Chapter 15

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Elena was listening to the music again. After what happened on top of the ship, she felt more unsure than ever. Unlike any other con, Steeljaw was different. Compare to Megatron, who simply wanted Earth just to rule it, because Earth holds an unbreakable bond to Cybertron. But Steeljaw didn't care about that. He likes Earth as it is. When Megatronus intended to destroy both Cybertron and Earth, Steeljaw fought back.

Elena tried to think more about it until she was getting tired. She put music player off and started to rest. Maybe things get clear then.

Just outside the carnival grounds, Bumblebee is playing mechanical bull with Silverhound and contacts Fixit for info on the beastly Decepticon. As Grimlock watches from nearby trees, Bumblebee is tossed and lands on Strongarm and the Dinobot sees his moment to attack. Silverhound promptly throws him before beginning to flee, resulting in Grimlock ending up in the midst of the carnival-going humans. Bumblebee observes the unfolding disaster, however, Strongarm is able to prevent Silverhound from fleeing and also comes up with a cover story for Grimlock, telling the humans that Grimlock's part of a new exhibit.

The next day, Silverhound is safely locked up in a stasis pod, however, Bumblebee announces that Grimlock can no longer go on missions in public as he's too hard to explain away when seen by the public. Grimlock felt bad about it and others could see it. Especially Gaia and Fixit.

Later, Grimlock is smashing barrels when Fixit reports that Quillfire's insignia has been found around Crown City. Though Grimlock's keen to go, Bumblebee's earlier order stands, Bumblebee and Strongarm head out without him. As night falls, Fixit and Gaia find Grimlock sitting dejectedly on a bus and Fixit reveals the list of potential disguises he's made up for Grimlock. Though the Dinobot isn't enthusiastic about the first few, the last catches his attention.

Bumblebee and Strongarm find Quillfire raiding an auto parts store. Bumblebee heads around the block to hem the Decepticon in, but when Strongarm tries a direct approach, Quillfire reveals the Mini-Cons Back and Forth, whose magnetic powers let them form a barricade between them and Strongarm. Unfortunately, Bumblebee is stuck in traffic, and Strongarm is soon buried under garbage skips. Quillfire and his Mini-Cons start leaving with their plunder, knocking Bumblebee out of the way as they go, and a chase ensues. Back uses his magnetic powers to fling street signage at the Autobots, and Quillfire jettisons most of his load, along with the Mini-Cons, in an attempt to stop them before finally taking both of them out with his quills. When Bumblebee and Strongarm bot hit by quills they made an instant stop, in which Young and Aqua got hit hard and knocked out, because safety pillows didn't activate. Quillfire was about to move in and finish them off when the police arrive and he decides to flee rather than risk capture, letting slip about the "island" where his new associates are based.

Elena gasped when she wakes up. She didn't have a nightmare. No, it felt different. Star Connection. Yes, that has to be it. She some someone or more like someone's in driver's seat in different vehicles after Quillfire. But the only possible option would be Bumblebee and Strongarm. Grimlock doesn't have vehicle mode. But that means, what she saw were Aqua and Young. They were after Quillfire until he... shot his quills at them. Then something hit girls hard. A sudden stop, without an airbag. They got hurt. The last thing there was seen or heard was sirens. Oh no... Aqua and Young must have got themselves hurt. All because of That... that....crazy revolutionist. She should have known that crazy porcupine will mean no good, but this has crossed the line.

She got up and started to walk out of the room to the hallway. The first con she encountered was luckily Clampdown.

"Wow wow wow wow wow! Hold up! where you think you're going?" he said while tried to stop her. He knows if something happens to her, blames go on him.

"Where is he?" she asked.

"Steeljaw? In the meeting."

"Where is it?!" She asked.



"Big hallway to the end." Clampdown said quickly.

Elena storms forward making grab move aside. Forget Thunderhoof, angry Star Supreme is way scarier. But so is Steeljaw, so better look that nothing will happen to her. Well, that soon was unnecessary, when she managed to beat couple biggest badass cons from her way and everyone came aware not to try to attempt her.

