Chapter 19

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In the Scrapyard "away" team arrived with Team Prime. Optimus and the "away" team managed to secure one Windblade's storage. They arrived at the Command center.

"Welcome back, Optimus." Bumblebee said. "Any news during the mission?"

"Nothing. We have only managed to capture other Decepticons, but none of them doesn't seem to hold any connection on those who took Elena."

"Well, there might be a reason why. One con we managed to captured mentioned an isle, but we haven't got more intel of that." Bumblebee explained.

"But we now have well working Groundbridge," Grimlock said.

"Well done, Fixit," Sideswipe said.

"Actually I got some help from a new friend. Well, he wasn't new because Bumblebee knew them, but it was new to me so..."

"Knew? You mean...?" Bulkhead asked.

"Old friends said 'Hi'." Bumblebee said. "They, however, had to return back. Middle of the training. But they left you this." he said while gave something that looked like holo-projector. Bulkhead picked it and put it on so others could see it too.

Meanwhile, Optimus went to talk with Bumblebee, while Flame and Ash followed them.

"How is with Star connection?" Optimus asked.

"Well, it took some time, but They had finally getting hang of it," Bumblebee said while they came to one corner where Young, Aqua and Gaia wherein lotus position with eyes closed. Sweet was sitting on a pile of boxes full of who knows what.

"They have been like that since the morning," Sweet informed. "Who knows what they are going through. How's with you, girls?"

"We managed to get something..."

"Good. That's enough. When there's more than one Star in Star connection, the clearer the view." Sweet said.

In this, Flame and Ash took places with Young, Aqua and Gaia to get the Star Connection.

"This may take a while, but I let you know when we are through," Sweet informed.

"Excellent. The sooner we get any information, the sooner we find Elena and Decepticons." Optimus said. Bumblebee and Sweet agreed.

Elena started to wake up in Alchemor. She tried to remember what happened last night until all came back to her mind. And I mean all... She got up to sit and look down to discover that she was only in her protoform. Did she... Did they...

"Oh Scrap!" she groaned on the pillow. Luckily, no one didn't seem to listen, well one actually.

Steeljaw came out from the bathroom with a towel hanging on his shoulders, while he carried her dress-armor and place it close to her before he sat down on the berth before holo-pad appeared front of him before he went through something.

"Did we..."

"Well, I don't know how humans call it, but yes, we did," Steeljaw said. Elena groaned more. "I take this is your first time ever." Then he felt pillow hit him and turned around and threw it back Elena. "Don't be mad with me, you're the one started to..." he chuckled.

"Don't say it"

"Fine," he said before continued reaching something. Elena started to place her dress-armor on. She knew he had a point. She responded to his touch and kisses.

"If this comforts you, at least you didn't get sparked."

"A what?"

"Oh right, you probably don't know the cybertronian word for that. It's like when humans... what you call a female human who is having new life inside?"


"Okay..." Steeljaw said before cleared his throat. "I assume you have been told how femmes get Sparked."

"I know. Arcee explained it to me." Elena said before she remembers one thing. "Please, we didn't..."

"No Spark-merge. That is when two cybertronians bond together and I have thought to keep that for a special occasion."

"What special occasion?" Elena wondered

"When I choose my Spark-mate," he said while looked at her.

Elena blushed and looked away. She knew what it means. Right then, Steeljaw spots something on holo-pad and smirked.

"Find it," he said before gets up and heads to the main door.

"What is it?" Elena asked.

"Just handling one small thing," he said before passes through the door and call to com-link. "Bring them to storage."

Meanwhile, Bee Team and Away team speed along a road in search of a Decepticon fugitive they managed to locate. Former Team Prime went to visit old friends in Jasper Nevada while Sweet and Stars stayed in Scrapyard. However when Bumblebee orders everyone off-road, Optimus Prime disagrees and Bumblebee has to assert his authority over the team. At one point, switching to bot mode, they head into the forest and encounter a panicked Clampdown, who is closely followed by none other than Ratchet accompanied by the Mini-Con Undertone. A reunion takes place before they move in on Clampdown.

