Nothing But Lies-Edward Nashton x Reader

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Summary: After many years of living in Gotham with the man you love, you soon realize that your whole life and relationship has been a lie.

(A/N: I know The Batman isn't out yet in about two weeks. But I had this in mind, so prepare for the heavy feelings later on. There's slight spoilers for The Batman prequel book too.)


"Mr and Mrs Wayne, can you please smile at the camera?!" One of the many photographers begin to ask that same question to the Wayne's. Martha grabbed Bruce by his shoulders and made him stand next to me while both adults stood behind us tall and proud.

Today Thomas and Martha Wayne we're giving away their home, the famous Wayne Manor which was originally built to be an orphanage. Both successful adults stayed true to their words and open this place up to give orphaned kids a real, proper and safe home.

"(Y/N), please be a dear and turn around." I heard Martha tell me. I turned back to her and she quickly reached her hands down, tidied up my small face, my dress, and make sure my hair wasn't messy for the picture.

Thomas did the same but with fixing up, his tie and suit. Bruce never really cared if his suit was a bit dirty or wrinkled, in fact he kind of hated being in the spotlight. He told me privately that he didn't want to be in front of cameras, but he decided to do so especially for the orphans, he truly felt bad for them and so did I.

Martha and Thomas Wayne adopted me as their own. My mother was Martha's sister, my parents were still young and didn't want any kids, I was adopted by the Wayne's when I was about four and Bruce was five.

Both adults never hesitated and taking me in. Despite my young age I felt great sympathy for the orphans here around us, they were all happy I felt comfort finally knowing that they would be safe here.

Everyone here in Gotham City were surprised at how kind and sympathetic and how the Wayne's are. Of course, no one outside of our little family know that I'm not their biological daughter, but the important thing is they treated me as equal as Bruce. And I of course called them Mom and Dad as they should.

"Bruce, (Y/N), look up ahead." Our Father told us.

The four of us stood tall and looked at the cameras, everyone quickly began to take pictures of us, ready to put them on tomorrow's newspaper.

"Thank you so much, Mr and Mrs Wayne!"

Both of them nodded their head and continue having their conversation before they were interrupted. "Do you really think they will like it here?"

I asked my brother and hoped that he would say the answer I was hoping for. "Of course mom and dad will do anything to keep them safe."

I gave my brother a smile and held his hand, "Should we maybe give them a small tour around?"

Bruce gave me another small smile and nodded his head, "I think Mom and Dad will be happy to." Out of the two of us I've always been the most outgoing, like I said Bruce doesn't like these kind of events, he doesn't like cameras or being surrounded by many people.

I respected him for being like that but I also tried little by little for him to be a bit more outgoing. A few feet away from us I heard a lovely melody, singing...

I glanced over to my left and saw a group of choir boys singing beautifully. When I was looking at every one of the kids singing my eyes landed one boy, he had light brown hair with glasses framing his face.

That was when I realized that he had been staring at us for a while, I looked back at him confused but I quickly smiled and even waved at him. I quickly looked away when Dad told me to follow him and Bruce.


I kicked the front door open with my feet entirely tossed the many bags of food I got onto the kitchen table. My sighed tiredly and felt more tired than I usually am, maybe I should take a few days off my work.

Mom and Dad before they passed away left me a bit of money, which was certainly enough to even buy a whole building but I didn't want to buy expensive things or make myself known again as Thomas and Martha's daughter, since back in the day Bruce and I were hunted down to ask many questions.

Bruce now lives over at Wayne Enterprise alongside Alfred who finished raising us both. I visit them every time I can, but Bruce has been living off as a hermit now barely going out during the day and always seems tired.

I didn't question him much about it but I do feel a bit upset that we aren't as close as we used to anymore. When Thomas and Martha passed away something really changed in Bruce.

Not long after he was sent to study at a private school and later started traveling the world, I had no idea where he left since I've lived in Gotham my whole life.

For those many years only Alfred and I were alone. He insisted on me going over to a girl's private school across the country but I declined the offer and decided to stay here and Gotham with him.

I wasn't as smart as Bruce when it was to school, but I didn't have any big degrees or highest grades as Bruce did. I felt like I was slowly intruding in their lives, like I was a weight. So I tried my best to study and earn some money by working at a cafe.

When I made enough money I got myself an apartment not far from Wayne enterprises. I continued working on both my education and job, and on one random night when I had ordered dinner I met a delivery driver.

He made it over and my address as any delivery driver does and handed me my meal. He was awkward, didn't talk much and avoided eye contact.

I will try to stuck up a conversation but he wouldn't say much. I didn't think much of it and continued on with my day, that happened almost daily for about a month or two.

