Chapter 32- Officially broken

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*** Surprise!!! A new chapter is out as promised. I hope you enjoy it, comment your thoughts below. Thank you for the support, it means the world to me. Sending love, MMF***

Marinette sat calmly, allowing a tear to fall as she awaited the plane's departure for China. Marinette had learned earlier that her mother had spoken with the Director of the School Board, who gladly granted her request to take two weeks off school to deal with "essential family matters," as she put it. Marinette recalls taking a big breath and feeling glad that she would be free of Adrien for a while. She hoped that the next two weeks would allow her to heal and go forward.

Marinette had wished to spend more time in China and had even pleaded with her parents to allow her to stay there permanently, but they refused, claiming that her future was too vital to be thrown away for a boy.

Marinette hid her face behind her hands as she sobbed quietly. Adrien's betrayal had gone to such an extent that she couldn't believe it. He had gotten close to her because of a bet, then used her, pretended to have amnesia, promised her love, even gave her a ring, and then kissed someone else as if he hadn't made love to her just hours before. Who did she think she was kidding? She'll never get over it, but she'll never get over him either. Marinette was still hopelessly in love with the blonde, as she had always been, despite everything he had done, the anguish he had given her, and the fact that he had never loved her.

Marinette wailed a little louder. Why had life been so cruel to her? Why did HE feel the need to hurt her so badly? Why did he have to do this to her when all she ever did was love him?

"You know, you're still the most beautiful woman on the planet, even while you're crying. However, I would prefer it if you didn't since it kills me to see you like this, and I must admit that I enjoy seeing your smile." From beside the bluenette, a voice rang out. The gentleman stared at the girl holding a worried look on his face and a nervous smile. He then proceeded to take a seat beside the crying bluenette.

Marinette wiped her eyes swiftly and turned her gaze to the source of the voice. Her eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. She gasped, surprised. How did he know where to look for her in the first place? What made him think she'd be on this flight?

Marinette flabbergasted. "L-Luka? What are you doing here?" She asked as she wiped the leftover tears from her eyes. Luka chuckled at Marinette's reaction. God, did he love this girl! The way she always tried to be strong was most definitely one of the reasons he fell for her.

"You didn't think I would be okay with leaving you to deal with this on your own, did you? Marinette, when I said I cared about you, I meant it, and I want to be there for you in good times and bad. Of course, if you allow it, "Luka admitted it. His voice filled with love and adoration.

"H-how?" Marinette inquired, her voice trembling. She was curious as to how he learned of her departure, particularly the exact time.

"I ran into your mother."


With Marinette's baggage in hand, Sabine exited the college. She felt terrible for abandoning Adrien like that. It was evident that he was in a lot of pain. He didn't look good, but he had to learn from his blunders. Now he realized the consequences of his hasty decisions and the extent to which they may harm not only others but himself. She sincerely hoped he would be able to find a solution. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the blonde and her daughter were a perfect match.

As Sabine made it to the car, a tall man approached her with a look of worry. "Excuse me, I apologize for bothering you, but are you by any chance Marinette Dupain Cheng's mother?" The man inquired.

"Yes, the name is Sabine, and you are?"

"Luka, ma'am. Luka Couffaine. I am your daughter's-"

"I know who you are, Mr. Couffaine. My daughter spoke very highly of you."

Luka gave a weak smile. As much as it flattered him that Marinette had talked to her parents about him, he was worried about her. "I am truly sorry to have stopped you like this, ma'am, but I am looking for your daughter. I need to know if she is okay. I need to see her," Luka stated worriedly.

"You care for her, don't you? As more than just a professor?" Sabine asked, not breaking eye contact with the man.

Luka nodded shily. He was not stupid. He knew that his age would definitely be a problem when it came to wanting a relationship with Marinette, but he couldn't hide the truth for much longer.

"I- I can't lie, I am in love with your daughter," Luka confessed.

Sabine sighed upon his answer. Why can't things be easy? Sabine was expecting this answer, but somehow she hoped that wouldn't be the case.

"Look, I am going, to be honest with you. I can't say that I agree with you forming a relationship with my daughter as you are much older," Sabine hesitated, looking at Luka visibly deflated. "But I can tell you care about her, and I'm not going to stand in the way of that. As a result, I shall accept it," Sabine went on. She stood there watching as Luka breathed a sigh of relief. It was honestly rather amusing to witness. Adrien has some stiff competition.

"I will be of assistance to you. I'll let you know where Marinette is. My daughter is in desperate need of a friend right now, and I'm sure she'd love for him to be you."

