Chapter 3

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Elena went to check the front gate. To her shock the gate was open and security has been hacked. That means whoever set alarm first on and shut it down. Which also means that certain someone is still in Scrapyard. And she was already fearing who that someone might be.

She tried to look around, but she didn't saw anyone. But she wasn't a fool.

"I know you're here! Show yourself!" she yelled out loud.

No answer. She tried to look around again. It looks like the intruder is already inside and heading to the command center and most importantly; stasis pods.

"Fixit, get ready!" she called, but no reply. "Fixit?!"

Right, she felt a small sting in her neck and fell down. She checked her neck and find small nano-drone. It didn't take long to realize that this was meant to paralyze her. Her body started to get limp and she remained to look on the ground when someone came out.

She recognized who was walking near and kneel near her before her eyes started to close.

"Hello, my lady..."

Bumblebee and others came to the coordinates in the storage area, but they couldn't find anyone there. The place was deserted. Too silent. Either the 'con heard or saw them come and hide. Stars started to get more worried.

"Why I have a bad feeling about this?" asked YoungStar out loud.

"Because we are facing evil Decepticon," said Strongarm.

"No, she is right," said AquaStar. "Even I feel it. It feels like something really bad is going to happen."

"I feel it too," said GaiaStar. "And it somehow feels familiar."

"How come?" asked Grimlock confusedly.

"Something bad and yet somehow familiar..." said Bumblebee, while thinking. What could be so bad and yet familiar? They did handle Megatronus, so it can't be him. That's when it hit him. "Fixit, can you hear us? Fixit?" he tried to call, but no reply. " We need to return back to Scrapyard."

"What is it, sir?" asked Strongarm.

"I think Stars are right this is familiar. Too familiar to be exact," said Bumblebee. "We've been tricked here to leave the base."

"But why...Ooooh"

"The Stasis pods and elder sister!" said all three Stars.

Right then before anyone could take another step, someone fired on them. They couldn't see who because there was more than one shooter. The team took cover from fire.

"Now we really know they want us to be here," said GaiaStar.

"We can't get through with this. Strongarm, you and Aqua return back to Scrapyard we cover for you."

"Got it, sir," said Strongarm before transformed and allowed Aqua to enter. Team Bee waited for proper time to act before answering the fire and covering Strongarm's escape. Well, it was Bumblebee who answered with fire. Grimlock as usual charged on the enemy.

YoungStar and GaiaStar jump high to activate their watches and transform to their Galaxy- and Earth outfits.

"Young, Do you see who is shooting at us?" asked Bumblebee.

"A punch of mini-cons," answered YoungStar. "But I believe the big boss is near somewhere."

"Right you are!" heard a voice somewhere and something flies up on the Stars and tangled on them in which they fell down all tied up.


"I got it! I got it!" said Grimlock and run to help girls, but got hit too by someone. "Ow! didn't..."

"You better start to think giving up and leave." heard a voice near now. "I don't have time for this."

"What you want?" asked Bumblebee from the cover.

"We're here to get some warriors promised by Steeljaw."

Bumblebee's optics went wide. Steeljaw? Here? Where he would've found...? The Scrapyard! He lured them here to get into Scrapyard and release many prisoners as possible. And Elena! He might get his hands on Elena! Now he really hoped Strongarm and Aqua could get there in time to help others.

Strongarm and Aqua came quickly as they could to they shock they found gate wide open. While they got inside, for their relief there wasn't subsonic stopping them. But that didn't mean that they're through just yet.

They drove quickly to the command center, but there they got outnumbered quickly. Steeljaw had already released most of the prisoners and had Denny, Russell, and Fixit as hostages in the soundproofed glass.

"Ah, Cadet Strongarm and Star of water," said Steeljaw. "How nice of you to join us."

"Drop the act, Steeljaw. You all are going back to stasis," said Strongarm and point her Decepticon hunter at them.

"All by yourselves?" asked Steeljaw. "I think you haven't noticed but you're quite outnumbered here." in this he had point. He had freed Thunderhoof, Clampdown, Overload, Groundpounder, Springload, Quillfire and Bisk, which left eight against one and Star.

"Don't underestimate, Steeljaw. That what cost Megatronus dearly," said AquaStar before activated her watch and transformed into her moon outfit.

"Impressive. I see even you Stars can look after yourselves," said Steeljaw. "But that won't change the fact that you're outnumbered. Not to mention that we got your little friends," he said and leaned near the glass. Inside the glass Denny, Russell and Fixit seemed to try either break the glass or trying to warn them of something.

"Let them go!" yelled Strongarm.

"Oh we will," said Steeljaw. "If you let us go."

"Seriously?" asked AquaStar confusedly.

"No way!" said Strongarm.


"We can't let them go," said Strongarm to Aqua.

"I know, but we are really outnumbered and they could hurt others. Bumblebee would understand."

"You should listen to the Star, cadet," said Steeljaw. "They're most wise ones after all."

"SHUT UP OR I DROWN YOU ALL!" yelled AquaStar by her voice they could tell by that she was stressed. Strongarm sense that and she didn't want Aqua to feel like that. After all, the team won't work well if every team member isn't well.

"Alright you win Steeljaw," said Strongarm angrily while kept pointing her weapon at them. "Leave now before I'll change my mind."

"Naturally," said Steeljaw and signals to others that they could go. In this, they all left leaving just Steeljaw. "Now was it so hard? Do tell lieutenant that I said 'Hi'." he said while started to move to the exit.

