Hermione- Chapter 8

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"How is he?" Cho asks sympathetically, lightly touching my shoulder. 

"Fine," I say quietly. "He just came straight in, went into the bedroom, and fell asleep. I haven't seen him yet."

Cho nods, processing this. "And how are you?"

"Me?" I ask, surprised.

"Yes, you," she says gently. "You don't look very well."

"Ah, well that's the pregnancy," I say with fake enthusiasm.

She shakes her head. "No I don't think it is."

I don't say anything, and we fall into an uncomfortable silence. 

I am worried. Draco has been in the hospital wing for a week, and Madame Pomfrey explained that they got some muggle antidepressants for him. 

I hope they are working. 

Madame Pomfrey assured me that he is making good progress, but her smile seems stretched and thin. 

Everyone is sad. 

The war has left permanent scars on us all. 

Those scars will never fully heal. 

And do you know what the worst thing is?

I can't do anything about it. 

I feel my shoulders sagging, unable to bear the weight of this. Of life. I could do it, what Draco did. But I remember what he looked like, standing on the ledge. Unstable, moments away from plummeting down to an uncertain fate. Thick, red blood dripping from the deep cut in his neck. I can't do that. I'm not brave, or strong enough. 

And it frustrates me.

I shake the thought, shocked at myself. I shouldn't think such things. It's only because of what you saw, I tell myself. But I can't stop imagining what it would be like if it was me on that ledge. If I was the one with the knife at my neck. If I was the one who was bold, fearless. Free.

Instantly, I feel guilty. What would my parents think if they could hear me now?

I miss them.

I almost forget that Cho is still here. As the first tear rolls down my cheek, she hugs me, and I cry into her shoulder, in desperate need of the comfort. I feel weak and tired, and I need to stop thinking for a bit. Wipe my mind clean, erase all my thoughts. 

It annoys me that I can't.

"It's ok," Cho says soothingly, her accent making her sound soft and motherly. 

I cry harder, missing my Mum even more.

After a few minutes, I wipe the tears from my cheeks, and compose myself. I need to get it together. 

I can do this. 

I give Cho a wan smile. 

"Thank you," I say, trying harder to make my smile seem sincere. 

She looks at me worriedly. "Where are you going?"

"I must go and check on Draco, and get something to eat of course!" I say, and I think I succeed at seeming happy about it.

Then again, she doesn't quite seem convinced.

"Ok then, but do come and find me if you need me," she says, looking into my eyes and nodding softly.

"Ok," I whisper, trying not to let my voice crack.

I make my way to the apartment, dragging my feet along in an effort to prolong the time until I have to face Draco. I just hope that he's still asleep. 

No such luck. I hear it as I walk into the apartment, and it pains me to listen to it.

Draco is crying. 

It isn't loud or harsh, rather it is soft and pained, and I know that the sound can only come from someone who is truly broken. 

I need to see him.

That thought fuels me as I make my way to the bedroom, counting my steps, trying to focus on anything else other than those fractured sobs.

"Draco?" I say softly, gently nudging open the door. 

The sobs abruptly stop, but as I walk in, I still see his broad form shaking, desperate to prevent me from seeing him cry. 

I don't see the boy who bullied me for years, who sided with his Voldemort to save his own skin, who pushed me away for so long. 

I just see a boy, frightened and fragmented, trying to hold on to the awful things he has been taught. 

It hurts to see him like this. 

I am suddenly overwhelmed with a need to make him feel better.

I should ignore it. I should turn away right now and walk out this door. 

Instead, I walk over to him and sit on the edge of the bed.

He stiffens. 

"Go away Granger," he whispers, barely audibly. 

I know he doesn't mean it. 

I shift to the opposite side of the bed, so that I can see his face.

"I'm not going anywhere Draco," I whisper back, looking directly into his deep grey eyes.

It seems that this time, he can't help himself, as he breaks down, sobbing uncontrollably. I shift closer, gently lifting his head and placing it in my lap. I cradle it as he cries harder, getting snot and tears on my robes. 

"I don't know what to do Hermione," he mumbles, once most of his sobs have subsided. 

I don't have to ask to know exactly what he means.

"I'll help you," I say softly.

He lifts his head, shifting himself into a sitting position as he stares at me intently.

"Why?" he croaks, his voice hoarse from crying. 

"Because I care about you," I say, finding the words tumbling from my mouth without my permission.

He continues to gaze at me, his mouth slightly open in shock. 

Our faces are close, closer than I thought. I inhale sharply, and Draco's eyes flicker down, glancing at my lips. 

I bite my lip self consciously, and he comes closer, our knees now touching. 

His hand reaches up to cup my cheek, and I lean into him, my breathing rate spiking. 

Our lips are almost touching.

I lean in further, but quickly pull away, gasping. 

I can't believe I forgot. 


I place a cool hand on my forehead, and try to calm down. 

Nothing happened, our lips didn't even touch. 

That was a close call.

Too close. 

I chance a glance at Draco, who is deliberately avoiding eye contact. 

"I should go," I say awkwardly, scrambling for the door. 

"Wait, Hermione," Draco calls.

I can't bring myself to look back, so instead I just stop where I am, waiting for him to continue.


A/N: Hiya guys! Long time no see! Sorry about the wait, I know that people have been asking for a new chapter for a while, and finally, here it is! I really hope you enjoyed reading it! Thank you so much for continuing to support this book, it really means a great deal to me!

Lots of love

Saf xx

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