Dirty Little Secret-Edward Nashton x Reader

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Summary: You and Edward have been an inseparable pair, little do you know that the Batman will learn about both of your secrets.

(Warnings: mentions of death, self harm, mentions of rape, incest, kidnapping. If you're not into these sort of things please skip this one, and please don't send hate. I know this is taboo but I know many people who are into these sort of things, so please don't send any hate. I'm clarifying it since I've seen many people writing on this sort of topic yet I am the only one getting hate for it. Had to heavily edit this for reasons🙄on AO3 it's up in its entirety.)


"Honey! I'm home!" I exclaimed loudly and kicked the door closed. I heard a quiet shush coming from across the apartment, i hummed to myself and placed the many bags I had carefully on the ground.

I peeked my head inside one of the rooms as saw the Riddler is livestreaming Pete Savage who is tied to a chair with a contraption which will allow some rats to go in him. I chuckled darkly and waved my hand at him.

Quickly I closed the room and headed over to sit over on the table where I had all my tools. I reached down and grabbed one of the many bombs I had brought in for a grand ending, to flood the city.

Carefully I held it in my hand and examined it carefully. Surely, all of these must be enough. I placed it to the side and grabbed my one of my many tools and reached over to grab the collar I was finishing up.

After a couple of minutes footsteps were heard getting closer to my small workplace. I stopped working and smiled looking up at Edward. He tiredly came in and got rid of his mask.

"Are you alright? I haven't seen you been able to sleep." I ask tilting my head to get a good look at him through his glasses.

"I'm completely fine."

"I can always see through your lies." I sang going back to my work and felt Edward staring at me. Like he always does.

Still looking at the collar before me was when I carefully started placing the three bombs on it, and making sure that the collar would definitely work. "And it's all done! Do you like it?"

Edward examined the collared bomb in his hands and hummed to himself before placing it down and smiling at me.

"It's perfect like everything you do." I blushed and felt extremely happy that he continues to love my work and me. Even if we've known each other since forever, he still acts all shy around me.

I jumped down from the stool I was sitting on and stood up on my toes to wrap my arms around him. "There's no need to feel so shy, Eddie."

I winced a bit when I felt one of his hands grip the back of my head, pulling on my hair a bit. "Did you finish placing the other bomb in the note I gave to you?" He hummed and smiled evilly making me feel things.

"I-I did! It's all carefully wrapped up for you to deliver-" I was silenced when he leaned down to me and kissed my lips.

Edward lifted me up the ground and placed me on a table opposite to where the bombs and guns were. "Edward, w-what about that cop!" I closed my eyes and fought back a moan when he began to kiss and bite my neck.

"He's already dead." He said breathing down my neck. I felt one of his hands groping my from behind while the fingers from his other hand began to trace up my folds. I whispered and couldn't help but arch up to him, wanting him to continue teasing me. He stepped closer and pinned me closer to the wall.

"Be a good girl and stay still." He ordered wrapping a hand around my throat.

We both remained still, not wanting to leave our current spot, even if I felt extremely tired and would've wanted more since he's been too busy these days. 

Edward slowly started to let go of me, he remained still breathing heavily on the crook of my neck. My hands shakily went up to fix his messy set of hair, I still felt his hands gripping my waist tightly until he slowly started to let go.

I stared at him tiredly and glanced over behind me to see the many news articles he has plastered on the wall, everything about Gotham and the renewal plan. I looked over and noticed the small image right to my right, it's the one picture he has when the Wayne's gifted us orphans the orphanage.

The picture of Edward in his choir uniform, glaring to his right at young Bruce Wayne. I still remember that day very clearly, along with the days most kids would used drops, and how most kids were malnourished and passed away.

I turned to look at Ed tiredly but felt extremely grateful to have him with me. "Why out of everyone in the orphanage you decided to save me? Continue to take care of me?" I asked him truthfully.

Edward fixed his glasses up his face and turned to smile at me. "Because I'm your brother. I promised to take care of you no matter what."

We only had each other's backs growing up, no one else understood us. That led to solitude and the both of us only growing closer throughout the years, which lead to us trusting each other completely and falling for each other too.

No one will ever understand the pain we both went through, so we remained close. After I got taken advantage of back then, he became even more overprotective of me and always made sure that whoever did hurt me, would pay with their blood.

"Don't wait up for me. I'll be paying a small visit to Gil Coulson." He chuckled maniacally to himself and reached over to the other side and grabbed the collared bomb I made along with duck tape.

Edward slowly made his way back to me and held my cheek to which I gave into his touch and met his dark eyes. "You mean the world to me, (Y/N). I'll be back soon."

Without too much of a talk between us, I watched him leave to kidnap the district attorney. I jumped down from my spot and began to tidy the place up for his return.


