Chapter 4

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The next morning as Steeljaw has recovered enough, Chief Burns came to talk with him. Steeljaw was so close to asking the same question he did when he saw Russell(which he didn't remember), but as he saw Elena appear also in her human form, he soon figured that this must be local life form on this planet. After a quick introduction, Chief Burns went straight to business.

"What you plan to do to me?" Steeljaw asked. Elena could sense he still didn't trust anyone. Well, she could understand about Cybertron's, but considering that he even took over Decepticon Isle, it didn't seem matter if is Con or Bot.

"That is what we going to talk about. Since I'm police chief and I know you're from Cybertron fugitive, I normally arrest you."


"But by what Elena told us, Cybertron seems to have different laws then we do," Chief told. "So, here's how we do. You tell us what happened and then we see what do."

"How I know I won't be locked up like back in Cybertron?" Steeljaw asked.

"That depends did you cause any damage in this 'Rebellion' of yours," Chase told. "Usually causing rebellion gets either community service, probation, or pay the penalty. Unless there has been a danger to civils, then it's the prison."

"And what if lie?"

"We can always check the truth through your memories," Elena told.

Steeljaw sighs. She has the point. They already check how much he remembers and they can do it again. Plus, as a Star in the room, there's no point to lie. Also, this chief has been polite so far. Unlike in Cybetron. There didn't seem to matter to those tinheads if there was Star or not. Might as well try if this works better.

"Where do you want me to start?" Steeljaw asked.

"Let's start with the reason for the rebellion. Why you started?" Chief Burns asked.

"Because those laws of Cybertron started to become too strict."

"Care to tell more exactly," Chase asked as he took human size notebook and little pen.

"I was trying to get into Kaon's University. My specialty was Subsonic, which I studied in my free time, but I also was into building different things. Mostly to my little sister or my brother. He and I wanted to get good jobs to look after ourselves. But as I studied for exams, I started to notice the difference. Just littering in a public area and they send to prison."

"That is strict." Chief pointed out.

"At first I thought they go away as soon as possible, but then there was news of Star Supreme leaving the high Council. I wasn't sure why, but I started to suspect why. After that, came new speed limits, no transforming at certain areas, the only broadcasts would be the news or High Council declarations. Prizes getting high. Cops act more like soldiers and mistreated those with less rank. At that time my brother tried to speak sense, but it cost his job. He just became cadet back then. He still tried to find a way to do his job, then he went missing. Nobody didn't care. Next thing I know I was kicked out of University, because of that. And that was the last straw."

"Interesting... is he still missing?" Chase asked.

"As far I can remember... yes," Steeljaw said, sounding bit with sarcasm.

"Was that why you started Rebellion?"

"Yes," Steeljaw sighs. "The plan was to get inside High Council Chambers and demand Star Supreme back in charge. The subsonics were meant to keep guards out. And we were so close until I was betrayed."

This surprised Elena. He never told that.

"By greed, he revealed our plan to High Council and we all were arrested. And that when saw the truth. Even if there was a Star they give no chance to speak out. And I was sent to prisonship."

There was a deep silence in the room. Either they were progressing what have heard or are out of words. By the look on their faces probably both.

"And I thought all was good when the war of Cybertron was over." Heatwave said on the doorway, breaking the silence.

"So... What I win?" Steeljaw asked sarcastically.

"I think I between Community service and Probation," Chase told.


"Community service means you have to work for the government or in this case, I would say to them," Elena explained and points Chief and two Rescue Bots. "It's like getting a job, instead of going to jail."

"Probation, however, is a bit different. You may walk freely, but you have to follow certain rules and come to meetings with your parole officer." Chief explained.

"What if I break those rules?"

"Then it's back to prison. Same goes with community service."


"No, he has a point. It's either up or down, as you humans would say." Chase confirms.

"You mean I either work for you guys or get locked up"

"That or pay penalty, but I don't think you have such amount of... What's the currency in Cybertron?" Chief asked.

"Shanixs. I still don't know how much it is on Earth's. But yeah, I bet those jerks in High Council would demand a huge amount of shanixs to pay if there is such a rule." Elena told.

"Okay, okay. I get it. What's it gonna be? Work or been grounded?" Steeljaw asked annoyedly.

"Well, I'm not sure to put you into a rescue mission." Heatwave said. "No offense, but I already got that through with Blurr. And that was before we made this Academy."

"Well, you don't seem to have other students here." Steeljaw points up.

"There have been some issues with a mad scientist," Elena explained.

"You know... this gives me an idea." Chief said. "Since you don't know anything about this planet..."


"And by our laws, you should be either in probation or do community service to us."

"Hold on, Chief. Are you saying...?" Heatwave asked.

"We have a new recruit." Chase realizes.

"Hold on! No way I plan to become some cop or firefighter..." Steeljaw protest

"This is a Rescue Academy. Not police or firefighter Academy." Heatwave confirms.

"Besides, this is in way school to any cybertronians who plan to stay on Earth. While you're here, you learn also all about Earth and humans."

"And if you want, you can simply have a simple class about that. Either way, if things go well, you even get to go outside to Griffing Rock. If you promise to behave." Chief clears.

Steeljaw remained silent as he looked on two Rescue Bots and one human. Is this a setup? No, it doesn't sound like it. What they offer makes sense and unlike in Cybertron, they are willing to give second chance. But still, something inside him yelled not to trust and backstab before they do it first. But then he looked on Elena. The way she looked on those three showed that she likes the idea. Is this, something she would have suggested if she would have been in charge of Cybertron? It surely sounds fair. And he...

Steeljaw sighs. "Okay, I do it. But only to learn about this planet. At least I can in a way continue my studies."

In this Elena cheers before hugs Steeljaw's arm and goes hug Rescue Bots and Chief.

"Tomorrow I show you around. But right now, I inform you that most f humans don't know our existence, so it will be best if you inside the Academy area." Heatwave explained.

"Fine," he said before he looked on Elena. As she was smiling, deep inside he told himself.

"This is for her... just like in the start."

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