Chapter 20

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Since Toolbox, who was the one that came to Scrapyard told everything about Decepticon isle. And by what he told it would be obvious that they will be up hundreds of Decepticons. Autobots knew they can't take down all of them, even if they call the team Prime to help. But they are right now others side of the continent. Optimus wanted them to stay back up help just in case. Ratchet got the idea of Stasis bomb when Windblade mentioned that she brought cryo gas. If they could activate it inside the ship, all Decepticons could go to stasis. After studying the ship's plans, Bumblebee got the idea to take a bomb to ventilation system where it can spread far putting everyone into stasis. Optimus wasn't unsure the plan, but on that everyone, especially Stars could sense that something is wrong between Bumblebee and Optimus.

After some preparations they all ready to get into Decepticon isle. They disguised Grimlock as a con who would bring Autobot prisoners. Meanwhile, Denny, Russell, Fixit, and Sweet stayed waiting. Once In the entrance, Grimlock knocks out guards and everyone gets inside. After many hallways, they arrived in one huge chamber.

"Why are we stopping?" Optimus asked noticed everyone looking in one particular direction. There were other mini-cons working hard while two cons were watching over them weapons ready to fire if something happens.

"Toolbox, we need to keep moving." Bumblebee reminded mini-con.

"Of course." Toolbox said before they moved to another door. Luckily, cons were very occupied watching mini-cons that they didn't notice them. But right then when one mini-con was heading to work on other par, he noticed them.

"Toolbox, you've returned!"


"Autobot intruders in Cargo Bay 1-7!" guards informed.


"On it, sir!" Stronger said before shot the guards away from Mini-cons.

"Collect the Mini-Cons!" Optimus ordered.

"No! We have to keep moving." Bumblebee reminded.

"We cannot leave them here to…"

"Stop treating me like a…"

"Optimus! Bumblebee!"

Right then, Decepticons started to enter the chamber.

"They're coming!" Young Star informed.

"Defend yourselves. We're not going down without a fight." Bumblebee said before everyone picked their weapons, Grimlock transformed to Dinobot and Stars activate their watches and got their new outfits.

They were surrounded while two cons came forward. They were Saberhorn and with him Glowstrike. Then they made way to someone else, who was holding two Decepticon hunters.

"I wouldn't recommend fighting, Lieutenant. It would be so futile."


"Welcome, old friends, at last. To the first outpost of my new Decepticon Empire."

"Where's our Elder sister?" Aqua asked.

"Star Supreme? She is safe and out of harm." Steeljaw answered. "You should be honored. You're the first guests on my Decepticon Island."

"An island you stole, without style, panache or class," Saberhorn said. "We took you in.
We trusted you."

"Imagine that. A Decepticon turning out to be less than trustworthy." Steeljaw smirk. "Don't be so hurt. You put me in a position to possess two Decepticon Hunters. You practically begged me to seize power. I merely accepted your gift."

"I have another gift for you," Glowstrike said and prepared her stinger to aim, but Steeljaw was quicker and aim his weapon at her.

"I'd keep it if I were you." He said to her.

"Get ready to fight," Bumblebee whispered to the team.

"Let them take us as prisoners, so that…"

"I didn't ask for alternative plans." Bumblebee complained to Optimus.

"We don't have time for you to argue. So here's the new plan." Windblade said before transformed to started to fly to distract all the cons.

"Bring her down!" Steeljaw ordered.

While all the cons were occupied firing Windblade, Ratchet noticed one door open.

"Come on!"

In this, all Autobots and Stars headed to the door. However, Steeljaw noticed this aimed his two Decepticon hunters at them. It hit on Bumblebee and Drift, which caused Bumblebee to lose his Decepticon hunter. While Young and Ash helped their bots out off the Chamber, one of the cons hit Windblade down.

"Windy's been hit," Sideswipe informed.

"No! We can't help her right now."Ratchet said and pulled Sideswipe with them before Grimlock broke the door's controls shutting it down. Some cons tried to open it but were useless. Steeljaw growled on this. Whatever Autobots are up to, they now have the head start. And worse of all, they will go find her. He can't let them get her!

"Comb every corner of this ship. I want those Autobots!"

Elena started to wake up. She started to remember what has happened so far. Steeljaw had two Decepticon hunters and took over the isle and then...

Guys! They came to handle everyone from Decepticon isle. As much she wanted to feel relief, she felt uneasy.

"I love you"

Those words started to pop up to her mind. Then she started to remember the kiss. How it felt so good and...

"Become my Spark-mate"

She wasn't sure how to answer that. One part of wanted to say no, but another half…

"I don't want to lose you"

No, she has to stop them. Both him and her friends. In this, she gets up and goes to get the door open.

