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The surviving pigs decided to return home. They built a new boat and set sail for Piggy Island.
Ross wanted to stay in The New Land, but the birds didn't want him to be lonely. Tony agreed to take him in, it would be nice for him to have some company.
Before they left, the flock held a small funeral for Silver. Ross, Ruby and Tony attended, but Ruby was still unconscious. Red knew they had to get her back to Bird Island as soon as possible. If they didn't, she would die.
That evening, Tony and Ross bid the flock farewell as they set sail with the eggs.


“I see them!" Willow shouted, standing on top of a tree. “They've come back!"
“What about the eggs?!" a bird yelled.
“They're back, too!" Willow replied. “Let's get to the beach!"

A few birds helped pull the boat out of the water.
“Mommy! Daddy!" The Blues cheered, running to their parents.
“My babies!" Olive cried happily, hugging her children. “Thank goodness you're alright!"
“Look, Daddy! We saved the eggs!" Jim said proudly.
“Yes, you did," Greg smiled, rubbing Jay's head.
While Chuck, Bomb, Matilda, and Terence were giving everyone their eggs, Red held Ruby in his arms.
“What happened to her?" Shakira asked, worried.
“She was beaten up," Red replied. “I think she's dying."
“Don't worry," Shakira said, taking the unconscious bird. “I'll find help."
“Thank you."
Meanwhile, Chuck hid his egg behind his back and approached Stella calmly, only for her to wrap his arms around his neck suddenly.
“Are you okay?!" she asked, relieved to see her husband.
“I'm fantastic, and you will be once you see this!" Chuck replied, showing her the egg.
Stella gasped. There was a large hole in the shell. Chuck was confused and worried. He swore it was fine two minutes ago.
Stella reached inside the egg, and pulled out a healthy little hatchling. His feathers were baby blue, his tummy was pale yellow, and he had two pointed feathers sticking out from the top of his head.
“He's beautiful..." Stella muttered, tearing up as she looked into his enormous blue eyes. The hatchling smiled at his mother and father.
“Yeah, he is," Chuck agreed, stroking his son's cheek with his finger.
Then, they saw Red on his knees, facing the sunset. Chuck knew he had to talk to him.

“Hey, buddy," Chuck smiled nervously. “How you doing?"
“I'm fine," Red muttered.
“No, you're not," Chuck argued. “Red, you're my best friend. You can talk to me about anything."
“She was too young," Red cried softly. “I was going to take her in, we were going to be a family. And know..."
“I'm sorry," Chuck sighed. “I'm sure she's in a better place now, flying free."
“What in the world?!" Bubbles exclaimed.
Coincidentally, a small creature was flying towards the island.
“What is it?!" Hal asked.
“Where's it going?!" an old woman yelled.
“I don't know, but it's not stopping!" Cyrus replied.
Whatever it was, it was headed straight towards Red and Chuck!
“Take cover!" Chuck screamed, tackling Red. The creature landed headfirst into the sand, it somersaulted across the beach and eventually stopped. It was a small, grey bird.
But not just any small, grey bird.

Silver groaned in pain as she rubbed her wing. It was still broken, but she ignored her brain and used her determination to fly all the way back to Bird Island.
Suddenly, she felt someone lifting her from the ground, wrapping his wings around her. It was Red.
“Oh, Silver!" he cried. “How did you...? Oh, who cares?! Thank God you're alright!"
“Red?" Silver gasped. “You're suffocating me..."
“Oh, sorry," Red replied, loosening his grip. “It's just, I thought you were dead!"
“Silver!" the Blues exclaimed, running towards the two.
“Hey, guys!" Silver waved as they jumped up and down.
“You're alive!" Jake cheered.
“How's your wing?" Jim asked.
“Still broken, but I'll be fine with some bandages," Silver replied.
“Get well soon!" Jay smiled. Then, he and his brothers returned to their parents.
Red and Silver smiled at the Blue family, at the birds who held their eggs, at Chuck, Stella, and their son Luca, then at each other.
“Come on," Red said, squeezing Silver to his chest. “Let's go home."

Surprise, surprise, surprise! I brought her back!

I hope you stay tuned for the epilogue!

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