Chapter Five. Destiny

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It was a really sunny day, when a man in a cintrian inn was telling the people with great poignancy about the witcher's fight with a selkimore in the middle of a frozen lake. The folk was listening with interest, Olaf was sighing every few moment, while Jaskier was writing everything down in his notebook, at which Anna was smiling a bit. The story reached a horrific ending, as the man stated:
"And then... and then he died!".
"Nah, he'll be fine" Jaskier commented, waving his hand.
Those gathered looked at him riddled.
"How can you say that?! I've seen with my own eyes, how the monster swallowed him whole!" the storyteller replied.
"Geralt had to get himself out of many troubles, including ones like this" the bard informed. "I assure you, he'll be back before you know it".
Just a moment later, Roach stuck her head inside through a window and roared gleefully. Anna greeted her and stroke her snout. The inn was entered by the White Wolf, who was completely covered in the monster's guts, to whom the folk's eyes turned. "He's alive? He's alive!" whispers spread. It was also possible to hear confident Jaskier saying "Told you so". The grey-haired man approached his contractor and put selkimore's head on a table in front of him. Olaf looked at it precisely and reminded himself to thoroughly question Geralt about this beast - so far he only knew that it belonged to the relicts. The poet got up from his seat and, gesturing with his hands, started encouraging others to sing with him.
"Toss a coin to your Witcher, o'Valley of Plenty, o'Valley of Plenty, oooh!".
Then everyone was singing, of course with exception of the song's hero.
"Toss a coin to your Witcher, a friend of humanity!" they extended the last vowel, and next the cheering began.
Jaskier thanked everyone for participating, while the storyteller gave the grey-haired man a sack with his payment. Geralt took the reward and went to the bar, his friends followed after. He barely managed to take a mug with his drink, when Jaskier took it away from him, took a sip and said:
"As you know, my friend, I made you famous...".
At this moment Geralt realized that his plans to take a long, warm bath and go for a nap fell into ruins.
Jaskier was helping the witcher with getting all cleaned up, while he sat in a bathtub. He also planned to say why he wanted... in fact why he needed his help. But before he managed to explain it, he and his friend heard knocking at the door.
"Hello? Can we enter?" Anna asked.
"We'd like to talk, because... oh my. It has gone out of my head" Olaf said, scratching his head.
"Unless you're still busy, then we won't disturb you!" Anna added.
"Come on in!" Jaskier allowed, to which Geralt rolled his eyes.
The princess and the snowman entered the room and after closing the door, when they saw Geralt, Anna covered her and Olaf's eyes. She reprimanded Jaskier for allowing them to enter, despite the fact that he clearly was still taking care of the witcher. She already started the lecture about respecting privacy, when the grey-haired man interrupted her, stating that nothing bad happened and that she can uncover her and their snowy friend's eyes. She did so and sat on a stool nearby, while Olaf approached a cabinet on which things for hygiene were placed and took a soap bar to smell it.
"So... what did you talk about before we arrived?" the princess asked.
"Jaskier was going to kindly explain to me what he needs my help with" Geralt clarified, looking meaningfully at the brunet.
The poet cleared his throat, then he replied:
"Alright... better hold onto something, because what you are about hear will make you...".
"To the point, Jaskier. To the point" the witcher interrupted him.
"Eh... so... I am tasked to lead the band and will be the main one playing at the engagement of queen Calanthe's daughter!" he informed with joy.
"Oh dear Freyja, congratulations, love!" Anna said happily.
"Thank you, my nymph" he smiled at her. "Every lord, knight and twopenny king, who wants respect, will appear at this betrothal".
"How many of them want to kill you?" Geralt questioned, assuming that he'll have to become the artist's bodyguard.
"Difficult to say, I've lost count a while ago. Wives, concubines, mothers..." Jaskier admitted, Anna widened her eyes out of shock. "Thankfully I'm done with that, I'm a different person now. Although it doesn't change the fact that I am by their partners... to put it mildly... put on their black lists. Nevertheless, with your support and protection I will for sure survive this wonderful evening!".
