Chapter 6

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Meanwhile, with Autobots, Bumblebee, Strongarm, and Grimlock along their Stars were handling fire accidents recently. By Fixit's calculations, one Decepticon has caused it. And they soon learned who. It was Decepticon called Crazybolt and his mini-con Slicedice. Strongarm and Aqua went after them first, while Bumblebee remained with Gaia and Young to put down the fire. Grimlock went after Strongarm for backup. While Strongarm and Aqua try to catch criminals, Crazybolt uses a smokescreen to send her onto a busy overpass, where she accidentally sends another car into the side of the bridge. Grimlock arrives in time to grab the car and steady it, giving Strongarm time to evacuate the overpass, however, the car falls and only the timely arrival of Bumblebee prevents a catastrophe. The three Autobots manage to get the car back onto the bridge and make off without their covers being blown.

Back at base, Grimlock retells his heroic exploits to Denny, while Bumblebee instructs Fixit to monitor the emergency channels for more fires. After that demoralized Strongarm tries to turn in her Decepticon Hunter as she insists that, according to the rules, she needs to be placed on administrative leave for endangering bystanders during the chase. Aqua didn't say much on that. She just looked down. Bumblebee knew this is mostly because they couldn't save Elena from Steeljaw. What happened tonight was like "adding more salt in wounds" like humans say. Which why he tries to refuse, but the Hunter accidentally goes off and destroys some of Denny's garden gnomes with a laser blast, which only reinforces Strongarm's feelings of being a hazard to innocents. AquaStar once again didn't do anything. She just went to her own room to cry.

With Strongarm off field duty, Fixit works on attaching Grimlock's trailer hitch to Bumblebee's tail end, much to the Autobot's discomfort. Denny advises Bumblebee that he needs to do something to give Strongarm a confidence-boosting "win" and get her back in the field, so they come up with the idea of rigging up a control panel so she can assist Fixit, a plan the fussy Mini-Con reluctantly agrees to. They soon have an external control panel rigged up and try to get Strongarm to use it to find a pattern to the fires. Unfortunately, the buttons are scaled to Mini-Con-sized digits, and she accidentally triggers the Scrapyard's defense systems. Though they're quickly shut down again, Strongarm is further demoralized and goes to sit in a corner in truck mode. Fixit detects a fire in Crown City State Park, and Bumblebee has him pull up information on Crazybolt and Slicedice. Bumblebee not-so-subtly hints that they could really use Strongarm's help with this mission, but nothing doing.

Meanwhile, AquaStar still felt sad for failing as well, but then her watch started to glow. She looked at to see it was a call. Who would it be? She activated it and in her watch came hologram message from PeaceStar, the Star of wind and water. She was surprised that ancient Star made contact to her than Elena, but PeaceStar told that since she is Star of water she has rights to get advice from former ones. Aqua told Peace why she felt so sad, that she couldn't protect Elena and now she and her partner Strongarm took administrative leave because they almost caused trouble to innocents. In this PeaceStar first listened and then told she sound like Elena back when she joined Autobots. She told the story when she died and how Elena took it hard. This impressed Aqua by hearing this story. But from it, she learned an important lesson; everyone makes mistakes, but what really matters is how you respond to them. In this, she left her room and went to the command center.

Bumblebee and Grimlock eventually reach the park with their Stars and locate the two Decepticons and the battle that ensues results in another fire starting. Bumblebee realizes the blaze has quickly gotten too big to leave to the already-overtaxed human firefighters and lets the Decepticons flee. Complicating matters, they find a small group of trapped bird watchers. Gaia and Young went look after the humans, when Fixit and Denny divert tanker planes to help while Grimlock and Bumblebee create a fire break, however as it turns out, the planes are still too far away to arrive in time to save the humans. Even Gaia and young got tired and bird watchers took them far from the fire, so they won't burn first. Grimlock is ready to break cover to save them, but Bumblebee realizes it's too late even for that, as the inferno has grown to the point where even the Autobots are starting to heat up, meaning carrying the humans through it would basically doom them. Bumblebee radios back to base and starts recording a message for Optimus Prime to apologize for his failure, but when Strongarm objects and tries to talk the lieutenant out of giving up after a mistake, he turns her own words right around on her. In this Aqua came forward and agreed with Bumblebee encouraging Strongarm to go and help them. With help from Denny and Fixit, a reinvigorated Strongarm heads up the mountain with a load of water and is able to create a trail up to the trapped bird watchers. While Bumblebee and Grimlock continue fighting the fire, Strongarm takes the humans to safety. Meanwhile, AquaStar activated her watch after a long time and got a new outfit. A golden blue armor with pearls and golden trident, while her hair looked like a wavy ocean. She jumps high until she floats above the forest and raised her trident to the sky. Right then out nowhere rain started to pour hard to tame and shut down the fire for good.

