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"Hey," Robby greeted Eileen as she walked up to Miyagi Do dojo. Eileen smiled as she stopped walking so they could walk together.

"Hey!" She answered back. They did their handshake, not noticing Eli staring them down. Specifically, Robby. They heard a whistle from Chosen, notifying the group it was time to start their lesson.

"Line up!" He yelled out before yelling in Japanese. Eileen walked next to Demetri, with Robby beside her until Eli went in between the two. The girl raised her eyebrow at his reaction but Eli pretended like he didn't do anything, pointing up to pay attention to Chosen.

"So, where are my Dad and Johnny?" Sam asked, looking up at him.

"Not here," He replied. "Today, you train with me." He shouted in Japanese, Eileen giving him a nervous smile. "Attention!" He put his hands on each of his sides, the rest following in pursuit.

"Bow." He instructed. The group bowed, looking up at the man in awe. "Cobra Kai gaining ground. We must prepare. Come."
Eileen and Demetri grabbed each other's hand as they followed Chosen to where he was going.

"Now, we learn about Yanbaru Kuina." He told the group what they would be doing.

"What is that? Like some secret karate move?" Chris asked, seeming to be genuinely excited about the karate session today. "Like a throat rip." Eileen shook her head and smiled at Chris' antics before she looked at Chosen.

"No. It is bird." He told Chris. "In English called Okinawa rail. Endangered. Cannot fly."

"Hence, endangered." Demetri nodded.

"I'll protect them with my life," Eileen mumbled. Eli chuckled at her intensity. He pulled out a dozen eggs covered in a cloth.

"So, these are the real eggs?" Miguel spoke up.

"No. Trader Joes. $3.29." Chosen responded. "Take egg."

Demetri grabbed two, handing one to Eileen. She smiled at him, gently bumping into his shoulder to show affection.

"So what do we do with them?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, I had the same question," Eileen added on.

"Yanbaru Kuina must protect egg. From Kume Shima habu. Poison snake. You must do the same." Chosen told them before turning an hourglass filled with sand. "Begin your preparation!"

"What are we protecting them from?" Robby asked.

"From me." Eileen raised her eyebrows in response. He seemed to know what he was doing, so she didn't know how she was going to manage this. He yelled at them to go, throwing his weapons at them.

"Tri, wanna help me?" Eileen asked, going towards the building. He nodded, still unsure of what she was doing. She forced him to lift her as cheerleaders would at a football game. Once she made it to the roof she put the egg in the gutter and hopped off the roof back to Demetri.

"— I'm pretty sure they're just, uh, catching up." She heard Miguel talking.

"They are," Eileen confirmed, the group jumping at Eileen butting in on the conversation. Chosen whistled, notifying them that the hourglass finished its purpose.

"Looks like the hunger games have begun," Demetri spoke, sounding confident as he wrapped his arm around Eileen. "Luckily, I have eggs-ecuted the perfect plan. When I win, everyone will have egg on their face. They'll be shell-shocked. The yolk will—"

"Yeah, okay, we get it. What's your plan?"

"Yeah, you seem to have a strategy, spill." She told him what to do with a poker face. She knew Chosen might be watching their every move, so Eileen had to strategize. Maintain a calm face.

"I'm glad you asked. I have created a protective covering. I made it out of my college prep book and blunt force impact, and I tied the whole thing together with an old spool of dental floss and my left shoelace. It's pretty durable," Demetri explained before a knife came flying into it.
Eileen jumped back with a scared look, but she was met with Chosen. Just Chosen. She took a deep breath, as she watched Miguel and Eli run away.

"Uh, sorry love. Bye!" She told him as Chosen walked up to him. She walked away from him to see Eli.

"Hey—" Eileen tried to make conversation.

"Why are you talking to Robby?" He asked, sounding disgusted.

"Because he's my friend. And he helped me out, so I'm returning the favor by being kind." Eileen explained, walking away, not wanting to pick sides. Chosen walked up to her when she was by the gutter after she heard him get Eli and Anthony's eggs.

"You like lady gaga," he notified her.

"Thank you... Do you mean I remind you of her because of my essence or personality? How am I like lady gaga?" Eileen asked him, tilting her head in confusion.

He pulled out his bō staff, "Her poker face!"
He hit the gutter and the egg came flying out. But there was one issue. It hadn't cracked. He went to stab it, Eileen kicking his staff away from the egg. Eileen retrieved it but it was hit out of her hand and onto the pole.

"Thank you for the compliment on the poker face, I have been practicing." Eileen nodded, walking to the group that had their eggs broken. Demetri saw the look on Eileen's face and quickly went into action to stop Eli Robby's argument.

"Thank you." Eileen wrapped her arm around him as he laid his head on hers. Demetri nodded wrapping him around her as they were told to line up again.

"Snakes will take you down. One by one. I have tried to tell you what you must do. But you do not listen. You must learn to adapt. Or soon, you will be extinct." Chosen explained to the group. "Take new eggs, try again."

Eileen grabbed two eggs from the carton Sam held and handed one to Demetri.

"Sensei Toguchi's real cryptic, like Mr. LaRusso, but aggressive like Sensei Lawrence." Demetri pointed out to the group.

"Did they finally take my suggestion of meeting in the middle?" Eileen spoke out loud. Sam shrugged and nodded, making Eileen grin.

"Like the hardest part in both styles," Chris added. They all started to separate before Anthony tried to get their attention.

"Guys, uh, wait. He said that the snakes would take us down one by one. Right? Just like he took us down one by one, but... But what if we weren't a bunch of ones? Like, what if we were..." Anthony explained his thoughts, trailing off.

"Together." Sam finished.

"Yes, exactly! Like, um, a raiding party in dungeon lords." Anthony nodded, proud of his plan.

"Hell yeah!" Eileen nodded, high-fiving Anthony.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Even if you're a level 85, you can't mount an attack on the grand realm alone." Demetri went on.

"You need a team. Everybody has a special role." Eli finished it for him.

"The only way we win is if we work together. As one." Anthony spoke to them seriously. They decided to put the eggs in the basket.

"Are we sure we want to put all our eggs in one basket? When you're specifically not supposed to do that." Demetri asked again.

"Yes," Eileen responded. She turned her focus when she saw the move of a shadow, her eyes darting to Chosen, who ran with a bō staff at them. Eli blocked the staff, Robby attacking him from the other side. The boys quickly went up to choose to grab the bō, under Eli's instructions, almost grabbing the eggs if it weren't for Anthony.

Sam kicked at him from one side, but him blocking it. That gave Eileen the chance to hit him in the side, Chosen to block ber second hit, pushing her into Eli. She attacked again, only this time he shoved her out, causing her to trip.

She breathed heavily as the group surrounded Chosen, not letting him near the eggs. Anthony, who still had the eggs, sat down next to Eileen, being extra cautious of the eggs. Eileen slowly got up again, Anthony making sure she was good before going into a fighting stance as well.

"Snake concede." He spoke before the group celebrated. Eileen wrapped her arms around Demetri and Miguel who were next to her with a smile.

"This is what we have that Cobra Kai does not. Their movement mile wide but only inch deep. But our movement, inch wide, but mile deep. Now that you have learned to work together, I will teach you how to master your defense." He yelled out in Japanese, the group standing up straight before they bowed.

AN: almost at the
end :,), but i have
another cobra fic
that i can hopefully
post after this one.

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