The Spirit of the forests

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In peaceful Japanese countryside, Elena arrived through Groundbridge. By all the places on the Earth, this place was one where Elena have wished to visit. Even if Japan has involved with technology better than others, it still holds some peaceful nature areas. By what she understood is because locals believed in spirits that protect the nature and people fear that spirits will be upset if someone comes to ruins their shrines. A perfect place for a Predacon element to hide.

Elena starts to walk in the roadway that leads to the upper hill. While walking Elena looked down for the view. There was a small village with small houses, local stores, fields, and all others things. It looks like everyone was outside either working in the field or going to stores. Children playing games in open area or near the small river. All look so calm. Maybe it has something to do with forest.

While walking, Elena soon notices construction site on the road. There were few workers placing poles on the line. What are they doing, Elena wondered. By how it looks, behind them they are building a fence on the road.

Then suddenly, she hears barking. And before she could see what it was, someone pushes her down. It was excited Akita dog.

"I'm sorry. Yuki always gets excited when he sees people." heard a voice of an elderly woman. Elena looked up at the dog to see an elderly woman with a kind smile on her face. Soon as dog Yuki moves away Elena gets up and greets the older woman.

"Are you traveling somewhere, dear?" the elder woman asked.

" look for something." Elena answered.

"Oh, I see. Something special?"

"You could say that. It belonged to a friend of mine and she wants me to have it."

"And did this friend of yours tell where to find it?"

"Well, all I know it holds a connection to the forest, so I thought to visit places where still had forests," Elena explained.

"Well, you have come to right place, but I'm afraid getting there won't be easy." the elderly woman said. Elena looked confused. "Come. I explain to you in my home while I give you something to drink."

"Oh, I don't wish to be bothered, ma'am," Elena said.

"No need to worry. And call me Yumi."

Meanwhile, in Jasper Nevada Military base Unit: E, All Autobots have returned and their human friends were with them.

"FallStar is here?!" Ratchet asked.

"As in 'real' really here and not as a hologram?" Miko asked.

"Really here, Miko" BurnStar confirmed. "And since Knockout confirmed it's obvious she has reunited with the Decepticons."

"And since Ultra Magnus and Wreckers faced the same Predacon that was trapped in the Arctic, it would make sense that FallStar freed it from its icy prison," Optimus said.

"We must inform Elena about this." Ratchet said and tried to make a connection to her.

"I hope Predacon of nature won't be that hard to find," Wheeljack said.

"That depends a lot on what Predacon looks like." Agent Fowler said. "When it comes to the forest, there are many mythological creatures out there."

"How many creatures?"

"Well, let's see, fairies, elves, fauns, centaurs, Unicorns..." Jack listed.

"A what?"

"Uni-CORN, Magnus. Not Unicron. I can see the difference." BurnStar said.


"Also there are some that show in certain areas like in Japan there are nine-tails foxes, shape-shifting Raccoons, Kappas..." Miko continued listing.

"How about something that walks on four legs and has big horns?" BurnStar asked.

"Well, Unicorn does fit the description, but it only has one horn," June said.

"The Predacon I mean has two..."

"..antlers?" Raf asked.

"Yes. Do you know?" Burn asked.

"The only possible description could be...this," Raf said before showed the picture of white deer.

"A deer?" Miko asked.

"Not just any deer, Miko. Mostly in mythology, we call it White Stag." Raf explained.

"Did the legend said, no one has ever seen it and it was also a most hunted animal?" Jack asked.

"Well, whatever is the reason, that is the Predacon of nature," BurnStar said.

"Are you sure about that?" Agent Fowler asked. "You do realize we are talking about the rarest creature here. How you expect Elena find it and come along with her."

"I believe that won't be a problem," BurnStar said while went to help Ratchet with the com-link system.

Elena was sitting on the terrace of Yumi's house while she looked outside. Yuki-dog had come to rest on her lap while Yumi brought watermelon slices to her.

"Enjoying the view?" she asked.

