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Kicks get Chicks

Eileen was at the smoothie shop, grabbing a smoothie when she noticed Robby in the corner of her eye walk by. She grabbed her smoothie once it was made and rushed out behind him.

"Robby!" She yelled out, setting her smoothie on a bench before walking up to him. Robby turned as Eileen punched him square in th eye. Robby grabbed his eye in pain, before looking up to Eileen breathing heavily.

"How could you do that?" She asked with a clear sadness in her voice. Her fists were balled up as she frowned at him.

"You know what he did Eileen," Robby tried to explain but she shook her head, "he had no right to do that too—"

"Quiet!" She yelled, sounding exactly like Johnny. Robby watched her demeanor change from sad to angry.

"I know what Hawk did was wrong, I yelled at him for it in front of you. What I mean is why you would stop talking to me? Did I do something wrong? Eileen spoke angrily, "I understand that so many people failed you, but did I fail you? I don't think I did but I could be very wrong."

Robby didn't speak, just watched her. He wanted to hug her, make her feel better like a brother would, but he couldn't.

"I want to be on your side, Robby, I really do. But I can't. And it's not because of this enemy bullshit, it's because I want you to be happy. And if being happy means you being in Cobra Kai and not being friends, it's fine," Eileen spoke before grabbing her smoothie.

"Here. Sorry for punching you in the face," Eileen added quickly. She handed him her smoothie, walking away swiftly to her car before he could deny it. Robby sighed before walking to the Cobra Kai dojo, figuring out what explanation he would use to why he had the black eye instead of using the truth.

Eileen drove to the Miyagi Do dojo where she noticed Sam punching a punching bag and Demetri holding it.

"Sorry, I'm late guys, I had to do something for my mom," Eileen lied, walking up next to Sam, watching her punch and kick harshly.

"Easy. Save some for Cobra Kai," Demetri said to Sam.

Sam scoffed, "yeah, if we're ever allowed to stand up to them."

"She's not wrong," Eileen added before Daniel slid the door open.

"Hey, everyone, gather around, I have news. The All Valley committee just announced big changes for the tournament," Daniel announced. Eileen and Demetri held hands as they lined up in front of their sensei.

"What kind of changes?" Sam asked.

"Well, see for yourself. It's a whole new ball game," Daniel handed Sam the paper as the group read through it. Eileen unlinked Demetri's hand to go on the other side of Sam to get a better look at it.

"They're introducing skills competitions?" Demetri inquired.

"Yup." Daniel nodded.

"Kata, board breaking, weapons display?" Demetri went on.

"And there's going to be a separate girls' division. So that means..." Sam trailed off.

"There'll be two All Valley champs," Daniel completed her sentence.

"Fun," Eileen commented.

"But wait. What does that mean for the bet with Cobra Kai?" Chris questioned Daniel.

"There's a grand champion trophy for whichever dojo wins the most points," Daniel clarified.

"All I know is the girls' division is mine and Eileen's," Sam said before fist-pumping Eileen.

"Well, that just leaves the skills and the boys. I'm counting on you guys," Daniel told the group.

"Who, us?" Chris asked rhetorically.

"Yeah, we're a bunch of Rudy's. Sure, we're good for the occasional inspirational moment, but we're not exactly center mat material," Demetri added to what Chris said.

"We were much better off with Miguel and hawk," Chris piggybacked on what Demetri said.

"Yeah, or he who shall not be named. Rhymes with 'Dobby'," Demetri said, causing Eileen to breathe heavily. She crossed her arms before looking down, regretting what she did. It felt like her chest had a huge weight on it.

"Look, I know you're missing some of your friends. And of course, I wish Robby was here. But it's time to put the past behind us, all right? Don't worry. By the time the tournament comes around, you're gonna realize that this was the best thing that could've happened." Daniel told the group.
Eileen closed her eyes before opening them.

"Hey, tri, can you give me a ride, I don't feel so good," Eileen asked. Demetri nodded, grabbing her bag and walking to his car.

"What's up?" He asked.

Eileen swallowed the lump in her throat, "I did something bad," she muttered.

"Okay, where is it?" Demetri asked, grabbing his phone while looking at the road. Eileen looked at him confused, "the dead body, Eileen, where is it?"

"There's no dead body," Eileen specified quickly. Demetri sighed and lowered his phone, "I punched Robby in the face."

"What?" Demetri yelled, slamming on the breaks. Eileen grabbed the handle, as he pulled to the side.

"I know we're not supposed to fight back but I was just so pissed and now Cobra Kai is going to come after me and—" Eileen started to hyperventilate. Demetri grabbed her shoulders as she breathed in and out slowly.

"We'll figure it out later, but for now, we gotta talk do Eli," he said, getting out of the car. Demetri grabbed the extra key and unlocked the door as the two went straight to the basement.

"Where the hell have you been?" Demetri questioned him.

"How'd you even get in here?" Hawk questioned him back.

"You can't be serious, right?" Eileen asked rhetorically.

"Uh, your mom's left the key under the gnome since kindergarten," Demetri explained, standing in front of him and then throwing him the key. Eileen sat next to Eli on the couch.

"You should think about increasing the security given, you know, the karate war. But that's not important right now," Demetri rambled.

"What's so important?" Eli asked, not really caring.

"Didn't you hear? The All Valley has separate gender divisions! I mean, do I look like Miyagi Do's best hope at defeating Robby Keene?" Demetri asked sarcastically.

"Yes!" Eileen replied, trying to stay positive.

