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Chapter Two || Perfect Match

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Have you ever felt like you were stuck in time?

Like everyone and everything was absolutely still - even your own heartbeat felt slow. Your fingers go numb, and your mouth gets dry - and everyone is staring at you and not one person cares that you're frozen.

Maybe I'm the only one who ever felt that way.

It made sense. People saw me and instantly titled me under reckless and uneducated. In sophomore year, I actually loved that title. Now, I couldn't even stand the eyes that were on me...or were they on Ángel?

I wasn't gonna lie...he was good-looking. In that bad boy type of way. In sophomore year, I would've instantly become obsessed with a boy like him. A brawling look over his eyes, fists bruised from fights.

But, this was senior year. And I couldn't risk another boy distracting me.

"Why is everyone looking at us?" Ángel asked.

"You're new." I told him, "What's your next class?"

He pulled out his crumbled up schedule, dark eyes reading over the page. "English, room 807."

"Really?" I questioned, checking his schedule. He had the same class as me. "That's like our 3rd class together."

"I guess you could call it fate." He smirked.

I glared at him, watching his lip curl mechieveously. It's crazy how innocent and sweet he looked when his Pontiac stopped by me 5 hours ago, luring me in with a welcoming, good boy grin. I could tell he was bad, and that he was willing to do bad things.

"How'd you get that scar?" I asked, curiousity getting the best of me. His smile faded, his eyes seemed to drift away in thought.

"A fight." He answered, "How'd you get that?"

I knew he was talking about the scar on my wrist. I felt my own heart palpitate...he had no need to know any of my business, but I did ask him about his scar.

"A boy." I replied, feeling my ears go warm.

I watched his thick eyebrows furrow together in confusion, "What? Some kid held your hand too hard?"

"Something like that." I swallowed the lump that found its way in my throat. "Look here's our class."

I was thankful that conversation was over. But, I wasn't thankful about the face I saw in my English class. It's as if the school system, the world, and my luck was just wanted me to be miserable.

My scarred hand unconsciously felt limp, I felt my own stomach coil in undeniable pain and anger. He was just sitting there, completely oblivious that I even walked in the room. He was just socializing as if no one cares about what he did.

I wanted to cause as much pain to him as he did to me

Vincent Filho.

His hickory eyes finally landed on me, and his entire expression collapsed. That smile he had faded and fell into a tight line. He always had such precise and small lips, with huge words that would cost me.

"Are you okay?" Ángel asked, I glanced at him. He looked worried, as if he felt the tension.

"I'm fine." I murmured, feeling my ears go hot.

"So uh...where do we sit?"

I took a glance around. I knew most of these kids, and they all knew each other. They took a few lingering glares at me, a few offered a few smile which I gave back. This class would have been fine if Vincent wasn't in the same room.

I could feel his eyes pierce into me, probably wondering why I was with a boy. A new boy.

"Hey, you." A girl called out, I recognized her quickly. Jennifer was such a teasing flirt, and she eyed Ángel like he was a candy bar waiting to be opened.  I never could stand her, too pushy...too vain. I felt her green eyes land on me, a small flare of dislike as we locked gaze. She quickly looked back at Ángel. "What's your name?"

"Ángel." He answered, stepping towards her desk.

I let myself nod softly. Of course, she would try to get at him. And he would fall for her pushy little self.

I watched them talk for a little, as she twirled her black hair in between her dainty fingers, batting her fake eyelashes.

I let myself sit at a back desk, and saw how easy it was to get rid of him. All Ángel could have been was a distraction. I was trying to get better, not worse.

I couldn't help but watch though, how he smiled and his small scar slightly moved by the curl of his lips. There was an open seat next to Jen, that most likely - Ángel will sit in. All she needed to do was one more flirtatious comment and he would fall right into her trap.

But, he didn't.

He didn't sit beside her, and he walked to the back of the room and sat next to me.

I raised my eyebrow, "Didn't she ask you to sit with her?"

He nodded, flashing his teeth at me, "Yeah."

"And you said no?" I questioned.

He nodded, "I know she wants me. I could easily get her some other way."

I wrinkled my nose in disgust, "You seem experienced."

"Are you?" He smirked. "Tell me why you keep looking at that kid."

"What kid?" My cheeks grew warm.


"You know him?"

"I hate him." Ángel corrected, "Don't tell me you got a crush on him?"

I raised an eyebrow, maybe I did need Angel after all. We both hated the same person. "I dated him."

"No way," Ángel scoffed. "You dated him?"

"Why is it so unbelieveable?" I asked.

"Because, he dates girls who do bad shit. Not innocent girls like you."

Suddenly, I felt a spurt of rage come over me, "You don't know me, Ángel."

"Ooo," Ángel chortled, "what, did you ditch in the 8th grade or something?"

"Whatever." I looked away, "I shouldn't have even told you."

"Camila," Ángel said, "come on...I was joking. What have you done?"

I ignored him, he was treating me as if I was some innocent kid. Well, I was trying to be better. But he didn't have to be such a dick about it.

I felt his hand grab my arm, he was cold. I glanced at him. Up close, I noticed his eyes weren't as much as black as they seemed, there was tones of brown within them.

"You really gonna avoid me?"

"You act as if I haven't done anything."

", you dated him? How long?"

"About a year." I said, he sat back, tapping his pencil against the desk repeatedly. "Why do you hate him?"

"In middle school, he did me wrong." He explained, "He was a fake friend."

"He's great at that." I said bitterly, "Doing people wrong."

"So, I'm guessing he broke it off?" I nodded, Angel shook his head. "Why?"

I looked to my wrist, the permanent reminded of what could have happened that night. I was so stupid.

"He wanted someone easy." I answered simply.

"He gave me the scar on my face, during a fight." Ángel pointed at my wrist. "Did he do that?"

"Yeah." I answered, shaking my head in disapproval. I glanced over in Vincents' direction, he was talking with Jennifer. He held his hand against hers, comparing sizes. He did that to me last year during a way to flirt. I felt my heart drop. Why did I even date him?

"He's trying to make you jealous." Ángel said, "It's obvious. He keeps looking over here."

"He doesn't care about me anymore."

"You sure?" Ángel blinked at me.

I shrugged in response, "He sometimes tries to talk to me. But, I just can't even look at him, honestly."

"You know what will get him really mad?" Ángel questioned, pulling a chair to my desk, as he sat down. "If he thinks we're dating."

"But, we're not."

Angel narrowed his eyes, "Yeah...but, we can play pretend."

I rolled my eyes, "Sounds pretty stupid-"

"Come on, shorty." I glared at him, I wasn't even that short. He just seemed like a giant compared to me. "Its a good plan. I hate him, and you hate him. It's a perfect match. We can destroy him if he sees you with me."

I actually considered it. Revenge wouldn't be so bad. "Isn't that like...lying to everyone?"

"I mean. We won't fake a relationship for long, just to get under his skin. Then you'll break me heart or I'll break yours."

"Wouldn't we have to convince people? We can't treat each other as friends."

"Okay, so we'll kiss and-"

"No kissing," I told him, "but, hugging and hand holding is fine."

He smiled, " want to do this."

I glanced back at them, watching stupid Vincent brush his hand against Jennifer's silky hair. "I don't know. Just let me think about it."

Vincent finally looked over my direction, his lips curled into a smile. He knew I was vulnerable still, and he didn't care. He knew I fell for him, but he just didn't care.

I wanted revenge,

And I had Ángel Morales to get it.

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