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10 Years later...

Somewhere on a junkyard.....

A blond haired boy was sitting on a rusted car with an object on his hands.

Jaune POV

Its been ten years since Y/n disappeared. During that time more and more of his kind started to appear on Remnant. I met some like him they were Optimus Prime, Bumble-Bee, Crosshairs, Drift, Hound, and the Dino bots.

But where theres good guys there will also be bad ones. After The Autobots arrived here Megatron also appeared. Then all hell Broke loose.

The war that Optimus told me that happened in Cybertron, thier planet is happening here too.

Shortly after that Optimus also left us to find and destroy their creators.

All the Kingdoms has been plunged into chaos. Atlas has declared that Cybertronians are now illegal and were to be terminated on sight.

But my team and team RWBY were against it. So here we are, as fugutives.

Even after years passed with the Autobots I still couldn't forget my very first friend...Y/n. I still believe even now that he'll return. And maybe just maybe he'll help us with our battle against the Decepticons.

I snapped back to reality as Crosshairs said something.

Crosshairs: Yo boss we got a distress signal. Its comming from a city near Atlas.

Jaune: Alright! Bee you coming?

I looked at Bee and saw he was already on Car form with my whole team inside.

Nora: Come on slowpoke!

Nora being the hyperactive person she is. Even with the hardships we faced we still smile.

You guys are the best..

I told Ruby and her team that we needed to check something out. After that I went to my team and Bee.

Jaune: Okay! I'm here

I hopped off and went inside Bee.

After few hours of Driving we arrived at the place where the distress signal was. A part of me kept wishing that this was Y/n.

Please be Y/n....

We walked inside an abbandoned arena and saw a very damaged ship.

Jaune: Come on guys, Bee you go on guard.

Bee: You got it

Me and my team walked towards the ship. I looked at the transparent glass of the ship and saw a bot that looked aufuly like Y/n.


I quickly got out the boom sticks and planted them on the glass. The whole team noticed my very worried expression.

Ren: Jaune, you alright?

Nora: Yeah,  whats with the rush?

Pyrrha: Jaune, calm down..

Jaune: I can't....this has to be him..it has to be...

As I said that tears had fallen down my cheeks.

Jaune: it has to....

*sounds of glass breaking*

I wiped my tears and immediately looked inside. To my disappointment it wasn't Y/n. I felt silent for a momnent. Then the bot woke up.

Bot: where.....am.....I?..

The bot said weakly.

Jaune: Your in Remnant....

I looked to the bots chest and saw he was bleeding. Very badly bleeding.

Jaune: Don't move...I'll patch you up...

Bot: There is no time for that! She is comming! This world will end!

The bot said it with fear in every word. Then he was breathing slowly.

He's dying...

Jaune: Who is comming?

Bot: Qui-


I was thrown away by some unknown force. After regaining my composure I saw that the cockpit of the ship had been blown off.

Ren helped me up.

Pyrrha: Jaune, sentinels are comming!

When Pyrrha said that two sentinels had their laser sights at our directions.

We drawed out our weapons.

Jaune: Pyrrha disable that thing!

Pyrrha used her semblace and immobilized one of the sentinel.

Ren and I started attacking the sentinel. After a few attakcs it went down.

Then we were sent flying from a shot of the other sentinel. We hit a wall hard.

Jaune/Ren: Ack!!

I looked towards Pyrrha and Nora and saw they were cornered. The sentinel was about to shoot them.

Jaune: Bumble-Bee!!

As if on que Bee appeared from a wall and was rodeoing the sentinel. Then Bee Shot its central conrol system. It fell down dead.

Bee looked at us.

Bee: You guys Okay?

Jaune: Yeah

NPR: yep

We walked towards the exit of the arena. Then Bee spoke.

Bee: got anything?

Jaune: No, but it did said something about the world ending and that she was comming....

Bee: Hmm.....we better head back befo-

Bee stoped when he saw laser sights on all our heads and chests.

Darn it!

Ironwood: Surrender yourselves Jaune Arc!

Jaune: Ironwood.....

I looked at him with hate full in my eyes.

Then Bee aimed his gun at Ironwood.

Bee: Not today pal, if you as much as hurt them I. Will. Kill. You

Qrow: Lower your weapons! Their not the real threat.

I looked at the direction of the voice and saw Qrow, Ruby's uncle.

Qrow: Long time no see kids, How are my nieces? Oh and Bee could you lower down your weapon please?

Bee lowered his weapon but was still warry. Bee and Qrow go way back since the first apperance of Megartron they have been allies with the Autobots until Atlas declared that Cybertronians were now illegal.

Jaune: Hey Qrow, Yeah their both fine

Qrow: Thanks for taking care of them Kid, I owe ya. Soldiers lower your weapons.

The soldiers lowered their weapons. Then Hound arrived.

Hound: Ey! I thought you guys might need back up so I came, Oh hey Qrow

Qrow: Hey Hound

Jaune: We'll be taking our leave now

Nora: See ya!

Pyrrha: Farewell

Ren: Bye

Bee: Sayonara Bitches

Bee and Hound transformed to thier car forms. We went inside then they drove off.

Qrow POV

Good thing those kids know how to live on their own now...

I sapped back to reality when Ironwood yelled at me.

Ironwood: Why did you let them escape!

Qrow: Their not the Enemy dumbass!

Ironwood: hump!....tag them

From a far a sniper shot Bee with a tracker.

??? POV

Jaune Arc....so you had the Amulet with you from the begining..

I transformed to my Car form and drove off. I was heading to report to lord Megarton.

I arrived at Lord Megatrons hideout.

???: Lord Megarton I have found the Amulet, Jaune Arc had it all this time

Megatron: And You let Them Escape!?

???: I was outnumbered my Lord...

Megatron: Barricade, do not disappoint me next time

Barricade: I do know how we can find him, The Atlas Military...

Megatron: Ahh yes those humans will lead us to him and the Amulet...

A/n: Okay as you may know now after reading the chapter, I'm gonna follow the Movie Plot....maybe fully maybe not...

I guess thats all for now

Skullbasher Out!!

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