Chapter 13

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In Decepticon island, Steeljaw was having a leadership-team meeting. He mostly remained quiet on those meetings. Glowstrike and Saberhorn only talked about what was needed to fix the ship. Well, sometimes they asked how things were with Star Supreme. To his annoyance, they also heard the rumor that someone heard yelling about removing the armor. Well, luckily, they let it be once explained what really happened. Saberhorn just said to him that, he is glad to know he is not the only gentlecon in Decepticon island.

"Speaking of Star Supreme, she is not causing trouble, isn't she?" Glowstrike asked.

"She is in my quarters," Steeljaw answered. "I made something to her to keep her entertained."

"Ah, it would be best. We don't want her to get hurt again after what happened." Saberhorn said.

"Well, if someone just even tries to touch her, he will be dealing with me," Steeljaw said.

"We don't mind if you punish someone, as long you don't deactivate anyone." Glowstrike.

"Well, what would you do to somebody disobeys orders big time?" Steeljaw asked.

"Touche" Saberhorn admits.

After that, they continued the same usual stuff before the meeting ended. Steeljaw was mostly relieved. He doesn't care if the ship gets completely fixed. He is not planning to leave this planet. If he ever wants to turn it as Decepticon homeworld, he needs all the power he could have. He just needs to think of something to delay a few ship repairs before having leadership team accept to stay or take over the entire island.

While thinking, he had arrived at his quarters and like he expected, Elena was sitting there listening to the music from the player he made to her. She didn't even look up to see who it was. Either because she was listening to music or she simply knew that it would be just him. Well, either way, she is distracted and won't complain for a while.

Steeljaw went to his desk looking like he is working with something, but he wasn't. He just looked over where Elena was listening. She looked so calm. Obviously, she picked some to keep herself from thinking anything upsetting. Sometimes he noticed her lips move as in she was lipsyncing with the song. Probably one of her favorites. That however made him remember the time he spots her in the forest. She was singing back then too. He wished to hear it again. But he can't just ask her. Or can he? Wait, is he questioning himself? What's wrong with him? Why is he doubting himself?

Right then he heard some movement where she was and looks what she is doing. She had placed the player aside and lay down to sleep. Funny as it sounds, but he has never seen her sleep on the island. Sure, when he has arrived from meetings or other things he had found her resting there, but it didn't feel same. She obviously looked like she was sleeping, but actually, she has been awake to make sure he won't do anything. But now, she actually fell asleep while he was there.

Steeljaw tries to get up quietly and get more close to see her. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps peacefully. The last time he ever saw her sleeping peacefully was when she was in human form. On that time he and his pack took over the scrapyard and set Subsonics to keep Autobots away. To his surprise, it also immobilized the Stars. Well, most of them anyway. One of them could move, but it was easy to handle. Must be because she lost her chance for the upgrade. But while he made that mini-con to open the stasis pods, Fracture found Star Supreme sleeping. Considering what was going on, he could only guess she was in some sort of trance. Back then he wanted to negotiate with her. But now that he remembers it, the way she slept on those soft big pillows, she looked so... gorgeous.

While he was in his thoughts, he didn't notice that he was way closer to her. Way close. Just a couple of inches and he could actually kiss her. However, right then some knocked on the door. He wasn't sure should thank Primus or curse for ruin the moment.

He gets up and goes to see who is that deserves to taste his claws. when he opened the door the two familiar cyclone mini-cons rolled inside and transformed to Anvil and Hammer. They tried to go to see Elena, but Steeljaw managed to pick them before they could even climb to the berth.

"She is sleeping," he says to them. the two mini-con looked at him as in they didn't get much what he said. He sighs and shows them that Elena was sleeping. The mini-cons looked at him for awhile before tried to struggle to get loose.

"Stop that. She is resting..." Steeljaw tried to say to them, but the mini-cons managed to free themselves and climb to the berth. Steeljaw has about stopped them, until notice they simply pick a spot for a nap near her while using her skirt's hem like a blanket. Lucky for them Elena didn't wake up on that.

Steeljaw remained to look once more. She resting peacefully, while two mini-con cuddle up under her skirt. He...He needed to go for a walk.

Steeljaw closes the door after him and goes in one direction. while walking he tries to get his thoughts clear.

'get a grip on yourself! Remember why you are here.' he says to himself. Yes, he was in crashed Alchemor for reason. He needs it to have an army to take over this planet. He just needs to find a way to get full control of it. Those other two have already sent more cons to pick some items to repair the ship. He has to act quickly. He probably should talk with his pack members as well.

Right while he was still thinking, Clampdown passed across him.

"Clampdown, can you ask others to meet somewhere private," Steeljaw asked.

"Um...I would boss, but there's a tiny problem..."

"Please, don't tell me someone started to fight again," Steeljaw said while pinching between his optics. He didn't care if some cons start to fight, but last time Groundpounder started to fight he broke something very important if not half of the ship, which why he got some lecture. Sometimes Steeljaw wondered why he even freed him. Why not Underbite? Oh, wait, no. He might eat the whole ship, that's why.