"Our?" Anna asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
"Ah yes, we're going too!" Olaf said, putting the bar of soap back on its place. "It'll be amazing!".
"I beg you pardon?! Jaskier, why didn't you tell me anything earlier?!" Anna did not hide her anger.
"I thought Olaf had already told you!" the bard answered indignant.
"I was supposed to? Wasn't it supposed to be "a strictly protected secret, which upon hearing of Anna will faint from the awe" and only you can tell her?" the snowman didn't understand his friend's indignance.
"From awe?! More like from horror!" the princess said.
"I had told you to inform her two days ago!" the poet stated.
"Hm... no, I don't think so. Weren't you supposed to tell her?" Olaf asked.
"No!" Jaskier shouted back.
Disconcerted Geralt clutched his head. He decided that one day they should sit together and work on right communication, because, as seen, it was definitely missing. As proven by past months, situations like this repeated a few times and the faster they started working on proper communication, the better.
"I'm leaving aside the fact that I've learned it just now... what am I going to wear?! I only have what I'm wearing right now, another attire, which also is a travel one and a nightgown!" the princess informed. "Am I supposed to go in it?!".
"There, there, calm down, my dearest" Jaskier knelt down in front of her and grabbed her hands. "Luckily, Olaf and me had gone to town and I bought everything what's needed. You'll look gorgeous, with your charm you'll outshine all the ladies at this banquet".
"Oh, don't exaggerate it..." Anna stated, then she took a deep breath. "Thank you, dear, you calmed me. Alright, maybe it won't be so bad... as long as I don't have to discuss with Calanthe about her beliefs I'll be fine".
Jaskier smiled lightly at these words, while Olaf began to get excited about coming to wear the elegant suit he chose himself. Whereas the witcher learned that he'll have to dress festively too, because, first of all, the troubadour gave his clothes to the laundry, and second, despite the brunet needing his friend's help, he wouldn't let him go to the event in armor. To say that the grey-haired man wasn't pleased, would not be an enough statement.
     Geralt hated banquets with all his heart. Same goes for traveling through portals and potato pancakes with sugar. Most simply put, it wasn't his cup of tea. However, he was comforting himself with a fact that the less he'll be thinking about leaving the cintrian palace, the quicker the time would pass for him. The four of heroes slowly walked around the hall in which the feast was happening, while observing the other guests. Of course they weren't doing that in silence, as Jaskier constantly was instructing them what to do.
"Look dangerous and pretend to be a mute" he told Geralt, to which he sighed. "Olaf, I know it's not easy, but don't draw attention to yourself, alright?".
"Aye, aye, general!" the snowman saluted, next he fixed his jacket.
"Great. Now you, my dearest..." he turned to Anna.
"Yes?" she replied, curious, what instruction she'll get.
Jaskier thought to himself for a moment, once again looking from head to toe at the woman next to him. Pomegranate gown with white embellishments lied on her like a glove, it also perfectly emphasized her eyes. Her hair was pinned up in a bun, decorated with a small ribbon in the back, which had the same color as the gown. Back when buying it, the troubadour had already known that it'll be ideal for his partner, and when he saw her ready for the banquet, his enchantment only grew. He shook off from his thoughts, then he cleared his throat.
"Just..." he scratched his head "be here with me".
"You didn't have to ask for that. I won't leave your side for a second" she gave him a smile, which he returned.
They continued to roam around, when suddenly they heard old man's cheerful voice.
"Geralt of Rivia! The mighty witcher!" at the sight of the grey-haired man, shouted Mousesack, druid and the advisor of Skellige's king. He approached our heroes. "Haven't seen you since the plague!".
"Good, old times" Geralt replied with irony.
Mousesack laughed.
"I've missed those humour and sour face of yours. I was afraid that it'll be a boring evening, but nothing's lost with you. Although why do you look like you were selling silk?" he asked intrigued, trying to hide his little amusement with the witcher's outfit.
White Wolf looked tellingly at Jaskier, who quickly averted his gaze. Anna shook her head with a smile.
"It's good to see you, Mousesack" she greeted him, reaching out her hand to him.
