A Deadly Game-Bruce Wayne x Reader x Edward Nashton

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Summary: You were raised in an orphanage like Edward, but you also used to get along with Bruce Wayne. There's only two sides to pick and both of them are deadly.

(A/N: I know this isn't from DC but I have been watching The amazing Spider-Man 2 a lot and got inspired from the clocktower scene with Gwen. So be prepared for the feels.)


I held my umbrella close as I started walking down the rainy streets. Then many top screens that Gotham City square was playing the news, suddenly I noticed all the screens glitching until it turned to black and a gritty image of a room was displayed.

The Riddler's livestream started once again.The Riddler was speaking to the viewers and move the camera to show police officer Pete Savage. Everyone either stopped to stare scared or intrigued with what's happening on the screen, many people stopped next to me and also looked up.

"That guy is terrifying."

"He's a true hero. Showing the real side of Gotham."

I heard some people argue in the back, Riddler already had an army of his own in short notice, just a few months back I had seen some of his videos but none of them caught the media's attention until now.

Until he killed the mayor.

I moved my umbrella to the side and glanced at the tall man who was standing next to me, "Bruce, is that you?" I whispered loud enough for me to hear.

The man who was indeed Bruce Wayne glance down at me but said nothing. He had a dark coat on with a cap and a bandana hiding his lower face. "It's been a while since I've seen you. How have you been how's Alfred?"

I continue to press on since I knew Bruce wasn't much of a talker. "He's been fine." he simply muttered but didn't let me know how he's been feeling.

"I know this isn't right occasion, but I truly wanted to thank you for the many times you helped me."

I was one of the many orphan children who met Bruce and his family way back then, I didn't know much about the Wayne's but I did know a bit about Bruce once we were teenagers. A few years back I was working on the streets when I noticed and Bruce was with a group of friends racing in cars. They didn't know who he was but I did.

I feel random people came up to me that day and began to make fun of me and pick on me so when I was being pushed to the ground Bruce came over and saved me.

Since that day we began to talk just a bit whenever we would see each other on the streets. He even helped me with a lot of depts I had since he did find out I was paying for my own studies and struggling for rent. Even if he doesn't like to admit it he really did help me.

"It seems like this Riddler person this targeting important people." I hummed right when the screen went back to normal.

The scene was horrifying to say the less, Savage was tied up to chair with some sort of device on him. This was truly something out of a horror movie.

"Take care of yourself okay." I hummed confused and looked back to see Bruce walking off. He's always been so distant.

I also started to leave and walked a long distance until I reached an apartment building, I went inside got my key out and opened the door. I gently placed my wet umbrella down to the side and got my coat off and hanged it.

The sound of a loud screams could be heard on the other side of the room. Finally I made my way to the kitchen and tried to ignore them but they became too much so I went to the bathroom and covered my ears.

Few minutes went by when the screams finally faded and I heard a lot to footsteps approaching the bathroom I was in. The door flew open and I looked up to see Edward and his Riddler outfit. He still had that creepy mask on.

"I told you to remain outside." He said still staring down at me. I looked away refusing to look at him.

"I was going to get sick if I remained outside in the rain. I thought you told me that you wouldn't kill this man today." I tell him since he promised me he wouldn't kill him.

Edward finally began to take his mask off and placed his glasses back on his face. "But it's so much fun." He said giggling.

"Did you deliver the package I gave to you?"

"I couldn't do it." I told him the truth since I knew he wouldn't be happy with me if I lied to him. I began to walk past him until I felt his strong group on my arm.

He still had that smile on his face, "Don't tell me you suddenly care for that Bruce Wayne, or worse, are you leaving me for him, hmm?"

I looked back up at him and try to remove his grip from me. "Of course not! You know how much I love you and I would do anything for you."

That was the truth Edward and I have been a sort of relationship for a few months back, I know the many damage he's done but he's the only person I have, he is a criminal yes but I do love him.

Edward said nothing and continue to stare down at me eerily, just a few seconds later he decided to speak again. "Then deliver this to the Batman."

He held a small package in his hand which would disguised as a bomb. I just stared down at it and didn't grab it from him.

"Alright.. you've always been a weak. But you do know what you have to do in a few days don't you?" Edward wasn't happy at all did I didn't take the bomb.

"I do love you too but I won't hesitate to torture you in one way or another." He chuckled and began taking his Riddler coat off and putting another one on.

"Guess I have to do everything on my own, I'll deliver the bomb you get rid of the body." Edward quickly walked past me and left me alone at the apartment leaving me with Pete Savage's body to get rid of.


Edward was indeed mentally unstable but he did show up small side of him which isn't very common. He protected me a lot back at the orphanage and growing up and with random dangerous men around. We shared many fond memories together and had our first kiss together and everything a normal couple would usually do.

Our relationship isn't exactly a healthy one but I just can't leave him alone.

The bomb had delivered a few days back a detonated and Alfred was the one who got hurt. I delivered flowers and hope he would recover quickly, but I knew that by this, that meant war for Bruce.

I was in the bathroom getting change and I stared at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a dark green coat similar to Edward along with dark pants, combat boots and had in my hand a mask and glasses too.

My heart was beating fast I was extremely nervous of what would happen. Everything had gone according as Ed had predicted but I don't think everything will end well.

But this needs to happen. The whole life at the orphanage suffered enough and we were the ones to pay the consequences when some of us even died because of the wealthy and corrupt in Gotham.

I took a shaky breath and stared down at the sink. "Everything is for him, he would do the same for me." I whispered to myself and felt my hands shaking too.

I checked at my wrist watch and saw that it was getting a bit late. I opened the door to the bathroom against and stepped outside, I noticed Ed was by a window aiming a sniper gun outside.

