Project: Predacon

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The Next day on Command center (Unit: E), since Groundbridge was fixed, Ultra Magnus and WheelJack went check to remains of the old base to see if there's anything to find. Sadly there wasn't much to save. Only one cube of energon and lob-ball, which Wheeljack, threw to Bulkhead, but it fled from him to the Agent Fowler's door and it would have crashed onto Miko if Jack wouldn't have pushed her down.

Ultra Magnus started lecture Wheeljack and by what he mention it sound like he and WheelJack had history and it kind of explains why he doesn't like to be bossed around. WheelJack told that if his ship wouldn't be in pieces he would have gone solo. Everyone remained quiet for that. And by Ultra Magnus' sigh, it was either worried that things hadn't changed or something else. When he asked about Optimus Ratchet informed that he and Elena went to check one Decepticon activity, with luck it would be energon mine.

In some time later came Smokescreen with new paint-job, but Arcee kind of knew it was him, by two things. 1. The style was still a race car and 2. Who else would come? But the new color job didn't impress Ultra Magnus since he ordered him to help Bumblebee with cubes. In this Smokescreen, bit regret not becoming Prime. The truth is no one knew what truly happened when Optimus was down, but they knew one thing for sure. Without Smokescreen's action, Optimus was with them now and that truly mattered to them. Especially for Elena. They all had witnessed what happened with Omega lock and by what was told about Star Supreme and with angry or depressed Spark, the result will be worse.

BurnStar had so far helped Raf on the computer systems. She knew that, when Elena and Optimus will come, she should explain everyone about the origin of the Star elements. Ever since the nightly Arctic trip, is obvious that Team Prime must know something about these Predacons. Because there may come more.

Somewhere in the skies, Optimus was heading to the coordinates Ratchet gave. Elena went with him since she found out he goes there by flying, so she for some reason came along, with gym ribbon. No one knew why, neither didn't Optimus, but he let her come since she begged to come along. While there he wasn't sure what she was doing. She tried to go into clouds and next thing he saw she used the wind to fly along with him.

"What you did?" he asked.

"Something I'll explain to you all later," she said and put gym ribbon together before putting it aside. "Let's go to those coordinates."

Optimus accepted her suggestion. Since they were bit low on Energon, maybe getting it would cheer others and Elena could explain things to them. When they came there Optimus had to transform into his new vehicle form, to move well. But to their surprise, there wasn't any Energon, but cons. And they seemed to mine something, but what. Whatever it is, it must be stopped.

"Elena, get out of the car," said Optimus.

"No need to repeat," she said and got out.

"Abandon the excavation, Now!" ordered Optimus to the cons. But as usual they didn't and he had to take care of them one by one. But one got away with something. When Optimus went to see what it was, he knew this didn't mean anything good.

"What you find, dad?" asked Elena. But when Optimus took that something of the cave, she gasped in shock. It was a skull of the Predacon.

"No..." she said.

"I believe is time to everyone knew all about Predacons," he said.

"I... just hope they will understand. But I'm still unsure of the other things..." she said and look down. Optimus wasn't sure what she was referring to, but then again he too kept the Omega lock in secret, until he told about it. He had to admit she was coming to him.

When Optimus and Elena came to the base and showed what they found it came all clear about the Predacon Megatron had. But according to them, Predacons lived long before anything became alive. Predacons were like dinosaurs in Cybertron. And considering that Decepticons are after remains and that Shockwave is with them, it's obvious Megatron wants another one. No, not just one if not more. That was when Optimus declared that they must become Beast Hunters. But that left one more question, how did Predacons get here to Earth?

"BurnStar, I believe it's time to tell," said Elena.

"Tell what?" asked Jack.

"The story about Predacons," said BurnStar. "Like Smoky told, they lived long ago like your 'dinos'. But there's more you to know. You may need to sit down."

After doing so BurnStar started the story.