"The pleasure is all mine, Your Majesty" he answered, shaking her hand. "It's wonderful to see you too, Olaf!" he turned to the snowman and also shook his hand, leaning down.
"Hello, mistah Mousey!" Olaf said merrily.
"Tell me, how's your health?" the druid asked, straightening up.
"In the best order, and yours?" Anna replied.
"Excellent, thank you for asking" he smiled. "Now please, could you reveal what brought you here?".
"Oh, oh, I'd love to tell!" Olaf submitted. He loved telling stories.
"And I'd love to hear. Let me borrow this two distinguished gentlemen for a moment?" he turned to Anna and Jaskier, motioning to Geralt and Olaf.
The troubadour wanted to say something, however the princess surpassed him, agreeing. Mousesack walked away with the witcher and the snowman, while the poet looked at his beloved one, confused. Seeing his confusion, she assured him that there was no need to worry and everything will be fine. Her words had an encouraging effect on him, and after a while they went to a side to drink something and talk, before the artist's performance would begin.
Nevertheless, their calm talk didn't last long, as they were accosted by a lord, who claimed to seeing Jaskier escaping from his wife's room once. Of course, the bard was frantically contradicting the allegations, despite the fact he knew that they were completely true. Anna stood between the men, doing everything in her power to lead to a peaceful conversation. But the lord wasn't giving up, he also ordered Jaskier to take off his trousers, because, as he stated, "he did not memorize the face, but he would recognize the ass everywhere". The whole situation did not went unnoticed by Geralt, who excused Mousesack for a moment, leaving him with Olaf, who was still telling the tale of their journey. The witcher quickly approached the place of affair.
"Forgive him, noble sir" he turned to the lord. "Happens all the time".
Jaskier and Anna furrowed their eyebrows, but continued to listen to their friend's utterance.
"Indeed, he has the face of a rascal and a coward, but, what's sad, when he was a young boy... he had got kicked in the balls by an ox" he said.
"Ah yes, it's true" the princess picked up the story and entwined her arm with the bard's arm. "A tragic, incredibly tragic tale" she shook her head, pretending despair. "But it doesn't change the fact that my fiancé is the most sincere, the most honest and the most honorable man I know..." the grey-haired man almost bursted out laughing while hearing this "and he'd never do such a terrible thing as becoming a lover of a married person".
"Gods..." the lord sighed, then he gave Jaskier a coin. "There you go, eunuch... at my expense... drown your sorrows...".
After these words, he walked away. You could've expected that the troubadour will thank his irreplaceable companions for help. But knowing his nature well, it was obvious that first he'd start to ask multiple questions and then complain.
"Fiancé?" he asked his partner with curiosity.
"It was supposed to be believable. He wouldn't have bought my chatter if I called you "my partner, whom I have known for a little over three months, and with whom I got together after four days of acquaintance"" Anna explained, looking tellingly at the brunet. "Thanks to it, he swallowed the bait, the hook and half the rod on top of that".
"I haven't thought of that... you're right, my muse" he said and the princess nodded. "Now you..." he turned to the witcher "first, you hog all the fanfare and then you go and ruin my reputation".
"Oh you're exaggerating things here, Julian Alfred Pankratz!" the princess scolded him. "If it wasn't for Geralt and his rather drastic story, it would've ended with a much worse compromisation than the one you're accusing him of. Would you prefer that a drunken lord heard something and will forget it as he sober up or would you like for everyone to see you without pants and laugh because of it for gods know how long? Hm?" she bugged her eyes at him so much, that he felt frightened for the first time in her presence. It was also the first time when he heard her using his full name, so he quickly figured out that he must've really upset her. "You should thank him, because I don't know if I'd be able to calm down that man without his help".
"O-of course..." he cleared his throat. "Geralt... thank you for saving me for I don't know which time".
"See? Wasn't that hard, was it?" Anna commented.
The White Wolf blinked a few times, not believing in the scene that was happening right in front of him. The influence that the princess has had on his friend has so far been unmatched by anyone they have met on their adventures in recent years.
"You're welcome" he said.
