Chapter 14

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Bumblebee, Strongarm, and Grimlock search the trains in a railyard. Though Grimlock and Strongarm are visibly bored, Bumblebee reminds them that the Cons have been reliably stealing shipments of high-output cable from the yard, so they need to find it first and they can use it as bait. Grimlock finally finds the cable in question, only to be shot from behind by Springload. The Decepticon makes off with the cable, and the Autobots start hunting the Con, however, Bumblebee is so jumpy that when Grimlock comes up behind him, he accidentally zaps the Dinobot. Grimlock is relatively undamaged, but a cackling Springload is able to hop aboard a nearby train which whisks him away.

The Autobots return to the scrapyard, where the others' visible resignation when Bumblebee announces they're going back out on patrol in fifteen minutes prompts Denny to suggest they need to take a break. Stars agreed with him. Fixit believes he has worked out the Decepticons will next be after a soundboard, and their most likely target is the Rear Axle concert at the Rumbledome. Both Bumblebee and Denny are huge fans, but both Strongarm and Grimlock are unenthusiastic and turn down staking out the Rumbledome parking lot. Stars, however, have done enough training with Star connection, that YoungStar comes along, although she has no idea what's so special about the concert. Denny also realizes he can't go because he has a prior engagement with Crackpot Carl and so Russell is reluctantly pressed into service.

Once they arrive at the venue, Russell heads inside the Rumbledome to get Denny a t-shirt and avoid Bumblebee's bouncing. YoungStar comes along to look after him and get huge headphones to cover her ears from all that noise in concert. They managed to get the t-shirt and headphones, but they take a wrong turn and end up in an area under the stage where props are being lifted up to be part of the show. After narrowly avoiding being lifted up with a rocket prop, they spy Bisk along with two Mini-Cons, Hammer and Anvil, liberating a spare soundboard. Russell knocks over a box of cymbals in his panic, alerting the Decepticons to his presence, but fortunately, the two Mini-Cons are not the brightest sparks, and when Bisk sends them to find what the noise was, they return with two cymbals. The Cons return to the task of liberating the soundboard, only for Russell to knock over a broom, leading to another large prop crashing to the floor. Russell and YoungStar hide in a box, and the two Mini-Cons, unable to find them, begin firing indiscriminately. Bisk sends them to guard the door while he searches himself, but Russell and YoungStar are able to jump onto one of the lifts carrying a prop up to the stage and escape. Bisk returns to his work stealing. Then in the parking lot, Russell and YoungStar realize they have forgotten where Bumblebee is parked and triggers several car alarms before they find the Autobot.

Grimlock is practicing his sculpting and Strongarm is quizzing herself on regulations when Bumblebee contacts them to ask for backup. Russell poses as the son of Rear Axle's drummer, getting him, YoungStar and Bumblebee into the loading area. Unfortunately, Strongarm reports that she and Grimlock are stuck in traffic, and when Bumblebee, YoungStar, and Russell reach the backstage area, they find it empty of Decepticons. Bumblebee thinks Bisk may go after the soundboard being used for the concert. Up top, the stage manager has an encounter with Bisk, whom he assumes is part of the band's show. Bumblebee and YoungStar head up as well and are promptly ordered onto the stage by the stage manager who believes they are also part of the show. Bumblebee is happy to comply, and soon he and Bisk are having a fight in full view of the audience. Bumblebee is momentarily starstruck when he realizes where he is, allowing Bisk to unleash Hammer and Anvil on him while the Con heads for the soundboard. The systems cause YoungStar to have upgrade to her watch which gives her new outfit that fits the concert and goes help Bumblebee. After taking out the two Mini-Cons, Bumblebee resumes fighting Bisk while Rear Axle continues playing, and takes out the Con just as the band hits the big finish to their song. Later, Bumblebee and Russell throw Bisk and his Mini-Con companions into a box and smuggle them out of the venue. Returning to the scrapyard, Russell apologizes for the mess the t-shirt is in, though Denny is enthusiastic that it's "pre-distressed", and Russell shows Bumblebee the picture he has of all three of them with Rear Axle.