"Wait a sec," said Aqua. "Are you hiding something behind your back?" she asked. Now that they think well, ever since they got in they find Steeljaw holding his left arm behind his back.

"Me? Nothing," he said and showed his left arm while moved a bit of his tail. This showed obviously he hide something behind him.

Right, then Denny and Fixit got pushed the glass of them, which broke into pieces.

"HE HAS ELENA!" yelled Russell.

"WHAT?!" said both Strongarm and Aqua.

In this Steeljaw decided to leave as well and this time it showed obviously that he had Elena. By quick look, you could tell she was unconscious.

"Fixit, keep Denny and Russell save!" said Strongarm, before she and Aqua went after Steeljaw.

Steeljaw was about to leave the Scrapyard before Strongarm jumps high and kick on his face, in which he let go of Elena.

"Game over, Steeljaw!" said Strongarm and point her weapon at him.

"Don' be so sure, copper." heard the voice of Thunderhoof, who manage to pick unconscious Elena.

Right, then Strongarm heard yelling and find Aqua been captured by Clampdown. She has transformed back to her usual look.

"You decide. You partner or Star Supreme?" said Steeljaw.

"What you want from her?" asked Strongarm angrily.

"Nothing much. She is just very attractive," smirked Steeljaw. "And with her, you Autobots had to think twice before going on us."

"Don't do it, Strongarm! AAH!" yelled Aqua, before Clampdown tightens his hold on her.

Bumblebee was still hiding from the upcoming fire. He had to find a way to release Stars and help Grimlock.

"Who are you? And what you know about Steeljaw?" he asked on whoever was there.

"The name is Scorponok. Steeljaw came to us and he promised us more warriors for our cause."

Bumblebee managed to see from his hiding that Grimlock was recovering from the hit and Stars were still trying to get loose. He needed to get them more time.

"What is your cause?"

"Isn't obvious? To leave this planet and go far away from you Autobots," said Scorponok.

"I'm afraid we don't give you that choice," said GaiaStar and touched the ground. Right, then vines started to grow quickly capturing Scorponok and his mini-cons. Scorponok tried to use his tail, but Grimlock catches it allowing vines to take hold on that too.

After that YoungStar let out shocking lighting to knock them out.

"Well done, team," said Bumblebee.

But right after saying that GaiaStar and YoungStar fell down and returned back to normal.

"Young, Gaia, what's wrong?" asked Bumblebee and came close to them.

"I don't know," said YoungStar. "I just started to feel so weak..."

"me too..." said GaiaStar.

"But what could...?" asked Grimlock.

"Elena," said Bumblebee. "Grimlock, handle the cons and looked after the girls. I return back to Scrapyard," he said before transformed and leaves.

Strongarm looked around and find that she has no choice again. It was either, Aqua or Steeljaw. Elena couldn't do much while unconscious and she was already held by Thunderhoof. There wasn't any choice, but let them go. In anger, she gave a good hit on Steeljaw's face before she throws him to Thunderhoof.

"Fine Go! Now let her go!" she yelled meaning Aqua.

"Clampdown," said Steeljaw, while cleared energon that was coming from his mouth. In this Clampdown let go of Aqua before went to him and Thunderhoof, who gave Elena back to Steeljaw. After this, they transformed and left the Scrapyard.

Denny, Russell, and Fixit came to see what had happened just when Bumblebee arrived and they found Strongarm and AquaStar on the ground.

"What happened?" asked Bumblebee from Strongarm. "Where's Elena?"

"They took her..." said AquaStar before started to cry. In this Denny and Russell went comfort her. Bumblebee was shocked by what he had heard.

After sometime later, They got Scorponok and his mini-cons into stasis pods. Fixit even made some upgrades to locking system by what he, Denny and Russell had seen when Steeljaw freed others. GaiaStar and YoungStar were still weak. AquaStar was still broke on losing Elena.

"Did you hear him say anything specific?" asked Bumblebee.

"He did tell he has met others cons and showed the location, but we couldn't see it," said Russell.

"It makes sense what Scorponok told us," said Bumblebee.

"But what would they want from Elena?" asked Strongarm.

"By what I experimented It could be her knowledge, her power or something like that. Back then she was captured for getting used in Omega lock and create synthetic energon."

"Should then go help her?" asked Grimlock.

"No," said Bumblebee. "As much we wish to go save her, we don't know exactly where they are. We don't even knowDecepticonsare there. We to think this through. And I have faith Elena won't be harmed. She is too valuable. And she has been this through before so she knows to handle this situation."

"Should we tell this Optimus and others?" asked Fixit.

"Not yet. We first need secure Scrapyard once more. And if Optimus makes a call, better ask what is the situation there. I don't want to cause any more trouble to him."

"It may be possible that they know it already," said Gaia, who had recovered. "For some reason, we Stars can't use our powers like we had so far. It's like we're back in our previous level."

"That may explain why you fainted," said Bumblebee.

"You think the same happened to Aqua too?" asked Grimlock.

"It could be possible. She got easily captured by Clampdown and she was back to her usual self."

"It may have something to do why Elena lost her powers," said Bumblebee. "We may need to keep them out of mission for a while until they are well."

"What about now then?"

"We keep eye on any Decepticon activity here," said Bumblebee. "It's obvious that Steeljaw is building an army and that makes him twice as dangerous."

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