Something In The Way-Bruce Wayne x Reader

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This whole event sucks. I didn't even want to come but I had to, to show people my face at least once a month so they know I'm still alive. Just stay calm and try to entertain yourself, (Y/N), this'll be all be done soon..hopefully.

I had a pout on my face and stared out the window, unimpressed with the several of rich people entering Wayne manor. Men came in with their Wives dressed at their finest with long flowing dresses and expensive jewelry not any one could afford to buy.

I was one of the few 'lucky' people to have gotten an invite to come here at the richest guy in Gotham, the only living son of Martha and Thomas Wayne. Bruce Wayne. The poor man watched his parents get shot when he was still little, the only father figure he has is Alfred Pennyworth, his butler and caretaker.  I got up and began to inspect the house by myself since I didn't really want to talk to anyone, they are all fake and like to show off their riches and houses. Mom and Dad were talking to some other family, they knew what was going on with me. 

"Will you please excuse me." I heard Dad tell the family. I glanced over and frowned when I saw him give them a fake smile and it disappeared when he began walking towards me and grabbed my arm before I could go further into the house.

 "(Y/N) What did I tell you about those clothes?" I rolled my eyes when I remained to look outside. 

"I didn't want to wear a dress.." I simply told him and it was his time to roll his eyes. He seemed angry and upset at my poor choice in clothes. "We came here to impress everyone especially Bruce Wayne. What will he say when he sees you dressed in a t-shirt and jeans." 

I shrugged my shoulders and he walked away, he knew he couldn't do anything else for me. I furrowed my eyebrows and felt bad for letting him down again. What's the point in even coming here to these events? Nothing changes. 

Without much thought I continued my way in and passed through the enormous crowd that were here celebrating. I peeked my head out and saw the butler, Alfred giving the guests some wine. Now's my chance! I quickly walked up the stairs without making a single noise and slowly reached up. My parents have money but they could never afford this manor.

 The carpet looked expensive i was almost afraid to step on it. The walls were covered in photographs, one caught my attention. I stopped in front of a portrait that as beautifully painted. The Wayne's were posed Martha and Thomas were next to Bruce with one of their hands on young Bruce's shoulder. 

"Even as little he looked serious.." I tell myself. Before anyone else could see me I walked further into the manor. It's been almost 2 hours since I arrived and I haven't seen a glimpse of Bruce Wayne. He loves hiding from the public, I don't blame him but why host an event if he doesn't show up? 

I passed some locked up rooms and got to see more of them that weren't closed, everything seemed normal, only thing this house needs is a pet and it would be complete. I'm sleep..I could always stay here and take a quick nap. I smirked to myself and closed the door begin me when I entered a room, it was mostly dark, there was a fireplace and the only thing I could see was a chandelier above me. I quickly jumped into the bed and it didn't take me even five minutes when I fell asleep. 

****** ****

Shit! I sat up on the bed and looked around me. This isn't my room! I looked at my phone and thankfully I only slept 30 minutes, but that's enough, what if someone walked in?! I'm so stupid at falling asleep at someone's bed, their private area where no guests should even be. I got up and quickly left the room. I peeked outside once again and thankfully the guests were still there, but no sign of the famous Wayne. "

I believe I found the girl." I jumped up when I heard a raspy voice behind my back.i turned around and my mouth fell open when I saw Bruce Wayne. He didn't look happy at all. I even felt a bit intimidated by his hard stare and at short I was beside him. "Fuck..." I muttered and lowered my head. My parents looked our way and also looked angry, God knows for how long they are looking for me. 

"Thank you. Our apologies Mr Wayne. It won't happen again sir." Father said. Mother came closer and began inspecting my face, "Where were you?! We thought someone got you." 

"No one could kidnap me even if they wanted." I tried to say when my mother wouldn't let go of my face. Mom gave me a look but quickly smiled and hugged me.

 "You shouldn't go wandering off, you know your father doesn't like it." She still ended up scolding me. Father stood next to me and rested his hand on my shoulder. Bruce stared at me up and down. "I thought she was to come properly dressed." 

"The invite never specified what clothes to wear-" mom smacked my back and i could tell my father was trying his best to stay calm. Bruce scoffed and I could swear I saw a very small smile on his lips. Did I make Bruce Wayne smile?? That thought brought me a bit of joy and I tried my best to not smile. My eyes were glued to Bruce. He looks very different up close, his eyes met mine for a split second before he quickly looked away and continued to frown. 

"Its getting late and we have to leave, it's a shame we couldn't catch up on more things." My parents said and said their goodbyes to Bruce and his butler. 

There were still some guests left laughing and drinking, they all seem to enjoy themselves here. I watched my parents walking out the stairs and saw the waiting limo up ahead. "Aren't you going with your parents?" Bruce spoke to me again. I glanced up at him and shook my head up and down. 

"They aren't my parents..not to get into much detail but they adopted me when I was small." I tell him and remember the first time I met them. "We're not so different you and I. " I mention Bruce he scoffed and continued to stare up ahead. 

"That's what you think." I tilted my head. What does he mean by that? "

"...You know..I had a brother..I haven't seen him since then, I don't even know if he's still alive." I whisper to him. I'm not even sure if Bruce is paying attention to me. I look up and realize that he is. "He might be alive, you never know." "All I have of him are a pair of stupid glasses. I don't even remember much of him." 

"...Did you rest up well?" What the hell?...I felt my blood run cold when he said that. He knows! My hands began to shake. "I-I don't know what you mean." Bruce continued to look at me. "Just this one. It's my last warning, don't go wandering people's houses. You might not like what you see." He's so weird. I began to shake in my place. "

I-I..I'm sorry Mr Wayne, it won't happen again. I do hope we meet in the future again." I quickly said and I raced outside and got into the limo with my parents. 

"About time you showed up, (Y/N). Mr Cobblepot wont be amused at knowing we are late to his meeting." Father said. I frowned and looked out at the mirror. I hate it when my parents go to talk with that creep, I always get some bad vibes from him. On the brightside, I finally got to meet Bruce Wayne even if it was for a couple of minutes.

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