Only us

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a/n: the only person whom i put almost half my trust betrayed me, then my parents ask why im so afraid of trusting people, why is it that whenever i trust someone with a small secret, they tell it to someone else? is it that hard to keep you're fucking mouth shut? this is why i dont like making irl friends, they can destroy you irl too. i just feel so betrayed, and my family wont stop with me too.. i just cant anymore.. im sorry... anyways enjoy a kinlaurens chapter...

and also, for those who have instagram.... i revived mine so if u guys wanna connect my username is the same username i use here....

this chapter is dedicated to AGamerAndAnimator


"Target sighted, Ma'am." The man said as he ushered his men towards him "Shall we commence the attack?"

"Wait." Evil's voice was heard on the other side of the line "Is he alone?"

"Yes Ma'am." The man replied "Are you sure?"


"Alright then." She said "Go."


Alexander was peacefully walking down the hallway when a cloth blinded his vision.


"Get him up, quickly!"


"Shut him up!"


"Let's go."


Alexander didn't know where they were headed. He felt both furious and annoyed at the same time, but he wondered who the psychopath who had the nerve who kidnap him like this.

This wasn't really new to him. Kidnappings happened to him every once and a while, but he always lives in the end.

But this was the first time he was kidnapped like..... This.

"Um..." Alexander was at the front seat, his eyes were wide open but a cloth was covering his mouth, there were no cuffs or ropes binding him, his kidnappers even put on his seatbelt.

"I spy with my little eye, a tall, green--"

"It's a tree."

"How did you know?"

"It's the only thing we can see for miles.


"I'm confused." Alexander said "Where are you taking me?"

"To Ma'am Evil's estate." The man driving replied "Mrs. Evil? She ordered you to do this?"

"Yup." He replied boringly "Why?"

"I dunno," He said "Something about making you look more of a presentable for a date?"

"What?" Alexander frowned "I'm confused." He mumbled "I wasn't informed of any date."



"Alexander!" Evil smiled fakingly as she pulled him for an embrace "How good to see you."

"What is this? What's going on?" Alexander hissed as he took a step back from her "Well, were going to take you for a makeover!"

"A what?"

"Well, if I were going to be honest with you.." Evil coughed "You look like an old man despite you're young age."

"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or an offense."

"Unlike, Eliza- Who looks like she haven't age a day after 18, it will seem like you've married a child." She smiled.

"I don't need a makeover." Alexander said "Now leave me alone-"

"I'll only make a few changes, like you're hair and that peach fuzz you're growing there, makes you look like a grandpa." She said "I don--"

"Alrighty then! C'mon Girl!" Evil smirked as a women appeared behind her "Do what needs to be done.".

"Yes Ma'am."

"N-no... W-wait.."

"And don't forget to color his hair ginger!"



"Alright! It's all done!" The lady smiled as she step back to look at her work "You look so handsome."

"What have you done to me." Alexander said, mortified "Get these cuffs off of me."

The lady smiled apoligetically before removing the cuffs that binded his feet and hands to the chair "Sorry, it had to be done."

"Had to be done my ass." He hissed "I'll get you for this." The lady giggled in response "I get that all the time."

"Would you like to see yourself?" She said "Is that even a question?"

"You don't have to sass me." She pouted as she gave Alexander the mirror "Now, let me see what you've done to my godlike face--"

"Huh.." Alexander was speechless for a moment "N-not bad."

"Admit it, I did a perfect job." She grinned "Don't be so full of yourself." Alexander snarled "But I admit, among all the people who gave me a makeover, you were the first one who did an okag job."

"I'll take that as a compliment." She giggled "What's you're name?"

The lady looked surprised before looking around, then pointing at herself "M-me?"

"Who else is it gonna be?" Alexandef pokerfaced.

"O-oh, right.." The lady chuckled nervously "I-I'm Homo."

"Oh." Alexander looked surprised for a moment "Alright, Homo- Would you like a promotion?"


"Alexander and Eliza are going on a date?"

