bay just in case and all that.

The new chambers of Autobots were in different Units then Unit: E, which worked only as a command center. But since they were middle of the Military base, They decide to take only two-three of them to use. Optimus had his own room, okay, more like an own unit. And since he needed new vehicle mode he, so far stood either in his new apartment or in the command center. Elena also sleeps there. By her new element power, which she has learned to use a bit, she made herself a cute hanging bed. It looked like hanging lavender lantern with silk sheets covering around it and inside with soft mattress you could ever think to have. By the look on Elena's face tells she likes what she had made so far.

"I Didn't know you had such kind beds in here Earth," said Optimus, who has watched his daughters working.

"Not actually," she said. "I took this design from Stories I had when I was little. They were mostly Fairytales."

Optimus knew what she meant since she has explained them to him. Something about invented worlds of fairies, elves, magical creatures like unicorns (yeah. no wonder everyone gets a bit confused by Unicron back then.) Pegasus, centaurs, etc. But for him, it seems Elena love those stories because such creatures were told to be living in one particular place.

"You seem to like nature of this planet," he said.

"Pardon me?" she asked confusedly.

"When you told me about these 'Fairytales' of yours. It sounds to me like you like the nature. Your father even took you to park and woods for reason didn't he."

Elena smiled for that. Who knew he has put a note on such a things from her.

"Well, you could say that I like some of the things about nature. It kind of showed how much life it could hold. But because of papa's work, we hardly get any real forest, if not just into parks."

"You know, you could use one of the rooms of Star Tower to as your inside garden," said Optimus.


"PeaceStar told me once, they had many empty rooms to be used. She told me once that even Light Star had her own room for her own things."

"What kind of things?"

"That she never got to tell me, but this was only suggestion. Considering that you may use your power to keep them alive," he said.

"That's so Sweet..." said Elena, but then she became sad. Optimus knew why.

"It's because of SweetStar?" he asked. Elena nodded for this. When others heard the news of SweetStar, they sure felt sadness inside. Miko actually started to cry, Raf hid his face from tears and June went hug BurnStar since she was Sweet's sister. Everyone else had stayed in silence.

"She was so young..." said Elena.

"I know," said Optimus and picked her to his hand. "But she is now safe in Star Tower. And by what LightStar told you, she may live again if you wish it so. Besides, all this may have been too much for her."

Elena nodded for this. He was right. SweetStar may have suffered if she would be here now. But now that she is safe and sound in Star Tower when the time is right and she will revive the Cybertron somehow, she may wake up too among the new Stars of elements. Then Arcee came in.

"Optimus, Ultra Magnus is asking...I'm sorry," said Arcee.

"Yes, Arcee?" asked Optimus.

"He asks permission to pick new vehicle form." she continued. "Ratchet told him about it and we all confirmed that he needs one, so it won't wake any suspicion."

"I can do that," said Elena.

"Are you sure?" asked Arcee.

"Well, why not? I could help pick the new look and same time I'll teach him local traffic rules. Maybe I even learn something about him." said Elena cheerfully.

"I'm not sure about that," said Arcee. "Ultra Magnus is a bit too 'going by the book' type."

"So? I know it took a while to handle WheelJack or Smokescreen with their issues, why not with him?" said Elena was jumped off her father's hand and went to the door. "Plus, I believe you two could use some alone time."

"Alone time...?" asked Arcee, before they both got it.


Elena showed her tongue bit before she closes the door, leaving them two alone. Optimus shook his head. Since when his daughter started to play cupid on them. Wait, she already had on day of SweetSparks (AN: another fanfic I made)

Arcee just stood there. She wasn't sure what to say now. To be honest, she had wished if she could be alone with Optimus, so she could jump and kiss him and tell him how worried she was about him and how much she missed him and all. But why then she wasn't doing it? What was taking her? Is it because he was now so big? Well, he was big already, but now he was too big. No, that never was a problem with them. What is wrong then, girl?

While in her thoughts, she felt hand resting on her shoulder. In this, she looked up and find herself looking at Optimus.

"Is something bothering you?" he asked. Scrap...he notice.


"It's because of my new size, isn't it?" he asked once more.

Arcee looked down. She didn't mean to hurt his feeling. But then she felt two fingers lifting her head from her chin and she felt his lips on hers. She forgot how good kisser he is. It can be sometimes sweet and caring, passionate and lustful or sometimes between those. Soon the kiss broke off and they looked into each other's eyes. Then Arcee rests her head on him.

"I thought I would never you again. Both of you," she said. He knew she was also talking about Elena. Then he lifts her head once more and moves her tears away.

"I'm sorry," he said. After that, they started to kiss again. In moments the kiss started to turn more heated and they both know where this was leading.

"Have you pick the place to recharge yet?" he asked.

"Not yet..." she said. "You mind...?"

"No..." he said before he picked her up and took her to his berth...their berth.

It's good thing Elena went along with Ultra Magnus.

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