Back in the scrapyard, the team watches a news broadcast about the fire. Gaia and Young congratulate Aqua for her new upgrade and Bumblebee return Strongarm's Decepticon Hunter. Strongarm gives it an experimental swing in blade mode, coming within inches of decapitating more of Denny's gnomes... and much to Denny's relief, not a one is harmed because she's a professional.

Meanwhile, in Crashed ship Alchemor...

Elena just lay on the berth. It was almost the only thing she ever did unless she decided to take shower or something. So far Steeljaw hadn't done any harm to her. Only caressing her by face, shoulders or arms, but it didn't change much. Elena knew showing affection in Cybertron was totally different from Earth's, which why for her those so-called affections didn't work much. Steeljaw had noticed it after a couple of times too and he had put note since Elena is...was human she doesn't react like other femmes. That's why without her knowing Steeljaw had started to study how humans do show affection to each other. He was now reading some of it at his new desk, which he got recently to his quarters.

Right, then Thunderhoof knock the door before he enters.

"Yo Steeljaw, those two are lookin' for ya," he said.

"Did they tell why?" asked Steeljaw.


"Fine," said Steeljaw. He knew that when it's something about him, Elena or something else that shouldn't be spread out to others it means is a serious matter, at least to him. "I'll be there shortly."

After this, Thunderhoof left. Steeljaw got up and looked on Elena. He knew she would just ignore him or wouldn't allow to touch her. So he let her be and left.

Once the door closed Elena waited til steps sound far. She got up from the berth and walk to the door. She heard while behind it to check if there's anyone else there. She knew Steeljaw had point on one thing. Some of the cons did want to kill her because they blame her for getting into prison ship. And she might recognize some of them too. Although it been like few months after Cybertron was back as it used to be, Elena didn't come forward to the council since...that day.

Elena shook her head to clear her head. She needs to concentrate. She opened the door and looked both sides before going out. And from there it went quietly. This time she checked twice if there are cons coming or going and it went quite smoothly. She wasn't sure where she was going but better look around to know where is what.

So far no one saw her and she had gone so far that who knows where she was. She wasn't even sure from where she came from. Oh great, that's what we need. Getting lost in Starship full of criminals.

Right then her thoughts got interrupted when she finds herself near one entrance which leads to on huge hallway. She peeked to see what was there and find lots of caretaker mini-cons working while few guards watching over. To her surprise, they all looked like Fixit, but that's when she remembered what Steeljaw told. Fixit must have been on one section which got apart from the ship. And Aqua and Strongarm did mention that there were more mini-cons in the ship they found underwater. So, there should be more caretaker mini-cons. But that's when she looked closely and saw how badly they looked. They were all worn out. The cons must have turned them into slaves. This made her angry.

Right, then one of the mini-cons fall because been exhausted. the guard noticed this and point the weapon at it. In this Elena had enough and charged on the guard making him shot elsewhere. In this mini-cons stopped and were amazed to see her.

"Hey! Get back to work!" shouted another guard. In this Elena throw the first one at it. While the guards tried to recover, Elena went check the mini-con who got tired.

"Are you okay?" she asked from it.

"I can't believe it. You are Star Supreme." said mini-con.

Right, then the guard got up and were really mad by now. Elena, however, stood in front of them trying to protect the mini-con.

"You lay one hand on them and I ..."

"You what?" said one guard. "It's two against one, missy. You won't win."

Elena knew this, but she was going to try. She took fighting position waiting for them to their move. One of the guards charged at her, but she managed to dodge his strikes. Until she got hit right in the stomach and she falls on her knees. She forgot that cons either fight dirty or they don't care to hurt ladies. And there could be possible that they do both. While on her knees the guards started to kick her all over, but she didn't say a word. As a daughter of Optimus Prime, she knew she has to support this; survive this.

"Hmph! She doesn't even scream." said one of the guards. They got tired of kicking her and yet she remained the same. She, however, had got too tired. After getting kicked in the same place more than once, Elena wished to just lay down and let her body calm down and recover. But she knew it won't be possible right now.

"Well, maybe This will make her." said other guard and prepared his gun to aim Elena.


Heard voice near the entrance. However, Elena didn't get the chance to see who it was because her optics were shutting down. The only things she saw before that was someone coming forward and after that two more. After that, she fell in recharge.

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