Beach Day Part 2

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"I dare you to run to one of the new hunters, because there's no new campers, and tell them your boyfriend fell off the dock and you can't swim," I laughed. "Percy when they get to the dock you jump up and scare her," Piper finished. Annabeth nodded and got up to find a hunter, while Percy headed to the dock.

Thalia POV

When I heard a scream I knew that the two had completed the dare and I also recognised the scream as Amber's. I sighed knowing I'm going to get yelled at by a few girls when I see them next.

Soon Percy and Annabeth were back, Annabeth continued the game and it went on like that, Piper had to change her blue bikini to a pink one and had to put on water proof makeup, Jason had to do a handstand for a minute, Percy told everyone his first kiss was at Mt Saint Helens, Frank had to kiss Hazel, Hazel tried to teach Frank to dance (that was extremely funny), Nico had to take his shirt off (can I say he has really good abs). The game went on like that,

"Thalia truth or dare?" Percy asked, I sighed from Nico's lap (another dare! And yes he still does not have a shirt on)

"Dare," I told him, he smirked.

"I dare you to kiss the closes person on the lips," he stated triumphantly. My eyes widened the closes person to me was Nico.

"What do I have to do if I don't?" I asked

"Remove a piece of clothing," Jason stated from next to me. I rolled my eyes as I stood up, and I took off my pair of shorts.(I'm wearing a bikini and all I wore down here was that and my shorts) I sat back down on Nico's lap, I noticed Nico suddenly looked very uncomfortable.

"Annabeth, truth or dare and please pick dare you're going to like this one," I told her

"I guess I'll pick dare," she had a small smirk on her lips

"I dare you to beat up Percy," I stated, Percy's eyes widened and looked at his girlfriend who just smiled and attacked him.

The dare soon ended. "Piper truth or dare?" Annabeth asked


"Okay what were your first thoughts when you meet me?"

"Never to judge another blonde by they hair colour," Piper said. "Thalia truth or dare?" That's when I realised their plan, they got Frank to dare me to sit on Nico's lap, they knew I would chose dare when Percy asked and knew I would reject the dare and I'd have to take off my shorts, but of course I realised all this after I said,

"I dare your to kiss Nico," I stared at the brunette girl, jaw dropped,

"I can't I'm a hunter of Artemis, not to mention the lieutenant, I can't kiss a boy!" I exclaimed

"Chicken," I heard Percy cough, I turned and glared at him. His eyes widened and he hid behind Annabeth, who rolled her eyes.

"A dares a dare, Thalia," Piper stated shrugging. I groaned and looked up at Nico who looked a little pale. I sighed and leaned up lightly pressing my lips against his. Nico instantly returned the kiss pulling me closer then what I was before, wrapping his arms around my waist. My hands somehow manage to find a way his hair. I know what you're thinking Thalia! You're a Hunter of Artemis, you shouldn't be kissing boys! Here's your reply; I know that thank you very much but this kiss felt so right, like it was meant to happen and if I do say so myself, Nico is a great kisser. We broke apart when Artemis showed up.

"Thalia! What do you think you are doing?! You know kissing boys is against the rules of the hunt, so why are you?" Artemis exclaimed, I looked down ashamed,

"It was a dare," I mumbled, Artemis looked very unpleased with the excuse.

"Which one dared you?" I stayed quiet, "Protecting them, hmm, maybe you were never hunter material in the first place, Thalia Grace, you a hear by disbanded from the hunt and you boy, your punishment is-"

"Lady Artemis, please don't punish Nico, it my dare and I kissed him, please don't punish him, punish me," I begged. Artemis thought about it, she sighed.

"Thalia, your punishment is that you are band from the hunt, if any boy betrays you, you will not be welcomed back, you can never converse with any hunter and don't think about shooting a bow, that is you punishment," Artemis sighed, "I had such high hopes for you Thalia, but you just destroyed them, goodbye Thalia," Artemis flashed away. I stood there staring at the place she stood. I can't believe it, I got kicked out of the Hunters because of a dare.

"Thalia I'm so sorry, I didn't think Artemis would do that," Piper apologised. I ignored her and grabbed my things and ran. I want to be left alone. I ran all the way to my tree, I got a couple weird looks but some then assumed it was a dare. Once I finally made it to my tree, I climbed to the highest branch I could, not caring that I'm afraid, I more afraid of losing more family then falling to my death. That's when it happened I broke, I cried and cried and cried.

My eyes stung when I opened them, my nose a little runny. I looked around, I was still in my tree, I must have fallen asleep. It was dark now.

"You're cute when you sleep," I heard someone say below me, I almost fell out of the tree when I heard it, then I heard laughing, "Sorry Thals, I didn't mean, actually I did mean to scare you and I'm not sorry," the boy said below me, still laughing. I looked down glaring at the idiot boy.

"Not funny Di Angelo," I growled at him.

"You know everyone's looking for you, everyone other then the hunters, they're still angry at you,"

"I'm in a pretty obvious spot, how is it that no one has found me?"

"Because your afraid of heights, no one thinks about looking up," Nico sighed, "Are you cold, I would be, it maybe Summer but the nights and still cold and all you're wearing is a bikini top and shorts," he was right I was cold but I won't admit to it. I shook my head. Nico laughed,"You're shivering Thalia," I glared at the boy in black. Nico rolled his eyes, "Come on let get you down and to your cabin," I slightly nodded and started slowly making my way down almost falling when I got to the branch Nico was on. He grabbed my waist steadying me. We stood like that on a branch of the pine tree, staring at each other. I leaned in closer like he was a magnet, he leaned in too. Finally our lips touch, the kiss was better than the last and probably one of the most interesting kisses of Camp Half Blood history.

Thirty minutes later I was in the Zeus cabin waiting for Jason to come back, I was still thinking about the kiss Nico and I shared and I hope it won't be our last.


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