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In the Warship Nemesis Megatron just had a talk with Shockwave about the progress of the Predacons. And yes, Starscream did came to talk about something, but it didn't interest him back then. After he had finished talking with Shockwave he went to his chamber, but to his little surprise, FallStar was there, sitting on his berth like a child waiting for their parent to come so they could talk while Predaking was resting on the floor. Well, to be honest, he had expected her to be there since there was 'unfinished business'. What he didn't expect to find Predaking there too. Luckily his chamber was big enough to hold such a beast. Plus, he had put a notice that beast has started to move more near her. Sure it still listens to him and all, but it seems to listen more FallStar. Luckily he knew FallStar would be the last person to betray him. They started all this together, after all.


Back then, when he was front of the high council along with the Stars and he had spoken his thoughts out. For the first reaction, everyone was shocked by such a suggestion. Mostly the Stars, on the suggestion of him to become Prime. Since Stars knew, that such title didn't go just to anyone. Back then FallStar...BrightStar was wise and knew this was wrong and she agreed with her sisters that this wasn't right. Then Orion Pax spoke up. The words he used not only softened the council if not also that Stars. On that moment they felt that this might be the Prime which their elder sister, LightStar had sometimes told them as a bedtime story.

To be honest, LightStar had told her little Stars also about that one day comes very special Star, whose destined to become Star Supreme and her power will be greatest of them all. She told them that by that Prime is supposed to hold the bond she had with Alpha Trion. The bond between Father and Daughter. All the Stars had sworn that if they'll become next Star Supreme, they will carry on the reach of that special Star. Even BrightStar.

Of course on that time Megatron fell into the dark side, but he wasn't going to be the only one. You see when he left from the front of the High Council that day, but he didn't leave for good.

You see, when Alpha Trion along with the Stars had asked Halogen and High Council to make Orion Pax the next Prime, came to another thing out. Who will be his Star guide? As holders of main elements, PeaceStar and BrightStar told that is something that time will show. But some in high council didn't listen. They started already ask if either PeaceStar and BrightStar could become that, but they kept saying that is neither place to decide that. The high council told that they can't wait for this 'Special Star' to show up. It's Stars duty to lead Prime to Primus and there get the Matrix of leadership. Then one of them accidentally slips on saying that Stars can't co-operate. That was the last throw on BrightStar. She soon was the one started to yell at them for treating the Stars like scrap and by taking the Star Supreme from them. And of course what really hit was that she called them 'murderers'. In this high council ordered her to be punished. The other Stars tried to defend her, but nothing. While she was taken to be punished, Alpha Trion took Stars back to Star tower, knowing that whatever was going to happen for BrightStar, also will hurt them. But no one knew that Megatron had heard all. He may have held anger against the high council, but he still respected the Stars, actually they were one of the reasons he started the entire campaign of the rights for every Cybertronian and entered in politic.

The punishment to BrightStar was going to be painful. She will be marked by fire-iron into her back and that's it. It supposed to be enough. But before the guard had it all ready, Megatron came in and tried to stop them. He fought against the guards just to get her out, but during the fight the fire-iron hit on her chest, causing so much pain you can't ever imagine. Hearing the cries, Megatron tried to go for her but guards took him down and were about to inform the High council know what he tried to do. But right then BrightStar stood up with dead glare in her optics. By how things looked, her Star decor in her spark chamber had fallen because of the fire-iron with its mark. The Mark which became the symbol of the Decepticons. She raised her hand onto the guards and her fingers came sharp and long to pierce both guards. The view was shocking. Even Megatron couldn't expect to see it. A Star had just killed, not just one if not two, TWO persons.

Once the energon has started to spill onto the floor BrightStar came back to sense. And once she saw what she had done, her fingers came back to normal and dead bodies fell to the floor. BrightStar collapsed onto the floor and roared in despair. At that moment Megatron picked her up and took her Star decor along.

Megatron took BrightStar to the Kaon. At that time it was raining. No one knew what happened when the famous gladiator passed them and went to the arena where he had performed. In there BrightStar was quiet for while, Megatron left her be because he knew this was new to her. Unlike her, he knew what it was to slay and kill, since that he had done to amuse the others. But still, that didn't change his mind about the High Council and what just had happened confirmed his decision. During that fight, he got his first scars onto his face and his optics had turned into red. If They weren't going to do it, he will do himself and nothing won't stop him, not even his old friend, Orion Pax.

At that time without noticing BrightStar had stood up once more, but at that time that BrightStar was gone. Her bright colors had turned into darker hue, her optics were purple and she even removed her second-star decor, the one in her waist, leaving now only one Star decor left, the one in her forehead. In anger and hurt all the stories of the special Star, her elder sister had told, became nothing but a fairy tale to her, Primes were no longer the same once like the first thirteen were. They only look like they were good, but deep down there's an empty shell with rules and no sympathy, no emotions, nothing. That was when FallStar was born.

