Chapter 2

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It wasn’t easy, but the Rescue team in Faxian managed to bring escape pod into Doctor Szeto's lab. There was no doubt that it is a Cybertronian escape pod. It not only had an Autobot logo if also data code from which ship it came.

“It’s indeed from Alchemor,” Quickshadow confirms.

“What's so special about that?” Dani asked.

“Alchemor is a Prison-ship,” Elena answered. “It crash-landed to earth and many prisoners got free.”

“The one you told us?” Frankie asked.

"Didn't you told that Bee and his team managed to capture all of them," Cody asked.

"I think so. But my dad and others went with it back to Cyber…" Elena said before some reason stopped.

"What is it?" Dani asked.

"Can you see who is inside?" Elena asked.

"We could try." Doctor Szeto said. "Thanks to advanced techniques from PeaceStar we have upgraded x-ray to see even under any metal, including living robots."

The machine was luckily small enough to hold on the hand and see what was inside. It showed that there was one small and one big bot inside. 

"Open it," Elena said once seeing what was there.

"Really? Is it safe?" Blades asked.

"There's Star inside."

That was enough reason to open the pod. It took some time, but they managed to open the escape pod letting out worn-off cryo gas when one small figure collapses down to the floor. Elena recognized quickly who she is.


Elena went quickly to check her condition.

"Is she…" Cody asked.

"She is alive," Elena informed. "But she needs medical attention," she said before noticing Star-watch and activated to turn her into human form. "This should help out doctors to heal her."

"Was that all?" Frankie asked.

"No. There's another one. But I rather release him somewhere else which doesn't have humans, just in case."

"Will the training Academy do? We haven’t got new students yet and we have med bay ready just in case." Cody suggested.

"Not to mention well secured if there's a bad guy inside."

"Why you had to say that, Dani?" Blades complained.

"It would do. Quickshadow, will you help us?"

"As you wish," she said and went to help Blades to move the pod to the Groundbridge.

"Doctor, let me know when Peace recovers," Elena asked.

"We take good care of her." Doctor Szeto secured.

Back in the Rescue training Academy, Boulder was checking the pod while Heatwave was feeling uneasy.

"Let me get this right. This escape pod came from Prisonship called Alchemor. Which Optimus was taking back to Cyberton with his team and you already find out there was Star inside, but still one Bot." Heatwave asked.

"Yes," Elena confirmed.

"Well, now things get worried," Kane said.

"What you mean?" Cody asked.

"I have tried call Optimus many times already, but he won’t answer," Heatwave told.

Elena was feeling more worried. First, escape pod from Alchemor now no answer from her father. Was Alchemor attacked? Well, considering that PeaceStar was in escape pod it means all this happened close to the Cyberton.

Elena decided to use Star connection to see what happened. In the connection, everything looked so calm. There was Star Tower's interior and Peace and Strength talking to Burn before they activated Spacebridge. Peace and Strength went through it and they arrived into Alchemor. There they arrived quickly to Optimus and others to explain something. But soon alarms went on and everything started to go fast. The last thing she saw clearly was when PeaceStar went to escape pod. But then she turns around to face Optimus, who spoke to the Bot who was inside the pod. "Find my daughter and protect her." In this pod closed and launched to space. But then something was shocking the pod before all went black.

"I got it open," Boulder informed.

Elena looks up to see the pod cracked open before something fell down from it. Everyone was surprised about that, but what she saw shocked her.


Everyone wasn't sure how to react when Elena runs to the bot that resembles a wolf. Cody and Frankie looked concerned by his condition because they already knew about him and what he means to Elena. But the question is how others will react?

It didn't take long before Steeljaw was resting in the training center's medical bay. Boulder was checking the monitors for the readings. According to him, there was lots of damage, but not serious ones. It will take some time to wake up and know the true damage result. You know, if he can walk or if something is broke. Chase was giving some help, while others were hallway waiting.

"Who is the big bad wolf? OW!" Kane asked jokingly, before Elena slap behind his head.

"You know him, Elena?" Chief Burns asked.

"I have an important question. Is he a Decepticon?" Heatwave asked. Since one visit of Bumblebee and Sideswipe, they were aware of what Bee was doing. Also, Optimus did mention he was helping there too. So, yeah, they know about that Decepticons are now known as criminals.

Elena stood quiet while felt everyone looking at her. It was so tense now. At one point she couldn't take it and left the room. Dani and Kane tried to call her back, but Chief Burns stopped them. He may not know all, but he was certain she will tell when she is ready.

