Secrets-Alfred Pennyworth x Reader

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Summary: Alfred Pennyworth has been there for you and Bruce from the very start, not just as a butler Thing is you are all family, but families aren't supposed to be attracted to another.


"Bruce." I knocked on his door again since he wouldn't open the door for me. I sighed and rested my head against the door and heard gentle footsteps behind me until they reached my side.

"Master Bruce still won't open?" I shook my head to the sides and glanced up to look at Alfred. His dark hair was no longer neatly done as always and he had dark circles around his eyes.

Yesterday, late at night Bruce and I were with our parents, a man appeared and shot both of them. He had turned his gun to shoot Bruce but I stepped forward, I was willing to give up my own life for my brother. I am not that much older than Bruce but I didn't want him dead either.

Today Gotham seemed gloomier than usual. We arrived about an hour ago from the cemetery and back to the manor. Bruce ran past us and locked himself in his room.

"I don't get why he won't open up to me." Defeated I told Alfred. Our Butler, our now guardian sighed and rested his hand on my shoulder and pulled me into a hug.

"He'll come out once he is ready." I sadly nodded and hugged Alfred back and silently began to cry.


I woke up late and began running across the manor while trying to get ready for today's event. "Where did I leave them?!" I angrily told myself since I couldn't find my heels, I'm already running late.

"Miss Wayne." I turned around and saw Alfred holding my heels with his gloves hand. "You left them in the cellar again." He tiredly said but smiled.

I sighed relieved and took them from his hands, "You're a life saver, Alfred. What would I do without you." I sincerely tell him and placed my shoes on.

"You and your brother would probably starve." He joked, or I hope he did.

It's been a few years since our parents passed away. I'm the one in charge of everything since Bruce never shows up to events or bothers to leave the manor.

"Please tell me that my brother is coming this time." I begged Alfred and opened the front door to the house since a car was waiting to take me to the art gallery event.

"Unfortunately, he won't come out of his room. He simply said he is busy with something." I hummed and stared at Alfred for a moment.

He has access to his room so why won't he simply let me in or drag Bruce out. I have a feeling that he is hiding something. He continues being a butler but he's gotten tougher and more stern over the years.

Since Bruce and I are no longer children, he isn't afraid to tell us what he thinks. I used to drink every night and because of that he emptied out all of the wine or locked them up, he insisted that it was my way of coping with Bruce not speaking to me.

Which, unfortunately was the true. Something happened to Bruce that night out parents were shot, he completely changed and no longer spends time with me and only talks to me when he needs something.

"I will deal with him at once." Alfred smiled just a bit and held the car door open for me. I stepped forward and before getting in I thanked him again and entered.

It wasn't long after I arrived at the art gallery and saw many people admiring the painting and sculptures. I stared at a painting with a glass of champagne in my hand and tilted my head, "I don't get why this is called art?"

It was nothing but a few lines and odd designs. A group of woman with who I talk to sometimes came over to me and began asking where Bruce is. "He is very busy. Alfred, always makes sure he's well."

"Oh, the butler is still looking after you two? If it were up to me I wouldn't be wasting my time on butlers or anyone else cleaning the house."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her comment. She has a dozen of butlers and house keepers so she has no right to speak on that. I reached over to grab another glass of champagne once I finished the first.

"My parents met your butler back in the day. Don't you think you and Bruce should have a new butler? Not someone as old?"

I clenched my fists and decided to stop drinking, or I'll get scolded for drinking too much. Though, because of Alfred I've stopped getting drunk. I turned to glare at the woman who began to chuckle at each other.

"Alfred is more than just a butler, he's family. He may not have the Wayne name but he is one. Besides, do I need to remind you that he was a soldier for the British special forces? He would beat all your butlers' ass." I said without caring what they would say and decided to walk away.

I don't get why I have to always look nice and get along with these fake people. All I want to do is get rid of these heels and dress.

Not to mention I got angered up all of the sudden..well throughout the years I've kind of been attracted to Alfred. People would of course freak out about that since in a way he raised Bruce and I.

"Maybe another drink won't hurt." I grabbed another glass after another. My parents did an amazing job at maintaining their reputation, I'll never live up to be like them.

Heck, Gotham has gotten stranger also. About a year ago someone dressed as a bat appeared and I've noticed some people acting weirdly like for example Oswald Cobblepot. Even he said that I don't like up to the Wayne name.

Well, time to forget all those comments. I finished my glass and headed for another one, I do have a high tolerance when it comes to alcohol.


I stumbled into the door and pushed it open and closed it behind me. Two hours went by and I finally made it back home, Bruce was no where to be seen like always. I continued to walk around the manor and found that he and Alfred were gone.

I kicked my heels off, threw them off somewhere and fell on a couch nearby. I frowned when I glanced over at the family portrait on top of fireplace. "Quit staring at me like that." I mumbled and looked away from my father's eyes.

Maybe everyone is right..I'll never live up to them.

"Miss Wayne." I groaned when I heard Alfred's voice. "I thought you weren't home." Slowly I sat up and saw him looking at me with an unimpressed look.

"I just had three drinks." I tried my best to lie. "I'm not completely drunk, you know?" I said looking back at him and trying to stay awake.

Just outside through the window I saw that it was getting dark. "I thought you weren't home." Alfred looked away for a split second and looked behind him.

"Your brother needed my assistance."

I stared at him incredulously and didn't trust what he said. "Aha. Well, don't try to lecture me on this one..." I stared up at the ceiling and decided to ask him a question.

"Do remember how my parents were? And I don't mean them as my parents, I mean as the Wayne's."

Alfred shifted a bit in his spot. "They weren't perfect. Both of them struggled to get where they were." Still, there's something in his voice, like he is hiding something.

I simply nodded my head and felt myself getting sleepy. "Okay, I trust you." I muttered again and closed my eyes. I heard Alfred sigh as soon as I closed my eyes and got myself comfortable on the couch.

It wasn't long after I felt arms lifting me up from the couch I was on. I simply wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head in his shoulder. I opened back my eyes and blushed when I realized how close we were, I smiled to myself and enjoyed what little seconds I had with him.

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