Apart part 2-Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Summary: Bruce and You have only gotten more distant over the days. Alfred's injury begin to reunite you a bit closer again, but you are kidnapped and held hostage at the new mayor's election.

(Here is the long awaited part 2. Originally the ending was going to be brutal and sad but I decided to change it since Bruce deserves the best. I hope you all like this final part as well!!)


I woke up the next morning listening to Alfred and Bruce arguing, well more like Bruce remaining silent and listening at what his butler, his now only family member left. Alfred refused to let me leave late at night, he said that once I would step foot outside of the Wayne building I would've been mugged.

Alfred began to speak, "I don't get why you are letting, (Y/N) leave. She's the only person who's cared as much as I do for you. You are letting go the one person who would stay late at night waiting for your arrival, only for you to ignore."

"I'm doing this for us, Alfred."

My hands made it over to move the door quietly to peek out. Alfred was sitting down with a newspaper in his lap and a cup of coffee in his hands, looking at Bruce who's back was facing my room.

"She's your wife!" Alfred snapped making Bruce look back at him, I could only assume that Bruce was already glaring at him.

Alfred carefully stood up, his warm tired eyes looking back at him concerned. "You won't ever find another person like her. Give (Y/N) another chance, Bruce. Do it before she walks out the door and sends in those divorce papers."

Bruce shook his head and gripped onto the edge of the table, "Make sure she finds a safe place, I'll hand you some money for you to give it to her."

I watched Alfred's disappointed face, he clearly didn't want me to leave. Even the lady who comes here often heard of the news and visited me early this morning.

I stepped away from the door and went back to the mirror to wipe away the tears. "I guess it'll be just us now." I muttered looking down at my stomach.

"Time to go." I took one last look at our room, my room, since Bruce rarely slept here. I reached down and grabbed my bags.

Taking one last deep breathe was when I exited the room and looked over at Alfred. "I'm all ready, Alfred."

The man gave me a small sad smile and nodded his head slowly making his way closer to me. I didn't look at Bruce but I did see that he had glanced over to look at me, but he said nothing.

"Let me help you with that, can't let you carry all that weight." Alfred said helping me out. Of course I told him early this morning about my pregnancy, he seemed extremely happy that there will be another Wayne soon, but he got upset that I would be the one raising the baby on the own.

"Follow me, Miss."

I began to follow Alfred and I did my very best to not look back and talk to Bruce. It was very hard to not do it, but I had soft of given up on him.

Alfred and I stopped at the elevator and i watched him press the first floor. Everything was silent until he broke it.

"Bruce has a lot to learn, (Y/N). I just hope he comes to his senses once he finds out." I heard him whisper to me.

"He shouldn't find out. Promise me you won't tell him Alfred." I begged and once again looked at Alfredo with hopeful eyes, hoping he won't tell Bruce anything about this.

This needs to stay between us.

Right when Alfred was about to answer the elevator made a stop, we reached the bottom. "Let's go." He simply said and I followed him close.

"Thank you for everything, Al." I said staring out the window once I entered the car. He started the engine and i watched the city before me once he started to drive.


I began to run, running as fast as my feet could, damn it being pregnant already sucks. I avoided the few cars that were driving outside despite how late it was. Up ahead I saw Wayne Manor up in flames, it had been days since I had seen Alfred and Bruce.

And just this afternoon I had sent the divorce papers hoping Alfred would show them to Bruce. Instead I got struck by the news of the explosion, I left what I was doing and raced outside.

The firefighters were outside along with the GCPD already at the scene. I noticed James Gordon walking inside Before I had the chance to talk to him.

"Ma'am you need to step back." I ignored the calls when I reached closer to the building and I saw Alfred being taken into an ambulance.

I raced over and tears began to fall down my face, this man raised Bruce and me in a soft of way. He'll always be family to me no matter what.

"He's my family." I said going inside before they could kick me out.

"Is he going to be okay?!" I asked the men already treating him and putting oxygen on him.

"We're going to do our best."

I do hope he's going to be alright, and Bruce?! I turned to them concerned. "Was there anybody else inside?"

"No one else, just the lady in the back who called us." One of the paramedics said.

As soon as we made it to the hospital they took Alfred away leaving me alone to wait and see what his condition would be. About and hour later the doctor came to tell me he was stabilized, he would survive.

This made me extremely happy but the nervousness stayed and I kept shaking and had a bit of trouble breathing. I can't lose anyone else.

I was inside of Alfred's room, nurses coming every one in a while to check on him. He was still resting asleep so I made no sound to not wake him up.

The door to the room opened and closed, i looked up to see one of the nurses, but it wasn't any of the females. It was Bruce.