"Edward." I called him out which caught his attention and he turned to look at me. I faked a smile and stepped closer. "So, how do I look.?"

Edward looked away focusing on the outside world. "I lied what I said to you a few days back, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I were to hurt you." He barely said in a whisper.

This caught me off guard since he never spoke too much about his own feelings. "You truly look wonderful as always, (Y/N.)" He added on.

Now this made me begin to cry a bit. "That means a lot coming from you, Ed." I slowly made my way closer to him. "What will happen now?" He would be the one to kill Carmine Falcone once Batman or Bruce pulls him out of the iceberg lounge.

"I will be caught so you and the others will go to the stadium and hold Bella Real hostage."

I furrowed my eyebrows together confused since he didn't tell me the whole plan. "So you're going to get caught that easily?"

"I need to face the Batman. This is the only way things will work out, he'll come to our side and join us."

He knows what he's saying and doing, "Okay, I trust you." I smiled and he looked back at me and gave me a genuine smile, no longer teasing me like he usually does.

"I'll wait for your visit at Arkham."

We stood right in front of each other. Ed wiped away my tear and once he got closer I pulled him down and kissed his lips. I wrapped my arms around him neck wanting to stay with him like this longer, but I know we can't.

"I'll be the first to pay you a visit." I slowly let go of him and started walking away before looking one last time at Ed just in case something were to happen.

Right away when I made myself out of the building I was met with the Riddler's goons. Many of them had their duffel bags on and masks, quickly I placed my own and nodded my head. "Alright, let's get this done."


We were all on top of the stadium when we heard all the bombs going on. Many of us were aiming at the people below and the one to my right was aiming at the new mayor. I held my guard up and began shooting at the people trying to get out but making sure to not harm then in any way.

I heard a shot being fired next to me and below I saw Bella Real fall to the ground. "What did I tell you about shooting her?!" I angrily shouted. "The Riddler left me in charge of you idiots so you had to obey my orders!"

"(Y/N)!" One of the men behind me called out.

We all looked back at saw the Batman coming for us. "Shit." The men sound me loaded their guns and began shooting at the caped crusader. Batman easily began to defeat them knocking their weapons and punching them.

I looked around when he had thrown a smoke bomb and I noticed the guys around me falling down but we safe by the harness they had on them preventing them from falling.

Below us the whole station began to fill up with water and the place was crumbling down. Just like Edward wanted.

I noticed Batman was getting hurt by some guys so I ran over and punched them hard and pushed them down when they had hurt him and a girl Batman was with. Batman quickly turned to me angrily so I stepped back and began avoiding his attacks.

Thinking of the only way that he would stop, I took off my mask and looked at him. "Bruce it's me!" I said loud enough for him to listen since no one else knows he's Batman.

The man slowly lowered his hands. "(Y/N)?"

"Looks like we have another rat. She's defending the bats!" A man nearby said standing up and glaring at me through his glasses.

Before anything could be done they began to attack me and Batman. I began to fight him with what little I knew of fighting, but one of the men was too strong and held my shoulders tight trying to push me off. I began kicking him but it wasn't hard enough.

I screamed when fell over and luckily I held onto a rope I had thrown just in case and I held it as tight as I could. My breathing quickened and I look down below me and saw that I was very high up.

The water will surely save me but the thing is that I can't swim. I screamed for Batman when my hands began to burn due to the rope and one of the men above me aimed their gun to my head.

Batman was still fighting some men behind. "I have to survive. To see him again." I began to say while trying to climb back up. I looked over and saw more water rushing over, making the building shake. I reached my hand up to climb but I slipped.

I felt myself falling down until I landed deep in the water. I felt my lungs being filled with water, I began closing my eyes until I felt someone rescue me. Soon enough, I was placed down a piece of the building and I coughed up some water and I opened my eyes to see Batman.

He saved me despite working for the Riddler.

His dark eyes looked at me without a word I understood what he meant. "I'm fine." I leaned over and began to cough some more. I wiped my mouth and my eyes widened when I saw that what I was coughing was blood instead of water.

I looked down at my side and saw that a piece of a metal pipe was sticking inside. I must've gone through me once I fell in the water.

"(Y/N)." He muttered my name concerned.

Tears began to fill my eyes until they quickly started running down my face. "I'm going to die aren't I?" I whispered afraid of dying, afraid to not see Edward again.

Batman quickly reached behind me and people began to surround me. "Paramedics are just outside. Hold on."

I groaned in pain when Batman lifted me up and began to carry me. Everyone began to follow him outside and to safety, paramedics could be heard and I opened my tired eyes and saw that it was a new day.

The sun looked beautiful and for once Gotham didn't seem as gloomy and depressing as it always does.

A woman rushed over to our side when we were safe in another top building. "I've called 911! just hang on until help gets here."

Many people began now looking at the Batman, at Bruce Wayne differently. Now as a hero to the city.

"Bruce..please let him know that I did my best." I continued to cry and looked at him when he placed me down on the floor.

"You'll tell him that yourself." He argued when he began removing my coat, he looked down and noticed the large amount of blood I had lost. My eyes got tired and slowly I began to close them.

I began to remember all the memories of Edward and I shared. I know he'll do fine without me, just like everyone he'll find a way to move on and forget. I felt Bruce lifting my head up a bit so it was resting on his lap.

"(Y/N)." He whispered my name again. I weakly smiled and held onto his gloved hand. "Thank you for being here with me.

Even if it wasn't Edward I was grateful that I had someone with me before dying completely alone. Deep down I'm sure Ed will forgive me for letting him down, my breathing got shorter and I grew weaker. I closed my eyes and my hand went numb on Bruce's one.

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