Chapter Zero; I Know The End

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Christmas break was winding to a close and so was whatever had been going on between Dria and Johnny all break. They both knew it. Johnny knew that Dria would return to her orbit and inevitably end up perched on Milo Finley's lap in no time.

Dria knew that despite her feeling whole for the first time ever during her time with Johnny, she knew that if Milo found out all hell would break loose. And she cared about Johnny far too much to let him be the person who faced the wrath of a pissed Milo.

Milo and Johnny had never really seen eye to eye on anything. Mainly because Milo felt some sense of resentment towards Johnny, simply because Johnny was better. Johnny was a better person, a better friend and he was by far a better rugby player. So when Johnny made captain during fourth year everything exploded in terms of Milo's jealousy.

And with all Johnny did over the Christmas break being pushing himself physically to bounce back from an injury and spending every other waking moment with Dria. There was no way Dria was going to let Milo blow up on Johnny for something he didn't deserve. If either of them deserved for Milo to be upset with them it was Dria.

But Milo's hatred for Johnny was somehow what fueled Dria's attraction to him. Well that and the fact the Johnny Kavanagh looked like a chiseled Greek God. Which is what led them to their current predicament; Dria sprawled inbetween Johnny's thighs wearing one of his jumpers as they sat in the living room of Johnny's home watching a movie with Johnny's parents.

Of course his parents had fallen asleep fifteen minutes into the movie, giving Johnny and Dria the chance to make out for a good hour during the movie. Johnny's fingers were delicately threaded in Dria's hair as he spoke, "So schools back in a few days." Dria nodded as she melted against his touch, "Yeah."

Johnny's voice was low, partly because he didn't want to wake his parents and partly because he was afraid of Dria's reaction to his words, "Don't get back with that eejit. Dria please?" Dria sighed as she leaned back and looked up at Johnny who was looking down at her, "Come on don't do that. You know you and I can't do this anymore. Do you want to see the scrap that will come out if we do."

Johnny leaned back on his forearms, "Yeah. You know everybody says that I'm better than him. But how's it that he has the one thing I really want?" Dria shook her head as she looked up at Johnny, "You can't say things like that." Johnny bit back a smart-ass retort, "I know. I know Adri." Dria shook her head, "You know you're the only person I let call me Adri." Johnny sighed as he didn't reply, he knew it was wrong. But he was upset he couldn't convince Dria to finally be completely done with Milo.

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