Chapter 32: Come Home!

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*Vote at the End! Enjoy!*


It's the start of Logan's long and well deserved break, only till next week of course when he and Austin will have a 2v2 tag team match against the Judgement Day, the new Unified Tag Team Champions, that's next Monday though, today Logan needs to see his boss, he's not sure what Steph wants to see him for but before he went to the Airport to head home to Orlando, he went to find out, knocking on the door to the penthouse suite that he was in the other day.

Stephanie: It's open!

Logan opened the door to see the penthouse completely changed from the other night, the bed's are gone the couches are changed, it looks like a brand new room, a completely different room, Logan actually though he had the wrong room, if it wasn't for his boss relaxing in a robe sitting on the couch, then he might have got a little turned around.

Logan: You wanted to see me?

Logan asked walking towards his boos, Stephanie nodded to him, putting down the magazine she was reading then muted the Tv, Logan sat beside her after she patted the seat, turning her attention and slightly open robe towards him.

Stephanie: I did. First, I'm very disappointed that you didn't come see me the other night. I thought we were going to have our own little fun ~

Logan smiled a little with a small chuckle, Logan does normally make sure to get around to her at these parties, you think he's got to the top like he has without pressing the flesh, he is a little impressed with himself though, he was second to only Duncan at the night and spent 30 minutes in a pretty top rate match-up with Austin, he's pretty impressed with his resilience.

Stephanie: Second. Why have you hurt little Lexi?

Logan sighed as he thought about what he did, he's pretty sure he's pissed her off since he wants to get back into the car that nearly killed him, also he missed hearing Steph call her the little nickname she gave her, to Steph, Alexis is "Little Lexi" and Logan's her "Cub", they really love giving him different nicknames based on his character.

Logan: She's just pissed that I kept the car.

He responded with a small little shrug, Stephanie sighed as she closed to gap between them and pulled his head onto her chest, Logan chuckled while her left hand went through his hair as he put his arms around her, Stephanie cuddled them closer together as she tried to talk a little sense into the younger man.

Stephanie: For a smart guy, you know nothing about women. She's not mad that you kept the car, she's pissed that you didn't tell her...

Logan went to move his head to look up to her but as soon as he tried, Stephanie forced his head back to resting just under her chin, Logan knew she had a point but he was more worried about the fact he didn't think of that, he knew he kept it from her but surely Alexis isn't going through this just because of that.

Stephanie: ... Now, your going to go home and apologise like your life depended on it...

Stephanie continued to rub his hair as she held him close to her, Logan was wondering where Hunter was at this point but that wouldn't matter anyway, Logan's on Stephanie's little list, when she says, you do, it's as simple as that.

Stephanie: ... But before you leave, why don't you give me what I want.

Logan couldn't say "No" and honestly he didn't really want to as she moved his head again, this time making him look to her and pressing their lips together, Logan will happily give her what she needs but there isn't anyway he can be in control, his little soldier might fall off if he does, luckily Stephanie was more then happy to take all control, it's how she likes it anyway...


Logan's on the jet heading back to Orlando, Gionna, Duncan, Pam, Lucy, Tez, Bianca, AJ and Kota with him this time, their all in the bedroom tough probably making a mess, Logan was invited to join them but he really needs to take things more carefully, also he's been talking with Hunter about some behind the scenes things that he doesn't want the other guys to know about.

Hunter: ... So you want this to go through. Nothing changes.

Logan's been thinking about it and since Vince has been getting into a lot of trouble lately, Logan thought that he'd buy the WWE, his lawyers are against it but this way he can keep his friends in a career they all love and no one has to be worried about losing their jobs, Logan had the idea when he left Stephanie's hotel room this morning.

Logan: No, you and Steph are still in charge. I just want to fund it all.

Their speaking over a Zoom call, Logan's using the laptop he keeps on the Jet, he doesn't need to take it away from her, the guys worth a small fortune, he can afford multiple laptops when he wants them.

