The Rebellion

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This is a chapter from a story I've writing for a while. It's about what the world would be like if Luke won the war and Thalia was the spy. I hope you like it.

Thalia POV

I was on my guard duty, near the Empire state building, when I heard voices down an alley, I was by myself, I made sure of that, even though I had to change it a little bit and promise Alicia that if I was in trouble that I would shoot lighting through the sky. Anyway, I went down the alley and hid behind a few creates in the shadows, I saw two people who I knew hated me, one was Nico Di Angelo and the other one was Hylla I don't know her last name, with them were five people I've never seen before. The five people were all wearing purple t-shirts with gold writing spelling out 'SPQR', they reminded me of the camp t-shirts at Camp Half-Blood.

"What are we supposed to do after we get her? Hold her for ransom?" one of the two blonde boys asked.

"Yes and then when they pay we give her back dead," Hylla said.

"Dead, why kill her, Castilian will just raise her back," Nico told her, I was shocked he wouldn't agree to killing me, assuming it was me they were talking about.

"Then what are we supposed to do? Keep her with us til the end of the war?" the girl with dark skin asked.

"Why don't we give her to the mortal rebellion," the Chinese boy stated.

"That's a good idea Frank then I won't feel so guilty about killing someone," the same blonde boy said relived.

"Who cares if we kill her, think about how many lives she's already taken," the other blonde boy stated, in his hand was a teddy bear.

"He's right even though Castilian will raise her from the dead it proves how far we'll go," the girl with black hair, who might I mention looks a lot like Hylla, said.

"I agree with my sister ab-" Hylla started but Nico cut her off.

"Do we really have to go through with this again," Nico said, turning towards me. I sighed and stepped out from my hiding spot.

"Again Di Angelo could have been mortal," I told him.

"Again Grace, sensed the bitchiness," he told me repeating what he said yesterday. I glared at him for calling me by my last name. He didn't give any reaction, just glared back.

"So who are you planning to kill?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"Nico how do you know this girl and is she on Castilian's side?" the blonde boy who didn't have the teddy asked.

"You know kid, if you plan to kill someone you should know who you're going to kill" I told him smirking.

"If you already knew who we are planning to kill, why ask?" Hylla questioned.

"Because I know you and Nico hate it, Hylla" I answered her, glaring.

"Wait a second, who are you and Hylla how do you know her?" Hylla's sister asked, frowning.

"Everyone meet Thalia, daughter of Jupiter and Castilian's Girlfriend" Nico told everyone.

"Awe, Neeks, you're forgetting the most important thing, your cousin" I told him.

"She's your cousin!" the dark skinned girl exclaimed.

"That's just because our Dads are brothers but Gods don't have DNA," Nico growled at me. I walked up to him and pitched his cheeks,

"Awe Neeky, I've known you since you were ten, I think we are cousins if you like it or not" I told him smirking, he growled again. "Is there something wrong with your throat, you keep growling?" I asked sickly sweet,

"No there is nothing wrong with my throat, but there's something wrong with you Thalia," Nico said, spitting my name.

"Nothing's wrong with me Death Breath, I was looking for you or Bianca though" I started.

"Why so you can bring him to Castilian?" Blondy asked.

"Good riddance," The other blonde kid with the teddy said.

"Octavian!" the African-American girl exclaimed.

"Hmm, that's a good plan kid, maybe you should join us, but no so I could annoy him, and teddy boy I like you, it would have been better if Nico was gone" I stated smirking, the boy looked shocked of what I offered him and blinked a couple of times.

"Jason's not joining you, Thalia, he's a rule follower not a rule breaker like you," Nico glared at me.

"Oh, so he's boring, at least I know you can be fun, I know how many rules you break, I mean you were basically born a rule breaker, I mean your Dad broke almost every rule in the book to save you and Bianca from my Dad, too bad he couldn't save your Mother though," I stated knowing I hit a soft spot for him. I ended up getting pushed against the wall a sword resting against my throat.

"So we're talking about dead family members now, at least I know my Father isn't the reason both your Mother and Brother are dead, you want to know whose fault that is, it's yours and at least I know I didn't destroy my own Father," Nico growled at me, it was quiet but it was loud enough for the others to hear. I glared at him and kneed him in the stomach then knocked his sword out of his hands, I then pushed him against the wall keeping him down with my body, and I summoned a bronze dagger held it against his throat. I lasted about three minutes until I had to drop the now silver dagger from pain. Did I mention that Artemis cursed me so that I can't touch anything that has silver in it and that daggers, bows and arrows turn to sliver? I quickly jumped off Nico, holding my bright red palm in a fist no matter how much it hurt. I glared at him, he just laughed.

"Showing weakness is bad, I thought you knew that?" he asked sarcastically.

"Just because I show weakness doesn't mean I'm not strong enough to beat you," I growled. That's of course when a little silver arrow landed in between Nico and me. I looked up to see Zoë Nightshade standing there glaring at me. She jumped down using the fire escape.

"Is she bothering you Hylla?" Zoë asked standing next to Hylla.

"A little, we want to kidnap her though," Hylla answered. I fake yawned.

"So you two are now working together now, oh wow, I'm a goner," I stated sarcastically. "Look I can have a whole army here before you can load your bow Zoë, so why don't you try to take me,"

"Thalia, just so you know I'm taking back my apology, you are a Traitor, to the Gods, to the Hunters, to Dianna, if I ever see you again I'll have no mercy on you, now leave," Zoë stated nobly.

"Wow, you can finally speak proper English," I stated, must have been Bianca that taught her. She glared at me, raising her bow. "Ok, ok, I'm going," I told her walking away.

I look back at them, they were watching me leave. "One more thing, you better leave here, the guards are pretty heavy here, Castellan's gone crazy saying we have a spy," I told them and left without a trace.

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