"No!" Demetri corrected, "I mean, Mr. LaRusso says that anyone can be the hero, but I'm not Batman. I'm more like Alfred. Eileen, you're my Esme. You're Batman." He pointed to Hawk, "Oh right, I forgot. You're not a DC guy, whatever. Forget Batman, you're the Hawk."

"Yeah, not anymore, so..." Eli pulled off his hat and hoodie.

"Hey, at least it looks better than the last time I saw it," Demetri tried to make him feel better. 

"Hawk. Don't define yourself by a mohawk, you can still be the Hawk," Eileen encouraged.

"Everyone at school knows what happened. It's embarrassing," Hawk said, his voice sounding raw from tears. Eileen rubbed his back for comfort.

"Who cares what they think? Besides, it'll grow back," Demetri exasperated.

"It doesn't matter. I ruined my reputation, talked a big game, and just proved I was an asshole. To Moon, to Miguel. And especially you. I got what I deserved," Hawk spoke, upset with himself.

"Hey, we forgave you, remember?" Demetri reminded, "and I don't care if you have a mohawk or a mullet, or pigtails, Miyagi-Do needs you!"

"Please," Eileen added, nodding towards Demetri who rolled his eyes but nodded, "please."

"I'm not going back to Miyagi Do," Hawk told the two.

"That's just great. You're choosing Eagle Fang over your best friend," Demetri asked, hurt. Eileen looked at him and tried to give him a look that said that he needed comfort and not to be yelled at but Demetri swatted his hand at her.

"I'm not going back to Eagle Fang either," Hawk corrected, "I'm done with karate, man. I quit." Eileen and Demetri stared at each other before turning back to him. Demetri sat on his couch as the couple cooked up a plan to help Eli back to karate.

"If you go to one practice at Miyagi Do, I won't tell Demetri right now how we got the extra credit everyone else failed back in middle school," Eileen said quickly.

Hawk rolled his eyes, "we created a dance for the project, and I messed up a move then Eileen and I argued. Our teacher gave us an A but we were told never to tell anyone how we got it because no one in his 35 years had figured it out."

"You tell me this, now?" Demetri questioned her. She turned to him, "no one will ever believe you."

Demetri sighed, knowing that she was right and exactly who that teacher was before looking back at Hawk, "you can't quit."

"I made up my mind," Hawk confirmed.

Demetri sat up, "hey, you're the one that got me into karate, remember? I mean I was perfectly happy playing Dungeon Lord and hanging with Eileen after school, but you put me in a situation where I had to join a dojo.  And you know what? It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I got stronger, gained confidence, and literally told Eileen that I loved her without hesitation and I've been wanting to say that for years" Demetri monologued.

"Really?" Eileen asked, before getting a look from him, "Not the point. My bad. Hawk, you're amazing at karate, you can't give up your gift."

"Hell, I'm actually excited about the All Valley tournament," Demetri let out, "I'd never thought I'd say that. But it's not going to be as exciting if you're not there." Hawk looked tempted but went back to his game.

"Okay, you're going to make me do this," Demetri said, reaching into his pocket, and grabbing his phone. He squished Eileen in between himself and Hawk, then turned off his computer.

"I thought you said you deleted these," Hawk said.

"Oh, I say a lot of things. Which tends to be a polarizing attribute of mine," Demetri responded. Eileen nodded in agreement before they watched the video.

"Demetri and Eli, binary brothers! One or a zero, we'll be your hero!" A younger Hawk and Demetri sang along to. Eileen smiled at the memories, "I still can't believe you managed to get me to edit that all the way in San Diego."

"Why are you showing me these?" Hawk asked.

"Because this is who you are," Demetri responded.

"A loser?" He asked rhetorically.

"My best friend," Demetri corrected, "I know you think that mohawk defined who you are, but it didn't. Not to me. Eli, Hawk, hell, call yourself Cornelius for all I care."

"Please don't call yourself Cornelius," Eileen interrupted.

Hawk put his hands up, "wasn't planning on it."

"None of that changes the fact that you're my binary brother. Whether you're number one, or a zero." Demetri concluded.

"And you'll always be my favorite dance partner, no matter how much you hated that dance," Eileen added, resting her hand on his shoulder.

After the talk with Eli, Eileen felt much better and walked to the Miyagi Do dojo to her car and drove herself home. When she got there, Samuel was packing his things into his car, clearly upset.

"Samuel?" Eileen spoke up. He looked at her with saddened eyes. "What's going on?"

"Kelli broke up with me, I don't know why, we didn't have anything but small arguments," he replied, "I'm just packing because everything looks great here, so I'm heading back to San Diego." He explained.

"Samuel," she said sadly.

"Sorry, kid, I don't know what I did wrong," he said before he got into his car and left. She watched him go before she stormed into the house. Kelli was drinking scotch on the rocks at their island.

"Mom, what the hell?" Eileen asked bitterly.

"I don't need this from you," she said, walking away to the stairs.

"Bull! You loved Samuel, why are you pushing him away?" She yelled at her while Kelli ran upstairs.

"I'm sorry, Eileen. we can't be a lovey-dovey family! Because of my ex-" Kelli ranted.

"Oh, there you go again!" Eileen interrupted, getting a body turn from Kelli "always blaming Dad but you never give me any reason!"

"I'm your mom, it should be your reason!" She yelled back.

"Oh yeah, well how am I supposed to know if I've never met the man?" She asked.

"Go find him then, see if he'll be your father! Go away! I don't care!" Kelli screamed before slamming the door to her bedroom. Eileen breathed heavily before climbing into the attic. She went to the box found the photo and lifted the picture. 

AN: fun little family drama

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