-End of flashback-

"Are you planning on coming to," Marinette's thoughts were interrupted when she felt a hand on hers. "Marinette, I'll accompany you to China. I'd follow you anywhere," Luka confessed, passionately looking at her. Marinette's heart swelled. It was wonderful to hear someone say that. True, it wasn't the man she had expected to hear the words from, but that didn't change how she felt about them. If only she had fallen in love with Luka instead of Adrien.

Marinette drew Luka in for a bone-crushing hug without wasting another second. She whispered in his ear, "Thank you."

He glanced at her beautiful bluebell eyes as he broke the hug. "Anything for you."


The plane ride had been long and exhausting. Marinette wasn't sure if it was due to her aching heart or the awful and fruitless attempt not to cry, but she was awfully tired.

Luka, on the other hand, was ecstatic. He finally had his chance to be alone with the bluenette, and he would make the most of it. Luka thought that she would not accept his offer and chose to go alone, so it came as a surprise for him when she hugged him and accepted his offer. Just being by her side right now was a dream come true. His new mission was now, taking the time to mend her broken heart.

Marinette smiled as Luka insisted that he take their bags. Luka was truly an extraordinary guy, and Marinette was starting to see that now. Marinette's only wish was to forget her feelings for Adrien and learn to love Luka instead. Maybe that way, she will no longer suffer, but let's face it, that was a long run.

"There it is! That is what I have been looking for since I boarded the plane," Lika called out with a huge smile. Confused, Marinette looked around in hopes she could see what he was referring to but failed to see anything. "What?" She asked him, genuinely wondering what it was. "Your smile, Marinette. I hadn't seen your smile in a while. I- I missed it," he responded, bringing the young bluenette in for a hug.

Marinette giggled at his actions. Maybe being here with Luka was not a bad idea after all. He always knew how to make her smile. She had to admit she had some doubts earlier, but now she was actually happy about it. A plane ride earlier, Marinette truly believed she had no hope and that happiness would not be for her. But Luka was starting to convince her differently. Being here, in China, with Luka, could be the start of something new.


Adrien sat in his bed, staring at the box. Sabine had left two hours ago, and yet he couldn't bring himself to open the box. He still felt a strong need to cry but was sure his body was on the verge of dehydration as nothing came out of his eyes.

Adrien had spent years heartbroken over Marinette before, but that could not compare to the pain the model was feeling now. He had her. He had made love to her, gave her a ring promising to love her for eternity, only to lose her.

The young Agreste knew it had been his fault, but he couldn't help but feel disappointment towards Marinette. How could she believe it was all a game? Did she not feel his love in his every touch and every kiss. How could she doubt him?

The blonde returned his gaze to the box. Adrien was well aware that the contents would be traumatic. Marinette would make it a point to show him how much anguish he was causing her. The model didn't want to see the package because it was likely a reminder that she would never be his again. That was something he couldn't see. He was not prepared to know that she officially had broken up with him. No, he refused to lose her.

"Are you curious to know what she has to say? Then look right there. There is your answer. That contains all you need to know." Sabine's words played over and over again in his head. Adrien knew he'd have to open the box someday, but that didn't stop him from being terrified. Is he capable of handling the contents? Was there any chance he'd be able to fix it? What if she decided to forgive him? What if she decided she didn't want to see him again? Many possibilities arose, and with them came questions, all of which appeared to be occupying Adrien's mind at the moment.

Half of him wanted to see what was on the box, but the other part of him was terrified of seeing what he didn't want to see. Adrien's heart bled at the prospect of this serving as the last and constant reminder of her. He didn't want to lose her, but he had to find out what was inside the box. He needed to know.

Adrien inhaled deeply and grabbed for the package. As his fingertips caressed the tape that sealed the box shut, his palms shook fiercely. As he ripped the seal and the box opened, his heart pounded loudly. His world came crashing down the second his eyes landed on the contents within the cardboard box.

Adrien sniffled and panted, letting out a low sob as his lip shivered. He knew it would be painful, but he had no idea how much. Marinette was clearly bidding him farewell, as he had expected. No! He couldn't let go of her, not now or ever. He'd be strong, find out what the contents meant, and then fight for her. Adrien was adamant about not giving up.

Inside the package, there were one-of-a-kind Jagged Stone products, as well as a letter in the middle. Adrien had a sorrowful smile on his face as he stared at the envelope. It had a Marinette feel to it. His name was in the center of the pale pink envelope.

Adrien let a tear fall from his eye. He was well aware of the implications she had made.

Marinette was bidding her farewells. She was announcing her permanent separation from him and informing him that he would never be forgiven. She had sent him the prize for which he had wagered. It was a sign, indicating that she was aware of the truth and that he was officially lost.