John looked surprised at the words that came out of Francis' mouth "Really? How did you know?"

"I overheard Mrs. Evil talking about it last night." He said "They're going to this party held by the Chandlers."

"I see.." John looked away "And you're telling me this because...?"

Francis blushed "W-well, I too was invited so.." He gulped "I-I was wondering i-if you wanted to b-be my date...?"

John looked surprised "M-me?" His cheeks reddened "A-are you sure?"

"Of course." He smiled "W-why?"

"Well, why wouldn't it be you?" Francis said "B-but is it okay? You b-being seen with a guy as a date i-in public?"

"Uh, Yeah- Why?" Francis shrugged "Well.. Y-you're reputation will be damaged--"

"Fuck my reputation." He said "Who cares what they think? As long as i'm happy with what I do, nothing else matters." He smiled "And besides, being with you is more important than my reputation."

John blushed at his words "I-I.. B-but--"

"Shh." He said "Don't worry, tonight will be only us." He said "Don't think about the rest, just think about us."

John was as red as a tomato "Oh, Francis.. I would love too!"

"YES!" Francis exclaimed happily as joyful tears fell down his eyes "Y-You don't know h-how happy I am--"

John laughed as Francis carried him and spun him around "F-francis! P-put me down! I-i'm really heavy!"

"Heavy?! You weight no heavier than my pillow!"

"Stop overexaggerating." John giggled as he pecked his nose "You're so cute."

"I beg to differ." John said "Then you're so hot."

"Stop it." John laughed as he looked away.

He knew deep inside of him that he only agreed to this date so that he could spy Alexander and try to make him jealous, especially when he saw his reaction after he kissed Francis.

He wanted him to pay for hurting not only him, but everyone else..

But what he didn't realize was he was gonna hurt another innoccent soul while doing this.


Trust was such a strong word.

So that's why it's so painful when it's broken.

But still, Francis did not hesitate to put all his trust on John.


Because he was head over heels for him.

"Charlotte, what should I do?" Francis paced back and forth in the room "I-I didn't plan anything! W-what should I wear? What topic should I open up to him? I-I-I---"

"Chill." Charlotte sighed as she flopped down the bed "It's just a simple date, no harm done."

"It's not just a date!" Francis screamed "T-this is special..."


"Because it's John." He said "Everything with John is special."

Charlotte smiled worriedly "You're too sweet..." She said "But you should be careful, you do know he's inlove with Alexander right?"

"I know." He frowned as he tied his hair "B-but he kissed me... That must mean something, right?"

"I guess.." Charlotte sighed "Just... Don't put you're hopes up too much, alright?"

Francis smiled "I won't."

Charlotte grinned at him "Welp, nice talking to you- But I gotta go help John pick his clothes."

"What?" Francis jaw dropped "But I thought you were gonna help me?!"

"Bye Couz!"



"Alexander, What in the Goddamn world happened to you?"

Eliza stared in both confusion and disbelief at the man infront of him, her eyes piercing through hi soul "You're mom happened."

"Stepmom." She corrected as she crossed her arms "I supposed you've been informed about the party tonight."

"Yeah, but it was so sudden." He shrugged as he fixed his suit, Eliza hummed in response.

Alexander stared at Eliza "Are you mad at me?"

"Who isn't?" Eliza snapped, glaring at him "But I supposed this is partly my fault."

Alexander perked up at this "Elaborate."

"I was the one who practically threw herself onto you with no disregard about what you felt." She said "But now... Now that I finally realized it.."

"I-it's too late."

Alexander felt pity for the woman infront of her, but this was all for the best "I'm sorry."

"Don't." She hissed "I hate you." She said as she left, leaving Alexander in a painful silence.

"..... Who doesn't?"


"You look so gorgeous." Charlotte squealed as she made final touches with John's hair "I think you're too gorgeous for Francis' heart to handle."

John stared at her nervously "I-I don't know..." He said "I-I look weird in in this skirt."

"Hush." She grinned "You look beautiful."

John smiled shyly "Thanks, I guess."