Meanwhile, Autobots have managed to get far from cons, but Bumblebee has already noticed that his Decepticon hunter is missing.

"Optimus, questioning my orders back there really cost us. We're down a teammate, and I've lost one of our most powerful weapons."

"Our primary mission is planting the stasis bomb in the island's ventilation hub. That takes precedence over everything else." Optimus reminds.

"Windblade has likely been moved to a secure location by now. We have no choice but to proceed with the stasis bomb plan." Drift said.

"All right. But we can't keep traveling in a group this size. We're too easy to spot." Bumblebee decides. "Drift and Ratchet will try to locate and free Windblade with Ash and Flame. Strongarm, you, Sideswipe and Grimlock, see about freeing the captive Mini-Cons with Aqua and Gaia."

"Bee, do you really want to break up the team within a team Drift and I have going?" Gridlock complains.

"We have nothing going."

"We're still working out some kinks. I'll stick with Strongarm and Sideswipe for now." Gridlock decides.

"Toolbox will take me to the ventilation hub. Because of his Prime Decepticon Hunter, Optimus will accompany me and Young to help protect the stasis bomb. After we're done, we'll rendezvous where we came ashore and get back to Crown City. Let's rev up and roll out."

Elena still was trying to get the door open, but nothing. No matter what she wasn't strong enough to tear a door open. And no doubt Steeljaw has set security code to make sure she won't escape. If only her element power would work. Tears started to leak from her optics when she started to fear the possible outcome. She doesn't want to lose any of them. Not her family and friends nor him.

Right then, she felt the heat on her hands and looks at them. They were glowing red and melting the metal door. Are her element powers getting back?

Elena didn't have time to wonder. She took the chance and melt the door away to get out. Once she was outside, she checked the Star connection to know where to go. Once knowing enough she hurried in one direction.

Bumblebee, Optimus and Young were still following Toolbox to ventilation hub.

"Shouldn't we be at the ventilation hub by now, Toolbox? I called for the shortest possible route." Bumblebee asked.

"We had to skirt some areas with high concentrations of Decepticon activity, Lieutenant." Toolbox explained.

"Doesn't anyone follow orders on this team?"

"Bumblebee, do not take your anger out on others. You are upset with me." Optimus said. Young looked worried. This either ends well or bad. If only Elena would be here...

"You're right. And this isn't the best time for this conversation, but the situation is too critical not to have it."Bumblebee said. "Tell me, why do you think you should be leading the team right now?"

"Experience. I have always led." Optimus answered.

"Here's my case: I know Steeljaw. I know what our teammates can and can't do, and I've been leading them for a while now without you looking over my shoulder. I learned from the best. You said you wanted to be equals on this team. Fine. I respect your voice above all others. But right now, I need you to have my back, because if a single voice does not lead, it means disaster for all of us. Do you remember who said that?"

"I did," Optimus answered.

"Sirs." Toolbox informed. They followed Toolbox to ventilation hub. And there was a good spot to place the stasis bomb.

"Perfect. Let's get this done." Bumblebee said before took off the cylinders full of cryo gas and placed them before adding the timer on them. With the timer, they will have time to leave the ship before it stasis bomb activates. But before Bumblebee could place the fuses...

"I thought you'd come here."

They all looked up and find Steeljaw up there. "You need some way to attack the entire island at once, am I right?" Toolbox hid somewhere near while Young covered for him while Steeljaw landed down. "Let's see. Not explosives. You wouldn't want to destroy yourselves. Cryo-gas? Whatever it is, step away."

"Not until you tell where the Elena is," Bumlebee said hoping to get some time.

"And why would I do that? So, you can go find her and take her away from me. I don't think so."

"Wait a minute. Away from you?" Young asked.

"What is that you want from my daughter?" Optimus asked.

"I would love to answer that question, but can we come to it later?" Steeljaw smirked. "You see, I read in our ship's library computers what these weapons can do when three individuals combine them."

"You only have two," Young noted.

Steeljaw kept smiling and showed that he had Bumblebee's Decepticon hunter. "You were saying?" Young growled for that. But no one didn't notice that her growl sounded like a lion's. "Now, I'm curious what happens when one being brings them together. Shall we find out?"

Right then, Steeljaw united all three Decepticon hunter, which bright light to shine until he stood there with one huge weapon and in armor. "I feel like I could take down all of the Primes together. What chance do you have?"

"Does that include a Star?" Young asked before she charged at him. She used electric blast at him, but it sure seemed to affect somehow, but enough to knock him out.

"My turn" he noted and used his weapon to summon same electric blast and it was way stronger than hers that Young passed across the room and fall knocked out.

As much they know it would be impossible, Bumblebee and Optimus also charged in Steeljaw, but it didn't help.

