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Match Point

"I can't believe you beat me at a Prom posal," Demetri sighed, as the two love birds got out of Eileen's car. Eileen grabbed her book bag from the back before walking up next to him.

"I mean, you can do yours if you want," Eileen tried to make him feel better.

"Maybe. Maybe not," he replied, smiling at the girl. She smiled back as the duo walked into school after the long weekend. Hawk follows after the duo to show them his hair. He pulled Eileen to the side as she gasped.

"I love it!" She complimented as she hugged the boy, "purple is definitely your color."

"Thanks," he said to Eileen before turning to Demetri as they walked, "you ever figure out who the hell that guy was?"

Eileen remembered the man with Kreese. Something felt off about him, she just didn't know what. And the way Daniel talked to him meant there was a trauma that was left untouched.

"Vietnam vet turned businessman. Had a few ups and downs, but still turned out pretty rich. Not much dirt other than some toxic waste scandal in Borneo back in the '80s," Demetri told the two, showing him what he found.

"Sounds like a Renaissance man. How'd you find out his name?" Hawk inquired, wanting more info.

"Eileen and I took a picture at the dojo, found an old facial recognition beta test, and tweaked the code to make it compatible with HEIC," He explained.

"And I showed a photo to Samuel, told me a lot of stories about that very crazy man, I have a lot more dirt than my love," Eileen added.

"I love it when you talk nerdy, and you talk like a detective," Yasmine walked up to the duo, twirling her hair flirtatiously. The couple didn't know how, but when they got together, Yasmine flirted with both of them, as if she was attempting to make them a polyamorous couple.

"Aw, Yas," Eileen replied as the two linked arms. Since Yasmine had been nicer, the two became friends easier. Although Eileen still wasn't a huge fan of her because of the bullying, she kept her calm.

"You are both the second and my second favorite person to say that. Eileen is the first of course," Demetri responded, wrapping an arm around her.

"Listen, uh, bad news. I just found out my dad's wedding is gonna be in Sydney," Yasmine pulled the two to the side.

"Sydney, Nova Scotia?" Demetri asked. Eileen and Yasmine looked at the boy, "Australia."

"Since it's in May, it means I won't be here for prom or the tournament. So I won't be able to the dance with you, Eileen," Yasmine explained, Eileen giving her a half smile.

"It's okay," Eileen told her.

"But I'll still root for you two," she said with a smile before she got closer to the two, "consider me an admirer from afar."

"Hey, we will take whatever I can get," Demetri responded before he moved his arm from around Eileen's neck to hold her hand.

"Save me a seat at lunch?" Yasmine flirted.

"We always do," Eileen said before Yasmine blew them both a kiss.

"When are we going to tell her that we don't want to do a poly relationship?" Demetri asked Eileen.

"I think we're already in one," she said as watched Yasmine walk away before turning to Demetri.

"All right, no offense," Hawk wrapped his arms around the two, "but I have no idea how you two pulled that off."

"Neither do we," Demetri responded.

"Gotta go to class, love," Eileen told him before she waved goodbye to them. Her phone dinged as Sam sent her a string of tweets that Johnny had tweeted last night.

She walked up to Chris and Mitch's desk, "what up, E?"

"Our senseis are about to fight," she replied, showing them the tweets. Chris and Mitch smiled, thinking that it was going to be an epic fight but Eileen frowned, thinking about the after-effects of the two doing this.

After school, Eileen went to Sam's house to hang out before the fight. When the time came, everyone was there, ready to watch.

Eileen shook her head at the nonsense while Sam and Miguel walked up to the fighting deck, flags in hand to show who wins as their Senseis wore their gis. Demetri wrapped an arm around the girl as she nuzzled her head into his shoulder.

"Do you agree with me?" Eileen asked, "that this is bull?"

"Yup," he responded. The adults bowed toward their star students before bowing toward each other. They both got into their fighting positions before Sam called them to fight.

Johnny attacked first, sending him a kick, Daniel blocking it. Johnny then sent Daniel a couple of punches, managing to hit his stomach.

"Point, Lawrence!" Sam called, raising her flag.

Eileen looked around, "I thought you said Hawk was excited about this happening, where is he?"

Demetri shrugged, "he said he was."

"Score 1—0, Lawrence," Miguel called, "ready?"

"Fight!" Daniel barely kicked his leg before the two tested each other, seeing who would strike first among the two. Daniel then jumped up and kicked him in the gut. Both Eileen and Demetri cringed as Miguel called a point for LaRusso.

"Score is 1-1, ready?" Miguel called again.