In Decepticon island, Elena was listening to music from the player Steeljaw made for her. The music really helped her to calm down, considering what has happened so far. Well, except for the latest one. She didn't expect that Steeljaw would hug her to comfort her. It felt so different from what she had thought. She always thought, he is a brute, who would smooth talk just to get what he wants. But that hug tells the opposite. He was honest, kind, gentle. This surprised feeling, it didn't felt like it was the first time. When did she felt like this before?

Her thoughts were interrupted when Steeljaw came in. Elena couldn't say was he angry, sad, disappointed or is it more like bothering. Yeah, it looks more like bothering. But for what? Did others demand something about her and he doesn't want? He looked at her once in a while. Okay, whatever it is, it may affect her too.

"What is it?" she asked while setting the music off so she can listen.

"Remember those two mini-cons?"

"Yes, Bisk took them. Why?"

"Your friends caught them," Steeljaw said. Her friends? As in Autobots? Did they arrest them? Well, she knew it was obvious whatever they were doing is obviously illegal. Bisk mentioned big task, but she never heard what. Whatever, it is, she should be happy. But why she felt that she was also bitten sad? It's because of those mini-cons. They also were arrested. They were just doing what they were told to do. "I know came to like them, but there's nothing we can do. Those kinds of mini-cons are hard to handle, which why they were placed in Alchemor." Elena wasn't sure how to react. Should she cry or be angry? Be angry with whom? She wasn't sure. All these emotions were overflowing inside her and she wasn't sure what to do.

Steeljaw could guess what was going on in her mind. Well, he wasn't sure how she will react to hearing this, but he was sure it will affect her.

"Come," he said while opens the door.

"Wha...Where?" she asked.

"I believe, you could use 'fresh air' like you kind would say," he said.

Elena was surprised to hear this. Was he concerned about her? Right then the words he said back then came to her mind. 'If it is up to me, I'll do everything to make you happy.' Somehow everything feels different now. Is she dreaming all this? Or he does has a point that she needs air. Better go to the second guess. She quick walks to the door, until she feels an arm around her hips pushing her against strong chassis.

"Easy now. You don't want to end up facing other cons in a death match." Steeljaw said while holding her close to him. Elena didn't answer that, mostly because she still wasn't sure what to do. Should she push him away? But he does have a point. If she dares to go alone, some other con will intend to hurt her. And to them, it all looks like she tries to escape.

Soon they both are walking in the hallway. Steeljaw mostly holds his arm around her to keep her close. Elena had her eyes closed for she still felt unsure about the situation. She didn't even want to see how others may look at them. She could only know that Steeljaw kept troublesome cons away from her. It was obvious when she felt his tail to go around her and heard him growl to someone.

After some walking, They stop, in which, Elena looks where they are. They stood on the ship's entrance.

"Can you turn back to human?" he asked her.

"Who? Me? I-I don't know. It worked back when I had my old size and look, but I rarely used it. I'm not sure how..." Elena said before she turned back to her human form. She looked at herself by ships reflection, trying to see if there any differences on her. Actually, the only difference in her was her clothes. She had now white dress with very short transparent sleeves and bit short skirt. While looking she managed to see from the reflection that Steeljaw also watched her, admiring her. But it didn't look like disturbing one, not like one when man look with dirty fantasies going on in their head. No, it was more like a good way, that you show new outfit to our boyfriend and it makes him go to you and say you look beautiful. Wait, did she say boyfriend?

"Admired enough?" he asked. Elena looked pouting at him. By Primus, she looks beautiful when she angry, he thought deep inside. Before she says anything, he picks her up and placed her to sit on his chassis. "Hold on tight," he said before he started to climb up to the top of the ship.

Once on the top, he places Elena carefully down. Once down Elena looks on the horizon. There's nothing but a water surrounding the ship and far was the land of trees and all.

"Do you recognize the place?" he asked.

"No, I don't think I have never been here before. Where are we?"

"That I can't tell. I asked to know if you recognize the place."