Just then they heard the royal fanfares, at the sound of which Olaf applauded joyfully. "She's here! She's here!" he was repeating enthusiastically. A servant asked everyone to stand up - here arrived Her Highness, Lioness of Cintra, queen Calanthe. She proudly held her helmet under her arm, her armor and face were covered in blood and dirt, while her hair was in disarray, however the ruler did not care. Jaskier gave Anna a kiss on her cheek, next he rushed to the place prepared for his performance, the band joined shortly after. The gathered waited for the queen to speak, when she took a mug from a tray held by a servant and shouted:
"Beer!" cheers rang out. "Apologies, noble sirs, for being late. I would've arrived earlier, but war ain't no mother, as she serves as death's matchmaker" she took a sip of her drink. "And I had to remind few towns on south who's the queen here" she explained, the lords laughed proudly. "Prepare the stories of your candidates' fame. My daughter would like to get this over with. Me too" she added and took another sip. "Maestro!".
"Na, nana, na..." Jaskier began to hum, but was quickly interrupted by Calanthe.
"No, no! Something energetic, with verve! Leave lamentations for my funeral!" the Lioness of Cintra replied.
The troubadour took the order and then started to play a happy, leaping melody with the rest of the orchestra. The ruler approached the main table to talk with her daughter. The event was watched by the princess and the witcher. The blue-eyed woman sighed and slightly shook her head.
"I feel sorry for Pavetta, really sorry" she confessed to her friend. "I know this is how it has to be, but I see her face and cannot refrain from grief".
"You had to go through the same thing with Elsa, right?" Geralt asked.
"And here I'll surprise you" Anna answered. "Luckily, we didn't have to. Our grandfather and general Matias so developed the power of Arendelle that there was no need to strengthen the country with alliances from arranged marriages. It was enough to remain a part of the union of Northern Kingdoms. The situation didn't change when our father took over the throne... mother came from the simple folk living in the Enchanted Forest... and when Elsa became the ruler, she didn't have to look for a husband as well" she explained, the grey-haired man listened to her with interest. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to keep an eye on my Apollo".
They nodded to each other and when Anna walked away, Geralt decided to have a drink.
     It wasn't long until the next scandal happened, as Crach an Craite was arguing with one of the admirers about monsters, which both of them had an occasion to face - manticores, to be exact. They made such noise that Calanthe stopped talking with Pavetta, the orchestra stopped playing and Olaf stopped telling Mousesack about the doppler met back in Novigrad. The witcher hearing the dispute between the candidates for the husband of the princess of Cintra, he wondered which one of them had a more luxuriant imagination than the other, because their descriptions of manticore had no correspondence with either legends, bestiaries, or reality. The queen decided to speak in the discussion, first silencing the lords.
"We have a very special guest with us today" she stated, looking straight at the White Wolf, and everyone looked in the same direction. "Let him tell us which one of you is right".
"Go, Geralt! Show them they have no idea what they're talking about!" Olaf shouted encouragingly, to which Calanthe laughed a bit.
Jaskier swallowed his saliva nervously, as he began to worry that Geralt's response could have an unfortunate impact on their company's situation. It didn't go unnoticed by Anna, who approached her beloved one and whispering, she assured him there's no need to worry.
"Neither" the witcher stated shortly.
"You accuse me of lying, old man?" Crach got angered.
"The Butcher of Blaviken is bullshitting!" said the second potentate and the rest agreed with him.
Geralt peeked at Jaskier. The bard was nodding slightly in the negative and looking meaningfully at the monster slayer. The witcher sighed and said:
"Perhaps... mighty lords have encountered very rare, I'd say chimeric kinds of manticore".
The aristocrats nodded remarkably proud of themselves - they definitely did not know what the word "chimeric" meant. The troubadour sighed with relief, while his beloved one couldn't help, but laugh quietly, Lioness of Cintra as well, although she did that much louder. Then she asked the grey-haired man to tell the story of "how he murdered the elves at the edge of the world". Most cheerfully nodded in anticipation of the story, while Anna became gloomy and bit her right cheek. "Ah damn. Here we go again" she thought disgruntled. If she was asked to point out one thing she hated about Calanthe, it'd be her views on elves and non-humans in general. The queen of Cintra had no remorse to kill them. Whereas the princess of Arendelle was completely against slaying persons who didn't do anything wrong. Why would someone's head roll through the town only because of pointy ears? This case could lead to feuds between the ladies - even though they had immeasurable respect for each other, and could also call themselves friends.