Elena runs to the outside of the training center. She stopped close the fake tree which holds the power panel and hologram cover. She looks up to the sky, like trying to find answers, but she knew it is impossible. Everything seemed so complicated. She feared to tell them the truth. Cody and Frankie did understand her, but what about others. What if they start to ask Bee and his team? What then they say?

Tears started to fall from her eyes. She tried her best not to cry, but soon she collapsed and started to cry aloud. She didn’t know what to do now. 

Then she heard close whining. She looked up and noticed Servo whining worried. Like any dog, even Servo could sense something was wrong with her and he wishes to cheer her up. Elena dried her tears before she hugged Servo.

"You won't think I'm going crazy, Servo?" Elena asked. Servo leans his head on her knees. For him, it means I'm here to listen.

"Whoever said you are crazy?" 

Elena looks up and finds Chief Burns with Cody, Chase, and Heatwave near her.

"I know, you said I can tell dad, but I think it's best if you explain to him," Cody said. 

Elena sighs before starts. "Yes, he is Decepticon"

"There's "But" coming…" Chief Burns guessed before anything.

"He was convicted as one because he tried to start a rebellion against High Council and their strict rules."

"How strict we are talking here?" Chief Burns asked.

"Let's say that what Chase did as Mayor is nothing compare to them."

"Did they cut power to save money? One way streets with ten miles per hour speed limit?" Chase asked.

"No… let's say it's like instead giving a parking ticket or community service from high speed or by accidentally destroying public property the only punishment is been arrested to jail."

"That's a bit rough" Heatwave admits.

"Oh, and that not all. Instead of thanking my dad for saving the galaxy and all, they blame him for causing the war in the first place and everyone with him or whoever speaks for him is considered as an accomplice. WHO THEY THINK THEY ARE?!!"

"Okay. We get it. Something is definitely wrong in there." Chief Burns calms her down.

"Well, then it's a good thing we stayed here." Heatwave pointed.

"So, this Steeljaw is someone who became Decepticon because of strict laws of Cybertron." Chase cleared. 

"That's one way to put it," Elena answered. "By what he has gone through it seems he thinks Autobots simply do as told and ready even push down those in need. When he got free he wanted a place where all Decepticons could live in peace without any strict laws. Well, on that I understand him. But among those he chose to join his mission are those who deserve big kick on the tailpipe." 

"That bad?" Chief Burns asked.

"Plus, Bee put Steeljaw on the top most wanted list. Because in desperate measures he even threat humans."

"How many times?" Heatwave asked. Elena closed tightly her eyes. Better speak out.

"About three times," she admits. "The first one was by setting loose trash cargo ship, second and third time was when he and his pack got into our base and threatened our friends to make Bee and team lose their weapons and when they tried to release other prisoners. Last time he put them into the soundproof glass, but his teammates have threatened them more than once. I believe that's why Bee dislikes him much."

"And since he is like a brother to you, you feel bad about it." Chief Burns guessed. "What about Optimus?"

"I'm not sure… before he left, he… saw me crying against him…"

"Against him?" Heatwave wondered.

"Elena, are you into this con?" Chief Burns asked.

Elena looks down while nods.

"Dad, she is in love with him." Cody cleared.

Chief, Heatwave, and Chase stayed quiet for a while now. On Chief face, you could tell he was progressing how to go with this. Heatwave and Chase, however, were confused.

"You… in love? With… that guy?" Heatwave asked.

"I know humans can express feelings, such as "love" for one another, but didn’t know they can express it on bots." Chase pointed.

"I like to know two things…"

"He has confessed his feelings to her, dad" Cody explained.

"Okay, one thing. It's about your… robot form." Chief Burns cleared.

"Well, I have had some upgrades…" Elena confirms.

"What upgrades?" Heatwave asks.

In this Elena shows her cybertronian look.

"Noble…" Cody says.

"When this happened?" Chief Burns asked.

"When I was kidnapped," Elena tells. "Stars told I’ll have it, but it came just then."

"Does your father knows?" Heatwave asked.


"Guys…" Boulder called before was surprised to see Elena in robot form. It was like when Cody got older once, but this was different.

"Boulder, we explain later." Chief Burns assured.

"You came for…?" Heatwave asked.

"The patient is recovering," Boulder informed.

Elena gets up. Cody runs ahead inside while Heatwave and Chase follow. Elena looks down on Chief Burns.

"Let's see, how things go now. But in my opinion, he will be in your responsibility."


"If he hurts someone,..."

"I beat him."

"Not exactly what I meant  but…." Chief Burns said before they all went back in.

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