It didn't take long when Elena found the right door. There were two Chompazoids guarding the door. Both guards remain still and fierce, but closer Elena get there, guards started to doubt should they stay or run. Well, the answer came when Elena managed to actually knock out one of them and with another break the door.

"What in the..."Saberhorn said when doors blast open middle of the meeting. Saberhorn and Glowstrike confused who would have done that, while Steeljaw has already good guess who it was. Mostly because he smelled it.

"You selfish no-good sweet-talker traitor... Mud!" Elena growled while walked right them before stopped front Steeljaw. Saberhorn and Glowstrike just stood there. Whatever it is, sounded like drama. Hard to say was it funny or not.

"Okay before you continue listing insults at me, can you tell first why?" Steeljaw asked annoyingly.

"You let Quillfire out there and he caused a car accident to my Stars!" Elena shout.

"When you say 'car accident' you mean..." Saberhorn asked.

"He aimed his stupid quills on Autobots while they were inside them." Elena cleared.

"Well, I agree that was rough considering they were there, but then again in my opinion Stars shouldn't involve in such dangerous situations. So, it's their fault..." Saberhorn said before Elena took hold of his long pointy horn on his head and throw him down and placed her foot on his chassis to hold him down.

"You want to repeat that last part?" Elena asked growling.

"What manners!" Saberhorn said.

"Okay, time out!" Steeljaw said and picks Elena on his shoulders, in which she starts to fight back. "If you excuse me I have to take care of this matter."

"We can see that. We talk later." Glowstrike said while Saberhorn got up.

Steeljaw soon returned to his quarters and placed Elena down on the berth. She, however, kept fighting back until he managed to take hold both of her hands.

"Enough already!" he shouts while holding her down. "I know you're frustrated about your Stars, but there's nothing we can do right now."

Elena looks away while tears came out from her optics. As much she wanted to protest, he was right. There's nothing to do about it now.

As much Steeljaw wanted to touch her, kiss her, he had pretty good guess she will reject it. He simply sighs and let go of her, before leaving the room.

Elena just lay there crying.

"Fixit to Bumblebee! Lieutenant, do you copy? I repeat, do you copy?"

"Yes, I copy."

"Oh, Sir! Am I glad to hear your voice! Quillfire's signal indicates he's still at large, and you haven't checked in for hours!" Fixit informed. "We asked Stars to try they can see what happened by Star connection, but not all know how to use it. Gaia did seem to get something, but she then ran off and is heading to Crown city."

"We're fine, Fixit. Quillfire hit us with his quills."

"We-we appear to be surrounded by unoccupied Earth vehicles."

"There are devices attached to our wheels that prevent us from moving. Even our drive trains can't snap them. Attempting to transform to Bot-Mode." Bumblebee said while they tried to transform, but nothing. "No, go."

"The toxins in the quills are probably respensible-redonkable-responsible. You may not be able to transform until they wear off! You're in an impound lot?"

"How embarrassing."

"Quillfire mentioned an island with other Decepticons. That corresponds to what we've heard from other 'Cons lately. The auto parts he's stealing must be critical to their cause."

"Bee, forget your order and let me get you outta there!"

"No. We already have one crisis on our hands."

"Bee, Are Young and Aqua even with you?" Sweet asked. To be honest, ever since Gaia left, Sweet remained there to help Fixit. Flame and Ash had already gone to rest and obviously, since they weren't in Command center, they still didn't have their Star connection. But Sweet could tell some must have happened to them, for the only thing she could get that something happened very quickly.

"No, they are not with us. I just hope they are safe."

"Don't worry, Bee. Russell and I will come bail you out! Ah, wait we don't have proof of ownership. They'll never let us drive you out of there."

"So we won't say they're our cars!"

"May I borrow your Plasma-Saw?"

"My power tools are at your disposal, Denny Clay! Help is on the way, Sir! You'll be after Quillfire again in no time!"

"Good. He can't be allowed to get back to that island."

"I'll call if our situation changes. Out." Fixit said before waited that others had left. "Get dressed. While we're waiting, we might as well see if your new disguise will hold up in public"

"I don't know, Fixit, Bumblebee was pretty clear he wanted me to stay in the Scrapyard.