End of the Flashback.

"Penny for the thought," said FallStar. This brought Megatron back to presence.


"It's what humans say when they want to know what other is thinking," she said.

"Nothing much, my dear," he said.

"I told you, You won't call me that at the moment," she said bit annoyed. Luckily Predaking stood still resting in the corner.

"I know until we through with our 'unfinished business'," he said and came near her. "It's still about the Omega lock."

"What you think?" she said and turned aside to not looked at him. "Is one thing that you ignore my advice, but this hurt me a lot more," she said, while sounded a bit like she was going to cry. Megatron sat next to her.

"If I would have known she was Star Supreme I would have locked her up and waited for you to decide her fate. But since we were on Omega lock, we were so eager to try to see how it will work. In that, I just wanted to just hurt Prime by hurting her."

"And used her to regenerate Earth?" she asked.

"I wanted to make sure we will have upper hand on Autobots before you arrive. Also when we saw how the lock was affecting her, I thought she won't survive."

"But she did and so did Prime," she said until she turned back and looked at him. "And advice, my dear Megatron. Next time you check if someone is dead, you double check or if it's about Stars you ask me."

"So, we're clear?"

"Yes. But don't ever do it again or I'll hurt you," she said.

"That I won't mind," he said, while moved his finger under her chin, but she moved away and rolled her optics. "What?" he asked. Well, he knew why.

"You know, I'm not into those things. It's bad enough, that I enjoy killing and hurting people, well, mostly hurting, but all that about passionate affection is just so 'eww'." she said.

"I know. I know..." said Megatron. "I sometimes like it."

"Well, you can frag any femme you want, as long you keep them in place," she said. "Besides we agreed to enjoy the spoils once we had won."

"Yes. We agreed that" he said and got up.

"By the way..." said FallStar. "I notice this little box here, what is in there?"

"None of your business," he said, but then he stood still.

"Okay, no need to get hurt if it is personal. I get it, you got your things I got mine and..."

"Something is up," he said. In this FallStar looked at him.

"As in...?"

"About Dark energon," he said. FallStar has been aware the link between him and dark energon.

"In a good way or bad way."

"That's I like to find out. Although I have a good guess who is causing it," he said sounding a bit annoyed.

"Starscream." guessed FallStar. "I also take that this may not be a good thing."

"Ask that pet of yours to stay put. whatever is going on, it may affect badly, when it already has your powers on."

"Good point," she said and float to the Predaking. "Predaking, Stay and wait till mommy comes for you," she said to it. In this Predaking rest there, while door closed.

"Don't dare to spoil it," said Megatron, while FallStar landed on his shoulder.

"Well, its good to it to know if it does something right," she said. "Then it will be easy to handle."

They keep moving in the ship, but for some reason felt so quiet now. Too quiet actually. But still with that strange feeling of dark energon, tells that is obviously not good. It didn't take long before they found Starscream and Knockout sneaking in the halls before they dump front of them.

"Would either of you, like to tell me what EXACTLY is going on?"

"Yes. absolutely nothing, my leash," said Starscream.

"All is quiet, too quiet. One can even say dung" said Knockout.

"Funny," said Megatron. "Because the dark energon in my Spark has been pulsing."

"And concerning that, we haven't awakened any dead recently, care to explain now?" said FallStar.

Starscream started to explain about Silas, Dark energon, and synthetic energon created him into energon sucking Teracon, which could infect entire screw. In this Megatron was going getting more mad to know that Starscream has gone to Dark energon storage, who knows for trying to learn to use again like he did with Skyquake. FallStar in other seem to have switching optic by hearing word synthetic energon, but she then sensed that someone was behind them and looked there to saw vehicon troop, walking very weirdly. And by how it was looking at them and growling, that made her poke on Megatron to his attention.

"Um..." she said, while he turned around and faced the vehicon troop, which was now energon sucking Teracon.

"You there, what are you doing?" said Megatron. "I order you, Stand down!"

The Teracon didn't listen and charge for them to their energon. But Megatron was quicker and kill it with one blow. Fallstar was speechless, not by how Megatron handle, she knew he can do that, but that The Teracon was actually going at them to suck their energon out. Megatron turns back to look at Starscream and Knockout.

"We did try to tell you," said Starscream. Knockout agreed.

"You Idiots!" yelled FallStar. "You turned Teracon, from a zombie into zombie vampire!" This left everyone bit confused. She rubs her optics before explaining "You already know what the zombie is. The vampire is what locals believe to one undead creature, who sucks blood, in our case energon and turns the victim into the same creature."

"How could you know?" asked Starscream.

"And won't that just make them just this 'vampire' creature?" said Knockout.

"I have studied local knowledge web. And for your other question. No, the vampire is pretty aware what they are doing and they can act more civilized than a mindless zombie, Which is why I say Zombie vampire. Now, can we go before another comes up!"