"There was no murdering" Geralt declared. "I've got my ass kicked by a bunch of Scoia'tael. I was supposed to get my throat slit, however Filavandrel let me go".
Many were surprised by the witcher's confession. It wasn't the version they remembered from the ballad.
"But... but what about the song?!" questioned one of the potentates.
"A song's a song... but at least I didn't shit myself when I felt Filavandrel's blade to my throat. Which is all I can hope for you, good lords. At your final breath, a shitless death" he raised his mug with beer. "But I doubt it" he added, and drank from the mug.
Those gathered bursted out laughing. Then, Eist Tuirseach, Crach's uncle, spoke up - apparently wanting to please the queen, he said that if she were there, Filavandrel would certainly get a taste of her blade. Calanthe said that a man, who's not afraid to speak out loud about his failures is a more interesting partner for discussion and she asked Geralt to take a seat next to her at the table. Next, she turned to the snowman:
"Olaf, you little loony! I've missed your energy! Come on, you'll sit with us!".
"Oh my, oh my, hip hip hurray!" he clapped happily, then excused Mousesack and went into the table's direction. "Oh, where are my manners! Can Anna join us?" he posed a question, glancing from Calanthe to Anna.
Everyone's eyes landed on the princess, who smiled a little and waved lightly at the guests. She definitely did not plan to be in the center of attention for once this evening.
"Anna! Why didn't anyone inform me that you've arrived?!" shouted the Lioness of Cintra. "Come here, you won't have to deal with those braw..." here, she bit her tongue to not insult the guests. She'll have time for slanders later "esteemed gentlemen. Now, dear sirs, allow me to go and change".
The gathered went back to their own business, while the blue-eyed woman sighed quietly. She promised Jaskier that she won't let him out of her sight, kissed him on the cheek and walked away to sit down next to Pavetta.
The queen came back a bit later, dressed in a dark yellow gown with flower pattern and with a gold crown on her head. She took her place in the center of the table, between Geralt and Pavetta. She was talking with the witcher and the snowman about how she'd prefer sit in the armor (same goes for the witcher) or about how they came to be at the banquet. Meanwhile Anna was trying to cheer up Pavetta and keep her busy with a conversation, so she wouldn't worry about her situation for at least a moment. Of course, the princess of Arendelle and the White Wolf kept a close eye on Jaskier all the time. Soon, the presentation of candidates for Pavetta's husband started. First was lord Peregrine of Nilfgaard. However, before he even managed to say something about himself, Olaf decided to comment on him.
"Noble sir is not a beauty, does not look the smartest either. Well, a good choice for my friend you are not" he said, causing a lot of guests to laugh. Calanthe also couldn't help herself.
Lord Peregrine felt offended, nevertheless he didn't give up easily. Although his attempt to make the best impression did not go as he planned. When he was finally able to speak about the benefits his marriage with Pavetta would bring to Cintra, including alliance with Nilfgaard or "powerful descendants, that Pavetta will give birth to thanks to his seed" (with this argument he caused horror in the princess and disgust in Anna and Olaf), he got extinguished like a candle by Calanthe. She pointed out his ineptitude and made fun of him, using the stereotypes about Nilfgaardians. When the guests laughed loudly once again, the offended lord left the room.
     After a few more candidates presented themselves, it was time to relax a bit. Jaskier was entertaining the crow by singing a rather unequivocal song titled "The Fishmonger's Daughter". During certain parts of the song, he was winking at Anna, bringing a slight smile to her face and gentle blushes. A few people noticed this, including Pavetta, who decided to question the blue-eyed woman about her relationship with the troubadour later. At the same time, a resigned Calanthe was expressing her fatigue and embarrassment because of the banquet, and was also saying that she'd love to order all the lords to get out, choose the husband for Pavetta herself or let her decide, and it would've been over. But she couldn't, as she had to respect the tradition, which she didn't like very much. The break has just ended, Crach an Craite's presentation was about to start, when suddenly a masked knight entered the hall, overpowered two guards and went to the room's center.
