Chapter 4

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In a crashed ship, Steeljaw walked to the front of other cons who he had freed from stasis pods. He was taking them to the command center to show them to the bosses. From what he had learned, on the ship were three leaders. Saberhorn, Glowstrike, and Scorponok. Well, scratch off Scorponok, he got captured by Autobots. He knew that they come here because of their Decepticon signal. He did tell why he destroyed his own, but Scorponok just didn't listen. And he had to pay the price of ignorance.

While walking to the command center, Saberhorn came forward.

"Steeljaw, you came already. Marvelous," said Saberhorn. "Have you seen Scorponok?"

"I'm afraid got bad news about him," said Steeljaw. "While I was getting these warriors I saw that he was captured by Autobots. I did tell him that they may find him if he won't hide his signal."

"I see," said Saberhorn. "Scorponok was stubborn one when it came to "getting advice" from other than me or Glowstrike. And now it became to his downfall. But at least you give us what you promised."

"That and more," said Steeljaw and showed unconscious Elena.

"A Star maiden?" amazed Saberhorn. "Very impressive indeed."

"I knew that with her here Autobots will consider the chance to attack here that is if they ever learn where we are," said Steeljaw.

"Yes, well thinking," said Saberhorn. "Follow me. I know where she can be while we talk this any further," he said while ordered few other cons to guide others to the command center.

Saberhorn leads Steeljaw to another chamber where was nothing but large pod in the center of the room.

"What is this?" asked Steeljaw.

"We weren't sure either," said Saberhorn. "But by a look at the control panels, this was designed to other Stars when they started to get their... element form."

"The form of their Predacon elements."

"Yes, by what manual told when Predacon inside the Stars started to awaken this was one design to keep them still until they learned to control it. The glass is thicker than any other and monitors keep track on any activity inside the pod."

"I see", said Steeljaw before placed Elena into the pod, before it closed.

"Now no need to worry. We will come to see her once we had talked with Glowstrike," said Saberhorn. "And if anything unusual happens we get an alarm to the command center," he said before they left the chamber.

But little did they knew that once the door closed Elena took a fetal position and looked like she was feeling unwell. Right, then she turns into her robot form but right then out of the pod something started to get closer the pod and surround it.

Meanwhile, in the command center Glowstrike and Saberhorn checked the new recruits.

"You had done well, Steeljaw," said Glowstrike. " These warriors seem more than... adequate," she said after passing Clampdown.

"You indeed had proven yourself," said Saberhorn. "You will reach far, my friend. Very far indeed."

Right, then the alarm went on. First, everyone got ready it was an intruder, while Saberhorn checked where it came from.

"Don't tell we're under attack," said Glowstrike irritating. That's the last thing they need right now attacks just when they got new members.

"No it's not," said Saberhorn after checking the security cameras. "Even mini-cons are in their place."

"Then where it came from?" asked Glowstrike.

Saberhorn checks, but he didn't get a chance to say where, when Steeljaw was already on his way to there. The alarm came from where they left Star Supreme.

Glowstrike and Saberhorn went after him along with few others. Once they got there, Steeljaw tried to get inside the chamber, but for some reason couldn't open the door.

"Something is up," said Saberhorn. "It must get open by force."

"Agreed," said Steeljaw. "Groundpounder, get this open."

Saberhorn and Glowstrike were surprised that Steeljaw gave orders, but they decided to talk about that later. Groundpounder came forward and actually tear door apart allowing them to enter.

Once inside they find more shocking surprises. The chamber was covered by plants. They kept growing and moving like they were living things or been controlled by something or someone. And what mostly got their attention was that plants were surrounding one particular place. The pod middle of the room.

"What is this?" said Glowstrike.

"I have heard that Stars may need to learn control their inner Predacon element when the time comes, but no one told it could go outside of the pod," said Saberhorn.

"She doesn't have Predacon element. She is Star Supreme," said Steeljaw and tried to get through. "Clampdown!"

Clampdown came through and started to remove plants by using his claws to get a through. Once the way was clear, Saberhorn went check the controls.

"According to this, glass got broken which set alarm. The plants must have broken it," said Saberhorn after checking the controls.

"And perhaps for a reason," said Glowstrike, while moved her hand on them. She found green liquid coming through plants that surround the pod.

In this Steeljaw started to remove plants from one part of the pod. Once having the clear view they found entire pod full of the same green liquid. But there was no sign of Star Supreme.

"We need to get it open," he said.

"The plants are mostly blocking the way," informed Saberhorn while tried to open through control panels. "We need brute force to open it."

For that, they knew who should try. Groundpounder came forward and started to break the glass. It, however, took more than one punch to break it, but he broke it and the liquid started to get out slowly. After six the punch, the glass break through and green liquid flow away like a river out of the pod on those who weren't wise to move out of the way.

Once it stopped, Steeljaw went check the pod, but when he looked inside he was surprised once more.

"What is it? Is she in there?" asked Saberhorn.

Steeljaw started to get something from the pod with both hands. Everyone in the chamber was confused until he started to get someone out there. To their surprise, it didn't look like Star Supreme, if not a femme. She had the light blue helm, which looked like hair with one curl coming separately from each moon shape Audio receptors. She had pink chest armor, light blue arm, and leg armors. And she had a long pink light blue skirt, which went between from the center revealing white skirt under it. What everyone, however, notice were familiar decors on her waist, chest and on her helm. A Star but now with a heart on top of it.