I stood up to the my feet and workout thinking I quickly stepped over to him and wrapped my arms around him. Like always he hesitated and slowly patted my back.

Quickly knowing he doesn't like physical contact I stepped back and stared down at the floor.

I could tell he was scared, he's just always been too afraid to show it. We sat down in a small couch by a window and simply stared at a sleeping Alfred.

"The doctor came in and stabilized him. Said he's so lucky to have someone like you to have around..he's a fighter." I whispered feeling extremely happy that Alfred would be okay.

"We're you inside of the building?" He whispered back. Since I did let him know that I would be stopping by to pick a few things.

I shook my head and stared at my lap. "No. All I did was sent the papers I told you. What even caused the explosion?"

I asked glancing to look into his dark eyes, for once both of us seeing each other. Bruce frowned and shook his head slowly.

"Where even were you?" I coldly asked him. Not being happy that he wasn't present during the accident.

"Did you leave the stove on again?" I scolded remember he once tried to cook dinner and nearly burned the place up.

Bruce tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows together. "I did no such thing, (Y/N)." He calmly said though i did hear his anger coming through. I hummed quietly and placed my hands over my chest.

"(Y/N) Wayne." I looked up when a nurse came into the room. I noticed Bruce was also staring at her. "Doctor Reeves told me you were here. Here are you results-"

"Thank you!" I quickly stood up and grabbed the results from her hands and saw her confused expression, I noticed Bruce staring at me weirdly as well. He shook his head but said nothing.

The pregnancy results, my doctor told me to come by earlier today and I must've forgotten. This results will confirm wether I'll have a boy or girl, I thought I had recently gotten pregnant but no, I was four months in.

My stomach has become just a bit noticable, but Bruce being Bruce, he never noticed it. Alfred I believe had been suspecting.

"Alright! Make sure to come in for a check up next week." The young lady smiled and looked over at Bruce who kept his eyes on Alfred.

The lady smiled, probably because she too has a crush on Bruce like Manu women in Gotham, or because she was genuinely surprised to see him. "You are a very lucky man, Mr Wayne." She waved a hand and I noticed Bruce raise an eyebrow.

The young nurse closed the door behind her once she left and I quickly hid the results in my pocket. "Are you sick?" Bruce muttered.

I turned back to him and nodded, "Y-Yup. I've been having a bit of fever and stomachache." I lied and heard Bruce hum.

"You've been acting to weird lately. Come I'm taking you home." Bruce said standing up and walking past me.

"That's fine I can call a taxi. Besides, I'm living in a small apartment."

He must've forgotten that I no longer live with him. Bruce stopped walking and I noticed another frown on his face. "Right.."

"Call me of Alfred wakes up..I'll be seeing you soon." Making my way closer to Bruce was when I stopped again, right he doesn't like hugs. I sadly smiled and started to leave him behind.

I stepped outside of the hospital and saw that it was late at night and extremely cold. I adjusted my scarf and felt my entire body shaking, i started to walk just a bit further until I stopped. My body froze but not because of the cold, a tall man with a mask stood right next to me remaining hidden.

Soon another one stepped closer but before I could have the chance to scream another pair of arms were wrapped around my mouth and knocked me out.


I woke up in a bright place? I opened my eyes and adjusted to the different colored eyes. I realized I was sitting down with my hands tied to each other and with duck tape covering my mouth. "Looks like Mrs Wayne is finally awake." A man said and laughed.

"I don't see why the Riddler didn't choose to end her like he did with the rest." One of them boredly said holding onto a gun.

"It's for the Bat guy to come and take him more seriously! We'll get rid of her once we get rid of the new mayor."

The mayor? Bella Real?! I looked around and saw various men dressed exactly like the Riddler, the same one he used in many of his public videos.

"It's almost time." One of them said.

A bomb detonated nearby, I sat up and looked around concerned. That sounded massive, i furrowed my eyebrows together and squeezed my eyes when two then three other explosives were heard.

The men quickly ran past me until one was standing next to me. I noticed each of them taking position to shoot the mayor down and anyone trying to get out. I looked down and noticed everybody screaming when water began to flood the stadium.

A gunshot was hurt and I tried standing up to check until the man gripped my shoulder right and held me still. Did they shoot Bella?!

Suddenly the sound of broken glass fell down to where we were, I covered my face and when I opened my eyes I saw the Bat guy, or as I like to call him, Batman had landed and was punching every masked men one by one.

A cloud of smoke surrounded us, Riddler's men being careful with facing the Batman. I heard some of them scream and more gunshots heard. The guy who was standing next to me made me stand up and held my shoulder, i could sense him shaking.

"Ha!" Someone shouted behind me and kicked the man's face making him easily fall down. I looked up and saw a woman had knocked me out. She turned her dark eyes to me, her long nails coming down to untie me.