"And what would have happened if I did know?" She asked

"I just needed to find a way to block your Star connection, so you won't inform this place to your friends. Now I don't need to worry about that."

Elena rolled her optics. Like he would find a way to block Star connection.

She looked at the view in front of her and she started to feel calm. There was so calm and silent, in which only sound was local wildlife. Elena took a deep breath of air and let it out calmly.

Then suddenly from the forest heard howling, which got both of their attention. Looks like a local wolf pack is catering to meet. Steeljaw noticed that Elena looked in the direction where the howling was coming from. He could also notice form in her eyes that she wished to go there, but she didn't dare to ask. He pretty good guesses why. She can't leave the Island. Otherwise, she will know it's location and use her Star connection to lead Lieutenant Bumblebee and his team here. But he could see she longed to go into the forest. That thought brought back the time he once found her in the forest with wolf pups. Does she long for that place? Well, he would. Ever since he saw her there, during his walks, he has passed through that same place wishing to find her there. But while even if she wasn't there, he managed to see local wildlife on their activities. That is something he admires in this planet.

Then suddenly, Steeljaw howls loud, which surprises Elena. In some silence from far heard once more howling for an answer. Elena simply stayed looking at him.

"What? Didn't know I can communicate with them?" he asked.

"I thought you're not interested in animals."

"Have I ever said that I'm not interested?"

"No Con ever is," Elena said looking down. Steeljaw had a pretty good guess what she meant by that.

It appears no con hasn't been concerned about other living things on this planet. But he has. Even if he is good with subsonic and some tech, he admired the life Earth has. Back then when he and his pack lived in an old steel mill, he went out to walk in the forest to look for local wildlife. Even after he got thrown by Megatronus he stayed in the forest for a while before went look more allies and found Decepticon island. To be honest, he missed going out there, but now that he is part of the leadership team, he has been too occupied with work or looking after her.

Steeljaw kneels down to look at her and by one of his claw, he moves her head to look at him.

"I'm not like them. One of the things I like this planet is because of those living creatures and beauty on their homes," he said to her. "This world is different compared to Cybertron. It's beautiful, full of life, it's..."


"More than special. It's unique." He said. "Just like you," he said and caresses her face.

Elena couldn't help but look into his optics. In them, she managed only to see that what he just had said is true. But there was something more in those optics. They showed emotions she never thought to see in those optics. Why this feels so familiar to her? Realize that something is not what everyone thinks it's true.

Elena steps back moving away from him and turns around and walks to the edge of the ship to look up at the sky. Why is this so confusing? Ever since she life began from new with Autobots, she always was sure about who are bad guys and who are good guys. Decepticons always have been those who didn't care what damage they caused to others just to gain their goals. But yes, her father Optimus Prime thought that everyone deserves another chance, including Decepticons. And there has been some that have proven that. Like for example Knockout. Since when she has become like this? She honestly tried to be like her father had thought her, but still, she already thinks like the rest that all Decepticons are the same.

The wind in the night made temperature low that Elena tried to keep herself warm by rubbing her arms, but it didn't help much. In this she transformed to her new robot look, hoping to keep the cold away. It did a bit, but she still felt bit cold.

Then suddenly she felt two arms behind closing her into an embrace.

"You feel bit cold," Steeljaw said to her. Elena closed tightly her optics. The way he holds her, whispers to her... he is so close to...

"EYOO! Steeljaw!"

Thank Primus for that.

Steeljaw let's go of her and goes to the direction they heard it coming.

"What is it Thunderhoof?" He asked bit annoyed.

"Thos' two ask ya again," Thunderhoof said.

"Fine. I'll come shortly."

"Did ya have somethin' between?"

"No... Thanks to you" Steeljaw said before mumbled last words.

Once Thunderhoof has gone back to inside, Steeljaw went to pick Elena. She got by surprise when he picked her bridal style and carried her all the way from outside to inside and to his quarters.

Once there, he lets her down.

"I need to handle things. But consider what I told you," he said while caressed her face again before left.

Elena remained more confused than she already was. What was going on? Each day feels like he is honest when he said he like the Earth or her. What is this feeling?

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