"I honestly can't decide if you're that weak or I'm that powerful." Steeljaw wondered before pushed aside. "You're right. I'm that powerful."

"I… disagree…" heard the unusual voice of YoungStar. By the direction where she came, she had electricity all over her body like she was overcharged. Her eyes were all yellow of power and her hair was getting fuzzy. But meanwhile, her clothes started to thorn up a bit, her hands had sharp nails like claws and she started to have fangs on her teeth.

"Young?" Bumblebee wondered.

Young attacked Steeljaw like a lion strikes on its victim. Steeljaw was surprised to discover that she was now stronger than usual. This time, he was having the challenge to keep her down. Meanwhile, Bumblebee took the chance and went to set the Stasis bomb.

"Get away from those!" He roared and tried to get remove Young away from him, but then Optimus went between to hold him still.

"Do it, Bee!" Young shouted.

Only a few fuses and the bomb started to countdown. Optimus managed to push Steeljaw far when Bumblebee came to him.

"The timer is running. Hopefully, the others are at the rendezvous, but we need to make sure Steeljaw stays on the island." Bumblebee reminded.

"With his weapons and his armor, he may be immune to the cryo-gas," Optimus noted.

"Then we need to disarm him to end his threat once and for all." Bumblebee decided.

"Even if we succumb to the cryo-gas as well. Whatever it takes." Optimus said.

"Whatever it takes." Bumblebee agreed.

"Then let's do this." Young declared before all three charged on Steeljaw. Optimus and Bumblebee took hold of Steeljaw while Young tried to remove the weapon from his grabs. It may have looked weird that a small person tried to take something big, but trust me, she was for some strange reason strong now.

They kept struggling before they heard a familiar voice.

"Stop it!"

Everyone looked at the direction where the voice came from and they all saw worried and concerned Elena.

In one moment, it was hard to say who she was referring to. Was it for Steeljaw, to beg mercy for others? Or was it for them? But if so, why? Well, they were also surprised to see Elena in Cybertronian form, so it was hard to say. Well, none of them had time to think more, when Young managed to remove the weapon from Steeljaw. The weapon landed on the floor. Elena tried to go for it, but without one to hold them together they started to be apart and it was causing huge light show that pushed everyone apart.

Once the light faded, Steeljaw was back to normal without the armor and Decepticon hunters were separated. But that wasn't what he was concerned. He looked for Elena and he found her unconscious. She must have hit her head. He tried to get to her, but right then a Lion made of thunders roared and came between. Inside it was Young with fangs and claws and glowing eyes. She acted like a lion, moving in four. Steeljaw now tried to reach the Decepticon hunters, but Bumblebee has already picked them and was fully armored with one powerful weapon.

"You haven't won. I will still claim my throne and bride." Steeljaw proclaimed.

"Not today, Steeljaw. Not when all I have to do is imagine the tools I need to defeat you." Bumblebee said and aimed his weapon at him. "Heat beam." In this, fire beam came from the weapon and it hit on the floor under Steeljaw which started to melt and him sinking to it. "Cold." then from the weapon came out ice beam and froze the floor leaving Steeljaw stuck on the floor. Steeljaw started to try to get himself free, but nothing.

The time was ticking while Bumblebee returns to normal and Young as Thunder-lion gave Elena to Optimus.


"We might still be able to make it." Bumblebee said. In this, Young went pick Toolbox to ride on her. Bumblebee and Optimus ran out from the hub. But while running, Optimus couldn't help but hear the last words of Steeljaw yelling.


Time was running out and the whole team was ready in the entrance. Drift and Ratchet had managed to save Windblade and Strongarm, Sideswipe and Grimlock had managed to save the mini-cons. They were waiting for Bee and Optimus until they saw them coming with Thunder-Lion, Toolbox, and Elena.

"Get in the boats! Now!" Bumblebee ordered. Everyone did so till every one of them was in the boat. "Full speed. The stasis bomb will go off any second."

Only matter of seconds before the bomb goes off. In the last seconds, Elena wakes up.

"Where's…?" She tried to ask. Right then the bomb went off and the was epic light show before it shut out and waves pass from.


"Elena?" Optimus wondered.

In this Elena get up from his arms and to everyone's surprise, jumps out from the ship. While her feet touch the water, it freezes creating icy way back to ship.

"I go after her," Optimus said before transforms to his vehicle form and follows her to the Alchemor.

AN: Hi. In this I like to ask Request to anyone who writes TFP/TFRID one-shots. I really like to ask one-shots of my OC with Steeljaw. If you are one of that , notify me, please ^^
I hope you have enjoyed so far my story and I promise this far from over. Till next time! ^^

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