"Please, Your Highness, forgive the intrusion and the misunderstanding with the guards" he said, while the guards were slowly moving into his direction, ready to attack. "I come in peace! Please, my queen, I'll take only a moment!" he informed, kneeling down on his right knee. "I am lord Urcheon of Erlenwald... and I came for your daughter's hand in marriage".
Pavetta's breath quickened, Anna put a hand on her shoulder, trying to offer encouragement. Geralt furrowed his eyebrows, while Olaf started to blink intensively. "Since when the hedgehogs are this tall?" he wondered.
"A knight... with absolutely no renown... from some backwater hamlet... dares to enter my court... without revealing his face?" despite the rising nerves, Calanthe tried to keep her blood running cold.
"I am sorry, Your Highness! Knights' vows forbid me from showing my face until midnight" Urcheon explained.
"Damn the vows" said Eist, approached the comer and took of his helmet.
But he quickly backed up. Behold, to the eyes of the gathered appeared a man with a head same as a hedgehog one. His name made more sense.
"Oh, how adorable he is!" Olaf shouted, amazed. "Queen Calanthe, I think the guards aren't necessary, Mister Hedgehog seems like a really nice person!".
"Witcher..." the Lioness of Cintra completely ignored snowman's words. "Kill it, no matter the price".
"No" Geralt replied shortly, taking a good look at the lord of Erlenwald. "It's not a monster, someone put a curse on him".
"You're as useless as the rest... slaughter the beast!" she ordered.
Two guards rushed at Urcheon, however he reacted at the right moment and overpowered them, also taking away a sword of one of them. He pointed with it at the ruler.
"Lioness of Cintra! I came for what's rightfully mine!" he declared. "Pavetta. By the Law of Surprise!".
"Oh dear Freyja..." Anna whispered.
The Law of Surprise involved an unusually strong connection between a person and the Child of Surprise through destiny. When one person promised the second one to give them whatever they wanted, the first one replied "You'll give me what you find at home yet don't expect". The law was as old as the world and there was no power capable of breaking it. No matter how much Calanthe wanted to, she couldn't argue with what the fate connected. The hall was entered by many guards, someone could've thought they gathered from the entire castle. They all rushed at Urcheon of Erlenwald, who, despite trying his best to repel the attack, was pushed to the ground. A knight with a halberd was walking towards him, ready to exterminate him, a pleading "No!" came from Pavetta's lips. Geralt and Anna looked at each other agreeably, and before anyone could blink, they found theirselves by Urcheon's side. Using his sword, the witcher cut the halberd in half, the one with the blade fell into lord's hands, while Anna killed the would-be executioner and helped the comer, who was looking at them with thankfulness, get up. The Lioness of Cintra got up from her seat and screamed at the top of her lungs:
Jaskier and Olaf gasped terrified. A bloody brawl began, many of the guests joined. Most of them went against Urcheon and his allies, when Eist Tuirseach joined the fight.
"The Law of Surprise has been called! You want to kill them?! You'll have to go through me first!" he stated.
The snowman shook his head. "I need to help them!" he thought, quickly grabbed the plate with his meal, which he painfully knocked off it, and threw himself into the fray, shouting in rage. Calanthe was watching the unfolding scene with horror, when she managed to shake herself off, took a sword from one of the knights and after she slayed the lord, who tried to kill Eist, she stood face-to-face with the witcher.
"STOP!" she ordered, her voice echoed off the walls of the hall. Everyone stopped fighting.