Soon as they arrived, Ratchet helped by checking the Stasis pods, while Grimlock tried explained what has happened. Well, as former Medic officer Ratchet has got used to "over-acting" telling.

"What about you, Ratchet? What brought you to our neck of the solar system?" Denny asked. For some reason, Ratchet looked so serious than usual.

"After we thought Optimus was no more, I joined others helping rebuild Cybertron. Over time, however, I learned they blamed Optimus and those who followed him for the ruination of our world and they wanted to forget he ever existed." Ratchet told. This shocked everyone.

"That's ridiculous. Optimus' team saved the galaxy." Windblade said.

"That's what I tried to tell them. In response, I was given a job tracking down war criminals. Undertone, here, became my partner." Ratchet told.

"Essentially, you were banished." Drift said.

"Exactly. But it was better than imprisonment, which I feared might be my fate if I protested." Ratchet admitted.

"That explains a lot," Sweet said while arrived. "Others had managed to see that part through Star connection. Turns out, Elena never had a breakdown by depression. She discovered the fact that all her friends and family were treated like that, not mention witnessed your sentences. After that, she cut all the connections and locked herself to Star Tower, not to mourn, but to meditate next move."

"Took long enough." pointed Grimlock pointed.

"Well, she has come to his father." Ratchet pointed. "That will be all, Undertone. He's the strong, silent type," he said while undeployed Undertone to his arm.

"Kind of like me," Sideswipe said.

"Yeah Right," Sweet mumbled.

"I've caught many fugitives, but this one took me years to corner, and the chase brought me to Earth. As I was wrapping up, I ran across your Clampdown, and then, happily, all of you." Ratchet finished his story.

"It is good to have you by my side once more, Ratchet," Optimus said. "Will you stay to help me uncover the truth about this Decepticon Island and save Elena?"

"Yes, as team leader, I agree." Bumblebee pointed. This started to worry others. "We'd be lucky to have you with us."

"Thank you. I'd be happy to assist." Ratchet said.

"Great." Bumblebee said. "Drift, Sideswipe, let's wake up Clampdown and see if he can get us some intel about Decepticon Island. Everyone else, at ease."

In this, went to their other things, while Strongarm decided to follow Bumblebee.

"Permission to speak, sir?" she asked.

"Go ahead, Cadet."

"I couldn't help but notice you and Optimus Prime don't seem to be on the same screen," Strongarm noted.

"Optimus and I had this whole conversation about who leads this team a long time ago."

"I remember."

"Sometimes, it feels like he can't help treating me like I'm still his scout. I don't want to wonder what Optimus thinks or would do every time I make a decision, and I don't want to keep countermanding him. it could cost us in the field." Bumblebee told. If only Elena was with them, she usually reasoned with both, but now...

"I'm sure this is an adjustment for Optimus, Lieutenant."

"I know."

"Maybe you should take him aside. See if you can work it out, just the two of you."

"Good suggestion, Strongarm. I'll look for the chance to do just that."

"Old Googly Eyes is coming around, Bee," Sideswipe informed.

"Good. Bring him to the Command Center. We'll question him there." Bumblebee ordered.

The Autobots attempt to interrogate Clampdown, but the Decepticon faints, just like every other fugitive, they have managed to interrogate. Before they can do anything more, Fixit reports an unidentified Cybertronian at the front gate. The Autobots prepare for a fight, the gate opens to reveal a damaged Fixit-style Mini-Con.

"Help me, please..." he said in a weak state before falls down.

"SWEET SOLUS PRIME!" Fixit shouts.

"You summoned us, Steeljaw?" Glowstikre asked

"We do not respond well to being summoned, good fellow. And it appears you're no closer to getting those Decepticon Hunters."