Hunter: This is kind of out the blue. Are you sure about this?

Logan did think about it and he didn't need to think about it too long, it was an easy decision to make, he's never really liked having all this money and wealth sitting around, he'd much rather put it to better use and buying the WWE so they can keep doing everything that their doing right now, is the perfect opportunity for him.

Logan: I now it's out the blue but it's what's best for business. You guys need money and without sounding like a snob. I have it to burn...

Logan's been on the Jet for about an hour now and had already contacted his lawyers to start the process of buying the WWE, Logan's now worth $38 Billion in the new Forbes list taking him from 45th on the list, all the way to 30th, he tries to just throw the money away but everything just seems to pay off for him, maybe he's meant to have all this wealth, maybe he's meant to try and make the world a better place, that starts with helping the WWE stay at the level they've always been.

Logan: ... I don't want to be treated like the majority owner and honestly, only me, you and Steph will know the truth. Oh and Paul but to everyone else, it'll be just another company stepping in. I want nothing to change.

Hunter agreed and liked the sound of that, they all knew he has money to burn, imaging working for someone you have more money then, it's one of the reasons why so many people love him, he's humble and only uses his money to give the people he cares about a better life, he wants to raise his daughter properly, not have a messed up and twisted up bringing he had.

Hunter: I think we can keep this between us. Oh and great work with Austin, he'll take a few weeks off and come back a changed man, let's see how a face role does for him. You have all the things ironed out for your story?

Logan nodded as the original plan was for Logan to take Austin under his wing of sorts but Paul came up with the idea to let Austin have a face run first, they can always pick up where they wanted to go with this story again later if Austin doesn't work out as a face, Logan still gets to work with Lucy so he's happy about that.

Lucy: Hey...

Logan looked to his left as he sat facing forward on the Jet, believe it or not he gets a little motion sick if he's sat backwards, Alexis thinks it's a side affect from the crash which makes sense, his stomach was pretty much destroyed after so a little motion sickness probably is a best case scenario...

... Logan though watched while she sat across from him, he indicated for her to keep quiet as she sat on the seat, her legs pulled up under her as she nodded and happily let him do what he was doing, Logan was curious to why she's not with the others, maybe she's tired and wanted a break.

Logan: All set boss. I'll catch you at Smackdown.

Hunter said his bye then Logan ended the call with just a small click, just like that, in a few weeks Logan will own the biggest Wrestling company in the World, his friends will work for him and hey won't even know it, Logan does a lot for the people around him, but he does very little for himself.

Lucy: What was that all about?

Logan just told her it was about their new story, Lucy knew that they wanted Austin to try being a face from the reaction he got at Payback the other night, she was a little worried that it would mean she was going back to NXT but Logan wouldn't let them, he's not a Lone Wolf anymore, he will get his Pack and he has the best people in mind for it.

Logan: You satisfied?

Logan smiled across to her as she smiled and let out a long sigh, it was a tough thing to get used to, this whole sleeping around thing but once Logan had his first, let's call it a group session, he quickly got used to it, it's quite funny seeing Lucy getting used to it as well, they don't really do it in NXT so it's a big step.

Lucy: You guys can really go, huh?

Logan nodded as the guys on the Main Roster do seem to have a bigger Stamina level then the guys on NXT, they'll all get there one day though, they just need to keep fucking around and boom, they'll be ready, Logan was distracted though by his phone buzzing in his pocket, thinking it was something to do with what he just started, he wasn't in a rush, it was probably on of his lawyer's telling him some legal bullshit about why it's not a good idea, Logan wouldn't have listened though because he wants to do it, also, because it wasn't what he was thinking.


... Logan understood the message and smiled, she's finally going to talk to him and with that one to one with Steph earlier, he now knows what he needs to do and that's to apologise for not telling her the truth, Logan thought it was because he kept the car but it's not, it's because he lied to her, so he picked up the intercom near him and told the plane to turn and head to New York, he couldn't wait to see the women he loves again...