As Jaskier couldn't stop questioning Anna, whether she's alright, and she could not keep up with answering, Pavetta ran to Urcheon and hugged him, calling him "Duny". He returned the hug, slightly lifting her up, while the guests watched with interest and astonishment. Nevertheless, no amount of surprise could match the shock painted on Calanthe's face, who still couldn't believe in what she was seeing. A moment later Duny bowed to her, putting down the weapon and then he told the story of how he was cursed as a child. He stated that his life was a nightmare, until he saved of sacred memory king Roegner, Calanthe's husband, from death. That's when he chose the Law of Surprise as payment, by tradition. Olaf wiped a tear of emotion.
"Stupid bastard... should've let him die!" the ruler shouted.
"You knew he'd arrive" Geralt said after a moment of thought. "You've wanted me to kill him".
"No, it cannot be...!" the snowman interjected all of a sudden. "Queen Calanthe, how dare you! It's an atrocity! I have never thought that I'd say those words, but I am disappointed in you!".
"Pardon me, my snowy friend, but not always everything is as beautiful as it seems to be" the Lioness of Cintra replied. "Now you..." she turned to Pavetta "carousing with the beast that swindled your father!".
"It's no swindle" Anna and Eist said at the same time.
They looked at each other surprised and started to gesture with their hands, letting each other through to continue speaking. Eventually, both of them spoke.
"The Law of Surprise is as old as the world" the princess of Arendelle informed.
"It's a fair solution. You might as well get someone's property, a newborn bunny, or" here Eist motioned to Pavetta with his head "a Child of Surprise".
"He couldn't have known what he'll get" Anna declared. "And destiny decided that it'll be Pavetta".
"As soon as I've heard that king Roegner found his wife pregnant, I abandoned all intentions to claim what was mine. I knew... I knew none would want me like this" Duny said. "I wasn't planning to meet her...".
"But the destiny intervened and bonded our hearts" Pavetta joined the conversation.
Touched by the story, Olaf sniffed, few tears fell down from his eyes. Mousesack gave him a napkin, for which the snowman thanked and then blew his nose. The druid informed Calanthe that they mustn't argue with destiny, but reconcile with it - in other case they'd be touched by the tragic consequences of this action. The destiny was an unpredictable force. No one, even the most powerful sorcerer in the world, could change what it had planned for humanity. Nevertheless, the Lioness of Cintra stayed relentless.
"There is no "us"" she said in reference to the consequences mentioned by the druid. "I bow to no law made by men who never bore a child! Is there not a man amongst you who doesn't cower before destiny?!" she looked around the gathered. "Witcher. You've faced monsters of many kind... are you afraid of destiny?".
"No" the grey-haired man replied shortly.
Jaskier bulged his eyes at him, Olaf dropped his jaw to the floor. "He's out of his mind" Anna muttered.
"I've seen mothers lash themselves over the death of their child, not paying single attention to the stench of fifty bodies of other children in the plague cart. Destiny... allows us to believe this chaotic world has sense" Geralt stated. "When it doesn't. But a given promise must be fulfilled".
The poet and his beloved one sighed with relief, the snowman closed his mouth.
"I love Duny, mother" Pavetta announced. "I will marry him. Then... then I'll be free".
The words of her daughter and the witcher were the straw that broke the camel's back. However, she hasn't shown it just yet, first she gave Eist her weapon, then extended her hand to Duny, as if she was about to give him her blessing. Urcheon of Erlenwald approached her full of hope, grasped her hand with both of his. And then a twist happened, Calanthe pulled a dagger from behind the lord's belt and was ready to kill him, when suddenly a scream rang out. A scream so strong, that if given a little more power, it could completely wipe out the Continent off the surface like it was just some dust. Lo and behold, Pavetta conceived a scream, and the Elder Blood flowing in her veins made her scream so loud, that even a resident of Spikeroog island could hear it. The folk around got brutally pushed to the sides, all the windowshields shattered with a bang. Eist tried to protect Calanthe, Jaskier and Anna each other, while Olaf's head flew away and the body had to find it, what wasn't a simple task, because there was a hurricane, which didn't affect only Pavetta and Duny standing in the middle of the room. Wanting to stop the chaos around, Geralt and Mousesack joined forces. To their misfortune, the combined Aard sign and druidic magic did not work, they were repelled by a magic shield covering the lovers. Pavetta, holding Duny's hands, began to speak in Elder Speech, a moment later the gathered could see the pair floating in the air. When they were too focused on each other, Geralt and Mousesack tried to tame the chaos once again. They succeeded. Pavetta and Duny fell to the ground, the hurricane stopped. Olaf retrieved his head, and everyone got back on their feet. The princess of Cintra and the lord of Erlenwald stood up too. Queen Calanthe with tears in her eyes approached them and hugged her daughter. She then humbly declared that she will respect the Law of Surprise. Given the lords' faces, you could've quickly told they weren't pleased with how the things went. It didn't come unnoticed by Eist, who informed that if anyone won't respect the decision, they will not only face the Lioness of Cintra, but also the hounds of Skellige. This is how everyone learned that Calanthe had accepted Tuirseach's proposal.