Charlotte looked at him with a worried expression "Hey, you do like Francis a bit right?"

"Yeah." John replied almost instantly "He's really got high hopes on you," She said "He really loves you."

John blushed "L-love is such a strong word..." He said "Maybe it's just a simple crush."

"Nah." She said "This was the first time I saw Francis' this happy eversince he left Alexander,"

Charlotte looked at John with a mixture of both seriousness and worry "He's got his heart broken many times before, I hope you aren't gonna add up to his pain."

John looked clenched his fist "What do you mean he's got his heart broken many time?"

"His mother was murdered by his father infront of him, his first love was stolen by his best friend--"

"Woah." John cut her off "Francis loved Eliza!?"

Charlotte looked away sadly "Yeah, but Alexander didn't know Francis was inlove with Eliza- So when Francis found out that Alexander had feelings for her, he gladly gave her to him."


"Because Francis wanted them both to be happy," Charlotte said "He'd sacrifice anything to the people he cares about."

"You see, us Kinloch's have bad luck when it comes to love." Charlotte frowned "Family love, friendly love... It always goes badly at the end."

John looked at her with both pity and guilt "I... I don't.."

"You don't have to say anything." Charlotte smiled slyly "Just promise me something."

"Promise me you won't add up to Francis' heartbreak."


"Would you like a glass of champagne my love?" Alexander smiled sweetly, holding Eliza's hand.

Eliza scoffed "I thought it was woman?"

"I'll take that as a yes." Alexander sighed and walked away, leaving Eliza in her silent rage.

Eliza sighed as she looked around the ballroom, her eyes sometimes landing on greedy ones.

She stopped at two certain figures.

"N-no way..." She walked towards them to get a closer look "It can't be..."

"Love? I got you---"


John and Francis' conversation was Interuppted by the sound of glass shattering.

"A-alexander!" Eliza's squeaky voice was heard, their gazes went towards them and saw that Alexander had gripped the glass too tightly that it broke.

"Alexander! You should be more careful." Eliza hissed as she grabbed his hand "Be thankful you didn't get any wounds, what were you think--"

"Mr. Hamilton" John's voice filled Alexander's ears "What a surprise bumping into you here."

Francis was confused "Bu--"

"Laurens." Alexander said shakily "What are you doing here with-" His gaze averted to Francis "Him?"

"He asked me to be his date, and I happily accepted! I mean, who would want to miss the chance of going out with a hottie like him?"

Francis blushed "I didn't know you were gay, Kinloch."

Francis flinched at the harshness of his voice "W-well.."

"John! Would you like to go get some drinks? I heard their rasberry punch is divine!" Eliza squeaked out, trying to break the tension "Oh, No tha--"

"Let's go!" Eliza pulled John away from them, leaving the two dominant men alone, together.

"Alexander." Francis broke the silence "I missed you--"

"I didn't." Alexander hissed "Life was better before you showed up."

Francis looked hurt "I-I'm sorry..."

Alexander clicked his tongue in response "D-do you.." Francis gulped "Do you regret being my friend?"

"You were never my friend." He said "You were just a annoying brat who always stuck with me."

Francis frowned "But I guess I do owe you many things." Alexander confessed "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be the billionaire that I am now." He said "I wouldn't have realized my love for Eliza because of you."

"That's the one thing I regret." Francis whispered as Alexander walked away from him "Because of me, I guided you to the wrong path of love."

Francis looked back at John "Because of me, a painful love triangle formed."

He clenched his fist "It's always my fault," He said "It's always me."

He smiled bitterly "Don't worry.... M-memento mori."

"It'll be over soon."


"You aren't using Francis to make Alexander jealous are you?"

"I'm not." John snapped "Don't accuse me of doing such a thing."

"I'm not accusing you," Eliza said "I'm just pointing out the obvious."

"Leave me alone." John hissed, he was about to leave when Elizs grabbed his arm "I'm just worried about you, John."

"I can totally see that." John said sarcastically "John, don't do this please."

"Goodbye Mrs. Hamilton."