It took a little longer for them to get off the Jet and a few of them were a little confused to why their now in New York, Logan told AJ, Tez and Bianca the plane will take them back so they stayed on board, Logan however was quick to get in a car and head to his house, he's waited far too long to get Alexis asking him to come home and now he has it.

Logan: Lex?...

Logan pretty much kicked the door down as the others followed him, they knew how much this has bummed him out over the past few weeks and since he's a man that hates waiting for things, it was pretty normal for him to be like this.

Logan: ... Lex!?

Logan ran from the living area into the main hall, then straight through to the dinning room, just looking for Alexis, he didn't however see her standing up on the balcony looking down at them, Duncan saw her, so did Pam, Dakota, Lucy and Gionna, they all found it pretty funny to watch Logan dart around the place, though Duncan pitied the British guy.

Duncan: Oh for the love of...

Duncan grabbed Logan's shirt before he could run past again and turned him to look up to the second floor, Alexis smiled with a little wave, Logan broke out of Duncan's grip and nearly jumped up the stairs, Alexis smiled to him as he wrapped her in a hug, gently lifting her from the floor.

Duncan: ... I don't know about you girls, but I could do with a swim.

Duncan was just trying to get them out of the way so Alexis and Logan can have their space, he's not sure what their going to do, whether Alexis is going to shout at him, hit him or fuck him, he didn't know but he did know that their presence here right now is not needed.

Gionna: Please, you just want to see us in swim suits.

That was also another reason he wanted them in the pool but the main one was to leave Alexis and Logan alone, Pam, Kota and Gionna didn't disagree though and they all left to head for a swim, they didn't have time to un pack so they didn't have their swimsuits, Duncan wasn't complaining.

Logan: I can't tell you how bad I feel...

Logan gently put Alexis back to the floor as his hands went to her face, holding her into a small kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck as his hands sneaked down to her baby bump which has grown a fair amount since he last saw her...

... Alexis missed him as well, she knew he was thinking that what he was doing is best but it wasn't, if he told her what was on his mind then none of this would have happened, she learnt though that the best way to teach Logan a lesson is to make sure he knows what he will loss if things don't work out the wat he wants.

Logan: I missed you both.

Alexis tip toed giving him another kiss as he held her close, it was fun staying with Leah and Corey for a while but they couldn't make her feel the same way that Logan can, just like this, holding her in his arms makes her feel so much better.

Alexis: I think she missed you as well. This is the quietest she's been since I told you off...

Logan smiled a little disappointed at himself, Alexis knows about his talk with Steph earlier because she asked Steph to have a word with him, it was her idea, so seeing that he's realised what he did wrong, made her feel a little more better about him being back because she knows he won't do it again.

Alexis: ... Come here.

Alexis took his had and lead him towards their room, Logan was a little worried that she was looking for sex and he can't believe he's hoping that she's not, luckily for him, she wasn't, she had a feeling that he'd be aching so after she sent him the GIF for him to come home, she made an ice bath for him.

Logan: You really are the best girl ever.

Logan was so happy to see it and pulled his shirt off, he gave her a kiss before stripping completely and just getting in, he instantly felt the cold water working on his stiff joints, Alexis though still felt they needed to talk so she took the stool to her make up area and moved it to the edge of the bath, leaning on the tub.

Alexis: We still need to talk.

Logan nodded to her as he sat up a little more, Alexis has been trying to look at this situation from his point of view since she found the car the other week, she knew he didn't hide it from her because he was being an ass, that didn't mean it hurt any less, this is  much needed talk for them...


*Let me know who you want to see in "The Pack"...

~ 3 guys and 2 girls are needed!

~ Try not to suggest anyone who are already in a Faction!

~ Maybe names who aren't on TV so much right now!

~ You can suggest how ever many names as you want!

... I'll put the most interesting into a Vote and we'll see what happens! Take Care!*


(To Be Continued)

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