"It happened few megacycles after Unicron was defeated and Primus became a core of Cybertron. In that time AlphaStar and 13 Primes explored their new home to see where they could build what or where to keep certain things and so on. But one time when AlphaStar was exploring a certain area with four of Primes, they made a huge discovery. An eight different, but seriously wounded Predacons. No one knew how or why they were there like that. But seeing their wounds, AlphaStar felt sorry for them and wish to help. But as you know, such creatures keep everything stranger as a threat, so of course, they tried to defend themselves as they could. But that didn't stop her. She approached the strongest one, known as Predaking. After a while for trying to fight back, Predaking realized that she didn't mean any harm when she touched gently its wounds. After knowing this the beasts stopped fighting back, but mostly because they were already too weak.

AlphaStar and Primes took them to Star palace, which later was called Star Tower. There, AlphaStar took good care of them. Such caring wasn't been forgotten by the Predacons or from Primes. But sadly, Predacons were already too weak. Even if their wounds were treated, they wouldn't survive. Hearing this AlphaStar cried and begged them to hang on, but they told it's useless. But they hadn't forgotten her kindness, so they wish to show their gratitude. They gave eight crystals of elements, their elements, and with those crystals, AlphaStar picked eight protoforms in which she gave life to her star powers. And that where came the first Stars of Star elements."

"Then that means, your elements are from Predacons?" asked Raf.

"Yes," said BurnStar. "You could say we're also carrying a bit of Predacon CNA. Like, for example, my element is from Predacon of lava, between the fire and earth. Which also allows me to pick its form, in desperate times."

"Like the time, we survived the explosion of the Omega lock," said Elena.

"But how then Predacons are here?" asked Jack.

"I have a pretty good guess why," said BurnStar and looked either angry or sad, perhaps even both. "By how you described that this Predacon you find breathe fire, There is no doubt, that Shockwave got the every first CNA from FallStar."

"The Fallen Star of Fire and Earth," said Ratchet.

"And considering that, she had given so much information to Decepticons, I'm not surprised if she is the one who given this too," said Optimus.

"Not just that," said BurnStar. "She also took some CNA of us others, but how it looked, they didn't get to clone them with their own elements if not by fire only. But taking the CNA was bad enough that we had sent information out of the Star Computer and hide the Star Tower itself."

"She didn't take it well, didn't she?" asked Miko.

"After we send the information, she blew her anger on Autobots," said BurnStar. "And when Star Tower was hidden, well... it wasn't a good sight."

"So, much family trust," said Jack.

"In that situation, what you think," said BurnStar.

"But you said, they were eight," asked Raf. "How the others looked?"

In this Ratchet showed the ancient pictures of the Predacons. And by how it looked the Predacons looked just like mythological beasts. So the Predacons also walked on Earth, while humankind lived on.

"Illustrating once again, that the past between Earth and Cybertron are linked," said Optimus.

"More than you know, father," said Elena. In this everyone looked at the Star Supreme.

"You know something about this, do you?" asked BurnStar.

"That's because I saw the sight of it, in my dreams," said Elena. She kept looking down since she wasn't sure how much she should tell.

"You mean by the time you made the Groundbridge and went to the Arctic?" asked Ratchet. Elena nodded for this.

"Everything we had found here; the Energon, the relics, the Predacons. All this because one purpose. To find Next Star Supreme here. To find me." said Elena looked on others.

Everyone stood speechless. Even BurnStar was confused.

"Elena, what was in the dream of yours," asked Optimus.

"Before LightStar Supreme died, she send the crystals here to find the next Star Supreme," said Elena.

"Wait, you mean that my elder sister sent the elements here long before the war?" asked BurnStar, before she thought a bit while. "Well, that kind of explains why she was found next to our Spacebridge..."

"And that each Statue of the beast is missing one eye in element room," said Elena. "Just like AlphaStar, LightStar studied much of the sight which AlphaStar had about me, LightStar learned which planet it will be and send Crystals here. But it seems even time had made its magic and crystals had throned away and the spirit of each Predacon has lived on to find the follower. Until now..."

"When you went the Arctic and find one known as BlizzarWolf." finished Ratchet.

"BlizzarWolf?" asked Miko.

"The Predacon of ice, or like you humans called in legends, the Fenrir wolf," said BurnStar. "It kind of explains, why SweetStar pick a form of the Wolf because it was close to her element."