"John, are you alright?" Francis asked worriedly "I'm fine."

"Wanna dance?" John suggested, but he didn't even gave the chance for Francis to reply because he already pulled him towards the center.

The center near Alexander.

They followed the couple all afternoon.


"Hurry up! Let's go to the garden! The sunset looks much beautiful there!" John urged Francis as he pulled him.


"C'mon! Let's go--"



Francis stopped his tracks "What's the matter?"

"Are.." Francis inhaled sharply "Are you sure this is about the sunsets?"

"Of course." John chuckled nervously "What else would it be?"


There was a moment of silence before John started laughing "That's absurd! I--"

"Wasn't that the reason you agreed to be my date?" Francis cut him off "Wasn't he the reason you kissed me that night?"

"W-wasn't he the reason for a-all this?" Francis' voice broke "Francis.."

"I-I know you love him, John..." He whispered "B-but you forgot that I too, is inlove with you."

John stared at him with a mixture of both guilt, shock and sadness "F-francis... I-I didn't realize-"

"I-it's fine, I'm used to it." He smiled bitterly "It just feels new when it's you who use me..."

Francis chuckled hoarsely "I-I should have seen t-this coming.." He said "I-I knew it would end like this a-again.."

"Francis.." John was in the brink of tears "Don't cry, it's fine." He smiled "L-let's just go catch up with A-Alexander---"

John cried in Francis' chest "I-I'm so sorry!" He sobbed as he continued showering him with apologies "I-I was being selfish..."

Francis looked at him with dull love "So this is how it feels like... To be embraced by someone you love.."

"I-I'm sorry!" John continued crying "I'm so so sorry!"

Francis bit his lip before bursting into tears "D-don't cry... I-it hurts when I see you cry b-because of me.."

Francis held him tightly "I-I love you so much, I love you more than myself... E-even if you don't love me back... I-I will always keep you in my heart.."

Francis held both of his shoulders and leaned closer to his height "I love you to the moon and back, always remember that... I will be here for you, I will wait for you... "

He slowly leaned closer to him.

John closed his eyes tightly.

Francis placed a small kiss in his forehead "I will be here."

Francis took a step back, a loving smile on his face. John smiled back at him as he slowly reached out his hand, intertwining it with his.

"Let's watch the sunset together." He said as he looked to the horizon "We'll spend the night here."

John looked at him happily "Only us."

Francis smiled back "Only us.."

A comfortable silence occured between them.

"I'm not so sure about that lovebirds~"


John and Francis jolted away from each other before turning around to the new voice.


"Yow." She grinned.

"Wait a second." Francis looked at her in disbelief "You're voice.. I-it can't be.."


"That's me!" Kira pulled out her tongue at him.

"Wait, what!? I'm confused? What did I miss!?" John looked puzzled "You know Kira?"

"Kind of." He hissed "So you're name is Kira?"

"Dude, John just literally told you that a second ago." She pokerfaced "Don't sass me brat."

"You're just mad I pulled the oldest prank call on you!" Kira laughed "Fuck you."

"Fuck you too."

"Stop fighting."

John stared at the unknown man standing behind Kira "Who are you?"

"Oh right! This is Enriquez, a friend." Kira grinned "He's a gamer, and a pretty great guy to be with!"

John glanced at his phone "You play Lanota?"

Enriquez looked surprised, but smiled shyly "Yeah..."

Kira smiled as she watched John and Enriquez talk happily with each other "Stop smiling, you're damaging my eyes."

"Stop existing, you're damaging everyone's life." Kira shot back.

Francis glared at her before smirking "What's with that smug look on you're face?"

"Oh nothing."

"Tell me, bitch."

Francis took a step forward her before looking down.

"You look shorter in person."

"Ohhh..." Kira was triggered "Just like your dick?"

Francis glared at her "My dick is ten times larger than you."

"I bet it's ten times sadder than you too."

"Are you testing me, brat?"

"Don't mess with the author, bitch."



"Don't you dare lay a hand on Kira--"


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