"Fight!" Johnny went to kick him but Daniel moved out of the way quickly. Johnny did it again but Daniel moved. On johnny's third kick, Daniel ducked under his leg before blocking his punches. Johnny swung his arm, Daniel ducking under that as well, before blocking another one of Johnny's punches and hitting him in the chest.

"Hell yeah! Two-to-one. LaRusso takes the lead," Chris exclaimed behind the camera.

"All he has to do is score one more point and LaRusso is the winner," Mitch added.

Miguel stared at his sensei, "score is two-one, LaRusso. Ready?" Daniel started to move around, doing different movements before setting on one. Eileen got intrigued by the sudden difference in his moves.

"Fight!" Johnny kicked but Daniel moved out of the way. As johnny threw a punch, Daniel used the wash the car block before hitting a joint in Johnny's arm, causing it to not move.

"What the hell, man?" Johnny asked. Daniel went to kick but johnny kicked his leg down before he grabbed onto the ducked Daniel and wrapped his legs around him, causing them to both fall to the ground before Johnny kicks Daniel in the upper chest.

Eileen put her face into Demetri's chest as she didn't want to see the two fight anymore. Demetri rubbed her back as she watched them stand back up.

"Point, Lawrence," Miguel called.

"Score is two-two."

"Next point wins." Eileen faced her Senseis again, wondering when they would put their pretentious minds away and just work together.

"It's almost over," Demetri whispered to her, trying to make Eileen feel better. She nodded but sighed, still worried.


"Fight!" Johnny went to kick him but Daniel swooped out of the way to the side Johnny was on. Johnny turned and threw a punch but Daniel blocked it. Daniel threw Johnny to the ground before johnny regained balance quickly and attempted to sweep the leg. Daniel attempted to punch but Johnny pushed him into a piece of wood that they used to help build the sparring deck.

Eileen cringed at the impact. Johnny kicked but Daniel ducked, before they circled each other, seeing who would attack first. Daniel, using Johnny's strategy, attempted to punch him, but Johnny, using Daniel's method, blocked the punches. Eileen raised her hand at the sight of that, clearly annoyed now they think that their method is correct yet they used each other. Daniel kicked johnny in the chest while Johnny hit Daniel with his fist, causing them to both fall to the ground.

"Point LaRusso!" "Point Lawrence!" Sam and Miguel called at the same time before looking at each other.

"Are you sure?" Miguel asked.

"Are you sure?" Sam repeated, confused about who had won the match.

"Check the replay!" Demetri suggested as the older men got up to see. Eileen rolled her eyes as everyone crowded up to see.

"Go to another angle."

"There is no other angle..." Eileen turned her head to see Hawk walking in. She smiled and walked towards him before she halted, seeing his eyes filled with tears.

"Hawk?" Miguel called out to him, walking next to Eileen.

"Shit, Eli, what happened?" Demetri asked. Hawk slowly removed his hoodie to reveal his purple mohawk gone, just little specs. Eileen covered her mouth to cover the gasp she had.

Johnny walked up to him, "who did this?"

"Cobra Kai," He responded, looking down. Eileen walked next to him and rubbed his back.

"Kreese and Silver did this. They need to pay." Johnny insisted. Eileen wrapped her arms around the boy, knowing all eyes were on him.

"Jesus, Johnny, please. Kreese tried to kill you. You wanna fight them both," Daniel argued.

"Damn right I do. Look what they did," Johnny pointed towards Hawk. Demetri walked over to Hawk and rubbed his back.

"Dousing the fire with gasoline, that's your answer? Why am I not surprised" Daniel retorted.

"Sensei, stop." Miguel tried to stop the fight from brewing.

"You still think your way is the only way," Johnny said irritated, "and you were so proud when they pulled their little sprinkler prank the other day. But if they stood their ground and kicked their ass like I taught them, this never would've happened."

"If they fight every time they're provoked, where does that lead?" Daniel argued back, "back to the hospital? Back to jail? Just cause you spent time in both—"

"Enough, dad!" Sam spoke up.

"What?" Daniel spoke shocked. Eileen looked at Demetri who looked at her in worry. They both had their arm around Eli, hoping it would make him feel better.

"Johnny's right. It doesn't matter how many times we stand up against Cobra Kai if we don't strike back, they're going to keep coming at us," Sam told her father.

Daniel looked at Johnny, "and you were worried about my influence on your kids? Is this what you want Johnny? To have my daughter and the rest of my students acting like you?"

"You don't have to worry about it anymore," Johnny replied, "cause we're done."

"Works for me," Daniel said.

"Eagle fangs, let's go," Johnny called to them. Eli and Miguel gave the group one final look before he walked away with the other Eagle Fangs. Eileen walked up next to Demetri feeling nothing but anger towards Cobra Kai. Unfortunately for Daniel, she was ready to strike back.

AN: 👍

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