Apart-Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Summary: You and Bruce have been married for a few years but unfortunately for you he's never been much to show his affection, will you two work your relationship out when you see him acting stranger and being further apart from you.


"Police are currently investigating the mayor's murder. We have more information coming right up-" I stared intently at the screen for me, Gotham has been getting dangerous over the years but this is different.

The mayor has been brutally killed and no DNA has been found on who was responsible for it. I felt someone walking past me, quickly I turned around and saw Bruce walking outside of where I was, he's probably going into studies again.

She's told me countless of times that he's busy and has a lot of work to do, so he assures me that he goes into studies to have some quiet time and think.

I stood up and called out his name, "Bruce, have you seen the news?" I asked concerned over him.

Bruce stopped walking and turned to glance back at me, "I have." He simply responded almost in a whisper.

I groaned to myself since I know Bruce isn't much of talker, I started making my way to him until I was in front. "I don't want you going out at night Bruce." He sometimes has the habit of going out at night over to Wayne enterprises.

"If something were to happen to you, I will never forgive myself." Despite me being little back then, I promised his parents that I will look after him.

My parents died about 2 years ago, and Bruce's parents were killed in an alley. That left him emotionally scarred, he was never the same after that and his relationship with me also changed a bit, we used to play or joke around, now he barely notices my presence.

I try to put that hurt behind me since I know it wouldn't do me any good and I would only be bringing more problems to Bruce. His parents were the most wealthiest in Gotham alongside with mine.

Our parents got along so well and they didn't want to break any ties, so since they were both rich and wanted power they proposed the idea of Bruce and I getting into an arranged marriage.

His parents weren't present at the day of our wedding, but mine did. They gave the money they promised to Bruce's parents before they passed, though after the Wayne's passed away did you never came like they hoped.

I always loved Bruce even when we were little, I felt a bit selfish that I even was happy when we exchanged our vows. I hid my feelings well when I noticed that he wasn't himself that day, he was upset. It wasn't exactly how I planned my wedding to be.

We got married as soon as we turned 20, now we are in our 30s and Bruce has remained the same. Of course he does show his affection for me from time to time, but it's not the same as a real loving couple should.

Even if Bruce didn't put his all into our relationship, I did, and make sure he would be comfortable and deep down happy.

I smiled when I looked back at Bruce's tired face, no matter how tired he was and I loved seeing his dark brown eyes. "I'm not saying that you shouldn't go out, but be careful I don't want to lose you."

Bruce nodded his head and I could see just a tiny smile on his lips. I wrapped my arms around him and felt safer, slowly he did the same and hugged me tight.

"I would offer you to come to dinner with me tonight, but I just received a call about the mayor's funeral. It'll be in about 2 hours so we have to go."

Now this astounded me, for years Bruce hasn't been on the spotlight like his parents were instead I would have to be the one to to go out and receive whatever meetings he had. I have to lie to everyone that Bruce was either busy or too sick to come.

Though now that I think about it I never really asked him why he couldn't go to such meetings. "I'll let you know once we're ready to leave." With that I watched Bruce walk away back to his usual place to his office.

"Alfred." I spoke catching our butler's attention, "don't you think Bruce has been acting a bit odd lately?"

I heard Alfred hum when he slowly made his way to me. "Master Bruce has always been odd." He simply said and looked at me, "Just make sure he's safe."

Alfred nodded his head and went over to where Bruce was. I went to our room and began to find a right dress to go to the funeral.


Bruce and I walked into the church. The choir boys could be heard the second we stepped in, I held onto Bruce's arm and saw some people looking at us surprised since we are never seen together outside. Some people outside even took a couple of pictures which made Bruce angry and told us to quickly head in.

Bella Real who is to be elected as the next mayor began to talk to Bruce and greeted us both. I had let go of Bruce's arm and rested my hand over my stomach, "It's a pleasure to see you Mr.and Mrs. Wayne. Although this wouldn't be the right place to."

Bruce remained silent looked ahead to see the orphan boy ahead grieving his father. "If I'm mayor I'm going to change this." She noticed Bruce staring at the small boy.

"I'm going to pay my respects, I'll be right back." I forced to smile on my lips and felt extremely upset at seeing the young boy grieving. He reminds me of Bruce when he was a little.

I looked back to see more people entering the church, I glared at a woman who entered, I noticed Bruce glancing at her every now and then before we entered the building. "I hate funerals. It's too crowded in here." I muttered and try my best to stay calm since it was getting a bit harder for me to breathe.

I dislike being in large crowds so I had to stay calm and I'll make a scene, I hope we get this over with and go back to our home. Bruce looked down at me and patted my back when he noticed me acting a bit weird, I stood up straight and checked my surroundings.

"Do you hear that, Bruce?"

From inside the church we heard people outside screaming along with the sound of a car engine. Bruce gave me a worried look.

Everyone else stopped what they were doing and looked over at where the screams were coming from. My blood ran cold when I saw a car speeding right into the church, everyone inside screamed and ran so they wouldn't get killed by the car.

One of the cops who were right beside Bruce and I reached over and pulled me out of harm. Bruce on the other hand ran straight ahead and saved the young boy from getting killed.

"Bruce!" I shouted his name when the cops let go of me and I ran across to where he was with the boy.

