Chapter 21

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Optimus drove fast as he could, but Elena was somehow fast. Why she is acting like this? Is there someone else they haven't noticed? Before thinking more possible options, he already arrived inside the Alchemor and transformed into his robot mode. After the Stasis bomb place feels cold. Luckily, the biggest effect happened already, but still, better get back outside as soon as possible.

Before he could take the next step he hears the familiar engine of the motorcycle. He turns around and sees Arcee arriving by the icy road with Sweet. Once inside Arcee also transformed to her robot mode and Sweet activated something by her watch, probably something to keep cryo gas getting on them.

"We came soon as we could. What happened?" Arcee explained.

"Elena for some reason came back here," Optimus answered.

"Why?" Sweet asked.

"That I don't know..."

Right then they hear the loud desperate cry. In this, they hurried to find where came from. But to Optimus insecure, they seem to come from ventilation hub, where they...

They arrived at the entrance of the hub and to their to their shock they find Elena crying on her knees close to Steeljaw, who was in stasis.

Optimus wasn't sure what to say. Is his daughter found on Decepticon? He wasn't sure what he should feel. Guilt? Anger? Disappointment? Worry? By what Bumblebee told, Steeljaw was a sneaky con to get what he wants. Was this one of his tricks? Make Elena fell in love with him? Or did something else happened? No, Elena wouldn't be too fool to fell in tricks. Love is her main element. And during their own private times, she told she wasn't going to fell in love unless it's real love. Then is this then...?

Right then, Elena turns around noticing them. Her optics were full of tears that started to fall down. Optimus and Arcee weren't sure have they ever seen her like that. It was so... heartbreaking to see her like that. In this, Optimus decided to calm down as he should as Prime and walked to her. Once close to his daughter he knelt down and hugged her. Realizing that her father wasn't going to lecture her Elena started to cry more while holding on tight on his arm. In this Arcee came to them and hugged Elena too. Even Sweet turn to her robotic wolf form and join the hug. She is still a hugger.

After awhile Elena has calmed down for crying.

"Elena, he still needs to be taken to Cybertron. You understand that." Optimus said calmly to her. Elena looks on Steeljaw's frozen body before she looks at her father.

"Can I say goodbye?" she asked. In this Optimus nodded before he, Arcee and Sweet leave the hub.

Once they left Elena gets bit up and moved close to Steeljaw and kisses him on his lips. While kissing a few tears fall on their lips leaving a salty sad taste of goodbye. Once she broke the kiss she said last words to him.

"I love you..."

After that, she leaves too.

The sun was rising when everyone was at port.

"We cannot thank you enough, cousin. We wish you would come with us." Toolbox said to Fixit.

"My place is fear-Sneer-Here." Fix it answered.

"We will finish repairs on the Alchemor and pilot the prisoners to Cybertron for re-incarceration. The cloak will be maintained, so no humans will detect our departure." Toolbox told.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to accompany you. It's been too long since I set foot on Cybertron." Windblade said.

"We'll hitch a ride as well." Ratchet said.

"We come too." Ultra Magnus said and Bulkhead and Arcee agreed.

"What about you, sis?" Flame asked from Sweet.

"I should go inform other Stars what's going on here. They probably know already what to do."

"Send hugs." Aqua teased. Sweet smiled big time.

"Windblade, I know this will be hard to hear..." Sideswipe said.

"Yeah, Slick?"

"I think I've kind of outgrown Cybertron. I'm not going back."

"Oh. I...uh... I guess I understand. I'll never forget you, Sideswipe." Windblade said

"I know," Sideswipe answered.

After that Windblade looks at Strongarm and rolls her optics. He's so trying to create sad goodbye moment there. Strongarm smiled showing that she will look after him.

"You gonna hang around, teamie?" Gridlock asked from Drift.

"Hmm. For the last time...."Drift tried to answer, but with a big smile on Dinobots face, you can't say no to him. Plus, he can do many things now and has been very helpful. "It will be an honor to continue to stand alongside you. Teamie." Gaia and Ash smiled to one another.

While others get on the boat which takes them back to Alchemor and Team Prime went to their ship, Optimus looks on Elena who was standing edge of the port looking on where Alchemor is. He, Arcee and Sweet haven't told anyone what they saw inside the ship. At least not yet. But it did gave him some questions to think.

"Will you stay?" Bumblebee asked.

"I believe I should return to Cybertron and investigate this new regime. But should you ever need me, I will come to your aid. Whatever it takes." Optimus said.

"Thank you, Optimus." Bumblebee said.

"What about Elena?" Young asked. Optimus looks back his daughter. Everyone saw her get up and run back to Alchemor, so it does raise some questions, but now is not the time for answers.

"She needs time to recover," he said. "I have suggested her to go Griffin Rock. To see old friends"

"Griffin Rock?" Young wondered

"I'll explain later," Bumblebee said to her.

"You are an excellent leader, Bumblebee. Never doubt yourself." Optimus said before he and Bumblebee shook their hands. After that, he and others left.


In Cybertron...

"People are starting to suspect us."

"The Stars have stopped coming to the meetings awhile now. I think they already know why Star Supreme left in first place."

"That's enough, Cyberwarp! As long Star Tower stands up, all Cybertron trust them guidance.

"Um... not for long..."

On the screen shows newsflash that Star Tower started to go down underground automatically leave no trace. Then suddenly all the screens came up One Star known as Peace Star, Star of wind.

"Fellow Cybertronians,

You may wonder the recent activity on Star Tower. We have just discovered treason against us. But for the safety of our friends and people, we can't reveal their identities. Not before we have proof. So, we decided to hide the Star Tower, to make sure nothing valuable knowledge will fall in their wrong hands. Our only hope is that those with rightful sparks can decide and see the truth of what going on and protect their loved ones. For now, we know that certain cities remain intact from their power and we fear they plan to use serious actions in future, so we advise you who don't want to get into this to go to these cities.

And as for you, who are part of this. We. Know. All. Of. It.

'Till All are One!"

Once the broadcast ended, this left chamber in silence.

"Now what?"

An angry roared came out one of the mechs while he hit the control system.

"So, that's how it is then," he said before pushed one of the buttons. "Get me all the bounty hunters and everyone in the list. A big reward to those who bring back Lieutenant Bumblebee along with his team and Team Prime and double reward whoever brings back Star Supreme."


"She caused this to herself, Cyberwarp! Now this time to face the consequences."

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