Chapter 8

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Somewhere in canyons, away team was looking for another Decepticon signal. But for some reason, they couldn't get a better signal. So far they need to go a bit ahead to get the better signal. Sideswipe irritates the others by recounting a story of how he tricked Strongarm into thinking he could time travel. Flame and Ash were already counting who should smack sense to him before someone decides to silence him for good in a bad way. Windblade complains about his inability to remain quiet but is alarmed when Optimus Prime stumbles. Though he claims to be alright, a short time later a couple of Mini-Cons jump out of a nearby bush and proceed to knock him down with their ice and fire powers. Though Windblade's ready to step in, Drift sends AshStar, Jetstorm, and Slipstream to deal with the pair, holding her back as the fight will test his students. Unfortunately, the three students are overcome by their opponents, so the larger Autobots move in, at which point their opponents disappear in a flash of light. Soon as the mini-cons disappeared Optimus contacts Fixit who is able to identify them as Swelter and Glacius, but can't find a record of the Razorpaw that the pair mentioned. This surprised Sideswipe and FlameStar. So far all Decepticons they had found were from Alchemor, but this Razorpaw wasn't. Where did he come from? But that wasn't what worried Windblade. She was now worried about Optimus health, but he told it's not important. They needed to focus on capturing those Decepticons. So they kept going.

The Autobots move out to continue their search and Optimus soon detects a signal ahead. The Autobots suggest Optimus hang back as he seems weakened, but he intends to face the Decepticon with the rest of the team. Windblade talks with Drift, Sideswipe, and Stars, who believe Prime knows what he's doing. Stars tired told that if He would be so weak as expected, Elena would have asked so before left and that as Prime knows how to fight even as weak. Sadly, Windblade resolves to protect Optimus herself. As they split up to search, Windblade starts attacking nearby suspicious bushes. When one bush seems particularly active, she pushes Optimus down, only to discover the hidden danger within the bush is actually a woodchuck. To been annoyed and to defend its territory the creature attacks her, sending her off a cliff and into a swiftly flowing river. Sideswipe gives chase and, after one attempt to rescue her fails, manages to grab her just short of a massive waterfall. Despite limping from an injured leg, Windblade is still determined to protect Optimus. The Autobots are unaware they're being spied on from afar by Swelter and Glacius, who have brought them to the attention of Razorpaw himself.

Optimus's team finds a deserted army base full of military vehicles. On finding a hangar which has clearly been broken into, Optimus splits them into two teams — one to go in and check it out, and the other to check the immediate area. Windblade successfully argues she should be on the latter team so she can accompany Optimus. The Stars knew that she still hasn't learned, but decided not to speak while one of them goes with one team and another one with another. A short time after entering the hangar, Sideswipe and Drift are attacked by Swelter and Glacius who trap them in a cocoon of metal. AshStar, who was with them manages to escape outside. Though disgruntled at their treatment by Razorpaw, the two Mini-Cons head outside to help their companion. Optimus, FlameStar, and Windblade hear the noise from the hangar and saw AshStar coming for them, but are interrupted by Razorpaw. Windblade throws Optimus aside with Stars to tackle Razorpaw herself, however, Razorpaw reveals that contrary to what she thinks: he is after her, not Optimus. Stars tried help, but Razorpaw managed to push them away like they were nothing. Swelter and Glacius join the battle, occupying Optimus long enough for Razorpaw to drain some of Windblade's energon reserves. Razorpaw moves in on Optimus, but the two Mini-Cons start bickering with him. Optimus, who has been feigning defeat, takes the opportunity to level the three Decepticons. Even Stars took chance and got their new outfit upgrade to help Optimus to defeat the cons, knocking out Razorpaw and smashing Swelter and Glacius between two jeeps.

After Optimus helps Windblade up, the pair enter the hangar and start freeing Sideswipe and Drift, although Drift says there's no hurry as Sideswipe has finally been forced to shut up. Hearing this Stars started to make victory dance for enjoying silence and for once Sideswipe gets something on him. But after that, they helped Optimus and Windblade to get them free.

After getting even Sideswipe, they got another signal getting near at them from outside. They went look what it is and find it to be a Cybertronian spaceship. The team was ready to fight, but for some reason, Optimus and Stars knew that whoever is on the ship isn't the enemy.

Right, when the ship landed, it's doors opened and someone was in the entrance. Whoever it was it got Star and Optimus's optics wide for a surprise.


Back in a crashed ship, Elena has mostly now rested in the berth. According to Toolbox, she was still weak. Even if she didn't look so sick, her energy level was still a bit low of normal, as Toolbox would say. Honestly, you could say it's because she threw up energon, which means she needs to refuel.