"Oh? Yes, it's beautiful. It kind of looks like there used to be more of the forest here." Elena said while picking one slice. By looking the village there were some forest areas. Like on near the cliff where the workers place the fence on the road. That is big one compared to others. There was a small area near the local spa, probably allowing local macaques to join the hot spring in cold winter times. The third area was bit smaller than two first ones, probably because local schools took children there to learn about nature. There were also some meadows with few trees were farmers and their workers can rest on sunny days. Even near Yumi's home was one piece of forest.

"Yes, long time ago, there was nothing but trees and meadows here, Back then many people feared to cross area, because of the spirits."

"When it turned into the village," Elena asked.

"Oh probably before Edo period. Back then, there were 'daimyōs', Generals exactly, who ruled different section of each part of Japan and fought against each other to get more land. This place, however, remained untouched." Yumi explained.

"Because of the spirits?" Elena asked.

"Yes, there were rumors that many brave soldiers who passed through here, came back running in fear. No one didn't dare to pass the forest, until one day one young girl came to look for shelter from the forest." Yumi told. Elena remained to listen to the story. "Poor girl had run far from the soldiers for she feared the local lord will do her harm, so she was very tired when she reached the forest. Even if she fear what was lurking in the forest, she was more afraid of local daimyō and his soldiers that she entered the forest."

"What happened to her?"

"No knew for sure. When soldiers came trying to find her there, some of them never returned and those who did tell that Spirits were attacked them, but didn't find her. Many believed she died there, but that wasn't the case. After few years a young traveler decided to pass through the forest. There he found beautiful maiden picking flowers in the meadow."

"Maiden? Could it be...?"

"Yes, it was the same girl who came look shelter from the forest. No one knew how, but she said that forest looked after her. The traveler and maiden fell in love and settled in the middle of the forest. Over the time, there were more houses, but to hold the respect of the spirits, villagers left few areas untouched. Because without them the loving couple would have never met and fell in love."

"You seem to like local romantic stories, ma'am." Elena pointed.

"I know." Yumi chuckled. "My husband and I read them many times. This was our favorite. Our granddaughter was more interested in the forest part and sometimes tried to go the small parts of the forest to find spirits, but didn't find any."

"Your Granddaughter?" Elena wondered.

"Yes, our dear Miko," Yumi said shows a photo of younger Miko in kindergarten uniform. "She is a nice girl. She is actually now transfer student in the United States."

"Oh, I know her," Elena said recognizing Miko.

"Oh, you do? How nice. How is she boing?"

"She is doing fine. Little...restless you could say, but she means good."

"That's my Grandchild." Yumi chuckled. Right then, Yuki started to whine.

"What's wrong, Yuki?" Elena asked the dog.

"Ah, looks like the storm is coming, Yuki can tell when storms come, especially ones with lighting. He fears lightings."

"Is there coming one now?"

"Oh no, It looks like it will just rain. We better go inside. You can continue your reach when the rain stops." Yumi suggested. Elena nodded on that. Even if the storm would have hold lighting, she didn't bring the item for the lighting elements this time.

While rain started to pour, Groundbridge opened to the same coordinates where Elena came. From it came out Miko, Jack, and Arcee.

"Great, we should have checked the weather before coming here," Jack said.

"Maybe that's why she didn't answer." Arcee guessed.

"I know this place," Miko said. "My grandma lives nearby. We can take shelter from there."

"I agree," Jack said. "Elena could be somewhere cover now."

In this, Arcee transformed to motorcycle and Jack and Miko hop on her. they drove up on the road while rainstorm got stronger.

"Arcee, be careful."

"I try," Arcee said. "It's just raining so..." Arcee tried to say before some reason she makes a quick turn and loses control of herself and heading to the unfinished fence.

Elena kept looking outside, where rain got strong by the minute. If it would have been usual calm rain she wouldn't mind going out to continue her research, but this rain was a hard one. One of those that increases water levels on lakes and worse case could cause natural catastrophes.

"It sure looks harsh." Yumi said while brought some tea. "Hopefully no one goes up on the road."

"You mean the one where they put fence? Why?"

"Without the fence in a storm like this, someone could fall from the edge of the road," Yumi explained.

"Isn't it above the big part of the forest."

"It is. But getting help won't be easy." Yumi said. "The trees grow so close to one another that you can't go there by vehicle and if you try to go alone, you easily get lost. Last winter, when one bus fell off from the cliff, it took the whole village to find them. They say that remains of the bus is still there, reminding the danger."


