"Percabeth Is Evil!" "Agreed"

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(This is different from BOO, so don't judge.)
Warning!: Mention of cutting

The hunters and Artemis met the seven on Mt Olympus. During the war Artemis and Orion started to fight, Orion won. That caused Artemis to fade. With that many hunters died without the blessing. After the war the hunters stayed at Camp Half Blood or went and joined the Amazons.

Thalia POV

It's been a year since the war and to say it's gotten easier for the Hunters would be like saying Percy could drown in water.

It was breakfast, after the offerings I went and sat down at the Poseidon table. Chiron let me do this when Jason wasn't at camp.

"Morning," I sighed as I sat down across from Percy.

"Hey, did you sleep at all last night? You look extremely tired," Percy stated

"Barely, I kept having the same nightmare of Orion not killing Artemis but I did," I stated

"That's because you feel guilty about it," someone stated behind me. That same person sat down next to me.

"You weren't in this conversation, Di Angelo," I spat at him. Ok so it's a long story but I don't hate him, he's the one who hates me, I just act like I hate him. I'm like Travis who pranks Katie to get her attention. I act like I hate Nico just to get his attention. Why? Because, I will not repeat this, I like him, a lot.

"Sorry but I thought that I might just help because we can't have Thalia Grace tired and grumpy all day, everyday or the infirmary will be full of poor kids recovering from an electric shock," Nico stated smirking at me.

"If you don't wipe that smirk off your face I think I know who's the first one who's going to be in the infirmary," I growled, glaring at the boy in black. His smirk just grew. I glared at him harder.

"Can we spend one breakfast without you two fighting?" Percy questioned

"Yes please because I don't another war, good morning Seaweed Brain," Annabeth stated sitting down next to Percy and kissed him which than turned into a make out session. No one argues when Annabeth sits with Percy not even Chiron or Mr D not since Tartarus.

"Ewww, get a room!" Both Nico and I yelled throwing some food at them. This will be the only thing that Nico and I will agree on today.

"You guys are agreeing on something," Percy stated smirking at us as he pulled away from Annabeth.

"It's the only thing we're going to agree on today and I will bet on that," I stated glaring at them, Annabeth laughed. Nico grumbled something under his breath, I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't see his lips moving. I sighed and finish eating my breakfast.


Percy and I were sitting at the Zeus table. We were talking about when Jason and Hazel were going to visit. I looked over to the Hades table to see Nico sitting there alone, after that I continued to stare at him. Watching as he played with his food not eating it, I think I was the only one that notice that Nico never eats during meal times, I'm probably also the only one who has notice the almost faded scars on his wrists. I didn't really notice I was ignoring Percy and just staring at Nico until Percy waved his hand in front of my face,

"Earth to Thalia, Earth to Pinecone Face, if you don't want him to know your crushing on him, don't stare at him for so long," I glared at him after he said that but I'm glad he pulled me back to reality

"I do not have a crush on that Hades spawn," I stated venomously, glaring at the son of Poseidon again.

"Yeah, you totally don't have a crush on Nico and it's really obvious that your favourite colour is pink," he sassed at me

"You are not cool enough to sass kelp head, you are also too stupid to sass aswell," I sassed back

"What you talking about, I'm Persassy, the King of Sassiness, the sass master, the-" he started but I cut him off

"The guy who is going to end up in the infirmary if he does not shut up,"

"You dare threaten the Sass King?" He questioned

"Who said anything about threatening Travis? I was talking about you," I told him smirking victoriously, he gasps at me

"How dare you say that! He is not the King of Sass, I am!" He almost shouted at me, getting a few people's attention, who just rolled their eyes, chuckling lightly. I smirked at him and stood up getting everyone's attention

"Who agrees with Percy when he says he's the King of Sassiness?" I shouted to everyone. A few people rolled their eyes and went back to eating their food, some laughed, and some started shouting out their opinions on who's the King of Sassiness. Most of the boys were doing the last option and saying it was them

"Is that what you two really argue about?"Annabeth questioned from the Athena table, I smiled widely.

"What do you think of this topic, Annabeth?" I questioned her

"That it is stupid to argue about it when it is obvious who the Sass King is," she stated smirking, everyone looked at her waiting to hear who the Sass King is... "Leo," Percy fell off the bench, I burst out laughing. Leo whooped from his table. Percy stood up.