Adrien delved into the box, touching the clothing with his fingers before settling on the letter. The pain in his heart had gotten worse as he opened the envelope. He knew he wasn't ready to read her words of hate, but how else would he know how to fix things?

Gathering courage, Adrien proceeded to rip the envelope open.


You have officially won the bet. You got me to fall in love with you. That was the point of the bet. Wasn't it? In this box, along with the letter, I have sent you your winnings. The Jagged Stone merch was what you wanted. Right? That was the reason you decided to use me. The reason you didn't care to tear my heart to shreds. Well, there you go. It's now yours. I hope you enjoy it because it will be the last thing you ever obtain from me.

I am sure you are ecstatic now. Probably laughing and dancing from joy, knowing you finally got the revenge you wanted. Because that is what you were after all this time, wasn't it?

I can already hear you say how the bet wasn't your idea in the first place, but you chose to hurt me. I don't blame our friends for what happened. I know that just like me, they believed you could change. Sadly you never will.

I let you in on a secret. This is my fault as much as it is yours. I should have known you would never change. I was too dumb to believe you could love me. So congratulations, you proved to the world how much of a fool I am. You must be so proud. Knowing you destroyed my happiness must be the highlight of your life.

But you know what? I don't hate you, Adrien. In fact, I wish you the best in life. I hope that you never experience the type of pain you inflicted on me. I wouldn't wish it even on my worst enemy. I hope one day you learn to love and be loved in return. Sadly I still have hopes that you can change. I know that you can, and when you do, don't ruin it with dumb meaningless bets.

I wish you all the happiness in the world, even after you took it from me. Have a good life, Agreste. You are now free of me. Finally, under your hard-earned prize, you will find that I have taken the liberty to return an item that belongs to you. I am positive you will want this back, just as I am positive that you will feel relieved to know that I am no longer wearing it. I felt like keeping it would be useless, considering it was never real, to begin with.

I wish I could say I forgive you, but I am afraid I can't. What you have done is not something that deserves forgiveness. You destroyed me. You made sure everything I was and everything I believed in disappeared in a blink of an eye. I wish I have never met you. But, hey, at least this is a memory you can always look back and laugh at.

Please stay away from me. Stop calling, stop texting, and stop pretending.

Goodbye forever,

The bet

Marinette Dupain Cheng

As he finished reading the letter, Adrien sobbed even more. He questioned how he was still alive because he felt as if his heart had been utterly destroyed. Adrien was certain that no other anguish compared to this one. He panted, clutching the letter tightly. Why was it getting so difficult to breathe? He had the distinct impression that the walls were closing in on him.

The walls around him came in closer and closer till he was in a small prison of his making. Adrien lowered his gaze to the box once more. He closed his eyes firmly, thinking that this was all a nightmare and that when he opened them again, his princes would be asleep in his arms, but as he opened them again, he understood that this was his reality. Marinette hated him. Princess despised him.

"Finally, under your hard-earned prize, you will find that I have taken the liberty to return an item that belongs to you. I am positive you will want this back, just as I am positive that you will feel relieved to know that I am no longer wearing it. I felt like keeping it would be useless, considering it was never real, to begin with." Adrien's eyes landed on the words again. What did she mean by an item that belonged to him?

Adrien's hands reached nervously for his so-called winnings and yanked them from the box. He was starting to despise them. It's funny how the things he'd coveted for years to match his princess turned out to be the ones that drove her away. They were no longer relevant. They were worse than trash. They were worthless if he didn't have her. They were supposed to be a declaration of their love, but what kind of relationship did they have now?

Adrien inhaled deeply and grabbed for the last garment on the box, revealing the item. As soon as he saw it, he gasped. It pierced his heart like a blade. A poisoned dagger spread through his veins, killing him in a matter of seconds.


Marinette had returned his promise of love to her. She had returned the one object he wished to never get back. Knowing she still wore the ring was his only source of hope, but now he had none. Was it really over? Had he lost his lady forever?

Adrien sobbed even harder as he clutched the ring. He screamed and screamed, releasing all of his anger. He wants to smash things, injure people, and possibly jump from a bridge. Adrien was near death.

In a matter of hours, Marinette had eliminated him from her existence. He didn't get to explain himself, and he didn't get to show her how much he cared. He desired to marry her, have children with her, and have a future with her. What made her think he wasn't sincere about their relationship?

Marinette had returned the promise ring. The ring Adrien placed on her finger, promising to love her forever. Right there, in front of everyone in the club, Adrien had pledged to be hers and hers only. He had promised to love her for the rest of their lives, and yet she didn't believe him. She returned his promise as if it meant nothing. It was as if Marinette knew how to break his heart, soul, and every piece of him, and she did just that.

Just like he did her, Marinette broke Adrien Agreste. 

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