"That was before he was imprisoned with a dangerous Decepticon still on the loose. If Denny Clay and Russell can't free the Lieutenant and Strongarm, Quillfire may make it back to his "island." If we don't prevent that, and something awful happens as a result, keeping our cover won't have mattered! Grimlock?

"I'm gettin' dressed!"

"Looks like I'm charged on Command center," Sweet said.

After some crying Elena had fallen asleep. while, sleeping, She managed to see what was going on through her Star connection. She saw how Gaia tried to run to the Crown city to find Young and Aqua, but after running so much she got tired and fell to her knees. Elena wished to be there to help, but she couldn't. Then she saw a car stops near and someone came out to look at what was wrong. When Gaia looked up to see who it was Elena could also see who it was. It looked to be oriented adolescent girl, probably soon graduating from college. Elena couldn't help to feel that she has seen that girl before. The girl asked Gaia where she was heading and Gaia told that she needed to find her sisters. The girl helped Gaia up and told her that they can help her to get to the city. wait a minute, "they"? Elena followed quietly what was going on, while Gaia entered the car. In the car, there was a younger boy with glasses and Computer and other guy driving. Elena started to feel more, that she has seen them before but where she still couldn't tell. The boy with glasses asked Gaia about the Star-watch she had. He then asked if others had one too before he started to do something his computer. wait, a young boy with computer skills, a girl, another boy, obviously older than others...could it be...

Right then Elena wakes up. whatever it is, she knew she needs to act. She needs to leave this place. Time for the escape.

Right, then Toolbox came in.

"Star Supreme...?"

"Get ready, Toolbox. We're getting out of here." Elena said.

"We what?" Toolbox asked.

"You heard me. We go." Elena said and picks Toolbox up.

Once the door opens, Elena sneaks out along with Toolbox. Toolbox wasn't sure what made her up to this already. Sure, they have planned to escape to get some help, but are they ready for this? Does even know how where the exit is?

So, far no one hasn't noticed them and they were so close to the exit gate.

"How we open it?" Elena asked.

"The switch is nearby, but it's very well secured." Toolbox explained. And it sure was they got there. There a guard near the switch. Luckily, he didn't spot them, when he spot monitors. It appears someone was returning.

"State your business," Guard asked on the monitor.

"I return with some spare parts for the ship." heard from another side.

"That's our way out," Elena said.

The guard set some settings before he opened the gate. There was another Decepticon who came with spare parts.

"I could use a little help. You have to know idea how hard was to carry these." other Decepticon said. In this, the guard went to help to move parts into the ship. While they were busy, Elena sneaked outside with Toolbox.

They managed to hide in the boat before they heard a familiar yet angry voice.


Looks like they escape has been noticed. In this Elena transformed into her human form. Looks like the only way is to swim.

But when her foot touched the surface of the water, it freezes up just good distant. Once she tried how long it will last, she picked Toolbox before they started to run away. The ice started to spread ahead to the direction where they were heading. In long distant, they hear growling, which instigated that they weren't alone.

Elena transformed back to her robot form to run faster, while she picked Toolbox. They were a middle way when Elena suddenly falls down and drops Toolbox. She looks at behind her and notices what made her fall. Steeljaw had managed to catch her by her leg.

"Toolbox, Run!" Elena shout.



Toolbox didn't want to leave Star Supreme, he knew couldn't stand up against Decepticon. He needs to find Autobots. And luckily, she had told where to find them.

Toolbox rushed away from there trying to get to the shore. Steeljaw did notice escaping mini-con, but he didn't have time to go after him. If he did, she will then try to stop him and that will lot more painful. But that wasn't the only problem. Steeljaw soon noticed that ice was melting. Steeljaw growled a bit before he picked Elena and started to run back to the ship.

They managed back to the ship, before ice melt completely.

"What happened?" Clampdown asked when he and Thunderhoof came to the gate.

"She tried to sneak out, did she?" Thunderhoof asked.

Steeljaw just growled before carried Elena back to his quarters.

"I think that is 'yes'." Clampdown said.

"Ya think?" Thunderhoof said.

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