"You alright sweetheart?" She whispered. I nodded my head and ripped the tape off me.

"I'm okay..thank you."

The woman smiled at me and looked back at the goons. "Stay right here, we'll get you done in a sec." She ran ahead and I watched her easily take the men down.

"She looks so awesome." I whisper to myself. i can't let them fight alone! I reached down and grabbed the man's gun and held it in my hands, i felt a presence behind me.

I turned around about to shoot then until I froze and was face to face with Batman. "What are you even trying to do?" He mutters lowly.

"Trying to help.."

The man looked down at the gun in my hands and took it off me. "No guns..you were holding it wrong."

This made me flush from embarrassment. "Well I'm not an expert in fighting, okay?"

"Stay here. I'll be right back." The man said turning back to look at me one last time before going with the woman who helped me.

I don't know much about fighting but I do remember Alfred showing me a couple of moves years ago. I raised my fists and blocked each of the attacks and even headbutted a guy making him drop his weapon and complain how hard I hit him.

"Hey, Wayne!" I turned back and before I could kick him down he pushed me off the ledge, the top building began to shake. I gritted my teeth and held onto the metal pole hard, I can't let go now or I'll die.

I looked back up with tears beginning to form in my eyes. "Batman!" I shouted when I saw him lying down not waking up.

"Hold on!" I heard the woman shout back. She punched and kicked the guy who had thrown me and she reached down to take my hand, I reached up to grab her hand but right when I did the building began to shake again and I began to fall.

I screamed and closed my eyes waiting to hit the ground hard despite it being flooded. Right when I hit the water I saw a dark figure reaching down to grab me, pulling me out until the man held me in my arms.

I panted heavily and stared wide eyed at Batman, still recovering from the massive fall, I thought I was going to die, or worse, lose the baby. The man. I looked down and saw no wounds of felt nothing wrong.

"Are you alright?" The man asked looking at me up and down. Which surprised me since I didn't expect him to talk to me at all. "I'm asking because of the kid." He whispered.

I kept my hands around his neck and felt his grip on my hips tighten, his dark eyes didn't seem as dark and cold as when we were above the stadium.

"I-I'm fine..We're fine, Bruce." I said slowly and found myself staring at him. His eyes widened when he realized what K had just said.


I stared in awe as I remained in my spot with a blanket over me and stared at the Batman, my Batman, helping every single person here. Gotham's sky seemed much clearer than ever, a bright orange light shining over the city's new hero.

"How come you figured it out?" Batman I mean Bruce said looking down at me once we were far from the crowd. When he stopped helping the remaining citizen's who were harmed.

I looked back at him and smiled. "I can easily recognize my husband when I see him."

This is Bruce Wayne, my husband. How did he get himself into this i wonder?

No wonder he knew of my pregnancy when I didn't even tell Batman. He slipped it out without even knowing. Alfred must've told him before

This made Bruce remain silent. "The woman who helped me..us.. is just a new friend..I pushed you away before because I didn't want the Riddler to target you, but he did... I'm sorry I'm the husband you expected to have."

Now this made my heartbeat faster and made me feel sympathy for everything he's gone true, i was the one who acted like an ass to him.

"He managed to hurt Alfred and I was extremely relieved to know that you weren't there. I can't afford to lose you or Alfred. I felt like a kid again, afraid of everything."

I can't hug him in front of everyone so I did the closest and grabbed both his hands when no one was looking, tears flowing down my face. This made Bruce look down at me surprised thinking that he said something wrong.

"Are you okay?" He whispered concerned.

I nodded my head and chuckled, "I'm okay! Don't worry about me, Bruce. You've been protecting me for years, it's time for me to try and do the same to you."

Bruce started to let go of my hands and placed them over my stomach which would be growing soon. "I'll make this city a better place for us to live. Do you even know the gender?"

I smiled and nodded again placing my hand on his. "It's going to be a boy. I'm thinking of calling him Damien, his second name will be Thomas."

"Damien Wayne. Damien Thomas Wayne." Bruce whispered the name and I saw a small smile spread across his lips. "It's a really nice name."

"Do you think-" I took a sharp breath when Bruce all of the sudden wrapped his arms around me. Not being used to him being the one to give me attention.

Tears began to fall down my face again and slowly I wrapped my arms around him and felt him holding me close to him, this time not being afraid to show his affection for me, protecting me from harm.

"I'm sorry. I do hope you reconsider and give me another chance, (Y/N)." Bruce muttered close to my ear and rubbed my back. I smiled and tightened my hug.

Whatever happens from now on. I know Bruce will become a great man and be a hero to the city, and finally be the husband I always wanted him to be with me.

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