"Ah, but appearances can be..." Steeljaw said before pushed buttons in a certain order in which doors opened and took the Decepticon hunters. "...deceiving."

"Steeljaw, you did it."

"Well done, chap. With those, we shan't have to worry about rebellion in our ranks ever again." Saberhorn said and held his hand open to get the weapons. Steeljaw looked them bit confused. "Here, now. Hand them over."

Steeljaw looked them for a while before activated one of the weapons while smirked.

Elena was resting on the berth thinking what to do now on. Steeljaw became criminal because of High Council. All her friends and family are outlaws now because of High Council. All this... by the High Council. This leaves only one answer and that answer she already knows. She needs to make contact to Star Tower. But, the question is, will other Stars there know how to use Star connection? One way to find out.

But before she could have done anything, Steeljaw arrived in quatres and locked the door.

"What happened?" Elena asked. Usually, the meeting takes longer.

"Let's just say I got promoted, big time," Steeljaw smirked and showed the Decepticon weapons.

Elena gasped seeing the Decepticon hunters. "Where did you get those?"

"Others wanted me to get these to them, but why waste the chance?" Steeljaw smirk.

"You took over the whole lead in Decepticon Isle?"

"Yes," Steeljaw cleared while moved one of the weapons in his hand. "And now, that whole Isle is under my control, Soon as the ship is fixed we start to take over this planet."

Hearing this Elena collapsed on the floor. Is that what he truly wants? Take over the Earth? After what they... Everything was blurry around her. Ever since she was in high school she had heard how other girls gossiped who was with who. She wasn't much into those things, but she had an ear just to know to avoid certain persons. But after hearing so many dramas and in the worse case, how someone was raped, she decided never start dating until she was old enough and wise enough to protect herself from that kind of harm. But now, it felt like she has fallen for that what she has tried to avoid since then.

Steeljaw noticed her reaction so he placed the Decepticon hunters aside and took hold of her and lift her up to her feet. Once realizing this, she started to fight back and get out from the room but he held her firmly still and placed her on the berth.

"Let me go!"

"Listen, princess. I'm not going back to Cybertron. This is the only way..."

"No, it's not! You just don't care anything but taking over this planet and rule it. You're just like the rest of the cons!" she yelled before the slapped right to his face. In this, he growled before hold her down on the berth.

"Well, you're acting just like the Autobots! Always casting us to cons and threatening us like scrap!"

Hearing this, hurt her much. Her friends may have some doubts on some cons, but her father always reminds them all that every sentient being deserves a second chance. And now Steeljaw says she is ignorant like others. While tears started to come out from her optics she pushed him away and tries to leave the room, but Steeljaw managed to quickly grab her hand and pull her close to his embrace.

"You are more than that," he whispered to her. "Where is that neutral kind girl who didn't start a fight with vehicons in energon mine and studied it without no care in the world?"

"Don't play with me..."

"I'm not playing you. I mean it," he said while looks at her. "I love you."

Elena was shocked. Did he just say he loves her? Him? A Decepticon? But then she started to remember what he told about his past. Is it truly right to call him Decepticon? Before she could think any more questions he kissed her. It felt just like one in last night. But with honesty, care, and love. Elena tried to push him away, but the kiss was so good. It didn't take long before he broke the kiss and looks at her.

"Become my Spark-mate."

Elena wasn't sure what to say. But she could even say a word, the alarm started to sound. It could only mean one thing.

"A bit early than I expected," Steeljaw said before going for the Decepticon hunters. Right then, Elena takes hold of his arm to stop him.

"Please, don't do this!" she begged.

"If I don't do it, they will put me into stasis and send me back to Cybertron."

"No, there has to be away. I could talk to..." she tried to say before she faints and Steeljaw catches her before she falls. He had his remote on his other hand from which he activated her bracelet to pass out.

"It will be best that you won't be there to see. Above all I don't want to lose you," he said before he placed her to berth and left.

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