"Elena, do read me?" heard a familiar cranky voice. Elena quickly gets up to answer it.

"Ratchet? I'm not finished here yet..."

"Has Arcee, Jack and Miko arrived at you yet?"

"No, why?"

"They bridge there a few minutes ago, but they haven't called back."

Right then, Elena looks outside into the rain and terrible thought started to grow inside her mind. They are out there in the storm. And they could be passing through by that road...

"Is something wrong?" Yumi asked once she saw Elena getting pale.

"M-My friends... they are out there... in the rain" Elena said. "I need to go help them," she said and started to prepare to get out.

"But is raining out there..."

"I can't leave them there. They could be hurt." Elena said. "I must do this."

Yumi looked at her for awhile before nodded.

"Very well then. Take Yuki with you. He was trained to hunt in these areas, so he knows the place."

"Okay, if something happens I'll him back lead back to us," Elena said before going out with Yuki.

Just getting outside and Elena got completely wet by the rain. But she didn't care and moved forward to the road. Yuki dog followed her. Luckily the rain calmed a bit down, but still, the ground could be slippery and dangerous if you weren't careful.

Elena soon managed to spot break tracks which turned out of the road to the cliff which leads to the forest area Yumi mentioned. She got close to the cliff where she heard a familiar voice calling for help.

"Help! Anybody?!"

"Miko, is that you?" Elena shouted.

"Elena! We're stuck here. Jack's arm got broken and Arcee can't transform without been unnoticed."

"Can you climb?" Elena asked.

"It's so muddy to climb," Jack answered.

"Okay, hold on," Elena said. "Yuki, go bring a rope," she said to the dog. Luckily, Yuki-dog has learned when to go pick needed items and in this case rope.

Yuki hurried back to pick the rope, while Elena tried to find a solution. She tried to find any branches to climb, but there were too many leaves to cover entire cliff. It was even hard to tell how deep the fall was. Elena tried to look more, but right then the gravity took the best of her and she falls down to the cliff.

Luckily, like Jack said the ground was muddy, that Elena didn't get any scratches. but when she got to the bottom, she felt huge pain on her leg.

"Well, thanks for joining us here." Miko jokes.

"Are you alright?" Arcee asked.

"I don't know... It looks like I'm...AH!" Elena said while tried to get up until she had to sit down and hold her leg. "I think I broke my leg."

"With that fall no wonder," Jack said.

"Now what we're going to do?" Miko asked.

"We wait for help. I asked..."

"Guys,... I think we're not alone." Jack said and pointed to the direction of the forest.

There showed glowing eyes looking at them. Elena tried to go front of others to protect, but her leg still was hurting. Arcee couldn't transform either because they weren't sure what who was watching them, plus if she uses her weapons it will wake suspicion on the locals. Miko had to help Jack to get up since his arm was broken.

Those glowing eyes kept looking at them, but they seem to look more at Elena. Elena tried her best to stand up, but her leg caused her too much pain. Whoever those eyes belong seemed to study her and then talk to one another.

Then someone came out at them. It looked like a fox. They sigh for relief knowing it was a just local animal. It stayed some distance from them until it got closer to Elena. Elena got a bit scared on what would it do to her, that she had to sit down on the closest rock. The fox stopped right of her and just looked at her. Or more like looked her injured leg. After looking at for a while, it turned around and started to make calling sound or that's what it looks like.

"Is it calling for help?" Miko asked.

"If so, then what for?" Jack asked.

Right then, something was happening. At first, it appeared that leaves started to block the rain and all the possible lights from construction site they had, leaving them in total darkness. Then suddenly fireflies started to appear illuminating the area where they were.

"Wow..." Miko and Jack said.

"This feels familiar..." Elena said while letting one firefly land on her hand for a while before it moved along with others.

Right then something was coming towards them. It didn't sound like it was a human. Elena tried to look in the direction where it was coming from only to see something huge glowing. Once it got a bit closer to them, they all see it what it is.

"A Unicorn..."

"That's Unicorn? No wonder you get confused." Arcee said low voice.

Elena looked at the majestic creature, while tried to get up and get close to it, but because of her injured leg, she fell down to sat on the same.