Whenever I felt that was too tired or lazy to head out I would order something, and it must be weird but the same delivery driver would come by. The only thing I knew of him was that his name was Ed.

He looked just a bit familiar but I couldn't put a finger to it, no, I don't think I've ever met him.

Ed continued to be shy, awkward and a bit weird. He did say a few weird things from time to time or some things people would normally understand, I smiled and giggled when he said something back then.

He explained some kind sort of joke he said to one of his customers, the man didn't get it at all and shut door on his face.

"He was just really simple minded then." I said amused. Through his thick glasses I saw a glimpse of his eyes, they seemed different. And little by little we had a sort of friendship.

I reached into the backs and began to place every food I bought in its place, I turned on the TV and listened to the news while organizing the kitchen.

"The GCPD believe there's a killer connected to these murders." I stopped organizing my things and paid attention to the screen.

The news reporter began to explain what happened this time. There's been a series of murders so lately, so far nobody has been caught yet, this city has only gotten worse over the years.

It's one of the many reasons I haven't been going out late and I like I usually did. Speaking of news I remember what happened about two years ago, I was sleeping late at night when I received a call, it was from Alfred telling me to put on the news.

I did and what I saw horrified me. My once home Wayne Manor that was given to the orphans was caught on fire, somebody burned it down. It was very late at night but all I can remember was running over to that place and making sure everyone was safe, luckily none of the kids were adults were consumed by the fire.

But that memory still hurts, I had so many fond memories of that place...

I sighed heavily remembering that news, I went back to finishing in the kitchen when I heard the front door open and close. I got up to my feet and checked my surroundings, quickly I raced over to the front door and locked it.

I felt someone grabbed my shoulders, I screamed and quickly turned around. I placed my hand over my chest and sighed in relief.

"Ed! I didn't expect you to be home so soon." I said looking up at of my husband and quickly wrapping my arms around him.

"Something had you on edge." Ed noticed.

He's always been do observant, it was sometimes hard to try and lie to him since he would always find things out.

"Just remembering a few things." I smiled looking up at him. He continued to frown and pushed his glasses up.

"Whatever it is it isn't good for you. Remembering the'll only harm yourself." He said reaching his hand down to place it on my growing belly.

For whatever reason I never told Ed that I am Bruce Wayne's adopted sister, my pictures were everywhere many years ago, maybe he just never found out about..Which is a good thing since I don't want him finding out about me. I want a new fresh start from all the misery.

I smiled and placed my hand on top of his and gelt the baby kick. "Before doing the groceries i went to have a check up, the doctors says she'll be born in three months or so. It would've been nice to have you with me."

Ed never has time to come to these appointments with me, so it kinda hurts since I want him to know everything about his daughter that will soon be here with us.

I heard him sigh and looked back to see him closing his eyes when he pulled his hand away. "I'm sorry.. I'll try to next time."

I looked away since I still felt upset. Without a word Ed walked away leaving me along at the kitchen, I went over to sit on the couch and put on something on other than the news since worrying will make me sick.

"I want her to have this." Ed spoke when he reappeared. He took a seat next to me and got something out of his coat.

I tilted my head and saw that he had an old stuffed rabbit, a small sided plush toy. "I had this back when I was a kid, it was the only thing that brought me comfort.."

Ed handed me the stuffed rabbit and i examined it and smiled again, "It's so cute..reminds me of one I had back then too." I held it to my chest and looked at my husband.

"I'll take great care of it for you, and i am sure out daughter will love it." I placed the stuffed rabbit on my lap and leaned forward to kiss his lips.

Ed seemed taken back as usual when I initiated a kiss. I held onto his coat to deepen to kiss and slowly he gave in and held my face too.

Both of us sort of agreed to never talk about family. He doesn't know about my family and neither do I about him much. All I know is that he's worked hard to be where he is today.

We both pulled away from the kiss and I saw him taking off his glasses. "I better take a quick rest, wake me up before it gets dark."

I nodded my head and watched Ed stand up and leave to our room. Ed is usually home all day and night, he must be working really hard these days. I looked around and noticed that there wasn't any more chores for me to do. "A small rest won't hurt." I told myself while rubbing my stomach.

Ed barely is home so I'm sure a small rest with him won't make him uncomfortable. I pushed the door open to our room and saw him laying in his side of the bed, I smiled when I noticed him sleeping still with his glasses on.

Quietly I made my way closer and carefully took his glasses off and placed them on the table. "You must be working hard, I do hope you'll be staying here once she is born."

I whispered and rested right next to him, I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around him. I looked up at his sleeping figure and slowly i also closed my eyes and feel asleep, feeling safe with him.

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