chapter 18

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the rest of the trip continued in the same manor. me and Sebastian spent time catching up with my family and hanging out until the last day when we finalized the plans for the treaty and made plans for them to come visit when we got back to our pack. after the long drive from Evans pack house to our own we finally pulled up outside the pack house. the second we exited the car my sisters came running out of the house to see there mates. we all grabbed our bags and headed inside where Karen and my mother where sitting at the table with Sean and Michael we said hi and went upstairs to put our bags away before coming down and joining them in the kitchen.

"So how was the trip?". Karen asked.

"It was good...hey mom did you know we were going to uncle Evans pack?" I asked her.

"No I had no is he?"

"Good we actually invited him here...him, Melanie, Vinny, and Alekis are coming for the alpha ceremony." I told her.

"Oh Vinny found his mate? That's wonderful! I can't wait to meet her. when do they get here?" My mother asked.

"Well the ceremony is a week from Saturday so I told them to come that Friday and they are going to stay till Monday"

"That's wonderful it will give us plenty of time to catch up." she said excitedly. I smiled at her and stood from the table walking over to the fridge.

"I'm starving is anyone else hungry?" I asked turning to face them.

"Yes!" They all responded.

"Well then I guess I'm cooking like actual food"i said laughing. I decided to make chicken and rice so I opened the fridge and pulled out chicken and onions and garlic, I set the stuff in the counter and went to the pantry to grab the rice and gravy. While I started cutting the chicken Sebastian came and sat In front of me at the island and just kinda watched me cook. It was cute for all of five seconds and then it just became kinda annoying. I finished cutting up the chicken, put it to the side and got the onions. I looked up at Sebastian as I was peeling the onions.

"If your just gonna sit there and stare why don't you come over here and help me"

"Fine...what do you need me to do" he laughed walking around the counter to stand beside me.

"Get the rice maker out and take care of this please" I said handing him the rice. he kissed my forehead and took the box from my hand.

"Kay baby" he said walking over to the cabinet that held the rice maker.

"Awwwww" I heard coming from the table. I turned to see everyone watching us.

"God you people really need to get lives." I said shaking my head at our family sitting there watching us cook.

"We have lives but you two are just so cute!" Damian said laughing at me when I started blushing.

"Oh shut up Damian, no one asked you" I laughed throwing a piece of the onion I was chopping at his head. He dodged it and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Keep doing that and I will come over there and chop it off " I said glaring at him. he looked and his eyes widened when. He saw the knife I had in my hand he quickly closed his moth slamming his hand over it. we all laughed at him and I went back to chopping the onions. after I was finished I threw them in the pan and cooked them with the garlic and the chicken before mixing in the gravy.

"Hey babe is the rice almost done?" I asked Sebastian turning the burner the chicken was on down to low.

"Yea it just need another minute or two"

"Okay the. Chicken is almost done" i put the lid on the pan and grabbed a bunch of bowls out of the cabinet setting them on the island. Once I was done I shut off the stove and brought the chicken over to the counter where I had set the bowls out and waited a minute until Sebastian brought me the rice. I put some rice into each of the bowls and put some of the chicken on top grabbing forks out of the drawer before calling everyone over. they all grabbed a bowl and sat around the table. while we are we talked about the ceremony and what it would mean for me and Sebastian...we were gonna be missing a lot of school and we were going to have a lot of responsibilities as the official new alpha and luna of the pack but our family believed in us and so did I. it's gonna be hard at first but I know we can do it. after we finished eating we went upstairs to unpack and relax I made plans to go to the mall the next day with my brother and sisters and our friends. it's been a while since we all had a chance to hang out. Once we were upstairs we unpacked our stuff from the trip, we decided to watch the breakfast club so we put on our pjs and started the movie getting into bed.

This was kinda just a filler chapter I needed some way to lead up to something kinda cool for Sean that's gonna happen in the next chapter hope you guys liked it the picture at the top is Jake T. Austin who plays Damian.(I am so stupid I thought I hit publish on this like 3days ago and just realized I didn't😂😂🙈🙈) ✌🏻️💙🍪

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