Then, to everyone's surprise, Unicorn walked to Elena. It stopped right front of her before moved its head to her, to show its affection. Elena was first confused until she realized something and moved her hands to its head to cares it.

"I remember you now..." she said in low voice. Then Unicorn moved its head bit away from her and moved it close to her injured leg, so its horn was close to it. From horn came small glow that shined for while, until it fades away. Elena then realized that her pain in leg was gone and she got up. She was healed. Others simply had looked in amazed.

"If it is okay, could you help him too," Elena asked kindly from the unicorn and point Jack. "He is a good friend of mine. He won't hurt you," she said. The unicorn looked for a while Jack like examining him until it moved to look Elena and nodded to agree to heal him too.

After healing Jack it moved bit far from them to fox that had made the call. Right then, they realized that fox had nine tails. It was mythical creature too. It was then when all those glowing eyes revealed their true look. They were Raccoons with a leaf on their heads.

"They're all real," Miko said quietly.

Then suddenly they heard someone else coming now. But this time, it felt like the entire forest was reacting. Whatever was coming made fireflies shine on green color. Soon front of them stood the Great elk itself.

Miko and Jack backed off to Arcee, who now transformed since the place was covered. Unicorn and other creatures moved aside allowing Elk to walk to the Elena. Elena went on her knees to show respect for majestic creature front of her. From what she has learned, this is the Predacon of nature.

"I know who you are," Elena said while looked at Elk.

"I know you do." Elk's voice echoed. "And I know why you're here." Others were amazed to hear the Predacon's voice.

"Then you know what I'm going to ask," Elena said to it.

In this, the Elk moved close to Elena and touched her forehead with its nose.

"Dear child, On that very warm spring day, when you find our hiding place in Griffin Rock, I choose you. All my life on this planet, I have chosen only a few, but time never came and they passed away. Until you returned to Griffin Rock with cybertronians, I then knew you will be the Star Supreme I was asked to find. And I can see I was right. For you have been accepted also by wind, ice, and water."

Elena was speechless for what she heard. she was chosen from the beginning. Arcee smiled hearing that. Knowing how much she liked spending time in nature, it wouldn't be surprised.

Predacon of nature will choose her.

Then one Raccoon comes forward and gives a Celtic drum with a wooden stick. Elena couldn't help but smile. It appears Predacon of nature has chosen for her the items to hold the nature element. Elena picked it and placed in front of the elk. Then Elk started to glow in green light that everyone had to cover their eyes or optics.

Soon as light fade away, the elk was gone. Elena looks at the drum, knowing the Preadcon element was in it now. Then Elena walked to the Unicorn and embraced it.

"Look after each other. I'll come visit you once in awhile," she said to it. In this, unicorn touched her forehead with her head, before it started to leave with nine-tail fox and Raccoons.

"Now what?" Miko said. right then leaf branches had moved back to their places and rain kept falling, luckily, not so much as was for a while. Arcee took the chance to transform before humans will see her.

"You have to ask," Jack said to Miko.

Then one part of rope landed on them from the cliff. Upon the cliff stood Yuki dog, who holds another end of the rope.

"I think that's our way up," Elena said while went climb up by the rope.

"Good boy, Yuki," Miko said.

Yuki barked for that while Elena managed to get up and helped other to climb.

In the morning, while the sun was setting. The rain has ended middle of the night, so Elena, Miko, and Jack spend the night at Miko's Grandmother's house, while Arcee rests in the garage. Soon as they had good breakfast, they were ready to leave.

"It was good to see you, child," Yumi said to Miko.

"Say 'Hi' to mom and Dad," Miko said.

"Thank you for your hospitality," Elena said while bowed like it was the custom.

"Oh, it was a pleasure to meet you all," Yumi said. "I take that you found what you were looking for."

"Yes, yes I did," Elena said. In this, they left while Yumi and Yuki stayed watching them going.

"She sure is a nice girl. don't you agree, Yuki?" Yumi asked. Yuki just barked. "I wonder should I have mentioned them about PeaceStar?" Yumi asked herself. "Oh well, Let's go Yuki. I have a feeling today will be a good day."

Yuki bark happily, while blown calmly in the village.

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