Steeljaw comes into the room with a cube of energon. He placed it on the table near her, but she didn't take it. She simply looked away.

"You need to refuel," he said. "And it's not poisoned."

"Wouldn't your new friends notice energon is getting low because of me?" she asked.

"We got enough energon in storage. Some here drink it more often in Rec room."

"But wouldn't you need it for the ship too?" she asked.

"I was going to ask that, but Saberhorn showed old maps and I think you know what they were," said Steeljaw and showed the map.

"The old energon mines on Earth during the war."

"Yes. It looks like some of them were left here when the war ended and it's true some of them are way far from here, but there are a couple of mines near here and we have sent those with such experience to collect energon we need."

Elena didn't answer on that. It's true when they defeat Megatron the war ended. To be honest, she never asked about the mines back then. She totally forgot them. All they did was first go to Cybertron to revive it and then they came back to pick their things and other cons who survived and then left. Not to mention, there were also certain energon mines they never get hands on. And now all they needed was to pick energon signal and to find them. To be honest they probably found one of those mines which belong to Megatron, since he took most of them and hid them well.

Even still after hearing it Elena hadn't touched the cube. Steeljaw noticed this but decided to let her be. In the end, she will drink.

"I'll go intend some things now. You try to recover yourself meanwhile," he said.

"Like you would care?" she said. "I can't escape like this, so why to try to heal me?"

"I just do," he said and left.

After some time, mini-con Toolbox was walking through the hallway. Now that he has become Star Supreme's caretaker, he was released from hard work and allowed move freely. He, however, was still bit afraid so he moved carefully. Toolbox arrived at the room just when Steeljaw was also coming to there. Toolbox got scared when he saw him coming.

"You came to check her?" asked Steeljaw.

"Yes, sir." said toolbox.

"What you have so far?"

"She seems to be better now, but it would be much better if her energy and energon levels would get back to normal."

"What if not?"

"It will slow her healing progress or get worse."

"Let's hope then she has got at least energon level up. I left her cube before I left," said Steeljaw.

"Oh. Then she should be much better now," said Toolbox.

Steeljaw opened the door to the room. But when they came in what they saw shocked them both. The energon cube was untouched and Elena looked too tired and weak.

"Sweet Solus Prime!" said Toolbox and went quickly check her. Just like as he feared. Her levels just got lower than last time.

"What's wrong with you?! I told you that you need to refuel!" yelled Steeljaw to her.

"Why would you care..." she said.

"Miss Star Supreme, you need to refuel. Otherwise, you may get worse and die," said Toolbox.

Elena didn't reply. To be honest she didn't want to get worse. What she really wanted was getting healed up quickly as possible, pick Toolbox and out of the place and get back to others. But she just didn't want to take the energon. She didn't want to give any pleasure to her captives to eat from their hands.

Then Steeljaw had it. He moved her so she could face him. She did try put against, but she was already too weak. Toolbox was scared of what he will do, but he still was too scared to go against con who could make him into Scrap. So he covered his optics and looked away.

Steeljaw holds Elena still by one hand and with a free one, he picked the cube, drink it and then did something unexpected. He kissed her. This surprised her and remained in shock when she felt energon flow into her mouth.

After he was done, Steeljaw broke the so-called 'kiss'. While he removed his mouth from her, Elena still remained shocked. Toolbox peeks out and remained confused since he didn't see what happened.

"Would you now refuel or you want me to repeat it?" asked Steeljaw seriously.

That got Elena back to reality. She was going to raise her hand and slap him for doing that, but she put a note that she was still weak. In fact, none of this wouldn't have happened if she would have refueled. Is there someone to blame it's herself.

She tried to reach the cube to finish it by herself now, but her hands were shaking by lifting it. In Steeljaw took hold of her hand and placed the cube on it. In this, he moved to the door, while she started to drink it carefully. Once the door closed Steeljaw remained a bit confused himself. What he just did back there? Obviously, he did it to make sure that she will refuel, but it felt.... strange. But why? Now that he remembers, while he was passing through the area to find more Decepticons, he had put note how humans act. Wasn't it that something humans did when they were...together as a couple. What was it again...? Kiss.

He moved one claw on his mouth remembering how it felt, how she felt, how she looked. She obviously knew what it was, which explains why she was shocked. And yet felt nice.

"I see now why humans use it a lot," he said to himself. In this, he started to walk away. After what happened Star Supreme needs another cube to recover. Of course, she will now drink it for sure, but he wouldn't mind finding another way to get kiss her again.

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