By how things looked, the reason why Megatron couldn't control the Teracon has he should is because the unstable synthetic energon is interfering the link on them. So, there was no choice, but send high alarm and order everyone clear from the Teracons and kill all at sight. Meanwhile, Megatron ordered Starscream and Knockout to find Silas and get rid of him once and for all. Once they had left, Soundwave left to make sure everything was getting cleared.

"I come along," said FallStar. "If something comes up, my Star powers could make sure there won't be more infections and get rid the remain ones by my element powers."

"As long you stay with Soundwave," said Megatron.

"Obvious," she said, while she floats onto Soundwave shoulder. "Oh, Megatron. When this is over I like to talk about this Synthetic Energon." and by how she says it sounding like she was going also snatch someone's neck.

"I agree..." said Megatron.

Soundwave and FallStar followed from behind the troop and Insecticons, while they took care every Teracons they came front. By how things looked, not all were infected, but their numbers were limited.

"Soundwave, get me near to walls," she asked. "As you know I hold an element of earth, which also hold some elements to great metal, so if I can get close to the walls I could have eyes and ears to the entire ship."

Soundwave nodded agreement and came close to the wall, allowing FallStar touch it. Once she touched she could actually see where everyone was. So, most of the Teracons were handled, but the one who caused it was on moving in one particular room. The where they hold all weapons the took from Autobots former base. The Star Saber, immobilizer, magnetic gauntlet and Stasis pot with Airachnid inside. wait, Airachnid! It could sense her energon and turn her into Teracon as well. Oh great that what they need. Airachnid sucking their energon out. Well, if it makes her mindless like the rest, she will be easy to handle. She couldn't keep up what was happening, but good news she killed Breakdown/Silas. Bad news she was out that meant one thing.

Soon all Insecticons seemed to act strangely and went somewhere. Soundwave went look what was going on.

"Soundwave, we got a problem," said FallStar while floating back to his shoulder. "We're now terminators."

Soundwave keeps walking into one hall, which was on the way to the command center from that particular chamber. They just came there, when Airachnid came with the Insecticons.

"So, It's the queen of the bugs," said FallStar.

"FallStar," said Airachnid. "You finally, decided to show up. If you know what's wise, then I suggest you join me."

"hmm... tempting offer," said FallStar. "But just like Soundwave, my loyalty is to Megatron. Besides if I remember right, It was one of your Insecticons who killed my sister, GaiaStar," she said with bitter in her tone. "I rather burn you and crush you, than ever join you."

"Whatever," said Airchanid. "I vow from this day, the world will hear the sound of your screams," she said before she and Insecticons charged on them.

"Soundwave..." said FallStar. Soundwave was preparing the space bridge to send them all into one Cybertron's moons. "Pick the small one is far from there," she said and he did pick it before he opened the bridge and send them all there.

"Soundwave, You're the best co-worker I could have while serving Megatron," said FallStar while patting Soundwave.

Once all was done. Megatron called once more to Shockwave wishing to know the progress on Predacons and speed it if it is possible since they already lost more than half of their troops either to the infection of dark- and synthetic energon or send them to one of the Cybertron's moon with Airachnid. And what came to Knockout he should report to Shockwave and now on he will do so or else and just to be certain, Knockout will hand over all his project to Shockwave, including the Synthetic energon. And what was coming to Starscream... you can guess.

"Are you done?" asked FallStar entering the command center and by seeing how Well Starscream got beaten and was taken by Knockout to med bay the answer was obviously yes.

"What is it, FallStar?" asked Megatron.

"Well, since I was going ask how did you even get hands-on synthetic energon, which should be the personal property of Star Supreme, but then Soundwave explained, that you learn it after you got a sample of it from Autobots. So I let it be, as long you put hold it's used."

"Funny. I was thinking to hold it and let you handle it, once you have become the Star Supreme," said Megatron. hearing that name made FallStar grin evilly.

"Just like we had planned?"

"Naturally," he said, while she came to sit on his shoulder. If any of you has wonder what was the deal they spoke of. It went like this; FallStar will help Megatron win the war and take over the Cybertron. In exchange, FallStar comes the next Star Supreme and creates the Cybertron as they both see fit.

"Now, speaking of the plan..." she said. "I know you wish to have that Predacon army of yours, but have you ever thought that this Star girl may get Autobots stronger and defeat us while we wait."

"What you have in mind, my dear?" he asked.

"I was thinking, while we wait for the army, What if I could go take what is rightfully mine. Who, knows maybe I can even weaken them, and then they can be easy prey to the beasts."

"Getting rid of their Star may affect their fighting spirit, especially on Optimus."

"Well, you should know, since you almost killed her by Omega lock," she said.

"Until he destroyed it."

"Well, yes. Either way what you did in Omega lock by bringing their human friends and made her suffer was a good plan, there was also a bit wrong calculations. I should know since that's exactly what I had trained all these years."

"Oh," he said. "And what would be?"

"I like to call it 'inside pain'," she said smiling evilly.

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