"Is she...?"

"Star Supreme, it seems like it," said Steeljaw.

Right then She moved a bit to face the floor and cough loud to get extra liquid out of her throat before collapsed on the floor. In this Steeljaw picked her into his arms.

"I need to take her somewhere to rest, " said Steeljaw. "Is there a medic in this ship?" he asked.

"No, but we do have something for that," said Saberhorn and looked on Glowstrike who knew what he was meaning. "Follow us."

After sending others to get used to the ship, Saberhorn and GlowStrike took Steeljaw to another chamber. By how it looked like some cons had picked certain quarters for their own use. In that particular room was necessary. The berth, lockers for polishing tools, door to the personal washroom and more space for whatever else someone wants to their room. Steeljaw was going to ask who room this was, but he might have pretty good guess who's it is, since it's probably possible that even if this is big ship most of the cons had to be roommates and big ranks seem to have own room, which would that this was either one of leadership trio's room.

Steeljaw placed Star Supreme to the berth right before one con came with one caretaker mini-con. To his surprise, it looked just like the one which Autobots have in their base, but this looks a bit worn up and super scared. Just quick angry look from Glowstrike and Saberhorn the mini-con got scared and moved closer to Star Supreme and started to check her.

"I didn't know you had this type of mini-con," said Steeljaw.

"Yes, we have more of him working for us," said Saberhorn.

"The inhibitor collars will prevent them to transform or use their weapons," said Glowstrike.

Meanwhile, mini-con made an analysis about Star Supreme. For some reason seeing her made mini-con bit relaxed and did his best. Soon he was done.

"Well?" asked Steeljaw.

"She is fine," said Minicon calmly. "Her energy levels have got low, but she is recovering."

"I see..." said Steeljaw.

"Well, while you're at it take full diagnosis on her," ordered Saberhorn. "Steeljaw, walk with us."

Steeljaw was now curious why but decided to follow if they got something to say.

"We notice how you handle the situation back there," said Glowstrike.


"You obviously have an eye on these situations. You have skills," said Saberhorn.

"And for that, we like to ask you to join the leadership team," said Glowstrike.

"You want to ask me to leadership team?" asked Steeljaw.

"I know it's quite surprising," said Saberhorn.

"Yes... quite..."

"And since you brought to us the Star, consider her as promotion gift," said Saberhorn.

"Really?" asked Steeljaw.

"You don't need to act so modest with it," said Glowstrike. "By what I saw she has turned into femme."

"A quite gorgeous femme indeed," added Saberhorn. " But while she is with you, try to get some knowledge from her for our use."

"If you insist," said Steeljaw.

After walking a while they returned back to the same quarters where they left Star Supreme. During their talk, Saberhorn and GlowStrike decided to give the quarters to Steeljaw for his use. They told him what they expect of him as a new member of the Leadership team and that what chance he has.

"And if there's something you need just let us know," said Saberhorn.

"Okay. Just one question" said Steeljaw. "When you said you want some knowledge from our Star guest, is there certain things you want before a certain time?"

"There's no worry for that," said Glowstrike. "Rumours has it that she can be a bit stubborn when it comes to getting information. So, try first tame her. Then when it possible get it for us."

"And like we said she is yours. Do as you please with her," said Saberhorn.

"You really allow me to?" asked Steeljaw.

"You're not fooling us, Steeljaw," said Glowstrike. "We can easily see you're infatuated with her. It's natural to want something."

"We, however, ask that you keep her out of harm," said Saberhorn. "We still don't know what she can do. And we don't want to take a risk that she escapes and reveals our location."

"I'll do my best on that," said Steeljaw.

After that was cleared and said, Saberhorn and Glowstrike left for their own things. Steeljaw went to his new quarters to find Star Supreme still resting. He found D-pad near her, which he obviously guess to be her health file. He went through it to see if there is anything to put on a note. By what he saw in pad showed the Star Supreme was like any ordinary Cybertronian, except her T-cog. It was bit different. In his opinion, it would mean she won't transform into a vehicle. Makes sense, he couldn't think a vehicle that suits her. But it didn't look like ordinary T-cog either. It was now merely guessing, but it would mean that she could transform into her original form, a human. What came to her powers, didn't show in the pad. It was either that she doesn't have them for some reason or they're not able to be seen by technology.

In this, he stops reading and looked at her. To be honest, he really didn't manage to put a note on her looks, until now. He so far was concerned if she was alive or not, but now that he knew it, he gets to see her clearly.

The curls in her audio receptors obviously remind that she isn't usual femme. Well, you couldn't say she is. She is Star Supreme. But now with this new body. Whoever planned this, sure made her look so...beautiful. Maybe even too beautiful. He moved his claws near her pink lips before caressed her cheek. In this, she moved a bit in her sleep, which made him move his hand from her. She, however, remains still quiet and peaceful, which leaves her more beautiful.

In this Steeljaw decided to let her be and went to the washroom to take shower to clear the green stains of him. There while showering he still couldn't help but think of her. The way she looked, the way she might act when she wakes up. Heck, he wouldn't care if what she will do. Saberhorn told she was his now and he would gladly make her his and his alone.

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