"How dare you betray me Wise Girl, how could he be the Sass King!" Percy exclaimed

"You're right Seaweed Brain, he can't be the Sass King when the spot is already taken by the hottest demigod to ever exist..." She trailed off leaving it hanging, Percy started to smirk victoriously, "Jason," I blinked a couple of time before falling onto the ground, holding my stomach laughing. This is dam funny! Almost as funny as the dam French fries! Percy looked heart broken, I saw Piper and Leo rolling on the ground laughing so hard.

"No nice Wise Girl!" Percy exclaimed pouting, that only made me and the rest of Camp Half-Blood laugh harder. That's of corse when Chiron had to ruin all the fun.

"I think that is enough Percy," he stated wisely but smiling as he did so, " I also think it's time for the camp fire," that's when everyone got up and started heading down to the camp fire. That's when Annabeth came up to me.

"I need your help," she stated and dragged me toward the strawberry fields. Me asking her a million questions, her not answering any of them.

When we got there she dragged me over to the gardening shed, opened the door, pushed me in, then she shut the door and locked it. I groaned.

"Annabeth how is this helping you!" I shouted at the door

"You know she's most likely ran off already, Percy did the same thing to me and don't try to use your powers, it'll just shoot back at you and it hurts, trust me, I've tried," I heard a voice behind him. You've got to be kidding me, I can't believe they locked me in here with him! I think Tartarus would be better.

"You've got to kidding me," I groaned

"Took the words from my mouth," Nico Di Angelo stated from the other side of the shed.

"Percabeth is evil!" I exclaimed (has anyone ever noticed that evil spelt backwards spells live or am I late to the party? Yep the party had already finish three hours ago, oh well I'm a loner as it is)

"Agreed," Nico sighed, maybe this isn't that bad. I mean sure I'm stuck in a shed with the guy that hates my guts but I'm also stuck in a shed with the guy I have a major crush on.

"What are we supposed to, if we can't get out, we can't even IM someone to help us, even though they most likely won't help us," I stated

"Twenty questions," Nico stated

"What?" I asked

"Well I barely know you and we can't get out of here, so let's get to know each other or would you rather ignore that I'm in here and risk staying here for another night," he stated, I thought about it, he was right, they most likely won't let us out until we get along.

"Fine, you start," I groaned

"Why'd you join the hunters, I mean when I first met you, you seemed to have a deep hatred for them?" He asked

"Easy, so Zeus wouldn't kill he, why don't you eat at meal times?" I asked instantly regretting I asked. He smirked

"Is that why you stare at me?" He questioned

"Don't you know the rules of the game, you have to answer then you ask your question," I told him, he rolled his eyes.

"I don't like to eat in public, even before I knew I was a demigod," he told me. He has an eating disorder? "It's not an eating disorder, I just get really uncomfortable, now is that why you stare at me?"

"Sort of, why'd you cut?"

"Don't know what you're talking about," I rolled my eyes at his answer

"I'm not stupid Nico, I saw the scars," I told him

"Bianca's death," he stated, I'm so stupid of corse that's the reason he cut.

"Why did you?"

"What?" His question hit me hard in the chest, I made sure know one noticed. Well at least I tried.

"Why did you cut?"

"At first it was Jason's death, then I stopped when Luke caught me, then after the whole tree thing it was because of Luke, I stopped again a week before I met you, I started again last year after Artemis faded, I've stopped now if you were wondering but I'm pretty sure you noticed,"

"Why because of Artemis?" He asked

"Hey it's my turn, why do you hate me?"

"I'm not sure really, I guess my dad has rubbed off on me," he stated, shrugging "now again, why did you cut because of Artemis?"

"It's my fault she's gone, I left her side when she needed me most and do you know what for? To save a boy's life and the funny thing is the boy doesn't even realise that I'm the reason he's alive because he never saw me save him and worst of all is I really like this boy but he doesn't like me back because he thinks I'm another stuck up hunter and hates me and he-" I would have kept talking if Nico hadn't interrupted me by kissing me. I instantly kissed back. We pulled apart when we ran out of breath. I smiled and lent in for another kiss as did he, just before our lips touched the door opened to reveal a very pissed of Jason and an extremely happy Hazel.

"Get your hands off my Sister, Di Angelo!"

I guess I could keep going but I won't. This is how I found out that the boy I like doesn't hate me.

The End

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