Edward and I had visited the mayor's funeral a few days ago. Vengeance or as we like to call him Batman wasn't able to save Gil Coulson. He decided to die than reveal the truth. Rats continuing to protect each other.

The next day Edward delivered a package to Bruce Wayne addressing it to Batman. The same night I went and delivered the weapons and same uniforms to the Riddler's followers, to help us with targeting the new elected mayor.

I certainly didn't expect Batman to be teaming with someone on the night where Carmine Falcone was caught. Oswald Cobblepot was outside with the pair and many policemen. I was instructed to remain close but hidden in the shadows, I glanced above me to see Edward pointing a sniper rifle right at Falcone.

In an instant the man fell to the ground, dead. Everyone began to freak out and policemen noticed where the bullet was shot. Each of them ran past me and above the building from where Edward was.

The heavy rain continued to pour down the dark streets, I began to walk over to the cafeteria where Edward would be. "Ed, we have to get out of here." I told him when I dialed his phone number.

"I'm staying right where I am." I heard him whisper.

I gripped the phone tighter and knew exactly what he meant by that. "Don't you dare tell me this was a part of the plan, you never informed me of this."

Silence. He said nothing and simply hung up on me. I hid the phone in my pocket and began to run down the alley way, making sure to not slip and fall. I have to reach him before the police do.

Why didn't he let me know of this?!

Right when I was making my way to the cafeteria. I saw police surrounding the place, i began to run up ahead but someone held me against a brick wall, I opened my eyes and saw the Batman.

He said nothing and continued to hold me tight and wrapped something around my wrists. "Hey!" I began to fight him, to run away, but nothing worked.

Was he following me the entire time? Did he listen to my short conversation?!

"I have nothing to do with this!" I shouted at him angrily. The man simply glared down at me and said nothing, i swallowed my next words and suddenly felt a bit scared by him. He looks so menacing hidden in the shadows.

Police men who were just ahead turned to look at us, surprised, My face was completely drenched from the heavy rain. "We have another one here!" I heard one of them say.

I looked up ahead and saw inside the diner. Edward being arrested, we made eye contact and I saw his eyes looking over to the Batman before he smiled and was taken outside.


"You really think I'm afraid of you? A guy dressed in a Halloween costume?" I asked with a smirk across my lips. I was chained up and was taken immediately to Arkham.

The Batman kept his cold hard stare on me until he said something which made slowly start to frown. "I know of your secret. You and the Riddler. It all makes sense. You both were raised in the orphanage. Both of you are siblings."

The smile I had across my lips disappeared making my lips tremble as I slowly smiled again. "So you figured it out..I thought no one would." I admit and looked back at him through my contact lenses.

My hair and makeup was a mess making me look like a mad woman. I tilted my head still looking at his darkened eyes.

"Does that disgust you?" I smirk remaining to try and stay calm."

"What I want to know is why? You had a bright future ahead. Being the top in your classes, graduating as an engineer."

The Batman went on making me glare at him once I remembered all of the awful things I went through.

"He was the only one who cared for me, he looked after me. Protected me from all the pedophiles who visited the orphanage when we were thirteen. Back then, when we were high on drops i got taken advantage of, years later Edward found the man responsible and killed him."

"Not just him. You also joined in and killed an innocent man-"

"What the hell do you know?!" I slammed my fists against the table staring at him through the glass between us.

"You are a rich man, Bruce Wayne." I sang his name "You had everything and everyone in your hands while Ed and I had nothing. That man you called innocent, was the one bragging on how he killed the Wayne's."

My eyes widened when I realized that I made the Batman look at me twice, now I got his attention. "What do you know about the man."

I shrugged my shoulders still being handcuffed. "I don't know, last thing I heard was that he left the city. Who knows if the man is back.." I looked around me and saw cameras.

"As far as I know, the police and everyone else doesn't believe I am the Riddler's second hand, is it true that I will be released?" I asked all hopeful and smiled wide.

Batman turned to look at the camera and back to me. "I'll make sure they won't let you get out of here. You're all much as an accomplice to him."

"But did they find any clues? Any sort of DNA that I was with him during the first kill?" I taunted him.

The police made it to my apartment and took me in without much question, I was extremely careful in my participation with Edward. They won't know that I helped him in more than they think.

The Batman remained silent until his dark eyes focused on me again. "He's been manipulating you from the start, tell me about his plans-"

"He never manipulated me!" I scream angrily. "Aren't you getting this through your skull? He was the only one who saved me when no one else did, believe me or not, there are plans he hasn't told me."

Few seconds of silence went by. "You'll be facing trial tomorrow, wether they find you guilty or not of being his accomplice is up to them. But if you're out, I'll find a way to lock you back in here."

With that a guard entered the room and made short eye contact with the Batman, being afraid of the tall quiet man. "I'll be seeing you real soon." I mutter under my breath and smiled to myself as I began to get taken back to my cell.

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