"Are you both okay?!" I asked getting worried and felt tears forming since I don't know what I would do without him.

Bruce quickly nodded and handed me the boy, "Take him to his mother." I grabbed the boy who was shaking and quickly handed him to his mother who cried as soon as she saw him safe.

I ran back to Bruce's side and held onto his sleeve. "What is going on?" I asked myself afraid at what was happening.

Everyone stepped aside as soon as the car stopped and the cops surrounded it, they had their guns ready to aim if anything were to happen. "Get out of the car!" They shouted at whoever was inside.

Bruce stepped in front of me protectively and continued to stare at the intense scene when a man who had a bomb around his neck got out, he had a phone taped to his hand with a message across his chest.

"To The Batman."

"Everyone get out!!" The cops shouted again trying to get everyone out of things possible.

"You need to leave right now." Bruce demanded looking back at me with cold eyes.

I scoffed at his words, "I am not leaving my husband here."

Bruce just never gets it, I made it clear that I won't leave him alone especially a dangerous events like this.

"I am not asking you I'm telling you to." He raised his voice now making sure to glare on me. I was angry but thinking about it now, he's right I can't be here. I can't expose myself to danger.

My hand rested against my stomach again. Without another word exchanged between us I ran out along with the rest of the crowd, few minutes later the church blew up.


Alfred picked me up as soon as he saw the news on tv. I was shaking and felt scared, I never felt this scared, not since Bruce's parents were killed. Unfortunately, on that day I witnessed them getting shot since they had invited me to the theater.

I cleaned myself up after I threw up as soon as I came. It was because of the nervousness and because of the baby growing inside of me.

Only Alfred knew about this, I made him to promise me that he wouldn't tell Bruce. I would be the one to tell him when the time was right, I grew nervous every day passing.

We are still young and neither Bruce or I are ready to be parents, especially him. But I know I won't be able to keep the secret forever, Bruce will find out sooner or later then my stomach is growing.

Alfred was worried for me and so was he for Bruce. He loved to the kitchen to make a cup of tea but I could hear the news in the background while he was busy.

"Where are you Bruce?" I hugged myself and tried to stay calm.


It was 1:00 a.m. and Bruce still wasn't home. I was dying to know where exactly he was, did get hurt? Is he at the hospital? or is he...no he isn't. I blocked that question out of my mind and try to remain positive.

As every minute passed by I felt myself feeling empty inside, sad, like there is something missing that's something is Bruce by my side.

Bruce hasn't been treating me like a husband should, he is barely at home and avoids me, we won't even sleep in the same bed most times.

That woman he was checking back and forth...

It's the same look I gave to Bruce many years ago, but yet again he's never given me that look since our wedding day. Admiration.

I knew our arranged marriage would cause trouble sooner or later.

The manor is now completely dark except for a few candles here and there. I let out a shaky breath and painfully decided to make the right decision. The front door opened meaning Bruce was home, he would always come beaten up and wouldn't let me treat his wounds.

So I grew tired of trying to make him happy. I stepped out of the shadows and saw Bruce was surprised to see me.

"I thought you were asleep." He lowly said looking down at his feet then back at me. "It's 1 am. Here, I'll get you to your bed-"

"No." I said before he could touch me. I was beyond angry that he just came in after hours of me being worried and that's the first thing he says to me.

He lowered his hand and stayed still. "Bruce..I love you a lot but I can't do this anymore. I want a divorce." I announced and made sure to speak clearly and without stuttering.

I looked up to see him very surprised but his eyes changed. He looked sad, angry yet understanding.

"I understand-" He whispered but he started walking past me until I stopped him and grabbed onto his arm tightly.

"Did you ever love me?" Bruce met my tired eyes. He looked away and escaped from my grip. "You only married me because of our parents, correct? I want to hear the truth from you!" I shouted no longer wanting his sympathy.

Tears began to overflow without me noticing. Bruce took a deep breath, "I didn't marry you because of our parents, I did care about you..but we're still young, we married too early."

I scoffed and slapped him. "I don't believe you, are you cheating on me, is that it? Well, let's see how long that relationship will end." I laugh and felt my heart break into pieces.

Bruce remained quiet. "Fine, but don't come running to me if you need help. And if I find someone else..don't ever come to me."

I grabbed the backpack and luggage I had by the couch and grabbed them. "(Y/N)" a stern voice called my name which was Alfred. I thought he was asleep by now.

Alfred came and stepped between us both. "You are not going anywhere at this time of hour. Master Bruce, you have no right to speak to her like that or give her a proper explanation to where you were."

Throughout the years Alfred was no longer worried on what he might say to Bruce, even if you had to be a crude about it.

"See? Alfred's always been worried about me and I'm not even married to him." I joked fighting back the tears which failed miserably.

Bruce kept his glare on me.bur said nothing's and looked away. "Just think this through, you'll be exposing yourself to danger if you go out. Stay here for just one more night." Alfred calmly began to explain to me.

My sighed and nodded my head. "Fine." I left my bags and glared at Bruce. "I'll send you the papers for you to sign."

I left both men and began to head to one of the many spare bedrooms. I started walking up the stairs when I heard glass shatter from where I was with Alfred scolding Bruce.

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