"Actually, those two new friends of yours asked Springload and Bisk to go out to collect something."

"Well, considering what Groundpounder broke, I'm not surprised." Steeljaw sigh. "Very well, we set up the meeting once there isn't any need to send someone to outside."

"Okay, boss." Clampdown said. "Hey, um... how know...your guest," he asked curiously.

"Resting. I should have made that audio player before. But it won't solve the problem."

"Well, she is different than all of us. She may look like a bot, but she is more like a human. You know how humans are. They seem to need their little activities like the players, tablets or that weird square thing they call a book..."

"I get it, Clampdown." Steeljaw interrupted.

"Well, they seem to also like good company."

"What did you say?" Steeljaw growled.

"Nothing! Nothing!"Clampdown said quickly in a panic.

Right then, they heard something in the direction where Steeljaw's quarters are.

"Don't they ever stupid..." Steeljaw growled in a low voice while started to walk back to his quarter's Clampdown following him. While getting close, he could hear clearly what was going on.

"Look, missy. I need those mini-cons."

"No! Go pick somewhere else."

"I will take them if I had too."

"You can't force them! AH!"

Hearing the yell, Steeljaw hurried to his quarters. Once getting there, he was seeing red. In his quarters, Bisk was holding up Elena by her arm and by the look on her face, it was hurting her. The mini-cons were clueless about what was going on, but now they looked bit scared.

"WHAT IN NAME OF CYBERTRON YOU'RE DOING, BISK?!" Steeljaw roared. This got Bisk attention in which he let go Elena and she ran away from the huge lobster to Steeljaw's surprise behind him. However, that didn't stop him to look angrily at hug lobster. "Well?"

"I'm supposed to start my mission and I was told to get two mini-cons to help to handle it because it's a big task."

"Did they said which mini-cons you can have or did they give some names?" Steeljaw asked.

"Others are no team-players. They would steal the score." Bisk complains.

"I think no one here cares for who scores what, as long they get those items," Steeljaw said.

"But they are already taken by others players, that leaves only those two." Bisk complains while pointing the mini-cons.

Steeljaw sigh for this. She won't forgive him about this, but he can't help it.

"Fine then. But we will talk about this." Steeljaw said. Bisk didn't seem to care, while lift his arms to let mini-cons attach to him before he left to room.

After that Steeljaw looked on Elena who was looked down. Yeah, he was going to get it. He however first notices that she has been holding her hand. Is she hurt?

"Um...everything alright?" Clampdown asked while peeking inside.

"Clampdown, get the mini-con just in case," Steeljaw said calmly.

"Oh right. got it." Clampdown said and left.

Steeljaw remained looking on Elena who still looked down. He couldn't tell was she mad at him or sad that two mini-cons she got well along were taken from her by force. Well, she obviously will be mad at him as it has been so far.

"Look...I know you like those two, but I can't help with that. I only managed to get one caretaker mini-con and..."

"I know."

"If it is up to me I... Excuse me?" Steeljaw looks at her.

"I know that you only managed to give Toolbox. I didn't expect either to get know some other mini-cons and that I get well with them." Elena said before her optics started to leak tears."But I did and I was so stupid to think I could help them against bigger ones, but I can't. I..."

Elena said before she felt two arms surround her and closing to gentle embrace. Was she embraced by Steeljaw? She couldn't believe it. She wanted to protest, but after been so close to crying, this felt something she needed.

"If it is up to me, I'll do everything to make you happy," he said close to her audio receptor. She shut her optics. Why he has sound so gentle and smooth? But she could help to notice a glimpse of honesty in his voice. Did he really mean it? She was about to look up at him before she heard the door open and she broke off from the embrace. As like getting the cue, Steeljaw let go and looked elsewhere.

"I got the mini-con." Clampdown said sounding bit tired. He probably looked for the mini-con in hurry. Toolbox, however, looked like he was about gagged. Both Steeljaw and Elena looked confused. How fast did Clampdown go? Toolbox looked like he just came from the wild rollercoaster ride.

"Clampdown, I never said this was urgent. Now he looks like that he needs a medic." Steeljaw said.

"It's okay. I'm fine. However, I rather come by myself for now on." Toolbox said while managed to recover himself.

"Good. Soon as you feel better, check her hand." Steeljaw said before starts to leave again and take Clampdown with him leaving Toolbox and Elena alone.

"What happened?" Toolbox asked, while pick scanner to check her injuries.

"Bisk came in and wanted to take those two mini-cons with him to a mission. I stood up against it, so he grabbed me by my hand hold it hard." Elena explained.

"So, he took them," Toolbox asked.


"I know you came to like them, but there's nothing we can do. Those kind of mini-cons are hard to handle, which why they were placed here in Alchemor."

"I can guess by who..."


"Nothing," Elena said while looked at her hand, which Fixit managed to check and heal. She still had that unsure feeling. That embrace felt so calming and warm. What was going on?

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