"I also recently found, the spirit of WinGriff, the Predacon of wind," said Elena.

"When you went along with Optimus." guessed Bulkhead.

"I take that WinGriff is the name for Griffin," Jack said.

"Yes," said Elena. "I believe is my first duty to find all the eight spirit of the elements, before I can be called officially Star Supreme. It was their mission to find me, so I must let them know the reach is over. Unlike you, I must become Beast Tamer." she said, while looked on Autobots.

"As you wish," said Optimus.

"But how can you find them?" asked Raf.

"By their Elements," said Elena. "Since BlizzarWolf was found on The Arctic, one them most freezing place on earth and WinGriff was in the wind. Luckily all the elements can be found in here, so I just need to reach for a place which holds such an element."

"And what then?" asked Miko.

"I sealed them to proper items," said Elena and showed an example of Snowglobe and gym ribbon.

"You sealed them in those?" asked Jack.

"Wow..." said Miko and went to look bit closer.

"I so far got items for nature and Earth, but I still need to look for the rest," said Elena. "I just want them to feel comfortable."

"Well, I get the snow-globe for wolf, but Gym ribbon...?" said Miko and pick it. "What it has to do with wi..." she asked while she started to move it. Right, then it was like that in the ribbons movement was creating the wind that blew BurnStar to the other side of the base. Realizing it caused Miko stop spinning the ribbon.

"I hope that answers your question," said Elena calmly as ever, while picking the ribbon from Miko.

"Are you sure you want to do this alone?" asked Smokescreen.

"You had false Predacons to deal with here. Besides, I think the true Predacons of Elements won't allow you to come near."

"She is right," said Arcee. " Even if the Wolf looked a bit of Silver, it didn't like us."

"But um...ladyship, have you ever considered that, if we may get face to face with such beast," asked Ultra Magnus.

"Well, now that you mention it," said Elena and started to think while. "I must think something for that," she said and went to working section and looking for junk pile if there's something she could make by Star powers.

It was night-time, while Elena was still working on something. Although she did keep the break from it, while went check on kids. When she found them to asleep she used her Star power to cover them up, before heading back to her work. When she was getting closer to her work section. She found Optimus and Ratchet talking about something.

"Besides, Optimus..." said Ratchet. "Elena may fry me if she knows about this."

"If I know what?"asked Elena and came close to them. That's when she noticed the formula for synthetic Energon. "Ratchet, how you got this? I thought..."

"I always keep a spare one in elsewhere," explain Ratchet. Well, that made sense. Even Elena's biological father keep certain thing elsewhere too. "I know we talked about this and..."

"I know," said Elena. "And since we're in bit low on energon, we might need it, but that is still not an excuse," she said. Ratchet knew she might say that. "But..." she continued. "Since I'm to become officially Star Supreme, then the Formula will rightfully belong to me and I have rights to decide where to use it. And I might need Professional to help me."

"Well, let's hope all the elements accept you," said Ratchet, a bit relieved.

"That may not be easy..." said Elena and look down.

Right, then Agent Fowler informed to be two Decepticon activity. In Scotland and in the oil mill in 'El Paso'. So, it meant they had to go spread. Optimus goes with Bumblebee and Smokescreen to oil mill and Ultra Magnus with Bulkhead and WheelJack to Scotland. Hearing this Elena worked quickly on the things she has been working on, luckily it only needs few settings to be ready.

"Wait!" she yelled. "I must give you these," she said and showed devices she has been working on.

"What are those?" asked WheelJack.

"Well, since Ultra Magnus did ask if you may face the Predacon of the element, then you need this. It' works as message device which you just show to the beast and if it accepts me you seal them to the item."

"You want us to be messengers?" asked Smokescreen.

"Got any better idea?" asked Elena. "Now, by what I hear from the locations, I'm afraid I don't have item for these beasts, so you must improvise," she said while giving the device to each team.

"Can you tell us, which elements we may face?" asked Bulkhead.

"with you, Water and with others lava or fire."

"Oh boy..." said Bulkhead.

"And be careful," said Elena. The regular members of team Prime smiled for that. She always shows her worries by that.

"We will," said Optimus before they left.

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