Funeral-Bruce Wayne x Reader x Edward Nashton

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(Like I said in the description, I know the movie isn't out but yesterday was DC Fandome again and we got a second trailer to The Batman. This oneshot I published it the same day the first trailer came out and so far people on tumblr enjoyed it, so I decided to post them here after so long. Requests are welcome for certain characters.)


Gotham has never been a safe place, everyone can agree wether they live in this dark city or not. It seems like the sun never shines here and everything is dead. Every single living thing in this world dies alone...

I stayed silent and stared at the two closed caskets in front of me. Thomas and Martha Wayne were murdered last night. As soon as news got out that they were shot behind the theatre, Alfred got there as soon as possible and ran upahead and covered Bruce's face.

But the damage was already done.

Rain began to heavily pour down on us. Alfred held me tight so I wouldn't get myself wet or worse get sick because of it. Bruce hadn't said a word since he watched his parents get killed.

"Master Wayne." Alfred raised his voice at the young boy who didn't looo back and kept his eyes on caskets. Everyone had already left the funeral, leaving just the three of us here. Bruce was shivering from the rain but he didn't move and inch or replied to us both.

Alfred handed me his umbrella and took out another one and walked over to place it over Bruce's head. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Bruce looked up at the tall butler and unexpectedly hugged him.


Growing up we were always close but when he grew older, his parents made him act strict, to never trust anyone easily and always have his guard up.

My parents and the Waynes were best known to be the richest in Gotham which made it things more difficult for us, someone could easily kidnap one of us just to have money, when we were young and innocent.

Our parents seeing how close both our families were, considered Bruce and I to have an arranged marriage but things never happened since the Wayne's passed. And luckily that never happened to us.

Throughout the years Bruce drifted apart and so did I. My parents had passed away for a few years now, and since then things just werent the same. People kept on digging their noses into our business's, worrying what would become of the Waynes legacy or (L/N).

Even the newspapers had some ridiculous headlines. "Is this the end of Gotham?" Or "What are the rich hiding from Gotham"

I scoffed as I picked up the newspaper from a stand and read what it said. "Do you believe these headlines?" A man next to me asked.

I turned to my side and saw a tall man reading the same newspaper and turning to look at me with the paper in his hands. "Personally I don't, they like to get on some touchy subjects. I'd say they should stop typing these fake news and get to the point of things.."

"Such as?" I ask the man. He has dark brown hair, wearing a coat and glasses that perfectly fit his face.

"Helping to catch the criminals wandering these streets." He said clearly choosing his words perfectly. "You seem familiar..are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" He asked placing the newspaper down and turning to fully face me.

"You caught me." I admitted, so much for trying to lay low. The man extends his hand for me to shake and slowly I do so. "How could I not recognize you?" He said and despite the cold I felt my cheeks turn pink.

"I'm Edward Nashton. I work for the GCPD." He muttered and stepped closer to me. "Do you believe that good people can do horrible things, (Y/N)?"

I tilted my head and looked at him weirdly not understanding what he meant by that. "Horrible as in?"

Edward looked behind me and quickly down to his watch. "It seems my lunch break has ended, until we meet again." Ed smirked and looked at me one last time before leaving.

"(Y/N)" I jumped up and nearly screamed when I felt a hand land on my shoulder and I looked up to see Bruce. He grabbd my hand and made me follow him to an alley. He stayed silent making sure no one saw him out of the Wayne manor.

I looked at him angrily and felt the need to slap his face. "It's been days since you've spoken to me and all of the sudden you come here looking for me?"

Bruce held a stern look that clearly wouldn't disappear, he looked almost annoyed at me for scolding so he spoke again, "The mayor has been killed."

Bruce whispered at me, that made me shut up. "Are you serious?

"Don't I look like it?"

I kept my glare on him but looked away and started getting nervous at news, "So many people have been getting killed recently-"

"Gotham is one big funeral, (Y/N), and this us no ordinary kill. This is a message. Someone sick has been getting some fun off of it." Bruce turns to look at me again and he exhaustedly messes his dark hair up.

"You need to head back to the manor. Right now." He bitterly said the last part and held my wrist tightly.

I pushed him back and we both glared at each other. "Something is wrong here, they are only targeting certain people."

"I hate you, you know that, right Bruce? Kinda glad that arranged marriage never saw the light of day." I answer him and followed him behind the empty building.

Bruce hummed and paid no attention to me. "I agree with you on that, you coming or not?" Bruce gets up a ladder and holds his hand out. I look away angrily but caught his hand anyway and we both began to make our way back to Wayne manor.

Alfred answered the door as usual but Bruce walked past him and we arrived to what used to be my room. "Stsy here and don't leave this room. Alfred will be cooking you something soon-"

"Whoa hold on." I raced to the door before Bruce could lock it. "What am I suppose to do here? Where are you going-" and like that he closed the door in mt face and i heard him lock it.

I begsn hitting my fists against the expensive door and shouted his name. Something is wrong with Brucr, he hasnt been himself for years but he's acting a lot more stranger than usual and i have noticed he's been missing some nights. Where is he off to?

There us no way I am staying in this room until he arrived. I ran over to the window and opened it, i'm on the second floor but it won't stop me from lesving this place. I held onto a rope i hsd hidden under the room and carefully began to escape my room. There's no way in hell that i'll be listening to Bruce. Something is wrong and I need to find out what it is.

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