"Tonight you'll be hearing two vows! I assume that you agree" she said, and the rest nodded. "Wonderful".
However, it was not the end of this evening's miracles. During the ceremony, after Calanthe gave Pavetta and Duny her blessing, the pair kissed and Urcheon turned back to human. Everything happened before midnight, what could've only meant one thing - the curse has been lifted. "There's nothing like a happy ending!" Jaskier exclaimed and kissed Anna on her forehead, causing her smile to grow even bigger. The lord of Erlenwald spoke up.
"Witcher! Your Majesty!" he turned to the grey-haired man and the blue-eyed woman. "You've saved my life. I must repay you".
"For me, it is enough that you'll take care of Pavetta and be a loving husband. Nothing more" the princess of Arendelle responded, to which Pavetta smiled and Duny energetically nodded his head.
"You've proven you would've done the same. I don't want anything" Geralt stated.
"I beg! Don't think it's a simple favor. I won't begin a new life as long as the ghost of an old debt hangs over me".
It was then, when Geralt said something that made some's blood run cold.
"You'll give me what you find at home yet don't expect".
If one had some knowledge about witchers, the White Wolf's words shouldn't surprise. Although usually monster slayers accepted payment in coin, there were cases in which they claimed the Law of Surprise - the Children of Surprise were then taken and trained to become new witchers. Nevertheless, none of the folk gathered in the room would have suspected that Geralt will do such a thing, not when he was dealing with the princess's future husband, who one day would become a king. Terrified Calanthe asked him what has he done, and Geralt tried to assure her not to worry, because if he was going to come to Cintra, it'd be to kill a monster, not claim property or a little bunny... then Pavetta vomited. It wasn't difficult to figure out what it meant. Everyone looked at the witcher with shock.
"Fuck" he murmured and left the room.
His friends followed him out, saying goodbye to the hosts beforehand.
     Our heroes spent most of the way in silence. Only when they reached the castle's exit, Olaf spoke:
"Ah, what an evening! How many emotions! Not to mention how..." he yawned prolongedly.
"Ooh, looks like someone's tired here!" Jaskier said. "You know, all of us deserve some rest. Tomorrow we ain't leaving the inn!".
"Ambitious plan" Anna laughed.
"Let's not waste any time, then...!" the snowman yawned once again. "Let's go!".
The snowman, along with the troubadour, lurched forward. The princess turned serious.
"What are you going to do with the Child of Surprise?" she asked the grey-haired man. "You've seen what Pavetta did today. I have a feeling that the child will be born with even greater power. You won't abandon it, right? I've read about this. Children of Surprise recruited to become witchers. Do you think Pavetta and Duny will allow to train it? Stupid question, they'll have to..." she shook her head. "What I'm saying is... the bond that will connect you and the child will be unbreakable, Geralt. You won't outran it, no matter how much you'd like to. This child... will change a lot things. But most importantly, it'll change you".
She hoped for a response from her friend, but she did not get it. During the entire way to the inn, Geralt remained as silent as a grave.


Holy Moly, a lot of things happened today! A scandal after a scandal, haha. With this we also begin the second act of the story.
If you've noticed any mistakes, feel free to let me know.
Remember, do not mess with destiny, and I'm saying goodbye to you and sending my greetings! Be well, see you!

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