Dead Bodies Game

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At Nivi's House

According Dhruv Plan, Rangella Gang started their work to make Nivi Homeless with in one Hour

Rangelle first send his One gang member to Nivi's owner house and asked that owner

1ST Man : Hi Sir!! Your Groud Floor Portion is Fantastic like you

House Owner : Who are you?

1ST man : Nothing, If you send out those people who was rented in your house, we will shift there,Simple!!

House Owner : You came to my house diretly and gave wanring, Do you think I will scare!! Get Outside.

On saying this House owner touched him, that man went up to Wall and hits his head and fall down on floor.He acted like Dead

House owner and his wife became shock on seeing this

House owner's wife : Why you killed him?

House owner : No, I just touched him.

House owner's wife : Didn't I know how strong your touch must be?

Rangella send another gang member, he came inside that House owner home.

On seeing his man Dead body, he acted like dead even that owner didn't touch him

House owner became shock for this

House owner's wife : Why you killed him also?

House owner : This time I didn't touched him?

House owner's wife : Didn't I know What will be even you didn't touch?

Rangella send another gang member, he came inside that House owner home.

3rd men shouted on seeing their men Dead Bodies

3rd Men : When they came here to ask you to vacant ground Floor, You killed them?

House Owner : No, I didn't killed them they only die without my knowledge.

3rd Men : Without them, I don't want this life. I will die..

That man jumped from Window even That owner stopped him

When Owner saw down, there are two bodies instead of one.

House owner's Wife : What happened? He also dead?

House owner : When one man jumped here, Two dead Bodies are there.

House Owner saw another two men coming inside.

House Owner : OMG!! Another two Dead bodies are coming inside to die!! No..I don't want this any more..

House Owner immediately came to Nivi house with rob and stool and Hecalled Nivi, Bindu on hanging to fan

House Owner : Amma!! Help me!!

Nivi, Bindu became worried on seeing this

Nivi & Bindu : Uncle!! What happened?

House Owner : This is Rope, This is Stoll. If you didn't vacant this house, I will hang myself here.I gave to house when you asked me, I am requesting you to leave this hosue immediately.Please..

Nivi : Uncle!! What happened? Just tell to us.

House Owner : If you asked me anything, I will push this stool and Die..

Nivi & Bindu trying to convince him but without listening he about to push the stool to die.

Nivi and Bindu stopped him and vacant the house immediately

House Owner said to Rangella Gang when they are crying

House Owner : Please don't cry.. I make them vacant the house,Please take away these Dead Bodies from my House

Rangella Gang : Ok!!

They all took away them who are acting like Dead.

One man who acted like Die carrying normal man

House Owner stopped him and asked

House Owner : You are Dead,Right?

That Man : Oh!! I am Sorry..

He shifted to Stretcher and said

That Man : Now,Ok?

House Owner : Perfect!!

That Man : He lost his mind..

House Owner felt happy for this and said

House Owner : Now all Dead bodies also vacated my house..

Nivi and Bindu sat at Roadside with their luggage without knowing what to do now.

Rangella said to Dhruv on showing them

Rangella : Babu, As you say we make your lover homeless.Now what you will do?

Dhruv : Now I have to search new house to My Lover

Rangella and Gang became shock on heard this.

Percap : Dhruv Surprise to Nivi

Sorry for not writing Dhruv Surprise in this part, This Update is also important for that..

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there.

Pics Credit to Google

Thank You so much for all Your Votes and Comments..

Loves You All..💕💕

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